War God Supreme

Chapter 1541: Genonden, inside...

"Shendan Pavilion's unrivaled medicine, that is the patent of Lord Shentian, the first Shendan Master. Isn't this Shendan Pavilion owned by Lord Lingtian?"

"Surely Lord Lingtian's Divine Pill Pavilion, or who else in Shenwu Continent can refine the superb pill."

"I didn't expect Lord Lingtian to open the Shendan Pavilion here, and then we will be blessed in the city tomorrow."

"Shendan Pavilion appeared in Xuelie Tiancheng."

"I heard that Shendan Pavilion appeared in Xuelie Tiancheng."

"Not only Xuelie Tiancheng, but also Dongming Tiancheng and Dongyue Tiancheng."

"But why does Xuanyin Tiancheng have no Shendan Pavilion?"

"Is it because of Xuanyin Temple, or is it fear of Xuanyin Temple, or something else?"

"I still don't understand. What kind of person is the first Divine Pill Master of Shenwu Continent? The cities around Xuanyin Tiancheng all have Divine Pill Pavilion.

"The Divine Pill Master is the Divine Pill Master, and opened the Divine Pill Pavilion for six days. Domineering!"

Inside the seven heavenly cities, there were rumors about the Shendan Pavilion and Li Lingtian. All of a sudden, the heavenly cities around the Xuanyin Heaven City were boiling.

This time, let countless powerful people know that Lord Shentian Pavilion Lingtian aimed at Xuanyin Temple, because the seven heavenly cities are together, and the other six heavenly cities have Shendan Pavilion, but the central Xuanyin Temple does not.

Let Xuanyin Temple become the attack point of countless strongmen, offending the first Divine Pill Master of Shenwu Continent, the most basic ending is like this.

Shendan Pavilion took out the best medicine, even if you don't say that Li Lingtian, the magic medicine master of this medicine shop, didn't dare to doubt the origin of Shendan Pavilion, everyone knew it.

In the Shendan Pavilion, there are only strong people with false **** realm stationed, but no one dared to act badly.

Moreover, when the Divine Pill Pavilion opened, each of the Celestial Master Guilds in the Celestial City sent the most powerful Saint Pill Master to the Divine Pill Pavilion, and at the same time, both the Taoist Guild and the Refining Guild sent people to come to Tao Xi.

In this case, nothing needs to be said.

The appearance of the Shendan Pavilion, shaking the major sky cities, countless strong men and warriors, went to the Shendan Pavilion to trade, but few people got the Elixir because they did not meet the conditions of the Shendan Pavilion transaction.

However, once a month at random, one to eight grades of panacea can be distributed. Although there are not many, there are also 100 panacea distributed for free every day.

The Shendan Pavilion opened, and the owner of each Sky City, the super powers and super powers of each Sky City, went to visit and Dao Xi. For a time, these forces formed an invisible protection.

Everyone sees the attitude of the Celestial City Lord and the super strong to Shendan Pavilion, and they have a deeper understanding of Lord Shentian Pavilion Lingtian. Lord Lingtian, the first Divine Pill Master of Shenwu Continent, is more mysterious in the eyes of the powerful and the forces Too.

Because the name of a **** pavilion alone is enough to make countless powerful people and the city lord come to say joy, and no one of them sees Li Lingtian, just because a pill shop under Li Lingtian's name is enough to shock the world.

On the opening day of Shendan Pavilion, Shendan Pavilion spoke. Shendan Pavilion will not participate in any competition of power. Everything surrounds Lord Shentian, Master Lingtian, as long as it does not threaten Shendan Pavilion and Lord Lingtian, Shendan Pavilion is Will not take the initiative to target any strong and a force.

But if you want to target Lord Shentian Pavilion and Lord Shentian, then you will bear the consequences.

After this news came out, countless superpowers were relieved. Not only were they relieved, but they also saw the benefits. As long as they did not provoke the Shendan Pavilion, it would be fine.

In fact, everyone knows that everything in the Shendan Pavilion revolves around Li Lingtian. Offending Li Lingtian will accept terrible revenge.

Shendan Pavilion is just the spear and shield of Lord Lingtian Master Ling Tian. Offended Li Lingtian, Shendan Pavilion will become a weapon of destruction. Li Lingtian offended people. Shendan Pavilion is Li Lingtian's powerful shield.

"Damn, it's abominable."

"Li Lingtian, Xuanyin Temple is not at odds with you."

Inside the outer hall of Xuanyin Hall, the look on the elder's face was extremely ugly.

Hearing the appearance of Shendan Pavilion, the whole person was almost gone.

He naturally knew that the Shendan Pavilion was the force of Li Lingtian. In the heaven domain, Li Lingtian killed his disciples. After coming to the fairy domain, he also killed the elders of the outer hall of the Xuanyin Temple.

And let Xuanyin Temple lose face, and now Li Lingtian has opened the Shendan Pavilion around his dazzling Tiancheng.

There is nothing to open a Shendan Pavilion.

But Li Lingtian opened a Shendan Pavilion in all six surrounding heavenly cities.

