War God Supreme

Chapter 1539: Framework forces

"The real dragon body has finally broken through."

"The eighth floor of the real dragon body, the power of the holy dragon, the holy dragon realm!"

With an excited smile on Li Lingtian's face, he reached the pinnacle of the false **** realm for a long time, and there was no chance to break through the false **** realm. Now, although the false **** realm has not broken through, it has broken the real dragon body.

The power of the Holy Dragon on the eighth floor makes his cultivation equivalent to that of a demigod.

With such a strong strength, the protection for oneself is greater, and it is naturally a matter of pleasure.

Moreover, Xiaobai’s current Holy Dragon Realm has also been improved, which is similar to the human mid-term, and even exceeded the mid-term. With such strength, under the joint force of the two, if they exert the power of the Holy Dragon, two or three and a half gods The powerful are even stronger.

Seeing Huangfu Swift and others like Tao Xi, he was also very excited.

"Ling Tian, ​​you go to rest and stabilize the state so as not to leave sequelae."

Huang Fu Yuyan and Tang Qingyue and others were concerned and said that they are very happy now, but if they affect the realm of Li Lingtian and Xiaobai, it is not worth the loss.

Li Lingtian and Xiaobai nodded, and the two returned to Dongling Peak.

Both of them practiced real dragon body protection, and the three thousand world dragon spirits were also in Li Lingtian's dragon dragon ring.

When they were practicing, they dared not enter the Dongling Peak because they were worried about disturbing him.

Besides, Li Lingtian's alchemy and cultivation should not be disturbed.

Generally speaking, as long as he does not practice, he will live in Beilingfeng and Nanlingfeng.

On the top of Dongling Peak, Li Lingtian and Xiaobai closed their doors and practiced for three months before exiting. After exiting, the power of the eighth layer of the real dragon body was fully stabilized.

Xiaobai's realm has also been stabilized. After the realm is stabilized, the practice of retreat is also in vain. They don't want to practice retreat for decades and hundreds of years like other strong people.

After going out, the two came to Nanling Peak.

"We have also been here for a few years, and our cultivation ability has improved a lot."

"It's a change of preparation. I'm here to build my own power."

"These forces are not used to deal with Xuanyin Temple, but to find materials. With this force as the basis of strength, it is convenient to act. What suggestions do you have."

Li Lingtian brought everyone together and said his plan.

In order to reach the Holy Dragon Realm, Cultivator controlled the fifth sound in the eight notes of the Heavenly Demon. He also had some self-preserving strength.

Before anyone else in Xianyu knows his existence, he must find a way to refine the feather pill.

Only relying on the Feathered Pill to break through the semi-divine realm and achieve the semi-divine, at that time, it was qualified to stand in the fairy field.

"In fact, we already have the idea of ​​establishing our own power, but our cultivation base is too low. Not only can the power not be created, but we can also trap ourselves in a miracle."

"Now that Xiaobai's cultivation is improving, Ling Tian has also reached the Holy Dragon Realm, so he can consider building his own power."

Huangfu Yuyan nodded and agreed with Li Lingtian's idea of ​​establishing power.

Although this fairyland mainly depends on its own magical ability, but if it has a powerful force, it will be much easier to do things, at least some small troubles can be solved.

This idea has existed for a long time, but the cultivation strength is too low, without that ability to create a powerful force.

Besides, the purpose of creating general forces is basically a little bit. If you create strong forces, you will instead sink yourself into a crisis.

Now that Li Lingtian and Xiaobai have improved their strength, they can build their own power.

"Well, Ling Tian is the first Divine Pill Master of Shenwu Continent, the first day of the division."

"It is entirely possible to build your own power based on your own advantages, and use immortality medicine and array to absorb these powerful people and create a powerful force."

Tang Qingyue also agrees. It is extremely difficult for other powerful people to build their own power.

Either it is to build with its own strong strength, or it is to build with shocking wealth.

But such forces can't be maintained for long, because in this world, immortality and formation are the things that the strong can never leave. If there are these two things, then they occupy the absolute advantage.

Moreover, Li Lingtian is also the first Divine Pill Division and the First Array Division of the Shenwu Continent. This advantage is unparalleled.

"Indeed, with the immortality medicine and the battlefield, create a powerful force to sweep the fairy field."

Tang Zimeng was very happy, just like a child.

Hearing Tang Zimeng's words, he laughed.

"However, it may be simple to build a power, but it is not so simple to control this power."

"A powerful force must have a strong soul, and it must be managed for a long time."

Nangong Mingyue seriously said that she used to be the eldest princess of the Tianlong Empire of Qingzhou. Although she didn't touch the empire, she was born with inherited ruler's blood.

