War God Supreme

Chapter 1561: 4 Elephant Treasure,...

Watching Huangfu Yuyan resist the attack by himself in order to save him, he is dying now.

Li Lingtian was extremely angry, and his anger caused the world to tremble, destroying the attacking net of the world, and unable to force the powerful people hidden in the air.

Seeing this situation, Li Lingtian's face was cold, and the meaning of lore flashed in his eyes.

Dare to hurt his woman, destroying the world is not enough to relieve hatred.

With both hands, he tore the void, and in front of the power of terror, he controlled the space, tearing the space into countless fragments and cracks, the space was torn, and a strong man in black appeared in the air.

I saw a look of surprise on the face of the strong man in black. The terrifying momentum of the whole body shook the space. Within a thousand kilometers of him, mysterious halo flashed, forming a pseudo realm.

The mid-peak of the half **** realm!

The horrific cultivation practice has reached the peak of the mid-semi-realm, which is also the mid-semi-realm, but this black man is several times stronger than Shi Tiancheng, and there is no comparison between the two.

The blue light attack that started to destroy was the strong man in black.

"Xuanyin Temple Elder Regiment Taishang Elder Sun Long!"

"Xuanyin Palace Gong Sun Long."

Seeing the strong black man in the air, the three major guilds and the deputy lords of the six heavenly cities recognized this person's identity and origin. When they saw this strong man in black, they exclaimed.

I did not expect that even the elders of Xuanyin Hall's elders had come. It seemed that Xuanyin Hall would never kill Li Lingtian.

The other strong men simply cannot touch the semi-divine realm, and naturally do not know the identity of the black strong man. However, it is shocking to hear that the black strong man is the elder of the Xuanyin Temple Elder Regiment.

"If you don't come out for hundreds of years, some people know the deity."

"You are Li Lingtian? It's easy to catch a hand and give you a good time."

When Gongsun Long saw someone know him, a slight smile appeared on his face, like an achievement.

When speaking, he looked at Li Lingtian and others on the tank, waving his hands, resisting a powerful attack, and facing the ruined attack net, there was no slight impact at all.

Although these attacks were terrifying, they could not shake him.

"You are not only ignorant, but also stupid."

"Having Alzheimer's disease."

"Today, this seat will not kill you, swear not to be human."

"If this seat is immortal today, you must erase your Xuanyin Temple."

Li Lingtian was so angry that he was still in anger. This old undead still had this self-righteous look, and he didn't know life or death.

Anyone can be dealt with, that is, no one can hurt his wife and loved ones.

Dragons have counterscales, and they will be angry when touched.

Li Lingtian's reverse scale is his relatives and wife. Now, Huang Fu Yuyan was injured by this Gongsun Long, how could he not be angry.

The voice fell, the real element of the whole body disappeared, and it was terrifying and terrifying.

Dragon spirit filled the space, and Li Ling's innocent dragon body protector was running, turning into a dragon between flashing figures.

"Holy Dragon Realm, Power of Holy Dragon!"

Li Lingtian turned into a holy dragon, and the space suddenly tore, and thunder and lightning continued in the sky, just like the end of the world.

The power of the destructive holy dragon kept shaking the void, like it was to destroy this world, all the strong men were shocked at this time, I did not expect Li Lingtian to practice such a terrible dragon spirit, and reached the dragon clan. The realm of dragons.

For a while, I didn't know whether Li Lingtian was a Demon Race, a Underworld Powerhouse, or a Dragon Race.

When the anger is rushing to the sky, the easiest way to vent the anger is to destroy the world's destruction power, and use the power of terror to hardly regret the world. This is the mid-peak power of the half-divine realm, and the terror is extremely extreme.

Compared to Shi Tiancheng, he is countless times more powerful. He has exhausted his whole body to deal with a Shi Tiancheng, and now facing the Gongsun Dragon, he is under great pressure.

He doesn't have many real yuans available now. Although the anti-tiandan restores the real yuan, if it is used again, it is impossible to use the second anti-tiandan.

Moreover, after the real dragon body reached the eighth floor, he did not exert the power of the holy dragon, and now it can be used to fight the gongsun dragon once with the power of the holy dragon.

Two hundred meters in size, the holy dragon swings in the air, and the terrifying power makes the space continuously tear out huge cracks.

At this time, the black dragon and Xiaobai also unfolded their bodies, and the ruinous dragon spirit exploded.

For a time, two holy dragons and a huge gray dragon flickered in the air, and the space within a thousand miles was trembling and tearing, and the thunder and lightning that was destroyed in the air traversed vertically and horizontally. This scene was like the arrival of heavenly disaster.

From the beginning to the end, the attacks of Tang Qingyue and others had not been heard. Their attacks prevented Gongsun Long from freeing up to deal with Li Lingtian and others. In this way, they also gave Li Lingtian three people a chance to run the exercises.


The holy dragon transformed by Li Lingtian sounded a roaring sound, and the sound of Longyin sounded through the world.

When the sound rang, huge claws bombarded the Gongsun Dragon fiercely, and the power of the Holy Dragon landed towards the Gongsun Dragon like the might of the world.

