War God Supreme

Chapter 1535: Back to Yunfeng Island



Xuanyuan Qingqing and Du Gu Zi Yin ran up and saluted Li Lingtian respectfully.

After the salute, Du Gu Zi Yin stood on the side, but Xuanyuan Qingqing was not so honest. Pulling Li Lingtian's clothes and coquettishly was a naughty child.

Li Lingtian has long been accustomed to Xuanyuan Qingqing.

Among them, there are only two younger generations, Xuanyuan Qingqing and Du Gu Zi Yin, who are naturally in love with Xuanyuan Qingqing.

"Ling Tian, ​​you are back."


"Little Sister Bai."

"Sister Ji Yi."

"Brother Ling Tian."


Huang Fu Yuyan and Tang Qingyue and others were very happy to see Li Lingtian coming back. They greeted several people around Li Lingtian and looked up and down. They were relieved to see that Li Lingtian and others were not injured.

For a time, the island was very lively, and the whole island was like a fairyland.

Everyone is comparable to the Goddess of the Nine Heavens. This scene is shocking in Ming Bing's eyes. I didn't expect that there are so many beautiful girls in this world except Xiao Bai and Ji Yi, and so many The girls gathered around Li Lingtian.

She is also in Wushen Realm. She has experienced a lot in Shenwu Continent, but she has rarely seen anyone prettier than her, even if she sees it, it is rare.

Prettier than her, almost never seen. She who thinks that she is beautiful, feels a huge difference of 180,000 miles in front of them.

It was shocking to have Xiaobai and Ji Yi, and now seeing so many at once, it is just a glance.

Although her sister told everyone around Li Lingtian on the spaceship, but after seeing it with her own eyes, she still couldn't help being shocked. The look on her face was shocked except for shock.

"Qingping, Yan'er, take Binger to find a place to live."

"Wait for a while and get used to here, then come to this seat to find a better set of exercises."

After Li Lingtian and Huangfu Yuyan and others were intimate, they said to Qingping.

Ming Bing'er is Ming Yan'er's compatriot sister, and even Mingluo's junior. Mingluo entrusted his sisters to him. He naturally has to bother, whether it is cultivation or safety, he must do his best.

This is his principle. Although Ming Bing'er used to have a master, who in the Shenwu Continent, whose martial knowledge and introduction can be more powerful than Li Lingtian.

He cultivates the holy scriptures of each race, and the exercises of any race are proficient in the metamorphosis. Even if he does not practice, he also controls the holy scriptures of that race.

Even if he is a semi-godly strong man, in front of Li Lingtian, his martial arts knowledge is also very different.

"Thank you son."

Ming Bing'er and Ming Yan'er's sister saluted Li Lingtian, and then they greeted Huangfu Yuyan and others, which was considered mutual understanding.

After the salute was over, Ming Yan'er, Ming Bing'er, and Qing Ping's three daughters left and returned to Beilingfeng.

Li Lingtian took Huangfu Yuyan and others back to Nanling Peak. After returning to Yunfeng Island, Li Lingtian was completely relaxed. Only in this place can he feel safe.

The cultivation of the false **** realm is that in this world of semi-god realm, there is no security at all, and without a little security, one cannot practice at ease.

Only Yunfeng Island is temporarily safe.

If you want to be able to walk in this fairyland, you must improve your cultivation, otherwise you can only be bullied and killed by other powerful people.

"This time in Xuanyin Temple, the people of Xuanyin Temple secretly calculated. Not only did they not count into this seat, but they killed one of their semi-divine powerhouses, but also got a good thing."

After Li Lingtian and others returned to Nan Lingfeng's living room and sat down, they told the trip to Xuanyin Temple this time.

There was a faint smile on his face. In the artificial abyss, he was secretly dropped into it, almost destroyed by light and shadow, but in the end, the strong man was killed.

In the end, instead of being destroyed by the spirits, the spirits were subdued and Ming Binger was successfully rescued.

This time, they killed two opponents with half-real power, injured one, and killed hundreds of false real powers.

"What good stuff?"

After hearing Li Lingtian's words, they all asked curiously.

It can be said that Li Lingtian is a good thing. It is definitely good. At once, Huang Fu Yuyan and others all spoke in unison, and looked at Li Lingtian.

"For our present situation, it is indeed a good thing."

"But in the future, it won't be of much use."

"A psychic equivalent to the mid-half of the gods."

Li Lingtian looked at Huangfu Yuyan and others who were curious and did not hesitate to tell the story of the spirit.

If it weren't for him, this spirit demon would have disappeared long before he was replaced by another strong man.

Now he has subdued the spirits, which is equivalent to the strength of the mid-demand realm. Although it may not be the opponent of the mid-demoth realm, he is still sure to deal with the strong man in the early half-realm.

Now they don't have a semi-deity here, they have to resort to external forces.

If a semi-godly strong man appears here, safety will be more guaranteed.

"Equivalent to the spirit of the mid-half-real world?"

"Sure enough good things, in the future our forces will be most."

