War God Supreme

Chapter 1562: 9 days Excalibur,...

The first sky-tribulation passed, and the sky was temporarily quiet. 173 Novel Network

But all the strong people understand that this is a stormy wind and a storm, after being quiet.

This is also the case now. Li Lingtian resisted the first one and had to wait for the second Heaven Tribulation to land. Only after he resisted the nine Heaven Tribulation, he could be considered to have survived the Heaven Tribulation.

Moreover, when resisting the Heaven Tribulation, we must try to break through. If Jiu Dao Heaven Tribulation has not yet broken through, it would be the most injustice. However, although such a thing rarely occurs, it is not something that has never happened. .


Space, a short silence passed.

Gradually, the sky-destroyed sky-tribulation slowly brewed.

I saw four arcs of destruction appearing in the air, and the arc is like destroying this heaven and earth. More importantly, when the terrible Tianwei landed in the void, when Tianwei and the four arcs merged together, the four arcs The arc also instantly merged into an arc.

The arc is a hundred meters in size, and in this arc, there is endless power.


Jinglei Zidian penetrated the space, cut the space and bombarded Li Lingtian directly.

Li Lingtian had no fear of watching this thunder and lightning arc, because he was used to it. When he broke through, he encountered strange things.

This arc is nothing.

But when the strong man on the top of the sky saw this arc, he was so shocked to say nothing.

Because of the power of this Heavenly Tribulation, it is even more terrifying than the ninth Heavenly Tribulation encountered by the sacred **** realm breakthrough. Such a terrible Heavenly Tribulation was only the second when Li Lingtian broke through.

The second Sky Tribulation is more powerful than the ninth Power of the other strong ones. The second is the case. I don’t know what horrible Sky Tribulation is behind. I think I can’t help but tremble.

If you encounter such a catastrophe, you must wait to die.

Because they are not Li Lingtian, there is only one Li Lingtian on this magical continent. Only Li Lingtian has the opportunity to resist such a catastrophe.


With a loud explosion, the whole earth at the top of the sky suddenly shivered.

The strong winds of the space raged, the air twisted, and a horrible sound was made.

The second Sky Tribulation completely overwhelmed Li Lingtian. Everyone felt the terrifying power of the Heaven Tribulation, and they all trembled inexplicably. They could not imagine what way Li Lingtian in the Sky Tribulation Center could resist such power.

They naturally did not know the situation of Li Lingtian in front of the Heaven Tribulation. The starting address of the mobile phone of this novel:

Facing the horrible sky-tribulation, Li Lingtian changed his face slightly for several times. The true elements of his body turned to the extreme. The dreadful defense was displayed, and he used his body to withstand this horrible sky-tribulation.

The blood on the corner of the mouth kept coming out, and the look on his face was pale, without the slightest blood.

However, the whole person's diligence is extremely good, because of the appearance of the second Sky Tribulation, his realm is more relaxed, and there are constant changes in the body, and there are vague signs of breakthrough.

Seeing such a situation, Li Lingtian was naturally happy, because then there was no need to worry about things that could not be broken through.



After the second sky-tribulation passed, the sky was still as quiet as ever. This moment was not for the warrior to rest, but a more powerful sky-tribulation was brewing in the sky.

Heavenly Tribulation is Heavenly Prestige, and those who go against the sky will be punished with horror.

Although Li Lingtian is a way of doing things for the heavens, his humanity has always changed from ordinary people to more powerful people, and finally towards a god-like existence. Therefore, he is going to be subject to heaven's calamity and to be baptized by heavenly calamity.

Only those who are truly baptized by Heavenly Tribulation have the opportunity to become strong and become a god-like existence. Although they have not reached that level now, they are making progress step by step.

The third Sky Tribulation finally arrived. Li Lingtian's face was calm, but he struggled.

Because the third Heaven Tribulation is more terrifying than the previous one, and the degree of horror is beyond his imagination. He is now struggling because he is considering whether he will use his physique to resist Heaven Tribulation, or borrow treasures and magical powers. withstand.

Use the physique to resist the Heavenly Tribulation, which greatly improves your own defense. Your own physique will become more powerful in the future, but using the physique to withstand the attacks of the Heavenly Tribulation is very risky.

If you use treasures and supernatural powers to resist the sky-tribulation, it is relatively safer, but the tempering of the body is not so good.

Soon it was decided in my heart, his face showing a determined color.

The ruined heavenly calamity bombarded him fiercely, and suddenly his body exuded a ruinous breath. There were traces of blood on his body, and his clothes were gradually soaked with blood.

The look on Li Lingtian's face was also pale, and the pain was beyond description.

However, I am very satisfied with my own suffering from this catastrophe. Although I was injured, my body has been sublimated. Only through this catastrophe, after entering the middle of the pseudo-real world, my defense is more powerful. .

The fourth heavenly disaster.

The fifth heavenly disaster.

The sixth heavenly disaster.

Finally, the ninth Heaven Tribulation was brewing in the air.