At the same time, the destruction of the colorful halo of the colorful Shenglong also pressed toward Gongsun Long.

The body of the Black Dragon King is 500 meters in size, and the huge tail is hit hard. At the same time, the Dragon Qi Light Group runs, and the Dragon Qi Light Group hits the Gongsun Dragon. For a time, three horrible real dragons in the air bombarded the Gongsun Dragon. .

At this time, the attacks of Tang Qingyue and others were also taken back, all staring at the void.




Explosions of bursts appeared, and the three real dragons' ruinous attacks were fighting with the Gongsun dragon at the summit of the mid-semireal world.

The Holy Dragon transformed by Li Lingtian has absolutely no defense at all, and he desperately plays.

All the anger is vented, just like tearing the Gongsun Dragon with the power of the holy dragon. The strong men in the distance never thought of a quiet and peaceful young man, and he changed the normal dissipation and exhibited it. The violent destruction of the dragon gas, like a murderous machine, constantly bombards Gongsun Dragon.

The air of the Holy Dragon tearing space is no longer just a force, but a threat of death.

The power of the holy dragon is beyond the power of the real dragon. Li Lingtian itself is angry, and the power of the holy dragon is constantly bombarded. His desperate attack is completely defensive, like it is to be attributed to the same.

This situation made Gongsun Long also feel tricky, resisting the power of Li Lingtian's Holy Dragon, but could not resist the power of the other two real dragons, wanted to attack Li Lingtian, but had two other real dragon defenses.

For a time, there were three terrifying real dragons in the air, one offensive and undefended, and the other two real dragons defensively. The best defense is to attack, and the devastating dragon air tears the space.

Even the Gongsun Long, the pinnacle of the mid-semireal world, was impossible to defeat Li Lingtian and the three others.

Moreover, in front of the power of destruction, Gongsun Long was continuously bombarded.

"Holy Light!"

"Holy Dragon glory."

"Black Dragon is furious."

Finally, Li Lingtian found an opportunity, and at the same time, Xiaobai and Heilong also exploded in the power of destruction at this time.

Suddenly, three devastating forces bombarded Gongsun Dragon. This attack was the most powerful of the three, and the space within thousands of miles suddenly shattered and shattered.

"The treasure of four elephants, the power of Saint Lin."

Gongsun Long was also shocked. He didn't do it for hundreds of years. He didn't expect to come out this time. He was pressed by three juniors, and he felt trembling in the face of this terrifying attack.

At this moment, no longer dare to have the slightest care, and the consciousness moved, I saw a piece of white jade with a length, width, and height of half a square, and a white magical power was extinguished on the white jade.

This demon power with a noble atmosphere, as noble as the Dragon and Phoenix.

The demon power is not only powerful and noble, but also extremely pure. In front of this pure power, the three of Li Lingtian also felt a little fear and a fear from the bottom of their hearts.

Soon, a huge saint beast radiated from the white jade, and the phantom formed an entity in the blink of an eye.

Qilin, the holy beast, Qilin, although it only came out of illusion, but with a kind of destructive atmosphere, Li Lingtian and all three felt a terrible threat.

The Kirin is like a gap between the Dragon and Phoenix families, but Li Lingtian’s cultivation skills are not high, which is lower than that of the illusory Kirin.


With a roaring sound, Qilin erupted an ancient atmosphere, and the demon's demon power bombarded Li Lingtian and three others.

The demon power of destruction flooded the entire space, and in front of this demon power, the space tore.

Facing this demon power, the holy dragon transformed by Li Lingtian kept changing his face. The presence of the holy dragon in the dragon clan also had the pinnacle of existence. He did not expect that he would not have the slightest resistance in the face of this Qilin Taiko demon power.



The terrifying muffled sound broke out, and the archaic demon power of Qilin bombarded the real dragon transformed by Li Lingtian's three people. The three people's bodies tremble into a human form, and a spit of blood spewed out.

At the same time, Kirin was also shivered by the bombardment of three destruction forces, and finally disappeared slowly.

The breath above the white jade gradually disappeared.

The three of Li Lingtian exploded, his face pale.

They did not expect that Gongsun Long had such a horrible means~www.wuxiaspot.com~ But when the three of them transformed, they displayed this ancient Qilin breath, which is more powerful and pure than the power of the holy dragon they cultivated. .

After being injured by a blow, the expressions on Xiaobai and Heilong's faces kept changing, and the blood on the corners of Li Lingtian's mouth continued to overflow.

"Blood Moonlight!"

Li Lingtian's figure flashed again. When the figure appeared, he had already arrived not far from Gongsun Dragon. The dragon spirit and Zhenyuan on his body had long disappeared. In exchange for the terrifying evil spirit.

At this time, the use of power is not an opponent of Gongsun Long at all. Only by performing some mysterious magical powers will there be a chance.

I have just dealt with Shi Tiancheng, and I have shown some magical powers. If I use these magical powers to deal with Gongsun Long, there is no chance at all.

Thinking of this, the blood moon's innate talent supernatural power was cast out, the blood moon's brilliance burst out, and the blood-shattering light of the sky was like the brilliance of the blood yang spilled into the void.


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