War God Supreme

Chapter 1558: Demigod

"The sword of heaven, punishment!"

Li Lingtian gave up ten thousand yuan to return to the sect, and did not stalemate with Shi Tiancheng. (Starting)

With his cultivation base and true yuan, he can completely consume Shi Tiancheng, but he never consumes people.

It's not his style not to want to lose both sides like other powerful players.

After the figure flashed, Tiandao roulette was exhibited. The sky was filled with the breath of Heavenly Dao. The sword of Heavenly Dao burst out at this time. The kilometer-long sword mansions bombarded Shi Tiancheng fiercely.

The sword of heaven is divided into: human punishment, **** punishment, heaven punishment, and road punishment.

These were all discovered by Li Lingtian from the Tiandao roulette, and only a part was found. That is to say, even if Dao was punished by cultivation, it was not the final point.

But now, he can only reluctantly cast the divine punishment, and can only show a little fur of the divine punishment.

Even a little fur of God's punishment is thousands of times more powerful than human punishment.

The sword of Heavenly Dao destroying the world, bombarded Shi Tiancheng with the breath of Heavenly Dao.

This blow has surpassed the category of attack, and it is completely a powerful technique.

In front of the sword of heaven, everything in the world trembles and must bear the punishment of heaven. Li Lingtian cultivates the five elements of heaven and earth, controls the heaven and the road, gets the roulette of heaven, controls the sword of heaven, and punishes heaven for heaven.

Can't punish right now, but can punish.

Shi Tiancheng originally wanted to use the semi-divine real unit to crush Li Lingtian, or exhaust Li Lingtian's real unit.

But I didn't expect Li Lingtian to give up the ten thousand yuan to the ancestor, and he exhibited the sword of heaven. After the bombardment of the sword of heaven, Shi Tiancheng shivered. This is the punishment of heaven. He is a half-divine realm in front of heaven. A little ants.

Although Li Lingtian Xiu was weak and did not exert the full power of God's punishment, God's punishment carried a sense of heaven, which made him feel an irresistible consciousness.


With a blast of destruction, the sword of Heavenly Dao bombarded on Ten Thousand Yuan Guizong, and finally passed through Ten Thousand Guizong to bombard Shenhuo.

Suddenly, the fire of the gods disappeared, and the sword of heaven fell on Shi Tiancheng, and the powerful defense shivered and torn.


A mouthful of blood spurted out, and Shi Tian was thrown out of his body. The whole person was like a broken kite.

Under the sword of heaven, Shi Tiancheng had no precautions at all, because he could not have imagined that Li Lingtian would come.

"Dark God Ring-Hades Blade!"

"Ming God Ring-Chi tomorrow Emperor!"

"Ming God Ring-Colorful Spirit Mountain!"

Seeing Shi Tiancheng injured by the bombardment, the look on Li Lingtian's face showed a trace of ease.

Because he had already taken the lead, but he did not dare to have the slightest care. The God of Darkness opened, and the power of destruction was bombarded towards Shi Tiancheng. Each of these attacks had the power of a middle-class congenital artifact.

The Pluto blade is full of tens of thousands, and each one carries the power of the middle-class congenital artifacts. At this time, the Emperor Chi tomorrow also reached the power of the middle-class congenital artifacts. The attacks he exhibited are countless thousands of times stronger than before.

The spiritual pressure brewed by the colorful Lingshan Mountain, like the Taishan Mountain Peak, generally rolled towards Shi Tiancheng.

For a time, Li Lingtian will continue to bombard Shi Tiancheng with devastating attacks, just like crushing Shi Tiancheng into ashes.

In the early days of pseudo-realm or demigod, he wouldn’t perform such a terrible magical power at all, but the person in front of him was not a general strongman, but a mid-level demigod who was afraid of him. After the reaction, I have no good fruit to eat.



All the strong men burst into an uproar, and the look on their faces changed dramatically.

I didn’t expect Li Lingtian to have the upper hand in the middle of the half-deity, and the magical powers he displayed were beyond their imagination. Every strong man was imagining, if such an attack landed in front of them, what method would they use? Catch or dodge, the result is that there is no chance of being spared.

The power of the Netherworld Ring shook the earth and earth, and the horrible atmosphere of yin and ming fluttered in the air.

It is not just the power of terror that shocked all the strong men, but the breath of Li Lingtian's body, which was originally the true element of human beings. When the magical notes of the heavenly demons were cast, they were the magical qi.

A strong man can only practice one kind. Humans can only cultivate human exercises and some other races. But if you want to practice other races, you must give up the human race.

Therefore, human beings can only practice one kind of racial skills, and the strong ones of other races cannot cultivate human abilities.

They did not expect that Li Lingtian not only cultivated human practices, but also practiced several other races, which is simply terrifying. Moreover, Li Lingtian's power to practice other races is also terrifying, and it is no worse than humans.

After a round of attacks, Li Lingtian's consciousness locked Shi Tiancheng in the destruction attack, and the look on his face was shocked.

Because Shi Tiancheng in the destruction attack flashed a terrifying light shield. Although the light shield was shaking and tearing, it was able to resist all attacks.

