War God Supreme

Chapter 1549: Xuanyin Hall 2 Hall...

The ten elders in the outer hall of Xuanyin Temple were all killed by the Lord Lingtian, the first Divine Pill Master of the Shenwu Continent, except for the wounded Elder Nine and the second Elder.

Even the nine sons of Xuanyin Palace Lord were killed, and the news did not know how it was spread.

After the news came out, it immediately shook the Xuanyin Tiancheng. Not only the Xuanyin Tiancheng, but also the six nearby Tiancheng, spread the news. For a time, the seven Tiancheng were boiling.

The affairs of Li Lingtian and Xuanyin Temple have long spread, and I know there is a contradiction between Xuanyin Temple and Li Lingtian.

Knowing that the elders of Xuanyin Palace captured Li Lingtian's people, and Li Lingtian also came from the heaven domain to Xianyu, where he was rescued by countless strongmen.

But Xuanyin Temple did not give up, and took the elders of the outer hall to Yunfeng Island to deal with Li Lingtian.

But often did not expect that the six elders of the outer hall and the nine sons of the hall master would never return, and all were killed by Li Lingtian.

"Sir Ling Tian is too powerful. The false **** realm killed a few semi-god realms, and he also killed the son of the master of the Xuanyin Temple."

"Yeah, the people of Xuanyin Temple thought that Lord Ling Tian was so annoying. It is said that he went to hundreds of false **** realms and seven and a half **** realms in total, and they all flew their wings on Yunfeng Island."

"The loss of Xuanyin Temple is really terrible this time."

"They asked for it."

"It deserves to be killed, to provoke the Divine Pill Master, it's almost to death, besides, Lord Ling Tian has been retreating, they have to take measures and send themselves to Yunfeng Island to be killed."

"This time Xuanyin Temple, not only lost a few half gods, but also lost its reputation."

"That's right. Xuanyin Tiancheng, as the three major forces of the Pure Yang Empire, once used to being strong, is now deflated in front of Lord Lingtian."

"I think Xuanyin Palace either endured or faced out to Lord Fu Lingtian."


For a time, the story of the strong Xuanyin Palace fluttering on Yunfeng Island spread.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that Xuanyin Hall underestimated Li Lingtian's power and got used to it, causing Li Lingtian to cause trouble.

Now that others are killing from the realm of heaven to the realm of the immortal, they will rescue the people from the Xuanyin Temple, and they will also kill the semi-god realm of the Xuanyin Temple, and kill a large group of false gods.

Finally, to retaliate, retaliation failed, but turned into a annihilation of the whole army.


"Xiao Jiu was killed by Li Lingtian?"

In a secluded place inside Xuanyin Temple, a half and a half old man sat cross-legged.

The old man's face was dull, and the whole person's breath was looming. If an unfamiliar person would definitely not believe that this old man was a terrifying strong man.

In front of him was a middle-aged man who stood respectfully in front of the old man.

After the middle-aged man whispered a few words in front of the old man, the old man's eyes suddenly opened, and his eyes flashed with appalling precision.

When he stood up, a body of destruction exploded throughout his body. The whole person was like a group of powers of destruction. The power was so pure that the expression on his face kept changing.

Gradually, his face became furious.

Within a hundred meters, everything turned to ashes, but how old the old man was.

Seeing the situation of the old man and the terrifying momentum, the middle-aged man took a few steps back.

"Father, Xiao Jiu took the people from the outer hall to Yunfeng Island yesterday."

"Later, I never came back. No one knew what happened to them."

"Xiao Jiu and other people are all ruined outside."

Shi Jiang respectfully said that the look on his face became a bit pale in front of the might of the old man.


"Li Lingtian, the deity is enough to tolerate you."

"To kill my son as much as possible, the deity is at odds with you."

The old man is called Shi Tiancheng, the master of Xuanyin Temple, the strong man in the mid-semi-real world, and his power is extremely horrible. Even within the strong men of the same rank, he rarely encounters opponents.

I didn't expect his son to be killed by Li Lingtian in this way, and also killed the other strong men in Xuanyin Temple, which made him unacceptable.

As the owner of the Xuanyin Palace, watching the strongmen and sons of his outer palace being destroyed, it is naturally unbearable. Besides, Xuanyin Palace's reputation is greatly damaged. If it is not brought back, it will become a pure Yang. The jokes of other empire forces.

"Father, be careful about this matter."

"If our Xuanyin Temple is going to deal with Li Lingtian, then other forces will provoke them to watch."

"And, even if you don't worry about other forces, don't you worry about the three guilds?"

"Furthermore, to deal with Li Lingtian, who should be sent?"

Seeing Shi Tiancheng's appearance, Shi Jiang stepped forward and hurriedly stopped.

If something is done in a rage, it will be too late to regret it.

Being able to erase a few semi-divine powerhouses, Li Lingtian's forces can be imagined.

Xuanyin Temple is now at the cusp of the storm, and there are Shendan Pavilions in the surrounding cities, but Xuanyin Tiancheng is not there. In this way, countless strong people of Xuanyin Tiancheng go to other heavens, so that the popularity of other heavens is greatly increased. 'S popularity plummeted.

