War God Supreme

Chapter 1542: 9 sons

The atmosphere inside the hall was strange, but a cold voice sounded, which made the half elder gods present tremble.

Looking away from the hall, when I saw the people coming, besides the elders, the faces of several other elders became difficult to look, and the faces of the second elders were even more ugly.

He had just disputed with the elder elder, but now this man stands directly on the side of the elder elder.

I saw that the comer was a dashing and elegant young strongman. The young man exuded a strong breath, like a sharp sword with a sheath, giving a feeling of unparalleled sharpness.

"Nine sons!"

"Nine sons!"

Seeing the youth, the expressions on the faces of several elders kept changing, and he greeted the youth politely.

Although it was only a young man, it made some half-death elders feel dreaded, and the expression on his face was still fearful.

"Nine sons, not subordinates to the elders."

"The elders provoked Li Lingtian and took the people from Xuanyin Temple to death. I don't know how to repent now."

"My subordinate is a member of Xuanyin Temple, and I have to consider it for Xuanyin Temple. Please nine sons to forgive sins."

The second elder Dong Guoyunfei saw Jiujiu, the look on his face became ugly, and he felt terrified in his heart.

The nine sons are obviously the characters of the elder elders. They must have helped the elders. Now the only thing they have is to take out the interests of Xuanyin Temple to protect themselves.

He knows better than anyone else that this nine son is the ninth son of the second lord of Xuanyin Temple.

The strength of Xiu Wei is similar to him, but the identity is different. The son of the main hall is the core figure of Xuanyin Temple, and he is only the elder of the outer hall. Regardless of identity and status, the difference between the two is ten thousand miles.

There are three masters of Xuanyin Hall. The main hall master controls the entire Xuanyin Hall. The second hall master has been unconvinced. The whole Xuanyin Hall has formed two forces, one is around the main hall, the other is around the second hall. Only the third hall is Wu Chi, does not participate in the competition of forces.

The elder Zhou Fu is the character on the side of the second elder, and the nine sons of the second elder naturally stand on the side of the elder Zhou.

Dong Guo Yunfei was sandwiched between two forces, and life was the hardest.

"My son wants you to teach me how to do things?"



Jiu Gongzi's eyes were extremely cold, and his voice was even colder. When the voice fell, one hand stretched out, and a beam of light appeared in the palm of the hand. There was no pause. The beam of light bombarded the elders.

The second elder did not expect that Jiujiu would shoot him. Without precautions, the whole person was bombarded out of the hall, and finally fell on the ground fiercely, and the ground raised a burst of dust.

"Li Lingtian, hum!"

"An area of ​​pseudo-deity, it makes you like this, really a group of rice barrels."

"How about the Divine Pill Master, what about the Sky Array Master, it is not a ants in front of this son."

"After the son squeezed him to death, Shen Ling Continent would no longer have Li Lingtian."

"Prepare for it, the son and daughter will destroy the Shendan Pavilion he opened, and then kill him."

The look on Jiu Gongzi's face was very cold, and there was a sneering smile on the corner of his mouth.

The elders of the demigod realm in the hall of Xuanyin Hall in Tangtang, so afraid of a young man with a false realm, made him feel ashamed.

And thinking of Li Lingtian's fame, a trace of jealousy and dissatisfaction rose in his heart, and the murderous heart in his heart surged, wishing that Li Lingtian would be wiped out immediately. By that time, his nine sons' reputation would be greatly boosted and it would stir up the Shenwu Continent.

"Nine sons, no!"

Hearing Jiu Gongzi's words, the look on the elder's face changed.

Several other elders stopped talking. The elder elder saw that several elders were silent, so he hurriedly stopped.

"You want to get out too?"

Jiu Gongzi's momentum rose again, and the light in his hands circulated.

The eyes looked coldly at the elders, and the hall was suddenly filled with terrifying oppressive forces, and the elders were overwhelmed by the oppression.

"Nine sons, the subordinates are afraid."

"The strength of Nine Young Masters is against the sky, and a Li Lingtian is of course."

"However, Jiugongzi and Shendan Pavilion are in other heavenly cities. If we go to Shendan Pavilion to make trouble, other heavenly cities will definitely not agree, and Jiuzongzi's identity is special. If he goes to other heavenly cities, he will definitely be calculated."

"Even if other Tiancheng dare not fight against Xuanyin Tiancheng, but your son has gone to someone else's Tiancheng, Jiuzongzi has an accident, Xuanyin Tiancheng has no reason to blame other Tiancheng."

There were traces of sweat on the big elder's face. He didn't dare to provoke this little ancestor. Although they were all in the early stage of the semi-divine realm and their strength was almost the same, but the identity of the nine sons was different.

However, now Jiu Gongzi is going to other heavenly cities to destroy Shendan Pavilion, he dare not let Jiu Gongzi go.

Although he hated Li Lingtian, he was not a fool. Naturally, he knew what was going on between Tiancheng and Tiancheng. The other Tiancheng would certainly not allow the Shendan Pavilion to be destroyed in their Tiancheng. This was not only for Li Lingtian’s face, but also for his own face. .