"I didn't expect Xuanyin Temple to have such a spirit."

"I don't know what powerful monsters are inside the Xuanyin Temple."

"This Xuanyin Temple must pay attention, otherwise they will be counted."

"Our current strength cannot be against the front of Xuanyin Temple, and we will talk about it when we improve."


Hearing the news of the demon, they were all shocked, and then they were all happy.

There is a psychic help equivalent to the mid-half **** realm, and there is a strong guarantee.

This is the limit of the realm. All of them are the powerhouses of the ultimate perfection of the pseudo-realm peak, and their strength is sky-high, but they are only half a step away from the semi-godmary, but they differ by a thousand miles.

If they can break through, then their power will be strong against the sky.

It is a pity that the pseudo-god realm reaches the semi-god realm is simply difficult to enter the sky.

Indeed, the countless martial gods of the Shenwu Continent rarely reach the false **** realm, and even fewer false **** realms reach the half **** realm.

Some people have used a ratio that is proportional to the proportion of Shenwu continent's strong.

Except for places like Cangzhou and Xuanzhou in Qingzhou, in places like Shenzhou in Shenwu Continent, they can basically achieve the cultivation of Wuling, but it is a hurdle for the Wuling strong to reach the King of Wu.

Ten martial arts out of a martial king, ten martial arts out of a martial arts, ten martial arts out of a martial emperor, a hundred martial arts out of a martial emperor, a thousand martial arts out of a martial emperor, a thousand martial emperors out of a martial arts, ten thousand A martial arts **** produces a martial god, ten thousand martial arts gods produce a false god, and one hundred thousand false gods hope to produce a half god.

It is conceivable that in the Shenwu Continent, how big is the gap between the strong and the weak, it is completely a pyramid, and there is an endless sand sea below the pyramid, and there are only so few standing on the pyramid.

Their talents are against the sky, and their talents are against the sky. They are some of the world's arrogants, or the reincarnation of the powerful.

There is a strong background and family, and more importantly, there are endless resources to cultivate. There is Li Lingtian, the first Divine Pill Master of the Shenwu Continent.

After reaching the fullness of the pseudo-god realm, if you want to reach the semi-god realm, the hope is very small.

At least, they now have no hope of reaching demigod.

In the past, Li Lingtian thought that using Jiuhuahua Shendan could break through their realm, but later discovered that this was impossible, because the pseudo-god realm to the semi-god realm had to cross the sublimation of people and gods.

Although it is only a demigod, it is necessary to mutate the true element and at least control the power of a true god.

Therefore, it is impossible for Huashen Pill to reach the demigod realm, which was also discovered by Li Lingtian after meeting the demigod powerhouse, so he insisted on going to the death domain, in order to find death and life, so hopeful refining Out of feather.

Feathering Dan is the key to becoming a demigod, breaking the rules of the martial arts martial arts and becoming a demigod.

Next, Li Lingtian and others rested and practiced in Yunfeng Island.

Although it cannot improve cultivation to the realm, it can cultivate magical powers and cultivate various magical powers to the extreme. In this way, together with the cultivation treasures and the treasures and exercises of the heavens, even if they are not opponents of the powerful demigods, but Able to fight against Demigod Realm.

For example, Ji Yi, she is also a pseudo-deity, but after casting the Xuantian Divine Bow, the power is enough to threaten the life of the demigod.

There are many of them now, and they are all arrogants of the sky, and their cultivation strength is several times stronger than ordinary strong ones.

Coupled with treasures and supernatural powers, the strength is also abnormal.

Back in the island for a month, Ming Binger also knew everyone around Li Lingtian and was familiar with this place.

And they are also familiar with Huangfu Yuyan and others. In general, they chat and play with Qingping.

In this Yunfeng Island, there is no need to worry about safety anymore, and there are powerful cultivation resources for her to practice. The sisters meet together, and they are naturally very happy.

On this day, Ming Binger came to the place where Li Lingtian lived.

Along the way, I felt stressed.

After all, Li Lingtian is the myth of Shenwu Continent. The general existence of God is the object of worship of the billionaires of Shenwu Continent. She is also one of the admirers, although this period of time is close to Li Lingtian~www.wuxiaspot.com~ But nothing was said.

Now I'm going to meet Li Lingtian, and my heart beats faster.

This month I learned about Li Lingtian's personality from my sister Ming Yan'er, and I admired Li Lingtian even more.

She naturally wouldn't think what Li Lingtian would do to her, because her sister was Li Lingtian's maid or she was still a virgin, and naturally would not do anything to her.

Moreover, there are several wives of Li Lingtian, as well as several maids around, and a few confidantes are also very good, but Li Lingtian did not move them.

Soon, he came to Dongling Peak where Li Lingtian was practicing.

"Binger has seen the son."

When Ming Binger came to Li Lingtian, Yingying made a salute, no matter how she concealed her, she couldn't calm her heart. When she saluted, her heart thumped.

His face was also flushed, and he dared not look up at Li Lingtian.


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