Moreover, Xuanyin Tiancheng used to be too strong, saying that rampage is imperative, and now the appearance of Li Lingtian is not as scrupulous as other forces, leaving Xuanyin Palace passive.

Now if Xuanyin Temple is going to deal with Li Lingtian at this time, it will not only give the major forces of the Shenwu Continent a talk, but also be watched by several forces.

"Do you think we can save face without dealing with him?"

"Li Lingtian's cultivation speed is against the sky. If you give him time, it will be impossible to suppress him at that time."

"Don't you see that when we caught that Ming Binger, he didn't come to Immortal Realm, but was practicing cultivation plans, and when he arrived in Immortal Realm, he moved."

"For the first time to save people, his strength is not so strong, but it didn't take long for his strength to rise so fast. You know the strength of Xiao Jiu, and you can imagine Xiao Jiu's strength."

"His strength, now we naturally will not be afraid, what we are afraid of is his training speed and the heart of the strong, and the style of doing things."

After Shi Tiancheng heard Shi Jiang's words, his whole body's anger subsided.

He also knows what Shi Jiang said makes sense, but he can't stop like that, otherwise not only will Xuanyin Palace lose face, but Li Lingtian will also come to Xuanyin Temple.

Although Li Lingtian came to Xianyu for the first time, they knew a bit about Li Lingtian's style.

Although the forces of Duanmu's and Gongsun's are not seen by them, Li Lingtian's cultivation base is very low when dealing with these forces. He can make these actions and can see Li Lingtian's means.

"What is your father's plan?"

The look on Shi Jiang's face is constantly changing, and he feels a little bit afraid of Li Lingtian in his heart. For the first time, he feels afraid of a false **** realm.

The power of Xuanyin Palace is in the Pure Yang Empire. No one dares to provoke. Only Xuanyin Palace provokes others, and no one provokes Xuanyin Palace.

"A strike will kill, without giving him a trail."

"If you don't do it, you will kill him if you don't do it, or you will end up suffering indefinitely."

"Since Xuanyin Temple has already met Li Lingtian, then..."

Shi Tiancheng's face showed a ruthless look, and he said his intentions.

At the end, Shi Jiang and Shi Tiancheng both showed grinous smiles on their faces.


Whoosh! Whoosh!

Over the sea of ​​Tianhan, there are constantly powerful people flying.

Unusually, some low-level warriors hunted in the waters of Tianhan before. Even if there are super powers, they are all for the purpose of killing powerful sea beasts in the deep sea.

However, in the past few days, all those who came to the sea of ​​Tianhan are super-powerful, and the low-level warriors who originally hunted in the sea have left the sea, and a strange breath is brewing on the sea.

Just like before the storm, this situation made the strong men of the seven heavenly cities feel something wrong.

In just two days, tens of thousands of super powers gathered on the sea of ​​Tianhan. These super powers were all outside the sea and did not go deep.

"I heard that Xuanyin Palace mainly challenged Lord Ling Tian!"

"Is there such a thing? Lord Xuanyin Palace is too shameful. The mid-level half-god powerhouse must try to challenge a pseudo-god powerhouse."

"It is indeed too shameless, the master of the hall Xuanyin Hall, in the middle of the semi-divine realm, it is necessary to fight against a false **** realm."

"I'm afraid it's not that simple. If the Master Xuanyin Palace challenges Lord Ling Tian alone, will the three guilds agree?"

"I don't know if Lord Ling Tian will agree, even if Lord Ling Tian does not agree, it will not affect his reputation."

"Does Ling Tian still need fame? The first Divine Pill Master and the First Sky Array Master of Shenwu Continent, just these two, are enough."

"Yes, even if Lord Ling Tian does not agree, Lord Ling Tian ignores the Temple of Xuanyin."

"There is a good show this time."


The strongmen in the seven heavenly cities have been talking about one after another~www.wuxiaspot.com~ There are more and more strongmen rushing to the sea of ​​Tianhan.

Although he did not get a reply from Li Lingtian, these powerful men wanted to see Li Lingtian's Defying Heaven and see to what extent the First Divine Pill Master of Shenwu Continent Defies the Heaven.

Dongming Tomorrow City and Dongyue Tiancheng, as well as some of the core figures of the big cities such as Xuelie Tiancheng, all came to the sea of ​​Tianhan.

For a time, there were not only tens of thousands of martial arts and false gods above the sea, but also a dozen or so gods.

The demigod powerhouse is definitely a top-notch existence in the fairyland, and any one is a super existence of one party overlord.

Seeing that the half **** realm powerful people gathered here, all the martial gods and pseudo-gods dared not speak, and all the strong people were waiting on the sea, waiting for the strong man of the Xuanyin Temple to arrive.

More is waiting for Li Lingtian to come and want to see the mythical figures of Shenwu Continent.

Although Li Lingtian's reputation is great, but not many people have seen Li Lingtian, and even the powerful Xianyu people have seen Li Lingtian even less.


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