War God Supreme

Chapter 1540: Force formation, shock...

Everyone discussed for a few days, and finally settled on a completed force system.

The power of the Xiaoyao dynasty has taken shape, and all we have to do now is to implement it, and develop this force quickly. No matter how good the plan is, we will not know the results until it is implemented.

After the decision, Li Lingtian found Long Da and Black Dragon King.

"My subordinates meet with the Lord."

"My subordinates meet with the Lord."

The Black Dragon King and Long Da came to Li Lingtian in a respectful salute.

The two of them also knew that Li Lingtian had reached the Holy Dragon Realm, and they were shocked in their hearts. They were more envious and admired. In the Dragon Clan, they had just become a real dragon, and Li Lingtian had already stood in the Dragon Clan's peak Holy Dragon Realm.

What is the existence of the Holy Dragon Realm, that is the super strong dragon, standing on the peak of the dragon.

In the dragon clan, only the dragon can defeat them, but the dragon is only a legend.

Now, Li Lingtian and the princess are already the most powerful existence of the Dragon Clan. They are also Li Lingtian who became the Dragon Clan. In front of Li Lingtian, they can only obey.

"This seat gives you one thing, you must deal with it."

"There can be no slack."

Li Lingtian waved with one hand, motioning the two to sit down.

After the two of them sat down, Li Lingtian said, speaking with extreme care.

This is the first time the two have seen Li Lingtian's expression so serious. He felt dignified in his heart. He didn't know what Li Lingtian was about to explain.

They are not worried about danger, but they are worried that they cannot complete and delay Li Lingtian's plan. As long as they can complete the things Li Lingtian confessed, they will not frown even if they disappear.

Li Lingtian will not doubt this, because the Black Dragon King and Long Da are the kind of characters who can give up their lives for Li Lingtian, and their loyalty to Li Lingtian has gone deep into their consciousness.

Even if he was pumped into soul, he would not betray Li Lingtian.

"The Lord instructed that his subordinates would not dare to slack off, and the sword and the sea of ​​fire would not spare him."

"I don't know what is going to happen to the Lord."

The Black Dragon King and Long Da said in unison, the expression on their faces was very serious.

After he finished speaking, he looked at Li Lingtian and waited for Li Lingtian to order.

"This seat is to build a dynasty of freedom in the fairyland."

"Not only the fairy land, but also the shadow of the Xiaoyao dynasty in the Holy Land."

"The entire Shenwu Continent must tremble in front of the Xiaoyao Dynasty."

"This free and easy dynasty will slowly develop from your hands."

Li Lingtian stood up with a faint smile on his face. There was no strong momentum on his body, but he exuded an invisible majesty, a supreme majesty, and a breath of kings.

The whole person is like an overlord, an overlord who rules the world.

The two listened, and their blood was boiling, and the mind of the Xiaoyao dynasty conquered the world, riding the fairyland, and the Weiling Shenwu Continent.

"Heilong is willing to be the striker of the Xiaoyao dynasty, and he will be the leader of the Xiaoyao dynasty.

"Long Da is willing to go to the end for the Xiaoyao dynasty, and to charge for the achievement of hegemony."

The faces of Black Dragon King and Long Da were excited.

I didn't care about my comfort at all, because the two had put one soul and one soul in Li Lingtian's Dragon Ring. As long as Li Lingtian was not dead, they would have fallen and Li Lingtian could reincarnate them.

Therefore, as long as they keep Li Lingtian from dying, they will live forever.

Now, they just want to see the power of the Xiaoyao dynasty, and see the Xiaoyao dynasty grow from their hands step by step into a super dynasty that overrides the world and become the overlord that makes the powerful continents tremble.

"Black Dragon, you have a greater strength than the dragon, and you will develop the outer periphery. What you need is a powerful force. Some low-level warriors are not useful to us."

"All you have to do is control, absolutely control, let the following people do things for you, not you do it yourself."

"There is no one under you now, you can use the people of the Hou family. This seat does not like someone to betray. Similarly, don't betrayed people under you."

"This is a reward and punishment system and a force system. It follows this system."

"Your words and deeds are representative of this seat, which represents the Xiaoyao Dynasty. When the Xiaoyao Dynasty overtakes the Shenwu Continent, after the matter of the Shenwu Continent is resolved, this seat will take you to heaven."

Li Lingtian said to the Black Dragon King, when he spoke very seriously.

At the end of the day, I handed a jade jade to the Black Dragon King. This jade jade contains the reward and punishment system and the grade welfare system of the Xiaoyao Dynasty.

These systems were decided by Li Lingtian, Huangfu Yuyan and others in a few days. Although they are not complete, they are enough for the Xiaoyao dynasty.

And this jade jade also has a general direction of development.

Use the medicine and array to absorb the strong, use welfare to absorb the low-level martial arts, so that countless strong people form a vortex, the center of this vortex is Li Lingtian.

That is to let all the powerful forces rotate with Li Lingtian, such a vortex is enough to make the Shenwu Continent tremble.

"Subordinates lead the life."

After listening to Li Lingtian's words, the Black Dragon King took Yu Jian with a serious look on his face.

