War God Supreme

Chapter 1555: Life and death wheel rebound...

Hearing Li Lingtian's words, watching Li Lingtian's actions. Baidu interesting college mobile phone reading

The faces of all the strong men present on the scene kept changing.

The look on the face of more than one hundred thousand strong people was shocked, the look on the face of Xuanyin Hall strong shocked the anger, and the happy smile on the face of Huang Fu Yuyan and others on the chariot.

"Li Lingtian, you are hateful."

"If you have the ability to make a decision today, don't run around."

Watching Li Lingtian kill Xiao Tianyuan in this way, the look on the face of Dong Guopin, the semi-god powerhouse of Xuanyin Temple, was furious, and he shouted at Li Lingtian loudly.

In the hall of Xuanyin Hall, the semi-divine realm was killed by Li Lingtian. For a moment, fifteen semi-divine realms have been killed and four of them. If this continues, they will not be able to resist Li Lingtian at that time, and Li Lingtian will also be killed one by one.

"You are not stupid."

"In this case, this seat will give you a chance."

The strange shape of Li Lingtian disappeared, and disappeared from the sight of the strong **** of Xuanyin Temple.

When it appeared again, Li Lingtian's figure had reached about a thousand kilometers above everyone's head, his body was floating in the air steadily, and the look on his face was very calm.

The corner of his mouth was wide, and he said lightly, at this time, the whole person was light and breezy and chic.

Out of the scope of the surrounded attack, Li Lingtian looked at the void.

In the eyes, there was a faint look, like looking at someone you loved.

The remaining eleven and a half gods looked at Li Lingtian's situation and couldn't help but stunned. Even in this way, they also felt a lot of oppressive force and dared not take it easy, because Li Lingtian was so terrible. .

Similarly, all the strong men in the distance are also shocked.

I don't know what Li Lingtian is doing at this time, but I still don't care about facing so many strong people.

"Master Ling Tian is brewing a powerful magical power."

"I don't know what a terrible magical power, but let Master Ling Tian brew for so long."

"Yes, Lord Ling Tian's supernatural powers are basically instantaneous."

"Brother Ling Tian is going to play the Devil Octave."

"Well, Fu Jun thought of sister Qingwu."

"Show defense."

Countless powerhouses are full of discussion, with a look of anticipation on his face.

All were shocked by Li Lingtian, and I didn't know what magical power Li Lingtian wanted to exert.

However, only Huangfu Yuyan and these people knew what magic power Li Lingtian had to perform, because they knew that Li Lingtian thought of the Devil Princess waiting for his three thousand reincarnations at this time.

Immediately, Li Lingtian yelled, Xuanyuan Yingying and others hurriedly strengthened the defense on the Heavenly Emperor's chariot again, and his own cultivation was in operation, because Li Lingtian's magical power has exceeded the scope of attack.

"Everyone, don't want to die, step back thousands of miles."

At this time, Li Lingtian said lightly, the expression on his face was dignified.

In his eyes, the sneering look was even more intense.

The whole person showed a breath of missing his loved ones and loved ones.

The voice reached all strong men's ears. Hearing Li Lingtian's words, the three Lou Feng did not hesitate, gave up the massacre, flashed on their bodies, and quickly returned to the Heavenly Emperor's chariot.

Seeing this situation, the look on the face of more than one hundred thousand strong men changed drastically. I don’t know what destructive magical power Li Lingtian was going to perform. Even before the magical power was performed, he was reminded that they would not be affected.

However, they do not have the slightest suspicion, after all, Li Lingtian's strength is too horrible and too far.

At the same time, all the strong people admire Li Lingtian and admire him in the bottom of his heart, because Li Lingtian also pays attention to other strong people at this time, and will not hurt the innocent at any time.

All the strong men did not hesitate to go back thousands of miles, suspended above the sea and looked at everything in the sky.

However, several deputy lords of the six celestial cities, as well as the strongmen of the three major guilds, at this time, they only stepped back thousands of miles. Self-cultivation as a deep back will be affected by Li Lingtian’s attack. What magical power to show.

The eleven and a half gods of Xuanyin Hall showed dignity and worry on their faces. At this time, they also felt a trace of crisis of destruction. This is the feeling of the strong.

But they can't escape now. If they escape, Li Lingtian will be exempt even from using magical powers.

"Take out your most powerful skills."

"I don't regret when I don't show the killer."

"This seat can give you a chance, if you can not fall before this trick, you can leave safely, don't be encountered by this seat in your life."

Li Lingtian said faintly, the look on his face slowly became dull, and finally the look on his face was old.

Reaching out, I saw an exquisite mini-guqin appeared.

Looking at the Guqin in his hand, it was like seeing his beloved.

A consciousness triggered Guqin, and Guqin suddenly became three feet long.

Guqin exudes a mysterious atmosphere, Li Lingtian's hands are stroking on Guqin, just like being affectionate to his beloved.

Guqin came to Li Lingtian in his eyes, and Li Lingtian sat cross-legged in the void, with Gu Qin lying flat on his knees.

At this moment, the whole person and Guqin reached a deep understanding, just like the fusion of person and qin.

His words shocked all the strong again.

