War God Supreme

Chapter 1554: Fury

Li Lingtian can barely contain 14 semi-god powerhouses, but he is bombarded by an attack from time to time.

However, with his defense, the attack of the demigod powerhouse bombarded him, and he could not break his defense.

This stalemate, if you want to be broken, can only be broken after Li Lingtian's three subordinates have killed all the false **** realms, but something that shocked everyone happened.

I saw Li Lingtian standing in the golden field in the air, shaking his body strangely.

There is a Li Lingtian beside Li Lingtian. This Li Lingtian is a force and has reached the power that Li Lingtian is one percent. When Li Lingtian appeared, a light group of destruction appeared in his hand.

The ruined blaze of flames, the whole body of pure fire erupted throughout the body.

The ruined blaze of flames bombarded one of the half-god powerhouses, and suddenly there was an additional Li Lingtian, and it also issued a fire attack of destruction. This situation is completely beyond the imagination of the powerhouses present, half in the war The Divine Realm has no precautions at all.


There was a scream, and it was the destruction of a semi-god powerhouse.

"Bingyan Nine Heavy Heavens-Nothingness!"

"The field of fire, ice flames!"

Two Li Lingtians, one exhibiting the Dageng Excalibur and the other exhibiting Bingyan Jiugongtian.

The realm of gold and the realm of fire formed two separate worlds in the air, and the two attacked staggered and continued to attack.


"Not an avatar."

"This is not a doppelganger, but a dualistic god!"

"Dual God?"

"Avatar cannot have autonomy."

"Indeed, this is not a doppelganger, but a Shuangyuanshen, because the cultivation of the doppelganger cannot have the power of the deity. Only the Shuangyuanshen can be so powerful."

"Shuangyuan God Strong!"

Seeing the two Li Lingtians in the air, all the strong men were horrified.

Horrified that another Ling Tian was also so powerful, but the faces of a few half-god powerhouses on the scene changed drastically, because they found out that this was not an avatar, but a dual god.

That is another Lingshen of Li Lingtian, indicating that there are two Yuans in Li Lingtian.

The dualistic superpowers are terrifying. In the Shenwu Continent, there is no one in the dualistic superpowers. I did not expect Li Lingtian to be a dualistic superpower. This is too terrifying.

Shuangyuanshen let them do this, if they knew that Li Lingtian was the Five Elements Yuanshen, they must not be stunned and fainted.

One more Li Lingtian immediately broke the deadlock, and the fourteen semi-real powerhouses destroyed two in a row.

The rest was also a bit messy, and Li Lingtian's Dageng Excalibur was much easier.

"Join together."

When one of the strong men saw such a situation, the look on his face was extremely ugly. If he went on like this, he would be completely killed by Li Lingtian.

After a loud shout, the other powerful men also exhibited a devastating attack. The twelve attacks bombarded Li Lingtian at the same time. The attack did not come, but the space was constantly torn apart.

"Ice Fire-Ring!"

"Sky Cold Aegis!"

Li Lingtian watched the countless attacks coming, the Dageng Sword in his hand withdrew, and his consciousness moved, and two terrifying defenses were launched.

At the same time, another **** of fire also came to Li Lingtian. The realm of gold and the realm of fire were constantly blending, sending out the mysterious power of destruction.

When he returned to Li Lingtian, the Fire Department Yuanshen disappeared and had returned to Li Lingtian.

The devastating attack bombarded the realm of gold and fire. In the two realms, the twelve devastating attacks were constantly weakened, but the twelve attacks still tore the realm.

The field was torn, and the devastating attack hit the ice-fire ring, which shook for a while and then turned into a prototype.




The twelve semi-divine powerhouses attacked at the same time, torn apart the field with great power, and destroyed the defense of the ice fire ring, and finally landed on the shield of the Heavenly Cold Aegis.

Suddenly, Li Lingtian's body shuddered, and a spit of blood spurted out. Tianhan Aegis was also a violent tremor, and finally turned into a prototype. Li Lingtian's body did not throw up, and flew quickly towards the back.

This was the first time he was injured in this war, and it was also the first attack he suffered after killing a few demigods.

Seeing this situation, all the strong are terrified.

Frightened the power of the twelve semi-god realms and frightened Li Lingtian's terror defense, even though the twelve strong men did not destroy it.

The twelve half-magic realm strongmen saw Li Lingtian injured, and the look on his face was a joy. This was a good opportunity. Without any hesitation, the body shot at Li Lingtian, and the devastating attack came over, fragmented. There is no slight obstruction in space.

But at this time, Li Lingtian, who was wounded and flew, disappeared strangely in the air, just like a mist. After disappearing, there was no slight breath of Li Lingtian in the air, and there was no slight fluctuation in space.

It's like this place has never been visited by Li Lingtian.

Teleportation is not teleportation, body method is not body method, it is completely beyond the imagination of all powerful people.

