War God Supreme

Chapter 1536: Ming Bing's heart...

"Well, it's a habit to live here."

Li Lingtian naturally saw Ming Binger's nervousness and trembling, and then waved with one hand, a peaceful Zhenyuan landed, and Ming Binger's originally tense mood calmed down in front of this Zhenyuan.

Then he asked plainly, and the look on his face was also dull, with a faint smile on the corner of his mouth.

The whole person is in harmony, without the slightest shelf, just like treating friends.

He reached out and pointed at the chair opposite, signaling Ming Binger to sit down. He didn’t want the people around him to be afraid of him. As long as he didn’t betray him, he would be able to treat him well. If he betrayed him, he would let the betrayer pay A heavy price.

"Thank you son."

"Binger lives very well here."

"This place is the most beautiful place Binger saw."

Ming Binger was much calmer than Kai, but there was still some tension.

You must know that the young man in front of you is not an ordinary person. This is the first Divine Pill Master of Shenwu Continent, the first Celestial Master, and a figure she admires.

Being able to speak in front of people you admire at such a close distance is simply a blessing.

And this person is gentle and indifferent. She is very kind to others, making her feel an illusion. If she had witnessed Li Lingtian's means against the sky and the panacea made by Li Lingtian, she thought that the person in front of her was not the legendary Ling. God.

"Mingluo gave you and Yaner to this seat."

"For these years, I have been busy with things on the Shenwu Continent, but I have not found you."

"Some time ago I went to the death domain and met the Hou family. Only then did you find that you were taken away by the strong man of Xuanyin Temple."

"Saving you out now is a wish for Mingluo."

"Since Mingluo has entrusted your sisters to this seat, this seat will not let other people bully you. Here, you must listen to this seat. If you do not want to stay here, it is impossible, unless you wait until this seat will You personally brought it to Mingluo, so you won’t be in charge of it in the future."

Li Lingtian said lightly, with a serious look on his face.

My eyes kept looking at Ming Bing'er. Now Ming Bing'er was rescued, but staying with him was a burden, so telling Ming Binger some things in advance to avoid Ming Binger's disobedience.

Anyway, since following them now, we must listen to him, which is also responsible for her.

"Thank you son for taking the risk to rescue Binger."

"The younger sister has told me about the son. The son is the best person in the world. Bing'er is willing to wait for the son, not to repay the son's life-saving grace to Binger, but to worship the son."

"A long time ago, Binger knew the son's legend. In Binger's heart, the son was the true god."

"In this life, as long as I can be with my sister, it is enough for my sister to follow the son, and Bing'er must follow the son, and it will never violate the son."

"People can let Binger stay."

Hearing Li Lingtian’s words, Ming Binger knew what Li Lingtian meant. As long as their sisters did not return to the third grandfather, they would control them. This was responsible for the two of them, and they could also give her three grandfathers a clear explanation.

At this time, she will not miss this opportunity, if she can stay with Li Lingtian, it is definitely an honor to stay with the people she admires, and her life is worth it.

In Shenwu Continent, there are hundreds of millions of powerful Li Lingtian worshipers, but no one can have the opportunity to approach Li Lingtian.

When talking, the whole person lowered their heads and twisted their clothes with their small hands, looking very nervous, and they looked like a little girl.

After he finished speaking, he summoned his courage and raised his head, looking at Li Lingtian seriously, his eyes showing the look of expectation.

"This seat didn't drive you away."

"Okay, you scattered all your repairs."

"Cultivate the exercises in this jade jade. Think about it for yourself. If you think about it, come back and tell this seat. This time, this seat is free and can help you."

"If you miss this opportunity, there will be no second time. In fact, with your talents and qualifications, you don't have to modify the exercises."

"No matter what choices you make, this seat respects your choices. If you don't let go of your cultivation behavior, this will do your best to help you improve your cultivation behavior, just because you are Ming Yan'er's sister and Ming Luo's family."

With one wave of Li Lingtian, a jade jade flew towards Ming Binger.

Then he said lightly that let Ming Bing'er be cultivated to practice the exercises in the jade jade.

He believed that Ming Bing'er would not accept it. After all, Wushen Realm was scattered and cultivated for recultivation, and no one was willing to do so.

Because even if one's talent is against the sky, one may not be able to cultivate from the warrior to the martial **** realm. You must know that cultivation is not only a gift of talent, but also a resource. It often depends on great luck and luck.

No one can tell what is luck and chance, but chance and luck are indispensable.

After speaking, he waved Ming Binger back to consider, no matter what she decided, he would respect her choice, after all, this is a person's decision.

All he has to do is to help them as much as possible. If Ming Bing'er doesn't break up and repair his behavior, he will also think of other ways to improve Ming Bing'er's methods. Natural medicine and resources will not be less, and on the contrary Take care more.

