War God Supreme

Chapter 1566: Gufeng Dark Sea

"At that time, we try not to let others recognize it."

Li Lingtian nodded. He would never forget the reminder of Tang Qingyue. After all, he came to Immortal Territory and could not provoke too many strong enemies. If there is a Xuanyin Temple, he would already be in a dilemma. Too.

After the discussion, Li Lingtian and others quietly left the cave after two days of rest in the cave.

Alone, Haoxuan Tiancheng, Xiaobai, they are naturally in the Dragon Ring.

Waiting for the Sky City, Li Lingtian steered the spaceship, shouted Bei Mingxue, and the two of them steered the spaceship towards the sky.

The appearance of the two has changed a bit, and the cultivation base is only in the early stage of the pseudo-deity.

This kind of cultivation and realm is just right to participate in the auction. It will neither attract attention nor be easily bullied by other powerful people. He will naturally not worry that someone will bully them.

It's just that they don't want to provoke wrongdoing and don't want to be recognized.

Bei Mingxue nestled in Li Lingtian's arms, with a holy, noble and beautiful face with an excited smile.

She knew that Huangfu Yuyan and others deliberately gave her and Li Lingtian a chance. The two had been together for decades, and the relationship remained behind, but they did not become a couple.

This time, she wouldn't miss it. When she thought of this, her heart thumped and her face was flushed.

"Brother Ling Tian, ​​you said that the place of Gufeng Dark Sea is so dangerous, why are there so many strong people going to the auction?"

Bei Mingxue asked curiously, generally speaking, with powerful treasures and amazing wealth, he would not go to such a place to take risks. Often, going to that place is full of people and money, unless it is amazing.

Even if the strength is terrifying, there is no need to go to such a place to take risks, it is simply full support.

"In this world, people's ideas can never be imagined."

"Some people are self-cultivated for their strength, and some are taking risks to find treasures cherished in this place."

"Some people want to kill people and win treasures in this place without gaining anything."

"For example, we are here to find something cherished, but the only difference is that we will not get something for nothing. As long as the things I get are not noticed by others, we will not provoke others."

"But if someone doesn't have long eyes, then we will naturally not be polite."

"The pie will not fall in the sky. Wealth and wealth seek insurance. There is no risk where there is wealth."

Li Lingtian smiled and said softly.

Sit on the spaceship, feel the fresh fairy spirit in the air, and enjoy a relaxing moment.

Spaceships like them don't need to be controlled at all. They just need to adjust a general direction, and they are still automatically sensed. If there is a threat or obstruction, they will automatically stop.

Now, there are only two of them on this spaceship. Naturally, you can enjoy the scenery in the sky.

"Indeed, we can take risks, and other powerful people will certainly take risks."

"It's really time to be careful."

"We don't provoke trouble, but someone provokes us, and we can't carelessly."

Bei Mingxue said, in these places, instead of fighting alone, there are other strong eyes.

Everyone is innocent and guilty of crimes. If he gets a treasure, he will surely be targeted by many powerful people, killing one and a group, in short, it is endless.

When you encounter a strong man and lose both sides, you will be taken advantage of by other strong men.


"Let's hurry up and go to the island to find a place to rest."

"Although there are still a few days before the real auction, in such a place, the mental state must be maintained at its peak."

Li Lingtian said, raising the speed of the spaceship after he finished speaking. The huge spaceship quickly crossed the void and flew towards the sky. After flying for three days, he finally entered the dark sea.

The dark sea is the same as its name. The sea water is dark, like ink.

However, this seawater does not contain any impurities, nor is it any sewage, but it is naturally dark. In this situation, Li Lingtian was shocked. The Shenwu Continent is really unique. Even such seawater can be seen.

However, although the sea water is free of impurities and strangeness, Li Lingtian's talent and physique have a mysterious sense of this sea water, which has a mysterious atmosphere.

Moreover, this breath does not exist in Shenwu Continent, as it is handed down from ancient times.

After entering the dark sea, the spacecraft speeded up and quickly flew in the direction of the isolated peak.

The strongmen who come from this place are basically participating in the auction. These strongmen are not easy to provoke. It is best not to fall down with these strongmen now.

The solitary peak held at the auction is not far from the edge of the dark sea. Li Lingtian's spacecraft flew over the sea for two days before arriving at the island of solitary peak.

The island is as large as a million miles in size, and a lone peak rises into the clouds.

Above the island are small mountains of various sizes, but none of these mountains exceed 200 meters.

