War God Supreme

Chapter 1550: Powerful gathering



There was constant blasting sounds above the sea, the sea was surging, and the storm was endless.

On the sea, nearly one hundred thousand strong men are suspended in the air. These strong men are martial gods and pseudo-gods, and there are even nine half-magic realm strong men.

In front of such a strong lineup, even if the strong man does not work, and does not exert true yuan and coercion, this place also forms an invisible power of destruction and invisible oppression.

Even the Wushen Powerhouse must stand far to the side, simply unable to withstand the invisible oppression of the Super Powerhouse.

As for the other strong men, they dare not come here at all. If the strong men below the Wushen come here, the destroyed oppressive forces will also be killed.


The passage of time, one second at a time, finally reached noon.

This day is also the day when Shi Tiancheng, the master of Xuanyin Palace, challenged Li Lingtian, the first pill master of Shenwu Continent.

Countless powerful people are looking forward to it. At this time, a slight sound of sky breaking appeared in the sky. When the sound of sky breaking fell, a huge spaceship quickly flew into the sea.

Seeing the spacecraft flying from the edge of the sea, all the strong men looked at the spaceship.

When I see this spaceship, I understand the origin of this spaceship.

I saw a huge flag on the spaceship. The flag was embroidered with three typings on the Xuanyin Temple. Needless to say, this spaceship is the Xuanyin Temple.

"The people from Xuanyin Temple are here."

"The people from Xuanyin Temple are here."

Countless strong men are exhaled, with a look of anticipation on their faces.

As long as Xuanyin Palace came, it proved that Xuanyin Palace Lord's rumors against Li Lingtian were not false.

At any time, people who watch lively are not afraid of big things.

Xuanyin Temple and Li Lingtian, one is the three super powers of the Pure Yang Empire, and the other is the first Divine Pill Master of Shenwu Continent.



The huge spaceship flew over the countless powerhouses, and completely ignored the powerhouses below.

Countless powerhouses are under the pressure of the huge spaceship. Seeing this situation, all the powerhouses showed a trace of dissatisfaction.

Even if Xuanyin Hall is even stronger, it should not be so rude.

However, these strong men dare to speak out, and can only bear it.

Who calls the other party is the powerful Xuanyin Palace, they simply do not have the most right qualifications with Xuanyin Palace, if they do not agree, they must be directly killed by the strong Xuanyin Palace.

"Shi Tiancheng, come to my tomorrow city and pay attention to your behavior."

"Don't provoke the disagreement between East Tomorrow City and Xuanyin Tiancheng."

"This time you come to my East Tomorrow City, if Lord Lingtian is here, do you think you might come to Tianhan waters with such a large lineup?"

Dong Mingyu, the deputy lord of Dongming Tomorrow City, said aloud, looking at the strong man above the spaceship.

As the deputy city owner of East Tomorrow City, he naturally wanted to stand up to speak at this time. After all, the sea area of ​​Tianhan was the site of his East Tomorrow City. Xuanyin Tiancheng came here with a strong lineup, except for the battle with Li Lingtian. , There can be no other actions.

"Dongming City Lord, rest assured."

"This time I came to the sea of ​​Tianhan, mainly for Li Lingtian, and will definitely not be related to East Tomorrow City."

"I believe that the Lord of the Ming Dynasty will not interfere with Xuanyin Temple and Li Lingtian."

Shi Tiancheng stood up at this time, came to the spaceship, and glanced at all the powerful people above the sea, then said aloud, his body exudes a strong momentum.

He is not a fool. This place is not Xuanyin Tiancheng. Even if Xuanyin Tiancheng is powerful, he will not dare to come to the East Tomorrow City to make trouble.

After all, all the sky cities under the Chunyang Empire belong to the jurisdiction of the Chunyang Empire, and there are regulations between the Tiancheng and the Tiancheng, which cannot be exceeded.

Moreover, although East Tomorrow City is not as good as Xuanyin Temple, East Tomorrow City is also powerful and unmatched. If there is a real battle, Xuanyin Palace has a great chance of winning, but it will injure the enemy by a thousand.

What's more important is that other Tiancheng are staring at each other. When Xuanyin Tiancheng loses both sides, other Tiancheng will annex Xuanyin Tiancheng.

Naturally, he would not do such a thing, and this place is the place of East Tomorrow City. The power of Xuanyin Temple is too far away from here, and it is simply not enough to confront East Tomorrow City.

"So much the better."

Dongming Yuyun nodded his head, and the dragon pressed his head against the snake. Although he is not Shi Tiancheng's opponent now, he occupies the right place.

The battlefield between Xuanyin Tiancheng and Li Lingtian was in Dongming Tomorrow City, and Dongcheng Tomorrow City felt helpless, but it was hard to say anything. Fortunately, the place of the war was the sea area, otherwise Dongming Tomorrow City would not agree at all.

"Shi Tiancheng, are you going to use all the forces of Xuanyin Temple against Lord Lingtian or are you alone?"

Dongyue Zhitian, the deputy host of Dongyue Tiancheng, spoke at this time.

After he finished speaking, all eyes looked at Shi Tiancheng, which was their most curious thing. I don’t know how the battle between Xuanyin Temple and Li Lingtian took place.

