War God Supreme

Chapter 1557: Half war of war...


Shi Tiancheng's body was bombarded twice by the dragon dragon light group destroyed by the Black Dragon King, and his body continued to fall. (Starting)

Long Qi, tearing his body, Shi Tiancheng screamed.

Finally, he stabilized his body with the strength of the mid-semi-realistic mid-day cultivation, the dragon's energy in the body was also removed in a blink of an eye, the blood on the corners of the mouth continued to overflow, and the look on his face was ugly.

Stealing chickens is not an eclipse, so it is more appropriate to use it on Shi Tiancheng.

From Xiaobai stopping to leave and being attacked by Shi Tiancheng, then to the Black Dragon King who was injured by the destroyed Dragon Qiguang group, the three half **** realm counteracted Shi Tiancheng's attack, and then the Black Dragon King bombarded Shi Tiancheng for the second time, the whole process Just in a flash.

All strong men saw all this, and the look on their faces kept changing.

In a blink of an eye, the number of situations changed beyond the imagination of all the powerful.

But in the end, Shi Tiancheng was still wounded. In the hearts of these strong men, he was ashamed of Shi Tiancheng’s behavior. The half-deep mid-level strong man, although attacking at this time, did not speak, but he also received due due Punishment.


Li Lingtian looked at Shi Tiancheng contemptuously, and said lightly.

The voice was bland, and it spread to more than one hundred thousand strong men. Every strong man heard clearly. Hearing Li Lingtian's words, and then looking at Li Lingtian's expression, everyone almost couldn't help laughing.

However, he also saw that the Black Dragon King was also preparing to attack Shi Tiancheng. Otherwise, he would not attack Shi Tiancheng at the same time when Shi Tiancheng attacked Xiaobai, so that Shi Tiancheng was unprepared when he attacked, so that Shi Tiancheng suffered. Ruinous attack.

The Black Dragon King and Xiaobai returned to the chariot, leaving Li Lingtian and Shi Tiancheng in the air.

There is no strong man in a thousand miles around them, and all the strong men are looking far away from a thousand miles away.

Air, constant distortion, and constant vibration of space.

The sea is constantly roaring, and the water column soaring into the sky is like being unable to withstand the oppressive force of the two.

Most of the more than one hundred thousand strong men are Martial Gods and Pseudo God Realms. The rest are the three adults of the three major guilds and the deputy city masters of the six heavenly cities. At this time, they dare not speak out and worry about disturbing the two strong men. Battle.

This is a legendary battle, a pseudo-deity war against a semi-deity, creating a war between the Shenwu Continent and the realm.

And this half-god realm also kills a group of half-god powers, and now it is necessary to fight against half-god mid-term powers by virtue of its own practice of pseudo-god, no matter who wins or loses, this time will shake the world.


Shi Tiancheng snorted coldly and quickly stabilized his injury.

The hate in his heart now, no one can understand.

He was attacking Li Lingtian's people, and the Black Dragon King was also attacking him, but he first tried to let everyone see that the Black Dragon King was saving Li Lingtian.

Moreover, he did not succeed in the attack, but was bombarded twice by the Black Dragon King. He was seriously injured and was despised by other powerful people.

"Golden Realm!"

"Dageng Sword!"

"Destroy the sky sword array, the stars fall!"

The momentum of Li Lingtian's body skyrocketed, and the terrifying Jiutian Shenwei's power unfolded. The Jiutian Shenwei's power was on display, at least to ensure that Shi Tiancheng's coercion could not crush him.

At the same time when the magic power was on display, the five elements of the spirit in Li Lingtian's body were operating, and the terrifying real elements rose into the sky.

The realm of gold unfolded, and a 200-meter-long golden light mass wrapped Li Lingtian.

At the same time, the consciousness moved, and a long sword with golden streamer appeared in his hand. The long sword was crystal clear, completely like the general formation of golden streamer.

The terrible innate artifact pressure burst out, and the pressure stirred the space, and the space trembling.

At this time, he was faced with a mid-level semi-godly strong man, a strong man he could not deal with. Naturally, he did not dare to have the slightest hesitation. It is best to be able to seize the opportunity, and if he fails to seize the opportunity, he will fail. There are more opportunities, and if you seize the opportunity, you will have a score of four or six.

He is only four points sure, and Shi Tiancheng is six points. This is also the case where he takes the lead. If the opponent takes the lead, he will only have one or two points.

Fortunately, Shi Tiancheng was fought by Xiaobai and Heilong for a period of time, and then was injured by the Black Dragon King's bombardment. Now Shi Tiancheng's cultivation strength is only 9% of the previous power.

The dazzling sword intention exploded, the sword intention Lingran, the space was flooded with sword intention.

Waving with one hand, a ruined swordmand burst out, and the swordmang pierced the void with the sword.

Just when Jianmang erupted, stars appeared in the sky, and this world, at this moment, became the night sky. The night sky was endless stars. The stars were inspired by Jianmang, like a meteor bombarding Shi Tiancheng. go with.

The sky shivered and ripped in front of the ruined stars.