Twelve and a half gods emptied, the look on his face became ugly, and at the same time he was alert. Under such circumstances, Li Lingtian escaped, which is indeed a pity.

Let Li Lingtian flash away, and the little opportunity they just got disappeared again.

"That's the case."

"Then destroy your woman first."

Seeing Li Lingtian was gone, Xiao Tianyuan's face was so angry.

With a shout, the figure flashed and flew towards the chariot.

In his heart, he can't deal with Li Lingtian and can't kill his woman. These girls are all psionic gods. Even if they are powerful, it is impossible for Li Lingtian to go against the sky.

All of these women are peerless, and they all know how important their status is in Li Lingtian's heart. As long as these women are killed, Li Lingtian will lose his temper and will be much easier to deal with Li Lingtian.

"On your sentence, this seat will definitely set you up."

Li Lingtian, who was hidden in the air, changed his face when he heard this sentence.

He knew that with these strong men, he might not be able to break the defense of the Heavenly Emperor's chariot, and his killer was still on the Heavenly Emperor's chariot, so he didn't need to worry at all.

However, he wanted the world's strongest to know that those who moved him to Li Lingtian's relatives and women would endure the wrath of destruction.

The extinction of the heavens and the dead appeared again, and the whole body appeared strangely in front of Xiao Tianyuan.

Come and go without a trace, control everything in space.

In this space, he is the master.

A devastating fist bombarded Xiao Tianyuan fiercely. Xiao Tianyuan had no idea that Li Lingtian appeared in front of him. The two were only two meters away.

When the fist arrived, there was absolutely no discovery at all. When the fist came to the body and felt the power of destruction, Li Lingtian was found in front of him.

Li Lingtian's fist has a faint ice gloss, and there is a flame on the ice gloss.

Yes, this is the ice flame refined by Li Lingtian. Now that the ice flame has been refined, it completely controls the ice flame.

When it was exhibited, it had already reached the point where it wanted.




With a loud bang, Xiao Tianyuan was bombarded fiercely, and a spit of blood spurted out.

The power of Han Bingyan entered into the body, and the strange meridians and eight veins of the body were instantly imprisoned.

The body was thrown out fiercely, very fast.

However, Li Lingtian's body is also in line with the shadows, and has been two meters away from Xiao Tian. The fist is just an ordinary fist, but with a icy flame, the ordinary fist does not need to be as troublesome as the magical power when it is displayed.

For a time, fists stormed Xiao Tianyuan fiercely.

In the face of this terrifying attack speed, Xiao Tianyuan had no chance of resistance, and the meridians and real elements in his body were imprisoned, and he could not move at all.

The two were flying fast in the air, but it was just a step backwards and one was chasing after.

Seeing this situation, the other demigods were shocked, and the devastating attacks bombarded Li Lingtian. However, Li Lingtian did not come to these attacks at all, but turned his body to a terrifying level.

The whole body is like Liu Suifeng, who is shuttled through more than ten attacks, and the consciousness of the demigods can't lock Li Lingtian's aura.

Flashing through the attack, Li Lingtian's fist also bombarded Xiao Tianyuan.

At this moment, Xiao Tianyuan had already fallen, and the dead could not die anymore. The vitality on his body disappeared, and the whole body was cold. If it was cold, he would have disappeared.

However, Li Lingtian never stopped.

More than a hundred thousand strong people in the distance saw this scene and could not help feeling a tremor.

Ordinary fists of pseudo-realm can also kill the semi-godly strong, and in the Shenwu Continent, Xiao Tianyuan may be the only one who is killed like this.

What's more, this is all Li Lingtian has done with his pure power and anger, as well as the terrifying body.

All the powerful people know that with Li Lingtian's physical skills, it is only a momentary effort to kill Xiao Tianyuan, and he can almost kill him, but instead of killing Xiao Tianyuan, he wants to kill Xiao Tianyuan alive.

The reason is that Xiao Tianyuan should not say that the woman who destroyed him Li Lingtian.

The strong man present at the moment had only one idea in mind, that is, Li Lingtian could not provoke her, and even Li Lingtian's relatives and women could not provoke him~www.wuxiaspot.com~ If he provoke his Li Lingtian's woman, he would be the most terrifying revenge.

"You can fight this seat."

"Can kill this seat."

"But it is absolutely not possible to bully the women and loved ones in this seat. In addition, everything is possible, but if you violate the woman in this seat, you will wait for the anger of this seat."


Li Lingtian's body kept flashing, and his fists never stopped.

Speaking loudly, the sound rolled like thunder, and reached all the strong men's ears.

At the end, a fist of destruction bombarded Xiao Tianyuan, who had fallen long ago, and with a loud explosion, Xiao Tianyuan's body turned into ashes, and disappeared completely in this world, truly frustrated. R1148


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