Shi Tiancheng, a mid-level powerhouse in the half divine realm, the lord of Shenwei Xuanyin Palace, challenged a pseudo-godly realm. This thing had shocked countless powerful people. If Xuanyin Temple used any powerful means to deal with Li Lingtian, then Xuanyin Temple is even more embarrassing.

"Haha, this kind of thing is determined between Xuanyin Temple and Li Lingtian."

"If you encounter such a thing, it will definitely be the same as Xuanyin Temple."

With a faint smile on his face, Shi Tiancheng said loudly.

The rules of the battle at that time were not mentioned in the words, but the strong players present were probably clear. It seems that Xuanyin Temple will not fight alone.

Xuanyin Temple and Li Lingtian are the enemy of life and death, i will not compare according to some rules of Shenwu Continent.

For a while, everyone stopped talking, and could only wait until Li Lingtian arrived.

Moreover, Xuanyin Hall declared war on Li Lingtian, and Li Lingtian did not reply at all, and did not know whether Li Lingtian would come forward.

Identity and status like Li Lingtian doesn't matter whether you come or not.

He could not affect his reputation at all, let alone, even if Li Lingtian's reputation was greatly damaged, there would be no loss. It is impossible that his reputation will be lost and he will be cultivated.

The first Divine Pill Master, the first day array division, can survive no matter where it is, it is the supreme existence.

Tomorrow City, Dongyue City and Xuelie City have super powers here, and there are countless strongmen here, and they are also the deputy city masters of the city. This identity is enough to prove that several cities are against Li Lingtian and Xuan. How much attention is given to the battle of the sound palace.




Shortly after the arrival of the spaceship in Xuanyin Temple, another three spaceships appeared in the sky. The spaceships lined up in a row and quickly flew towards the sea.

Seeing the spacecraft coming, all the strong men were puzzled, and looked at the spaceship.

After the spacecraft came, the expression on the faces of all the powerful men changed.

"Dan Shi Guild."

"The Guild of Fronts."

"Refining Guild."

"The three major guilds are here."

"The people of the three major guilds did not expect to come."

"It's the three major guilds."


For a time, countless powerful people were discussing, and the voice of discussion was constant.

Yes, the three fast flying ships are the Danshi Guild and Array Guild, and the Refining Guild.

The three major guilds are the ten superpowers of the Shenwu Continent, as well as the three major powers of Immortal Territory, and their status is superb.

However, everyone knows that the three major guilds do not have much strength, but are in a detached position, because the three major guilds are indispensable forces for warriors.

Moreover, the three major guilds are neutral and do not participate in the competition of the Shenwu mainland forces, so the three major guilds have always existed. Even if the Shenwu mainland forces change, there will be no slight changes in the three guilds.

I don’t know how many thousands of years, the three guilds are stable.

Now that the three major guilds come here together, all the powerful people are naturally shocked.

But recalling Li Lingtian's identity, Li Lingtian was behind the three major guilds.

The emergence of the three major guilds immediately shocked all the powerful, and at the same time, they were expecting, because the status of the three major guilds was comparable to that of the four empire, and even stronger than the four empire.

Now the forces under the Chunyang Empire are fighting against Li Lingtian. The three major guilds have come here and there must have been a lot of fun.

"Dan Shi Guild Master Lingfeng Shendan Master."

"Taiwan Guild Taihao God array master."

"Yu Gongshen Master Master of the Refining Guild."

The spaceship came to stop in front of all the strongmen. It was also a spaceship, but the three great guilds did not directly crush all the strongmen like Xuanyin Temple, but stopped in front of all the strongmen.

Dongming Yuyun from Dongming Tomorrow City and several other strong men from Tiancheng showed respectful expressions on their faces and saluted the three strong men on the spaceship.

They are both half gods, and they are the peaks of the first half gods, but in front of the strong men of the three major guilds, they simply cannot compare with the strong men of the three major guilds.

"Everybody comes early."

"I didn't expect this place to be so lively."

"Sir Ling Tian has not come yet."

The three strong men said with a faint smile on their faces.

The whole person looks very kind, and does not look like the strongest person at all, but it is no different from the more ordinary ordinary people, but the more this is, the more respectable the strongman present.

Even Shi Tiancheng of Xuanyin Hall greeted the three strong men.

"Sir Ling Tian has not come yet."

"I don't know if Ling Tian will come or not."

"If he meets Master Ling Tian's alchemy~www.wuxiaspot.com~ he won't be bored here."

Dongming Tiancheng, Dongyue Tiancheng, Xuelie Tiancheng, Heishui Tiancheng, Dongfeng Tiancheng and Haige Tiancheng, the strongmen of the six heavenly cities are saying hello to the three strongmen. It is normal for Li Lingtian not to come. .

This is the status and status. Whether Li Lingtian comes or not is a matter for others. No one dares to judge Li Lingtian at all.

"Lan Xiao, you are too much."

"This is the thing between Xuanyin Temple and Li Lingtian. Isn't it as boring as you said?"

"Do you think this is a joke?"

Shi Tiancheng's face suddenly became ugly when he heard what Xuelan Tiancheng Lan Xiao said.

He Xuanyin Temple came here, originally to wipe out Li Lingtian with the strength of his Xuanyin Temple, and then he could save Xuanyin Temple's lost face, so that other forces would not dare to see him. The strong man in this heavenly city satirizes that Xuanyin Temple is here to play.


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