The only thing that is satisfying is the environment of this place. The environment is excellent, and the spirit of the fairy is rich, suitable for the cultivation of the strong.

The island was originally a desert island, and there was no people. But after the auction was held here, the place was gradually built into a paradise.

Individually practice Dongfu, and there is also a place for free trading.

Each of these separate cave houses occupies hundreds of miles in size, but the price is high.

Either the whole rest place, the price is lower, but this is not convenient.

Moreover, there are regulations on the island. Before the auction takes place half a month before and one month after the auction, no one can be left on the island, and everyone must leave.

When Li Lingtian and others arrived, it was time for the island to open.

The two used 10 billion inferior spirit stones to buy a separate cave house. This cave house is not the largest, but it is exquisite, with a strong defensive array and a powerful gathering array. It is definitely a good place to rest in this place. s Choice.

"Take a break first."

"The auction will begin in six days."

Li Lingtian took Beimingxue into the cave house and said to Beimingxue.

There are many rooms in this cave house, but Bei Mingxue chose Li Lingtian next door.

I spent some time on the spaceship. Although I didn't use Zhenyuan, I always felt a little tired.

After choosing a room, the formation in Li Lingtian Cave House was changed, and seven or eight powerful defensive formations were added to it. After doing all this, I rested at ease.

After two days of rest, Bei Mingxue came to Li Lingtian's room.

"Brother Ling Tian, ​​let's go out and take a look at this place."

"Understand the situation."

Bei Mingxue came to Li Lingtian's room. After seeing Li Lingtian lying in bed after practicing, he walked up and reached out to Li Lingtian.

The two have very deep feelings. Although they are not husband and wife, they are often intimate.

In front of outsiders, she is naturally noble and holy. In front of Li Lingtian, she is a little girl.

"Let me sleep a little longer."

"Sister Xue, wait for me next."

Li Lingtian lay in bed, couldn't be lazy, and said to Bei Mingxue.

No matter how he pulled Beimingxue, he couldn't pull him up.


"Hurry up."

Bei Mingxue didn't depend on it at all. Xianxianyu took Li Lingtian's hand and pulled Li Lingtian up.

But Wan Wan didn't expect Li Lingtian to pull her over as hard as she could, and the center of gravity was unstable, and the whole person fell.

Finally threw himself on Li Lingtian, his full **** pressed against Li Lingtian.

This accident made Bei Mingxue blush.

The two were intimate before, but this was not the case.

A slight smile appeared on Li Lingtian's face, sitting up and pushing Bei Mingxue up.

"Bad guy."

Bei Mingxue twitched, and Meimu stared at Li Lingtian fiercely.

The smile on Li Lingtian's face became stronger.


Li Lingtian didn't say anything. He stretched his arms around Bei Mingxue's slender waist and walked out of the room. He came to the room to take a shower and then took Bei Mingxue out of Dongfu.

This island, although millions of miles in size, appears to be smaller when the auction comes.

After going out, you can see some strong people everywhere.

Before the auction didn't start, there was very little trouble here.

Li Lingtian and the two walked while looking at the island, keeping in mind the terrain and power of the island.

I walked the whole island aside and got no news.

After all, most of the strongmen who come here are resting in their caves, and few strongmen come out to wander around.

Time, day by day, the auction began.

The auction of this island was hosted by Haoxuan Tiancheng, and several other Tiancheng also participated.

There are several types of auctions on this island: free trade, auction trade, and auction trade.

Free traders are naturally the most, because there are no restrictions.

However, there are several types of transactions in the auction house. This type is based on the price.

The level of the entrance fee determines the level of the transaction~www.wuxiaspot.com~ For ordinary transactions, it is enough to pay 100 million inferior spirit stones, the advanced one requires an entry fee of one billion, but the top auction house requires one hundred 100 million entry fee.

Moreover, there is only one auction per day, that is, ten items.

At each auction site, there are only ten items in a day, which can be closed after ten days.

Similarly, the strong here can leave at will, without other restrictions.

Li Lingtian and Bei Mingxue paid 2 billion inferior spirit stones and obtained the entry qualification of two high-level auction venues.

Although the two wanted to go to the top auction house, they didn't want to be too high-profile. At least he had to clarify some rules in the auction house.

Besides, in this place, there are some strong people who specialize in selling news, who got what treasure, and how much the price of a treasure reached. These news are controlled by some people who collect news, as long as there is a spirit stone, Will be able to sell you the news.


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