War God Supreme

Chapter 1568: 10 flowers

"Have you encountered any fun?"

Bei Mingxue woke up and looked at Li Lingtian curiously.

I don't know what precious treasures Li Lingtian encountered, but she started to say that she woke her up only when she encountered fun.

"Look at the top of the steps."

The look on Li Lingtian's face was calm, and there was no slight emotion, and his eyes looked towards the crystal steps.

Bei Mingxue also looked at Li Lingtian's sight. I saw a golden box placed above the crystal steps. The golden box was opened, but the line of sight was blocked by the edge of the golden box. I couldn't see the inside of the golden box at all. What is it.

However, when the consciousness moved, the consciousness printed the contents of the box into the sea of ​​knowledge.

I saw two magical flowers in the box, saying that it was magical, because even she couldn't tell what color the flower was, and there was a faint magical power and breath on the flower.

The slap-sized flowers are suspended in the brocade box, and the light breath removes the outside breath.

Holy, noble, beautiful!

This is how the two flowers are described.

The look on Bei Mingxue's face kept changing, and there was shock in his eyes, more excitement.

"Not many people know this flower."

"I believe you have heard of a terrorist figure from the Shenwu Continent millions of years ago.

Lin Haoming slowly suspended the flowers, and the mysterious and holy radiance faintly drifted out. All the strong men actually looked at it with their consciousness. When they appeared in the air, they finally saw the full picture of the flowers.

They couldn't help but be shocked again, the expression on his face kept changing.

Although most powerful people don't know what this flower is, but seeing this flower is definitely not an ordinary thing.

"Ten Extremes!"

"Ten Extremes!"

"This is the legendary superpower in ancient books."

"The Ten Extreme Supremes are not from the fairyland, but from the Holy Land."

"Ten Extreme Supreme was the super superman who swept the Shenwu Continent at that time, almost no one could stop it."

"Although the talents of the Ten Supreme Masters are top-notch, they will not be able to sweep the world, and they don’t know why the Ten Supreme Masters cultivated so fast. They have reached a terrible level, and they have directly thrown the strong men of the same rank far away. of."

"This is a matter of curiosity for countless powerful people in Shenwu Continent. No one knows why."

"Does this flower have anything to do with Ten Supreme Supreme?"

"It can't be that this flower has completed the ten supreme supreme."


It is true that the flower was not known at all, but there were some strongmen who read ancient books and knew the power of the Ten Supreme Masters. Besides, the Ten Supreme Masters were also former super strongmen, and their deeds were naturally passed down by some people.

For a time, countless powerful people in the auction were discussing.

Hearing this, Li Lingtian and Bei Mingxue were also surprised. The two of them did not believe that this flower had anything to do with that definite supreme supreme.

"Everyone stop slowly."

"The Ten Heavenly Supreme Supreme is indeed related to this flower, that is, this flower has achieved Ten Supreme Supreme."

"In the Shenwu Continent, there are countless secret realms. There are countless magical existences in these secret realms, precious treasures, precious geniuses and treasures, and even medicinal materials that promote cultivation and talent."

"With a flower, you can directly upgrade a realm and change your talents."

"This kind of flower is called ten flowers."

"Ten Jue Supreme is also due to Shi Juehua's accomplishment of cultivating the sky and sweeping the world."

Lin Haoming looked at the strong men below with a curious look, and then slowly explained.

In the auction house, the most difficult thing to auction is an item that no one knows, and this item is still being auctioned back, and the price is expensive. It may not be difficult to shoot such an item, because there are often some strong people Don't care about spirit stones, collect some weird things.

But if you want to shoot a high price for this unknown item, it is not easy.

The pseudo-real powerhouses in Shenwu Continent have already stood at the summit of Shenwu Continent. They are well-informed and can be said that there is nothing that can tell them, even if they haven’t seen it, they have heard of it.

If you don’t even know the top powerhouses in Shenwu Continent, it’s impossible to shoot high prices. It’s impossible.

"Is this flower a must-see flower?"

"In the ancient books, there are several kinds of magical flowers that can directly raise the level."

"There are still a lot of treasures that directly upgrade the realm in the Shenwu Continent, but it is difficult to find it just to find it."

"Can this flower directly improve the realm?"

"This is a must-see flower?"

"Is the Supreme Masterpiece using this flower to change talent and improve cultivation?"


