War God Supreme

Chapter 1565: Hakuten Amagi

Haoxuan Tiancheng, Chunyang Empire's first-class Tiancheng, although not comparable to the horrible forces of Dongyue Tiancheng, are also famous in the Chunyang Empire. Hey, interesting mobile phone reading

On this day, a huge spaceship landed in a remote place a hundred miles away from Haoxuan Tiancheng.

Two women and one man stepped down from the spaceship.

The woman is naturally Tang Qingyue and Tang Zimeng, and the young man is Li Lingtian.

After a month of flying, the spacecraft finally crossed countless heavens, and came to Haoxuan Heaven City from the East Tomorrow City.

Within a month, Li Lingtian's injury also recovered most of the time. After approaching Haoxuan Tiancheng, he opened the Dragon Dragon Ring and transferred Huangfu Yuyan to the Dragon Dragon Ring. Others also entered the Dragon Dragon Ring.

Two sisters, Qingqing Yue, were left outside. The spaceship was collected, and the three walked towards Haoxuan Tiancheng.

Three of you are satisfied with this fairy spirit of Haoxuan Tiancheng. It is better to practice healing in this place. More importantly, it is far away from Xuanyin Tiancheng and very close to Chunyang Island.

At that time, as long as the injury is recovered, it is possible to go to Chunyang Island and solve some things.

It's just that it's not a matter of two days a day to completely restore the injury. It is mainly to restore Huangfu Yuyan's injury and rescue Huangfu Yuyan.

"This is Haoxuan Tiancheng."

Tang Zimeng and Sister Tang Qingyue took Li Lingtian's arm, looked at Haoxuan Tiancheng in the distance, and said happily.

Although this place is not as good as Yunfeng Island, it is also a good place for cultivation and healing.

Yunfeng Island, it is impossible for them to stay there again, unless one day destroyed the Xuanyin Temple, and then went to Yunfeng Island to practice, in any case, Yunfeng Island is their first place to live , Is also the first own site.

"Change your appearance."

"Don't be too amazing, otherwise we will be discovered by others just after we enter the city."

With a light smile on his face, Li Lingtian said softly in the ears of Tang Qingyue and Tang Zimeng. When he spoke, his breath and appearance changed slightly.

Even if you meet an acquaintance, you can't recognize it. Although this place is far away from the Xuanyin Temple, you can't help but find it.

He wouldn't really worry about it in peacetime, but the situation is different now.

The injury didn't recover, and it would be dangerous if he met the powerful half-god.

Therefore, try to be as low-key as possible so as not to encounter super powers.

In the place of Immortal Realm, there is not much else, that is, there are a lot of strong people, maybe it will hit a half-godly strong man when it may happen.

"Are we amazing?"

The look on Tang Qingyue's face was cold, but his voice was very gentle.

Her character is cold, like an iceberg fairy, if in front of others, it is definitely iceberg cold, giants thousands of miles away, but in front of Li Lingtian is gentle like water.

Now outside, the look on his face was naturally cold.

Either way, Li Lingtian likes it, because he knows Tang Qingyue’s heart.

For the cold ice fairy like Tang Qingyue, talking to him like this now is a kind of coquetry and temptation, Li Lingtian could not help boiling blood.

"Of course, my family Qingyue and Mengmeng are of course stunning, even the goddess of the Nine Heavens cannot match it."

Li Lingtian said with a smile, took the two women towards the gate.

Came to the city gate, handed over three tokens of spirit stone, and then entered the city.

Now he is not like he used to be. Most of the time he used to live in his own residence, or in some secret realm, but now the places he passes by are super sky cities, either have their own cave house, or they can only live in inns. Too.

He came to Haoxuan Tiancheng just to avoid the pursuit of Xuanyin Temple and healed here.

Since you need to heal, you must choose a place where the spirit of the fairy is strong.

During this time, he was used to it.

When I came to the city, I found the reception desk, and spent nearly a trillion spirit stones in exchange for a super cave house.

This super cave house is several times better than the cave house in the heaven. Not only the area, but the air of the fairy spirit is not comparable to the cave house in the heaven. It has an area of ​​nearly two hundred miles. The powerful cave house inside, even if it lives in one One hundred people are also very spacious.

After entering the cave, one mysterious and powerful lineup was displayed.

After doing everything, and confirming that the place was completely safe, he shouted Nangong Mingyue and others.

When they come out, let them choose their own caves and rooms.

"This cave house is similar to the cave house in heaven."

"We live separately, as before."

After Nangong Mingyue and others looked at the entire cave house, they understood the cave house clearly and began to discuss.

This kind of cave house is huge, but it is still too small compared to Yunfeng Island.

However, in such a cave house, it is safer to live.

A lot of girls naturally have an arrangement, so after discussion between Tang Qingyue and Nangong Mingyue and others, people began to choose Dongfu. Li Lingtian naturally chose to live in a separate place in Dongfu.