The change between heaven and earth makes all the strong people tremble from the heart. Such a situation is completely beyond the imagination of these strong people. I did not expect the power of a sword to turn daylight into starry sky.

All the strong players are retreating quickly, no matter what, they must first retreat, otherwise it will be affected.

This move, Li Lingtian practiced to the realm, hundreds of times more powerful than the previous star fall.

"Destroy the stars, the gods fall!"

Not only was the strong man present at the scene frightened, but also the mid-level semi-divine strong man such as Shi Tiancheng was also frightened. Moreover, he was the target of the attack, and he felt more deeply about the destroyed sword and star power. In front of the power of the star fall, He has felt the threat of death.

I dare not hesitate anymore at this moment, and no matter what else, if there is any hiding, the only thing waiting for him is to fall.

In the face of Li Lingtian, he finally did not regard Li Lingtian as a false **** realm, but regarded himself as a strong enemy. Before that, he did not regard Li Lingtian in his eyes, because he found that even if Li Lingtian was against the sky, he was not his opponent. .

The mid-term power of the horrible demigod unfolded, and the devastating real element raged through the space like a storm.

With both hands stretched out, the mysterious dharma was displayed, and at the same time he kept muttering something in his mouth. In a blink of an eye, a violent flame erupted in the void, and the flame was bombarded like a rainstorm.

The void is burned in front of the flames, and everything that the flames have passed into nothingness.

What makes people more trembling is that this flame has divine power. Although there is not much divine power, it is extremely terrifying. For the powers of false **** realm, divine power is the nemesis to destroy them.

No matter how powerful the pseudo-god realm is, it cannot cultivate divine power. Only a semi-god realm can cultivate a trace of divine power.

Now Shi Tiancheng summons the Divine Fire with the Destruction Magic Power. The Divine Fire comes, and the world is like being burned.





For a time, the sky gods and stars stared.

Soon, Shenhuo collided with the stars, and the space continued to tremble.

Endless Shenhuo, the stars are shuttled inside, but in Shenhuo, the power of star destruction is reduced, and finally the stars disappear.

But the power of Shenhuo was not destroyed by the stars, but became more powerful.

The destructive Shenhuo bombarded Li Lingtian, and everything that Shenhuo had passed into nothingness.

Seeing this situation, Li Lingtian was horrified. He did not expect that the stars he cast with the Dageng Sword would fall, and he was completely cracked like this.

"Return to three points!"

"Ten thousand yuan return!"

While shocked in Li Lingtian's heart, one-handed emptiness swept through, and a mysterious decisive action was launched.

The space suddenly burst into a mysterious blood-red ray. The blood-red ray did not have the slightest power, but this light gave a terrifying feeling.

The stars in the night sky disappeared and returned to the beginning again.

More than one hundred thousand strong people looked at this change, and the look on their faces was shocking except shock.

The mysterious red light greeted the **** fire, but Li Lingtian didn't feel at all relieved. He stroked the void and made a circle, which was no different from the gossip yin and yang fish on the roulette.

I saw that a dark blue circular light and shadow pressed towards the **** fire. The light and shadow continued to rotate, and the dark blue light flashed. It looked very mysterious. This situation is not a magical attack at all, but a powerful spell. Seeing all the strong men's faces excited.

I never imagined that a pseudo-ideal powerhouse would perform such a miraculous attack, which was completely beyond their imagination.



The red light, collided with the **** fire, the red light has no attack power.

But in the red light, the horrible fire is like encountering a nemesis, and it is constantly weakening.

This situation changed the expression on the faces of countless powerhouses and excited powerhouses even more. I didn’t expect that there would be such a mysterious and powerful attack in this world, which would also eliminate the horrible fire.

Although the red light is magical and powerful, Shenhuo is after all a terrorist killer skill exhibited by the mid-power of the semi-divine realm. With divine power, it is impossible to completely crack it.

In an instant, the red light disappeared, and the power of Shenhuo was reduced by half.

At this time, Li Lingtian's 10,000 Yuan Guizong had arrived in front of Shenhuo. The dark blue light and shadow rotated and the blue light flashed, printing this space into a dark blue piece.

Shenhuo and Deep Blue Shadow were blasted together, and the two attacks froze for a while.

When Li Lingtian and Shi Tiancheng saw this situation, they both glanced at each other. At the same time, the law in their hands was a little bit. .



In the air~www.wuxiaspot.com~Li Lingtian and Shi Tiancheng are separated by a hundred miles, but the two attacks in the middle are stalemate and they can't be separated.

For a time, the space continued to tremble and destroy, and all the strong men quietly watched the war between the two. Such a war could not be met.

When all the powerful people thought that Li Lingtian and Shi Tiancheng were going to consume, Li Lingtian's face showed a strange smile.

The figure flashed, regardless of the ten thousand yuan.

I saw him flash away, and his body came to a thousand kilometers above the sky. With a sense of consciousness, Tiandao Roulette appeared in front of him, and a sword of Heavenly Dao appeared above it.

The space is also flooded with the breath of Heavenly Dao. The sword of Heavenly Dao reaches a kilometer in an instant. The ruined sword mandrel flashes on the Heavenly Roulette, as if to punish this heaven and earth.



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