War God Supreme

Chapter 1556: Stealing chickens is not an erosion...

The eleven destructive attacks of the half-god realm passed through the sonic attack of the four sounds of the heavenly demons and came to Li Lingtian. [For more exciting novels, please visit]

Li Lingtian's eyes suddenly opened, and the Devil's five-tone sound was displayed.

Suddenly, sound waves of destruction erupted between heaven and earth, and a mysterious halo appeared around Li Lingtian. The gas of the Holy Demon also erupted at this time. The fifth tone of the eighth sound of the Heavenly Demon was bombarded by eleven attacks.

Qin Yin spread to tens of thousands of miles, where Qin Yin passed, everything was destroyed and smoke disappeared.

In the piano sounds, life and death are in reincarnation, and all attacks are constantly converted and disordered.

The eleven attacks also changed at this time and disappeared.

Seeing such a situation, the look on the faces of eleven and a half divine powerhouses changed, and finally became fearful and desperate, because this was their most powerful attack.

Even such attacks were directly destroyed, beyond their imagination.

At the same time, they felt the threat of death, their bodies kept rebirth in life and death, and they could not help themselves. There was no way to operate the true element and the consciousness. Being momentarily disorganized, he was destroyed by his own consciousness and truth.





The screams kept ringing, and the ruinous piano sounds and mysterious lights and shadows destroyed them without any resistance.

The eleven and a half divine powerhouses disappeared in a blink of an eye.

This situation is beyond the imagination of all powerful people. Li Lingtian performed his last fingering. The sacred spirit of the whole body was exhausted, the expression on his face was pale, and the corners of his mouth were covered with traces of blood.

This situation is completely the performance of the consumed drama.

In an instant of kung fu, eleven attacks disappeared, eleven half-divine powerhouses fell, and all the false **** realms of the Xuanyin Temple disappeared.



In the distance, the expressions of all the strong men's faces changed, and the expression in their eyes was like seeing ghosts.

The deputy lords of the six heavenly cities, and the adults of the three major guilds, all spit out blood at the same time.

They were five thousand miles away from Li Lingtian. In this distance, when they encountered the five sounds of the Devil, they had no chance to dodge. The aftermath penetrated their defense directly and spurted out blood.

Beyond thousands of miles, the mouths of more than a hundred thousand strong men were also stained with blood, and their faces were pale.

All the strong men were affected by the fifth sound of the Heavenly Devil Octave, and a halo of destruction was flashing between the heavens and the earth, and the aftertone of the Heavenly Demon Qin was still floating in the air, but the piano tone at this time was the same as the first tone of the Heavenly Devil Eight. Beautiful and ethereal.

The blood stains on Li Lingtian's mouth kept overflowing, and his face was pale, but it didn't hurt.

"What a terrible piano sound!"

"What a domineering piano sound!"

"I didn't expect that the Shenwu Continent would have such a horrible piano attack."

"Yeah, this piano sound is a sonic attack, the attack is everywhere, and it is permeable."

"The strong man in the early stage of Semi-Divine Realm simply cannot resist this sonic attack."

"Master Ling Tian really turned against the sky."

"The false **** realm spiked a large group of half **** realm, horror."

"Tiantian, apart from Tiantian, there is simply no way to describe him."


All the strong men showed a horrified look on their faces. When they saw that the battle between Li Lingtian and all the semi-godly powerful men stopped, they all flew towards the front and came to a place thousands of miles away from Li Lingtian to stop.

For a time, countless powerhouses were in discussion.

Li Lingtian's evil spirits can only be described as evil spirits.

Now, we all know that although this young strong is just a false **** realm, his strength can definitely fight against the peak strong man in the early stage of the semi-god realm, and he can even walk away in front of the strong man in the middle of the semi-god realm.


"Boom, boom!"

"Roar, roar!"

"Roar, roar!"


In the void, the banging has been constant, and there is a terrifying roar in the blasting sound.

The roaring sounds of the colorful sacred dragon and the black dragon king, two of them, one is the colorful sacred dragon, the other is the evil dragon, the strength is comparable to the existence of the peak of the early half **** realm, under the joint of the two, although they are not Shi Tiancheng's opponents, But he was able to do his utmost to contain Shi Tiancheng.


"The deity is going to kill you all today."

Shi Tiancheng was restrained and watched the strong man in his Xuanyin Temple be slaughtered.

After seeing Li Lingtian's strength, he was shocked. He did not expect that Li Lingtian's strength had been so horrible to such an extent that he completely exterminated the fifteen and a half gods and all false gods of the Xuanyin Temple.

Such a method, even if he is in the middle of the semi-deity, may not be able to do it.

Watching Li Lingtian killing the Xuanyin Palace, Shi Tiancheng was almost violent, but he was entangled by two terrifying real dragons, although his strength and cultivation were stronger than the two real dragons. But if you want to get rid of the entanglement of two real dragons, it won't work at all.

At this time, no longer care about the other, the world-famous killer and supernatural powers are on display.

"This sentence, I have heard a lot, not one thousand times and eight hundred times."

"But the people who say this have disappeared in front of this seat."

"You Shi Tiancheng, how much confidence do you leave in front of this seat, or how many skills are there to kill this seat?"