However, the blood stains on Shi Tiancheng's mouth continued to overflow, and his face was pale. Needless to say, Shi Tiancheng used a forbidden magical defense to pay a heavy price to resist Li Lingtian's attack.

The magical power of destruction constantly bombarded the defensive light shield. The light shield continued to tremble and rupture. After the rupture, it was repaired, but at the moment of the rupture, Shi Tiancheng's injury was aggravated a lot.

"Shi Tiancheng, come up with your true skills."

"This seat won't play with you anymore."

Li Lingtian said aloud, the look on his face was plain.

Although the world-destroying attacks bombard Shi Tiancheng, it is still impossible to destroy Shi Tiancheng.

Nether God Ring, every attack is the power of a middle-class congenital artifact, but it cannot defeat Shi Tiancheng. If it is consumed like this, maybe something will happen.

He didn't want things to go beyond his control. Everything should be in his hands.


Li Lingtian's words suddenly made countless powerful people tremble, trembling from the bottom of my heart, just so terrifying destruction magic power, was even said by Li Lingtian to be playing, isn't it life-threatening?

It's not difficult to understand the meaning of Li Lingtian's words. Li Lingtian means just fighting for so long, just playing with Shi Tiancheng, and the real supernatural powers are not displayed at all.

The attacks that can kill the semi-god powerhouse are all playing, so what kind of attacks are magical powers?

Lord Ling Tian, ​​you can be mad at what you say. People are better than people.

Shi Tiancheng was almost mad at the destruction attack.

In the face of a devastating attack, even the mid-power of his semi-god realm felt trembling, but was bombarded and injured by the sword of the heavenly path, and then was continuously bombarded by countless ways of attacks that could kill ordinary early powers of the semi-god realm. In front of such an attack, he can only use the magic spell to resist.

The forbidden supernatural power of the mid-semi-powerful strongman is harmful to himself. In the face of this destruction, he did not dare to hesitate, and quickly displayed the forbidden supernatural power, and the forbidden supernatural power was paid a heavy price.

Now, the attack of destruction has not been offset. Li Lingtian did let him come up with his real skills. That is to say, after so long a battle, Li Lingtian had no real means at all. At this moment, he was not angry.


A mouthful of blood spewed out, and Shi Tiancheng's body kept shaking and shaking.

I don't know whether it was an injured blood-spraying tremor, or whether Li Ling weather vomited blood and shivered. In short, Shi Tiancheng was not hurt.

"Abominable, abominable!"

"Power of Yuanshen!"

The look on Shi Tiancheng's face changed several times, and his eyes stared at Li Lingtian in a vicious manner, and the whole person could no longer bear it.

When he began to scold loudly, when the sound fell, a terrible breath erupted in the air.

When this breath appeared, the look on Shi Tiancheng's face was even more ugly, and the breath on his body was also much weaker, as if he had been aging for hundreds of years.

The look on Li Lingtian's face changed, but it was too late to resist this time.

A force of destruction ignored Li Lingtian, ignoring space and time.

This speed, as if the attack came from Li Lingtian's side, simply gave him no chance to respond at all.

This is the horror supernatural power of the mid-semireal world, which completely gives the opponent no chance to resist.


With a loud bang, Li Lingtian's body was thrown out, a spit of blood spurted out, and the expression on his face was pale.

When he was attacked, all the gas engines were cut off, and the attack on Shi Tiancheng also stopped. Without his support, all the attacks instantly disappeared, and Shi Tiancheng also spit out blood, but there was no attack and bombardment. People felt a little relaxed.

The body's defensive light shield was also destroyed at this time.

"The idea of ​​a demigod, the true **** is coming!"

"The power of the true God destroys the world!"

The expression on Shi Tiancheng's face kept changing, and he had just paid a heavy price to resist Li Lingtian's attack, so that he did not disappear in the destruction attack. Later, he used a magical power like Yuanshen to defeat Li Lingtian and let him walk away from the dilemma. come out.

Injured twice in a row ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ cast forbidden magical powers twice in a row, paying a terrible heavy price twice in a row.

This time, he was completely angry. The mid-level strong man in the half-god realm, and the second hall master in the hall of the Xuanyin Hall in Tangtang, had been played by a false **** realm for so long, and was also beaten down by this false **** realm, making him pay a lot. The price was spared from death.

In the distance, more than one hundred thousand strong men have ugly faces, shock, fear, and fear!

Li Lingtian's strength has exceeded their imagination.

The false **** realm forced the semi-god realm to lose its way in the middle of the day. I couldn’t even think about such a thing. There were nine strong people in the semi-god realm. They thought they couldn’t do this, let alone Shi Tiancheng. They had a war with Shi Tiancheng, and they had no chance to rebel. They must have been killed.

However, the first Divine Pill Master of the Shenwu Continent and the first day array master Ling Tian, ​​but continuously let Shi Tiancheng perform the magic spell of forbidden technology, paying a heavy price, it is simply unimaginable. For a time, all people’s brains cannot respond. come.



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