He wants to heal this time, so naturally there is no time for them to be intimate with Tang Qingyue.

Tang Qingyue and they also cheered on their cultivation. Although cultivation was impossible to break through, they were able to cultivate supernatural powers and practice joint skills.

With the powerful spirit spirit and the powerful Lingling Formation, Li Lingtian used the precious gem medicine to heal his wounds, and his injuries recovered steadily. However, even so, he spent three months in healing.

In three months, the injury was completely recovered. In this war, there were a lot of demise and pseudo-death, but he was also injured very seriously. Calculated, the healing time has reached more than four months.

After the injury recovered, he did not stop, but used the pearl of life and the power of life to restore Huangfu Yuyan.

With the pearl of life and the power of life, Huangfu Swift also recovered quickly, and within two months, he recovered completely.

After Huangfu Yuyan recovered, Li Lingtian was no longer worried, and the whole person was a lot easier.

In the months when he healed and helped Huangfu Swift recover, almost no one went out, and only a few times went out to inquire about something.

He didn't leave Dongfu usually, because Li Lingtian didn't dare to go out to provoke right and wrong when he was no longer.

After Li Lingtian and Huang Fu Yuyan recovered, Li Lingtian took them out to play in Haoxuan Tiancheng every day, but each time they only brought three or four people, and also changed their appearance and cultivation to a realm.

Time, the past year without knowing it.

For a year, they all lived a plain life in Hao Xuan Tiancheng.

On this day, Li Lingtian got the news.

Haoxuan Tiancheng's annual auction began.

Haoxuan Tiancheng, there is a super auction every year, the time of each auction is ten days, but the place of this auction is not in Haoxuan Tiancheng, but in the solitary peak one million miles away from Haoxuan Tiancheng Dark sea.

In the dark sea of ​​Gufeng, there is an island with a size of a million miles, and there is only one solitary peak on the island. The solitary peak is 10,000 meters high and rises to the sky.

Around the island, there is the ruined dark sea. The water of the dark sea is dark and looks terrifying.

If the general strongman touches this seawater, it will be destroyed by seawater erosion.

Even the God of War will not dare to touch this sea water easily, and don’t know what this sea water is, but there are countless sea beasts in this sea water, and the sea beasts are also extremely poisonous, compared to ordinary sea beasts and monsters. Much more powerful.

Haoxuan Tiancheng's auction house makes sense in this place.

Because ordinary strong people come to the auction, they will provoke some things. If the auction house is brought into the city, it will definitely affect the stability of the city.

In this place, there will be no worries about someone messing up.

Moreover, there is an unwritten rule in this place, that is, the treasures obtained. After leaving the auction house, you can kill people and win treasures. There is no worries at all in this place.

Strong buying and strong selling are normal in this place, the main thing is to see the strength of the strong.

The general strongmen dare not come here to trade. After all, there is no guarantee at all, but the treasures in this place are very rare. Many treasures not seen in the mainland can be seen here.

What's more, the people who come here are super strong, and you need to have some eyes if you want to kill others.

However, the person who wants to participate in the auction must be on the island, and if someone intercepts the strong man in the sea, he will be chased by all the strong men.

Receiving this news, Li Lingtian was also very excited.

If you can find some mysterious materials in this place, it is not a trip in vain. It would be better if you can find the materials of Feihuadan.

This place, to go, must go.

But not everyone went together, to this place, only a few people, the most powerful people, because in such a place, it is completely a place of killing, and it is just a burden to go more.

"Gufeng Dark Sea, this time still take Xiaobai and Black Dragon."

"Ji Yi and Sister Xue also followed, and you both stayed inside the cave house."

After Li Lingtian got the news~www.wuxiaspot.com~, he asked everyone to discuss it together.

In the end, he decided to take Xiaobai and Black Dragon together. Xiaobai, Black Dragon and Ji Yi practiced in the Shenlong Ring, and Bei Mingxue also went with them.

Originally, he only took Xiaobai with the black dragon Ji Yi, but Huang Fu Yuyan and Tang Qingyue and others let Li Lingtian take Beimingxue, saying that Beimingxue took care of Li Lingtian's life.

Li Lingtian naturally understood what Huangfu Swift meant.

Since they both spoke, he wouldn't say anything. Going with Beimingxue, nothing more than increasing their feelings.

"Ling Tian should be careful when going to Gufeng Dark Sea."

"Although all the people participating in the auction are strong people near Haoxuan Tiancheng, it is not good to leak the news if they encounter the strong people in Xuanyin Tiancheng."

Tang Qingyue seriously said that although this auction is an annual event of Hao Xuan Tiancheng, with the rise of fame, more and more powerful people come to the auction, even nearby and farther powerful people also come to participate Too. ()

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