The momentum of Li Lingtian's body was changing. The horrible spirit of the holy demon was exhausted when the five notes of the heavenly demon were performed. Now there is only a trace of the real devil's gas in the body. The body's exercises are running, and the true solution of the holy demon stops, the five elements. God started to run.

Suddenly the devil qi turned into a powerful and terrifying real element. On his body, after the devil qi was used up, there were still full of real elements. When the real element was used up, there was the anti-celestial pill. Qi and Qi of death.

He doesn’t even worry about exhaustion of true elemental devil qi. If even exhaustion of these true elements does not solve the problem, then it is not a problem he can solve at all.

One person is equivalent to six or seven people's cultivation behavior. If you say it, you will be shocked by the jaws of the powerful people in the world.

When Zhenyuan is running, the vibration of the mind and mind after casting the Devil's five-tone sound has stabilized, and his eyes look at Shi Tiancheng in the sky war, and he speaks loudly, with a faint smile on his face.

"Li Lingtian, although your cultivation base is the pinnacle of the pseudo-god realm, but its strength is already comparable to that of semi-god realm."

"You can't veto this point, the world's strongest are obvious to all."

"Dare you compete with this seat?"

Shi Tiancheng's eyes rolled, a vicious smile radiated from the corner of his mouth, the destruction magical power in his hand was constantly facing the colorful Saint Dragon and the Black Dragon King, the space was constantly torn, and the power of destruction shocked the world.

"You can only say two words to you, shameless!"

"However, this seat can fight you today."

"But it's not a bad game. Even if you lose, you won't be allowed to leave here."

"You should know what's going on at this point."

A trace of contempt appeared on Li Lingtian's face. At first Xuanyin Temple came with a lot of semi-deity and pseudo-deity to deal with him a pseudo-deity. After Li Lingtian killed all the strong people in Xuanyin Temple, It is shameless to fight alone.

While speaking, Li Lingtian glanced at the places where the powerful Xuanyin Hall fell.

With such a glance, the strongest people in the world know the meaning of Li Lingtian, and Shi Tiancheng naturally understands it.

"Okay, today depends on how powerful you are."

"Tell them to stop."

After Shi Tiancheng heard Li Lingtian's words, his face was stunned.

Based on his experience, Li Lingtian will be angered by his radical skills.

Other strong people think the same way, because Li Lingtian fights the semi-god realm with strong courage every time, but this time Li Lingtian does not agree, for a time, everyone knows that Li Lingtian has a certain bottom line no matter what he does. In front of his bottom line, he will never take a step back.

"Mid-Semi Realm, very good!"

"Xiao Bai, forget it."

The look on Li Lingtian's face was plain, and there was a smile on the corner of his mouth.

With one wave of one hand, Xiaobai and Heilongwang stopped immediately.

He killed the early half-godly strong, and was curious about the strength of the mid-godly mid-strong.

After the last words of King Linglan, I know that each realm of the semi-divine realm differs by one heaven and earth. The difference between the early stage and the middle stage is that Wu Sheng and Wu Shen are the same, and the distance is even greater.

Now, in the mid-half of the semi-god realm of Xuanyin Hall, Shi Tiancheng, the second hall of Xuanyin Hall, is naturally a good opportunity.

More importantly, the countless demigods and pseudo-gods of Xuanyin Temple are now killed, and an unsolvable hatred has been formed with Xuanyin Hall. Moreover, the combination of Xiaobai and Black Dragon is not the middle of demigod. Opponent.

If it is consumed in this way, the result will only destroy Xiaobai and Black Dragon, and let Shi Tiancheng escape.

Therefore, the best way is to do it yourself, if you are not Shi Tiancheng's opponent, you can join forces with the small white black dragon king, no matter what means, Shi Tiancheng must be destroyed.

In the air, the colorful Saint Dragon backed away, and finally turned into a human form.

Shi Tiancheng also saw that Xiao Bai was transformed into a human form, and he stopped. However, when Xiao Bai was transformed into a human form, Shi Tiancheng who stopped his hand waved with one hand, and a destructive power of the demigod bombarded Xiao Xiao.

Xiaobai doesn't have the slightest precautions. If he is bombarded by this demigod's power, he will be seriously injured without dying, and he will no longer have the power to fight.

However, at this time, the Black Dragon King also bombed Shi Tiancheng with a ruined Dragon Qi light group.

When Shi Tiancheng's sneak attack came behind Xiaobai, the attack of Lou Feng's three people also bombed out. The three attacks counteracted Shi Tiancheng's attack~www.wuxiaspot.com~Boom! "




The sound of destruction, the sound of blood spray.

I saw that the three attacks and the power of the demigod were bombarded together, and the dragon gas light group exhibited by the Black Dragon King also bombarded Shi Tiancheng. Shi Tiancheng did not expect the Black Dragon King to attack so fast, his body shook violently, and the defense was torn. And a sip of blood spewed out.

"Your grandfather."

The Black Dragon King didn't mean to stop at all, but another destructive dragon-qi light bombarded Shi Tiancheng.

The devastating dragon-air light group bombarded Shi Tiancheng again. I saw that Shi Tiancheng's body was dropped by a fierce bombardment, blood spewed out, and his face was ugly.



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