In fact, every word and every action of his is a shock to the powerful in the world.

"Tian Mo Ba Yin!"

Li Lingtian gently stroked the Tianmoqin in front of him.

Yes, this Guqin is the Mozu Zhibaotian Moqin, which is also given to him by the Mozu Princess.

"Zheng! Zheng! Zheng!"

"Zheng! Zheng! Zheng!"

Put your ten fingers on the strings and gently move the strings.

Suddenly, there was a crisp and ethereal sound in the air, which sounded like a natural sound.

The vibration of the piano sound spread throughout the tens of thousands of miles to the ears of the strong men in the distance. Although the distance between them was thousands of miles away, the beauty of this piano sound did not fade in the slightest.

This is true for thousands of miles away, not to mention eleven Xuanyin Hall semi-divine powerhouses, and some of the remaining false godland powerhouses that are two hundred miles away in front of him.

Hearing the sound of the piano, his face was dignified.

The true element of the whole body is running to the extreme, and the most terrifying magic power is brewing at this time.

Everyone knows Li Lingtian's horror. Li Lingtian's ability to say such things must have a full grasp of his supernatural powers. They naturally dare not have the slightest care.

The beautiful piano sounds kept ringing, and Li Lingtian's eyes closed slightly, as if he was drunk in his own piano sounds.

At the same time, the true element of the body slowly disappeared, and the devil qi came with it, and the faint devil qi operated in the body.

"All things drunk!"

"Xiaoyintiandi Xiao killed!"

"Sanyin is extinct!"

"Four-tone talk and laughter set the rivers and mountains!"

The sound of the piano is very beautiful, Li Lingtian's ten fingers are constantly flying, the **** is extremely beautiful, the slender ten fingers are flying like flying on the strings, the level of proficiency is like being naturally fused with this Guqin.

The first note of Heavenly Devil Octave is completely beautiful enjoyment, and all the powerful people involuntarily indulge in the beautiful piano sound.

However, on Li Lingtian's cheeks, there was a crystal teardrop.

On the chariot, Huangfu Yuyan and others saw Li Lingtian's situation and heard the beautiful piano sounds in the air. They were all shaken by their hearts and entered Li Lingtian's kind of thought.

They didn't have any jealousy from beginning to end, but were moved by Li Lingtian's infatuation.

After three thousand rebirths, what else can be said about Li Lingtian’s friendship, they naturally know that Li Lingtian will treat any one of them.

The strong man in the distance also discovered Li Lingtian's situation, which was shocked, knowing that Li Lingtian was missing his loved ones or loved ones.

However, the strange transformation of the piano sound, the whole world has become a killer.

The eleven and a half divine powerhouse's devastating attacks also bombarded Li Lingtian.

The most powerful destructive power of the demigods, even the six celestial deputy lords, may not be able to resist easily. Besides, eleven demigods simultaneously display the destructive power, which is no different from suicide attacks.

This lineup, such power, makes the more than one hundred thousand strong people in the distance are horrified.

However, Li Lingtian turned his fingers around, completely indulged in the piano sound, his eyes were still slightly closed, and the attack on his eyes was completely ignored, as if he had not found it.

The third sound was exhibited, the world was destroyed, and the space was broken.

The fourth sound was exhibited, and the whole human space was in a strange dead silence. In front of this dead silence, even the three major guilds and the deputy lords of the six heavenly cities, the look on his face was also shocked, his figure swayed, and then turned back. Hundreds of miles back.

A terrifying defense was launched, and Li Lingtian was shocked in his eyes, feeling the deathly silence.

In an instant, eleven devastating attacks entered Li Lingtian within a hundred miles.

Within this hundred miles, the eleven attacks shook strangely, and the sonic attacks were everywhere.

However, although the supernatural powers destroyed by the half-god power and the power of the power, although the attack speed has slowed down a bit and the power has been reduced a lot, but it has not stopped in the slightest.

Hundred miles, fifty miles, thirty miles

In an instant, eleven devastating attacks penetrated the fluctuation of the piano sound and entered Li Lingtian within ten miles.

All the strong, at this time the look on the face changed.

Because eleven attacks have come to Li Lingtian, UU reads www. uukanshu.com Li Lingtian's fourth tone has no hope of resisting eleven destruction attacks.

I thought Li Lingtian overestimated his magical powers and underestimated the power of eleven and a half gods.

However, on the chariot, Huang Fu Yuyan and Tang Qingyue had a calm look on their faces, and looked forward to the beauty in their eyes, looking forward to seeing the stronger power of Tianmoqin.

"Tianmo eighth, fifth tone!"

"Five-tone life-and-death cycle springs back to your fingertips!"

At this time, Li Lingtian, who kept his eyes closed slightly, at this time, his eyes suddenly opened, his body suddenly stood up, and Tian Moqin suspended in front of him.

In Li Lingtian's body, a horror and strange demon burst out.

Yes, this is the spirit of the Holy Devil. Only the most terrifying Spirit of the Holy Demon can support the unfolding of the Devil's Five Tone.

The speed of the ten fingers reached a terrifying level, and there was a gas of destruction on the fingers, and a mysterious death breath was emitted between heaven and earth. All the strong men felt this change and were horrified. ()

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