"Thank you, son, Binger will be obedient in the future."

"Bing'er chose to break up and cultivate as a new practice."

When Ming Binger heard Li Lingtian's words, she was very excited. Although Li Lingtian did not say to leave her, he said one sentence and did not drive her away. It was enough to have this sentence.

Then I heard that Li Lingtian asked her to disband her cultivation practice for re-cultivation, and she was shocked. If the martial arts realm that was cultivated was dispersed, she could not accept it.

In Shenwu Continent and Immortal Territories, there are many or so powerful warriors, but there are more warriors under the warrior, and the strongmen below the warrior are like the sand of the Ganges.

The Wushen Realm, which was finally cultivated, had no problem as long as he did not die, and lived in his 2000s.

Now we have to break up cultivation practice, maybe we will never be able to practice.

However, thinking of being able to be with Li Lingtian, and Li Lingtian being the first Divine Practitioner of Shenwu Continent, he never did anything unsure. If Li Lingtian could say it, he would be able to do it with confidence.

She believes that she will soon return to the Wushen Realm after she breaks up and cultivates. The practice of new exercises is more powerful than the previous exercises, and the future is boundless.

Such an opportunity is definitely worth a try, even if you fail, you will not regret it.


"You don't make a decision first."

"This seat said, even if you don't disperse cultivation behavior, this seat will not say anything, after all, Wushen Realm is scattered and cultivated for recultivation is difficult to accept."

Li Lingtian looked at Ming Bing'er with a serious look in his eyes.

He didn't want Ming Binger to let go of his cultivation practice before he thought about it, or he would be too late to regret it.

"Binger has already made a decision, and even if you can't improve it, you won't regret it."

"Furthermore, Bing'er believes in the son, if even the son can't improve Bing's cultivation, even the true **** can't help Binger, that is Binger's life."

"Moreover, Binger also believes in himself, believes in his luck and chance, otherwise he will not encounter the son and sister."

Ming Bing'er knew that Li Lingtian's scruples were worried about her impulsive decision.

But this time, she was definitely not impulsive, but believed that she believed Li Lingtian.

In this world, there will not be a pie in the sky, no matter what matters, we must take risks, and seek wealth, wealth, and danger. If we disperse ourselves to cultivate new exercises, there is no future, but there are risks.

If you don’t break up your cultivation base, your own future is not small, but the future will often get stuck at some time, and you will regret it too late.

When speaking, the unprecedented firmness was revealed in the beautiful eyes.

And the look on his face is also very determined. This look made Li Lingtian stunned. For the first time, she learned that Ming Binger was beautiful, but she was not of strength and wisdom.

Ming Binger's character and temperament, like Tang Qingyue and Han Frost Palace Master, are all cold and clear characters.

At this time, in front of Li Lingtian, he showed a firm side. Li Lingtian was very satisfied.

"Okay, come here, calm your mind and hold Yuan Yuan Shouyi."

"Remember this exercise method, otherwise you will not be able to accept this exercise method if you cultivate too low."

Li Lingtian didn't say anything else, he reached out and signaled Ming Bing'er to pass, so that she could help her get rid of her cultivation behavior.

After talking, a golden light appeared in the eyebrow. The golden light shot directly towards Ming Binger. Ming Binger did not respond at all. The golden light entered her eyebrow and finally entered the sea of ​​knowledge. The golden light is a thought, or rather It was Li Lingtian who passed the information on the exercises to Ming Binger in his mind.

Such teachings can only be done by the strong and powerful.

Moreover, one must be 100% sure to suppress the opponent with divine consciousness, otherwise the subconscious rebound of the divine consciousness will occur. Not only will the person who passes the power be injured by the consciousness, but also the person connected to the exercise method will be injured.

After the idea spread the information skills to Ming Bing'er to learn the sea, Li Lingtian's eyebrows disappeared.

Ming Binger's consciousness digests the exercises taught by Li Lingtian~www.wuxiaspot.com~ As long as the consciousness is not damaged, it will not be forgotten.

Accepting the exercises taught by Li Lingtian, Ming Binger walked towards Li Lingtian.

Finally came to Li Lingtian and sat cross-legged, the whole person's heartbeat accelerated.

This is the first time that Li Lingtian is so close to the front. Although Li Lingtian took her and Ming Yaner to escape the last time, it was a forced situation at that time.

Now I'm close to the people I admire, and I feel excited.

Sitting cross-legged on the ground, the whole person was still unable to calm his mind, but after a while, he felt that Li Lingtian was exhibiting a true yuan, and Zhenyuan calmed her excited and calm mind.

Gradually, the whole person calmed down and completely entered the state of emptiness.

Besides, she is the practitioner of Bing Soul Wuhun. She is the calmest person in the Five Elements. This time, she was excited in front of Li Lingtian and caused her mood to fluctuate.


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