People in Shenwu Continent are not fools. Naturally, they know that Li Lingtian is not afraid of Xuanyin Hall, but Chi Guoguo looks down on Xuanyin Hall.

You must know that the strength of a sky city requires strong popularity, and what assembles popularity is all kinds of resources and forces that are against the sky.

The Dan Master and the Daoist Master are undoubtedly the most needed characters in the Sky City.

The cities with powerful Dan Masters and Array Masters are countless times more popular than those of the same level. One can imagine the cohesion of Dan Masters and Array Masters.

"Elder, this matter, you should give an explanation to the above."

"Everyone understands that you offended Li Lingtian first, not that Li Lingtian provokes our Xuanyin Temple."

"It's not that other people's ambitions extinguish their own prestige. My Xuanyin Temple is powerful, but with his Li Lingtian's power and status, even if he comes to the Immortal Domain, he will not be implicated in Xuanyin Temple. His status and identity need not be used. I said, will he see our Xuanyin Temple in his eyes?"

"Now it's okay, who is wrong, and we are going to provoke a Li Lingtian. We are not aware of Li Lingtian's character. He will not actively provoke others, but if someone provokes him, what good fruit will be eaten?"

"You are the elder of the outer hall. I shouldn't have resisted what you meant, but here is the Xuanyin Hall. The Xuanyin Hall is not decided by you. Don't blame Xuanyin Hall at that time."

The second elder Dong Guo Yunfei saw the appearance of the elder elder, his face became cold.

He was supposed to deal with things outside, but he was called back a few years ago, but he did not expect that the Xuanyin Hall would provoke Li Lingtian, the most incapable character of Shenwu Continent.

And it also made things so big that Xuanyin Tiancheng's face was completely lost.

What is even more abominable is that the great elder is still so ignorant, which makes him unacceptable.

Over the past few years, the elder elder not only does not know how to repent, but instead blames others at this time. His Xuanyin Temple can be domineering, but he also has eyes, but the elder elder does not have eyes at this time, so he has to stand up now.

This matter has not yet been told to the people above. If the situation gets bigger, the people above will definitely punish them, and he will not escape responsibility.

More importantly, he did not want to destroy the Xuanyin Temple.

"Dong Guo Yunfei, who are you talking to?"

"Are you Ling Litian or Xuanyin Temple?"

"In this period of time, you have been enough to forbear you, and now you will blame our Xuanyin Temple. If it weren't for Li Lingtian's destruction of his disciples, would the deity find him in trouble?"

"Do your own duty well. You are Xuanyin Temple. If you have any dissatisfaction, you can go to the complaint above."

Elder Zhou Fu's face was furious. He didn't expect that at this time, Elder Er would blame him in front of other elders. There was a Li Lingtian in front of him enough to bother him, and now Elder Er came to blame him. It was just fire. Pouring oil.

"Zhou Fu, Li Lingtian killed your disciples, it was your disciples who got your heritage-not long eyes."

"To provoke Li Lingtian by all means, he was **** killed by Li Lingtian."

"Besides, why do you have trouble finding Li Lingtian with him? Do you have this ability? You are not relying on the power of Xuanyin Temple, and the person holding Xuanyin Temple is going to die. Don’t you feel conscience for your selfishness? disturbed?"

Dong Guo Yunfei heard Zhou Fu's words, and the whole person almost choked to death.

Who doesn’t know that although Zhou Fu is only the elder of the outer hall, he has a big backstage. The inner hall has his backstage, and even the elders also have the backstage of Zhou Fu.

He went to the complaint above, it was simply that he was not happy.

Thinking of this, I can't care about anything else.

"court death."

The expression on Zhou Fu's face was constantly changing, and the whole person was so angry that he was so angry that he couldn't speak, because he didn't make sense at all. The sentences of the second elder Dong Guo Yunfei were reasonable, but every sentence was He's wrong.

Suddenly, a terrible coercion broke out, and the powerful demigod realm unfolded, just like the destruction of the second elder Dong Guoyunfei.

"Great elder."

"Great elder."


"Waste, I am afraid that you will not succeed."

Seeing the big elders want to get started, the three elders and four elders, as well as several other elders, all stood up to stop the big elders.

Whether it is for the Xuanyin Temple, the Great Elders, or the Second Elders, they do not want the two elders to fight at this time. If the wars are in trouble, they will not let the world laugh.

The momentum of the second elder Dong Guo Yunfei is also skyrocketing~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Both of them are cultivators of semi-divine realm, their strengths are comparable, and even his strength vaguely suppresses the elders.

Suddenly, the atmosphere in the whole hall was very strange. Several elders separated the elder from the elder.


"Where is Xuanyin Hall? The elders outside Xuanyin Hall are still infighting here."

"As the second elder of the outer hall of Xuanyin Temple, you are totally against the elder elders and commit the following crimes."

At this time, there was a cold voice outside the hall. The voice was cold and biting. Even if it was the first few semi-real powerhouses on the scene, there was a trembling in front of this voice.

Everyone looked out of the hall, and when they saw someone coming, everyone looked ugly.

Only the expression of happiness on the face of the Great Elder was completely opposite to the other elders.


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