If Jiu Gongzi went to other Tiancheng to make trouble, and was killed by the other Tiancheng's strongmen, Xuanyin Tiancheng could only admit that he was out of luck.

Naturally, the great elder of his outer hall must be killed by the second hall master.

"Good, Nine sons."

"You don't have to be angry for a Li Lingtian."

"As long as Li Lingtian doesn't come to provoke us, we don't need to provoke him again."

The elder three also spoke at this time, and since the elder elders all spoke, he would not be able to explain it if he did not block it.

"Since I don't go to other heavenly cities, it is good luck for him."

"Give you three days to find Li Lingtian's location."

Nine sons nodded when they heard the words of the elder.

However, he would not let Li Lingtian so easily, and then let several elders use all the strength of the outer hall to find Li Lingtian's position.

After talking, he turned and left the hall.

Seeing the nine sons leave, the look on the faces of several elders became ugly.

They naturally knew the approximate location of Li Lingtian, but they never dared to go.

First, the terrain is not good for them, but they are afraid of Li Lingtian's strength. Now Jiugong orders them to find Li Lingtian's whereabouts for three days. They naturally know what Jiugong wants to do.

"Great elder, what do you think?"

The three elders watched as the nine sons left, and then asked the elder.

"Confirm Li Lingtian's position."

"When we are together, even if Li Lingtian is even more powerful, it is only a false **** realm."

"The deity doesn't believe that a few of us are afraid of this Li Lingtian. Besides, with the nine sons together, what else are we terrible, let's say, do we have a choice?"

The elder elder's face was plain, but the look of anticipation appeared in his heart, as if he had already killed Li Lingtian.

I didn't dare to provoke Li Lingtian at first, but now Jiu Gongzi came forward, even if there were any problems at that time, Jiu Gongzi was facing it, which had nothing to do with him.


Li Lingtian, Huangfu Yuyan and others were practicing on Yunfeng Island, and they were always in control of things outside.

The six heavenly cities opened the Shendan Pavilion to accelerate the development of the Xiaoyao Dynasty.

He only needs to refine the panacea, and other matters will be handled by the Black Dragon King. Long Da is responsible for accepting the strong men who are joined from outside. He will control these strong men in his hands and wait for Li Lingtian’s order. These strong men can play a powerful role. power.

These strong men will become the swords in Li Lingtian's hands by then, and all they pass is surrender and sweep the world.

The Shendan Pavilion opened for a few days. The strong came like a tide, and wanted to join the Xiaoyao Dynasty, but there were not many people who could join, because they were not enough.

The Xiaoyao dynasty needs the strong against the sky and does not need the general false **** realm.

Either the strong man with skill, as for some ordinary strong men, were rejected in disguise by the Xiaoyao Dynasty.

However, there are still many who have passed the test and become a member of the Xiaoyao dynasty, but it is still waiting for the test. The strongmen who enter the Xiaoyao dynasty have a token of cumulative contribution value. Only if they reach a certain contribution value can they be improved In the hierarchical status of the Xiaoyao dynasty, he received corresponding benefits and immortality.

A new status promotion system has emerged, giving countless members of the Xiaoyao dynasty hope, as long as there is a contribution value, they can enhance their status in the Xiaoyao dynasty.

There are many ways to increase the contribution value, one is to protect the industries under the Xiaoyao Dynasty, the second is to solve the enemy of the Xiaoyao Dynasty, and the third is to complete the tasks released by the Xiaoyao Dynasty.

Various tasks have corresponding contribution values. Naturally, the more dangerous tasks and the more difficult tasks, the higher the contribution value obtained.

Within a few days, the Dragon Master had already joined three half-divine powerhouses. The three half-divineland powerhouses helped him deal with some outside things, and each person received an eight-level variation unique medicine.

Long Da is only responsible for dealing with some special things, so it will not control other things of the Xiaoyao Dynasty.

The other things are handled by the Black Dragon King. If the Black Dragon King cannot handle the things, or if the Black Dragon King thinks things are difficult, let the Dragon send someone to deal with them.

In other words, the characters controlled by Long Da are dedicated to protecting Li Lingtian, and they have to deal with some difficult tasks.

On this day, after Li Lingtian and others finished their practice, they came to a lake on the island. Li Lingtian sat on the edge of the lake and watched Huang Fu Yuyan and others play in the lake~www.wuxiaspot.com~Nature, came This place is Li Lingtian's wife and confidante, or his sister.

As for Du Gu Zi Yin and Xuan Yuan Qing Qing, they will not come here, because they have a fixed place and will not disturb Li Lingtian's life. After all, they are juniors and are now so big.


"Boom, boom!"

Just as Huangfu Yuyan and others were having a good time, there was a series of muffled noises in the formation above the island.

Although the voice was not loud, they let them know that a strong man came to make trouble.

And the comer is not simple, or else the formation on the island will not make such a big movement.

Seeing this situation, I quickly changed my clothes, changed my clothes, and quickly came to Li Lingtian's side. My eyes looked at Li Lingtian.


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