He also knew that this matter was very difficult, but he thought to himself that if it was not difficult, Li Lingtian wouldn't need him to do it, just find a few strong men.

With the identity of Li Lingtian's First Divine Pill Master and the First Day Array Master, just an ancient Divine Array and a superb panacea can make countless superpowers crazy, and the people who want to work for Li Lingtian are just like Jiang Zhi crucian carp.

"Long, you are the same as before. You are speaking for this party and controlling the main characters."

"You two have something to discuss. If you can't solve it, come here to solve it."

"The real strong man needed by the Xiaoyao dynasty is not a pile of waste that is useless for welfare. What you mean by Ningquewubuyou should be understood."

Li Lingtian said to Long Da, after he finished speaking, he looked at Long Da and Black Dragon King.

All of his approximate arrangements are in the jade jade. Both of them have jade jade, as long as the general arrangement is implemented, it is like, other details are for them to implement.

Li Lingtian just gave them two systems. How to do it really depends on Long Da and Black Dragon King.

After two hours of discussion between the three, the Black Dragon King and Long Da left Yunfeng Island.

Yunfeng Island is the core place of the Xiaoyao dynasty and the soul of the Xiaoyao dynasty. Everything should start from the periphery of Yunfeng Island, then slowly radiate out, and finally spread all over the Pure Yang Empire and all over the fairyland.

In the jade jade, the most important thing is to find several medicinal herbs, and even the news of the medicinal herbs is not let go.

Both the Black Dragon King and Long Da knew that Li Lingtian needed medicinal herbs for alchemy, otherwise he would not build such a powerful force.

When the two left, Li Lingtian gave the 30 trillion spirit stones to the Black Dragon King, let him as a basic development fund, only after the forces are on the right track, the spirit stones will not be needed.

Not only do you not need spirit stones, but you can also earn countless spirit stones.

After the arrangement, Li Lingtian began to study the alchemy. The low-level medicinal materials refined the first-grade to fifth-grade panacea. The high-grade medicinal materials refined the six-eight-eighth panacea. As for the nine-level panacea, he also refined a lot .

Because the lower-level elixir is only aimed at some low-level martial arts, these warriors do not need high-level elixir, but need the elixir they can use. Similarly, if you want to find medicinal materials, you must do countless bottom-level drugs.

At the bottom of the martial arts, the demand for lower-level elixir is often more than that of the super-strong elite.

Moreover, he also knows that a lot of medicinal materials and treasures are in the hands of some low-level warriors who do not know the goods. These things will be discovered by the characters below the Xiaoyao Dynasty.

Alchemy can not only improve cultivation, but also improve the art of Dandao.

He was on the island, half of the time practicing alchemy, half of the time practicing the real dragon armor and sky magic piano, as well as enlightenment and practice various magical powers.

I spent time with Huangfu Yuyan and others at other times, but my life was very easy.

Time, day by day.

For half a year, Dongming Tomorrow City, Dongyue Tiancheng, Xuanyin Tiancheng, Xuelie Tiancheng, and the three nearby Tiancheng, a mysterious force appeared, this force is not big, but the strong inside are all false gods. Exist in the later period.

The following warriors are also false **** realms and martial gods. Even the powerful martial arts emperors Wusheng can only be the bottom.

However, these strong men control countless low-level warriors below, looking for herbs and treasures.

On this day, Dongtian Tomorrow City, Dongyue Tiancheng, Xuelie Tiancheng, Heishui Tiancheng, Dongfeng Tiancheng and Haige Tiancheng, six Tiancheng opened a medicine store named Shendan Pavilion on the same day.

The elixir shop is named Shendan Pavilion. In the elixir shop, the elixir sold and traded is of unrivaled quality.

Moreover, this Shendan Pavilion does not need spirit stones or ordinary medicinal materials. It only needs cherished medicinal materials and a variety of Danfang and treasures, or it is for the Shendan Pavilion.

The emergence of the immortal medicine of Shendan Pavilion suddenly caused shock in the seven heavenly cities.

Because this unique medicine is the patent of Lord Lingtian, the first **** of the Shenwu Continent~www.wuxiaspot.com~ In Shenwu Continent, only Lord Lingtian can refine the medicine.

The immortals refined by Lord Lingtian are of unrivaled quality, and this is something that many powerful people know.

Li Lingtian, the first day of the first division of the Divine Pill Master of the Shenwu Continent, has also become a figure in the classics of the major forces and major squares, because of this legendary figure of the Dan Dao and Zhen Dao.

And a few years ago, Xuanyin Hall provoked this adult Ling Tian, ​​so that Lord Ling Tian came to the fairy land from the heaven.

In the end, Lord Ling Tian rescued people in Xuanyin Hall, and also killed Xuanyin Hall's demigod powerhouse. All Xuanyin Hall strongmen could only watch Li Lingtian leave with a big swing.

The occurrence of this incident has made some powerful men and martial artists who do not know Li Lingtian's reputation know about their existence.

Now that the advent of the magic medicine of Shendan Pavilion, let countless forces and powerful people know that mysterious force is the person of Shendan Pavilion, and also the person of Lord Lingtian, the Shendan Master.


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