She naturally knows Li Lingtian's strength and means. It is simple to build a force, as long as there is wealth.

But it is not easy to control this force, and it is even harder to develop it better.

"Longda and Heilongwang deal with this matter."

"We must not affect our lives and cultivation because of forces."

"I give them a foundation and a soul, and give them medicine and wealth as the resources of the early stage of the power. Afterwards, the forces will be able to operate on their own."

Li Lingtian had a faint smile on his face. What he needed was to use this force to serve himself. He would never let the force become his stumbling block. If the force became a stumbling block, it would be worth more than the gains.

Because he doesn't need fame and power right now, he just needs to cultivate his strength into strength.

As long as you can protect the people you like, as long as you can protect your wife and loved ones.

The Black Dragon King now has the body of the evil dragon, and his strength has reached the peak of the early stage of the semi-god realm. As long as he works hard, he can reach the middle of the semi-god realm after a thorough fusion with the body of the evil dragon.

Coupled with Long Da, it is enough for the two to deal with these things.

If there is nothing he can't deal with, then if he can't deal with it, then even if he can't deal with it, then there is only leaving.

"Then a hierarchy should be established."

"Only a perfect system can manage a powerful force."

"In the Shenwu Continent, every powerful force has a stern hierarchical system. This hierarchical system is used to inspire the strong underneath, and this system is used to punish the strong under."

"No rules can make a circle. Ling Tian, ​​you are practicing the five elements of the heavens and the earth. You are in control of the heaven and the road. You must know this truth more clearly than we do."

Nangong Mingyue heard Li Lingtian's arrangement and nodded, because Li Lingtian's arrangement was not a problem, but he had to discuss some of it well.

Only with good rules and hierarchies can a huge force be perfected.

You must know that a powerful force, from the bottom to the top, can be as many as tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of millions. If there is no perfect system, it will definitely collapse.

Therefore, a ruler needs a powerful hierarchy system.

"This nature."

"We first think of the name of this force, and then determine some hierarchy."

"After making sure, let the Black Dragon King deal with them. With characters like Black Dragon King and Long Da, as long as there is a system of rewards and penalties, this system can be branded into the hearts of the strong men below."

Li Lingtian nodded, he cultivated the five elements of heaven and earth, and controlled the heaven and the road. He cultivated various avenues of heaven and earth. Naturally, he knew the rules and directions.

A world cannot be a world without rules, and a force cannot be a force without rules, because without rules it will collapse, and it will collapse itself without waiting for opponents to suppress it.

"So what name do we take?"

"Just take a domineering name."

"The name needs to be nicer."

"Called Shendan Pavilion, because Brother Ling Tian is a Shendan Master."

"It's called Tianjin Pavilion.

"Neither name is good."

"It's better to call the Xiaoyao Dynasty, after all, we built this Xiaoyao Dynasty."

Suddenly, everyone gave this force a name, and the names that came up were also around Li Lingtian and them.

Or Beimingxue thought of the Xiaoyao dynasty, this Xiaoyao dynasty, but control the entire Xuanzhou.

At that time, Xuanzhou had no imperial dynasty at all. Li Lingtian arrived in Xuanzhou and unified the entire Xuanzhou in just a few years, creating a powerful imperial dynasty.

This Xiaoyao dynasty still controls Xuanzhou, and now Qingyao's brother Qingyun is in control.

Now that they have arrived in the fairyland, to build a force, they must be as domineering and strong as the Xiaoyao Dynasty.

"Okay, it's called Xiaoyao Dynasty."

"The Xiaoyao dynasty is a big force. We will build the Xiaoyao dynasty into a stepped force with the outer periphery and inner core."

"And set a reward and punishment system for the following, clearly reward and punishment is the core of a force."

Li Lingtian agrees with Bei Mingxue's name. After all, this name was also used by him before~www.wuxiaspot.com~ This name represents the freedom of the forces. As long as they do not betray the forces, all the strong are free.

"The core is naturally those of us."

"There are those who directly control this force."

"The inner circle is the powerful strong, who controls the strong of one side, and can command the characters of the one side."

"The peripheral forces are distributed in every corner of Xianyu. This person is the person we are looking for materials to inquire about the news."

Nangong Mingyue spoke up and told the system of forces. Just name these forces, but there are also benefits and rewards, as well as a punishment system, which must be slowly negotiated.

Next, all the people gathered to discuss things about the Xiaoyao Dynasty.

The current Xiaoyao dynasty is not the previous Xiaoyao dynasty. The previous Xiaoyao dynasty only dealt with the kingdom and empire of Xuanzhou, but the current Xiaoyao dynasty is facing the countless super powers and super powers in the fairyland.


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