There is a silence between heaven and earth, but the short silence is quickly broken by the change of space.

I saw countless arcs appearing in the void, red orange yellow green blue blue purple black and white, nine colors of arcs, turning the sky into a colorful world, but this colorful world is not beautiful, because these colors are all It is arc formation.

Tens of thousands of destruction arcs formed a ruined Tianwei.

Li Lingtian's eyes looked at the Sky Tribulation, and the look on his face also kept changing.

Because the previous Eight Dao Tribes had already let him use all kinds of means. Even in this way, he was also badly injured, and there was no real truth.

The true yuan is exhausted, and there is absolutely no true yuan to exert a terrible defense.

Although he has Anti-Tiandan, he dare not use it, because Anti-Tiandan is made by the day after tomorrow.

If the elixir was restored to its true state at this time, it would be cheating. At that time, it would attract even more terrifying sky-tribulation, and the opportunity for breakthrough might disappear. Therefore, when he broke through, he never used elixir.

Not only is he, when other strong men break through, they dare not use the Elixir to restore the true element.

Now, I watched the sky overwhelmed with the overwhelming depression, and my heart trembled, and the look on my face became terrifying.

"Nine Heavens Excalibur, sacrifice."

At this time, the look on Li Lingtian's face became calm.

There is no true element, but the consciousness is very strong. Although his consciousness is only the early stage of the false **** realm, the powerful consciousness, even the late strong, is looking up.

At this time, you can only use your consciousness, or else you will be waiting to be killed, which is something a fool would do.

Impressed by the consciousness, the Jiuzhong Zhongpin congenital artifact was immediately sacrificed.

Chimang and Orangemang have nine innate artifacts.

Originally these congenital artifacts existed as inferior products, but when Li Lingtian achieved sword territory, he gained nine swordsmanship and divine spirit, and the inferior congenital artifacts grew and became middle-class congenital artifacts.

And the nine-handed congenital artifacts are more tacit, as if they are one.

After Li Lingtian's refining and nourishment over the years, the Jiu Shan Congenital Artifact has become more tacit, and it is also free to use it.

The nine-handed congenital artifact was originally Chimang orange mangosteen, but Li Lingtian gave them a name called Jiutian Shenjian, because it was obtained from Jiutian God City.

Nine handles are congenital artifacts, any one can cross the world, and the nine handles are fused together, it is not as simple as one plus one, because their power is thousands of times stronger than when they are alone on one side, plus the sword array Power, nine handles innate artifacts are used together, the power is ten million times stronger than a single handle.




The Nine Heavens Excalibur appeared in front of me, and the Nine Heavens Excalibur kept spinning.

The innate artifacts of Jiuzhong Zhongpin revolve around Li Lingtian, because they are in touch with Li Lingtian, and they are also integrated with Li Lingtian. They can also feel Li Lingtian's mood.

When Li Lingtian was angry, the Jiutian Excalibur broke out of the domain of the sword sword, which can completely destroy the world. When Li Lingtian is in a good mood, the Jiutian Excalibur is very gentle, like a naughty child.

When Li Lingtian was in danger, Nine Heavens Excalibur also issued the power to protect the Lord.

At this time, Li Lingtian faced the ruined Heavenly Tribulation, and the Heavenly Tribulation landed quickly.

Nine Heavens Excalibur also felt the feeling of Heavenly Tribulation and Li Lingtian in the air. Suddenly, the power of terror burst out, the Nine Heavens Excalibur quickly connected together, and the power of the Nine Hand Congenital Artifact quickly doubled and increased.

"Nine Nine Sky Sword Formation."

Li Lingtian looked at the situation of the nine-handed congenital artifact, and he didn't need to say anything at all. The nine-handed congenital sword quickly ran up, saving him the effort to cast the law.

With a sip, the Nine Heavens Excalibur broke out nine terrifying swords~www.wuxiaspot.com~Each sword is a color, but each sword is a full kilometer long, with the power of destruction .

Nine Daomang twirled up and bombarded the sky in the sky.

Seeing the ruined Jianmang rising from the sky, the entire Yuntian Peak shivered.

Because the nine sword swords are all middle-class congenital artifacts, and they are the sword arrays exhibited by the nine-handed middle-class congenital artifacts. The power is terrifying to the extreme.

Nine Dao Jianmang rises to the sky, so that the powerful people at the top of the sky have an illusion, I don't know which one is the real Sky Tribulation.

Because the power of Jianmang is more overbearing than Heavenly Tribulation, directly using Jianmang to resist Heavenly Tribulation is almost terrifying to the extreme. The strong man at the top of Yuntian was shocked when he saw all this.

If you are Li Lingtian's opponent, you might as well face the horror of the sky.

The sky-robbing was overwhelmed, and the Nine Sky Sword Array, which was exhibited by the nine-day **** sword, also greeted the sky-robbing ruthlessly. For a time, the two kinds of destruction struck together. .

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