Hearing Lin Haoming, everyone present was shocked.

When looking at the flowers floating above the brocade box, his eyes were all greedy.

In this world, nothing is more tempting than ascending. Now there is something that directly raises the realm, how can it be irritating.

Even Li Lingtian was shocked. Although he was the First Divine Pill Master, there are still many medicinal materials about ascension and cultivation.

This flower is exactly the ten must-have flowers that I need. I didn't expect that the feather must be the ten must-have flowers. The ten must-have flowers can also be directly upgraded to the realm. No wonder that the feather is a ten-pin, and the materials needed are amazing.

"Not bad."

"This is the ten must-see flowers!"

"The ancient books record that the Supreme Masterpiece is to use the Ultimate Masterpiece to raise a realm and change the talent."

"Because of this decisive flower, his title has also been changed to decisive supreme."

"However, there is a limitation of this ten must-have flower, that is, it can only be used by the strong power of pseudo-realm, and it has no effect on the demigod realm. This has been tested by many strongmen."

"Otherwise, this must-have flower will not appear in this place."

Lin Haoming saw that the curiosity and greed of the following strong men had been mobilized, and he was gradually satisfied. As long as this effect is achieved, when the competition comes, the price will not be said.

"It's really amazing."

"I don't know how many spirit stones this ten must have flower."

"It really is a magical thing."

"With such treasures, it is natural to let go of the competition once."

"Just don't know the true and false of this must-have flower, and the effect of the must-have flower."

After confirming that the flowers in front of you are the ten must-see flowers, everyone is eager to move and want to do a big fight.

However, some people still doubt the true and false of this must-have flower and do not know the power of this must-have flower.

Li Lingtian on the side, looking at the strong man in the auction house, a bit of bitter smile appeared in his heart.

If these strong men do not compete, he can also leave a lot of spirit stones.

Now the greed of these powerful men will have to be fiercely competitive by then. The fierce competition is not inferior to a great war, but it is not the true yuan and supernatural powers, but the spirit stones.

"You can rest assured that in order to ensure the authenticity of the items traded in the auction house, the auction house invited His Excellency Tianming Shengdan Master, Yunlin Shengdan Master, Dongge Shengdan Master and Qingxin Saint Master."

Lin Haoming seemed to know the worries and doubts of the strong men below. Without waiting for these strong men to say more, he invited the four false **** realms to be strong and powerful.

The four great consummates came to the front of the auction house, the expression on their faces was very proud, and there was a touch of coldness in their eyes.

Seeing the four great consummate powerhouses, the powerhouses present were all exclaimed and the expression on their faces was extremely respectful.

Because the four super powers are the characters of the Tiancheng near Haoxuan Tiancheng, all of which are the best in the Tiancheng. This is not to say their cultivation, but their status.

Because they are the characters of the Danshi Guild and the Refining Guild, and they are also the best in the guild. When they come out to identify the authenticity of the treasure materials, there is naturally no problem at all.

"Yes, this flower is the legendary top ten flowers."

"Ten Juehua is one of the magical treasures that Shenwu Continent directly promotes the cultivation of the strong, and it has no effect on the strong above the semi-deity.

"There must be ten unique flowers in the ten unique flowers, and ten unique roots on the ten unique flowers.

"The deity uses the reputation of the Danshi Guild as a witness. This is the ten unique flowers, and the effect is 80% of the chance of enhancing the state of the powerful below the semi-divine realm. The identification is completed."

After the appraisal of the three holy princesses and one holy princess, one of the holy princesses announced the results of the appraisal.

After speaking, the other three also nodded.

The tone of speech was bland and fair, and he did not favor the auction house or defame the auction house, but only stated some facts known by the Danshi Guild, because it was related to the reputation of the Danshi Guild and the Refining Guild.

Eighty percent is already against the sky.

Moreover, this holy princess teacher bears witness to the reputation of the princess guild, saying that 80% is definitely 99%.

No matter what time, no matter who they are, they will speak for three points.

"Everyone knows about the ten unique flowers, the benefits and the true and false."

"It won't be wordy anymore~www.wuxiaspot.com~ If you are not the one who is the auction house, you have to compete."

"This must-have flower, two flowers are auctioned together, the base price is 10 billion, each time the price increases by 1 billion."

Lin Haoming's face with a faint smile, after sending away the four strong men, he spoke again and spoke out the reserve price and price increase of the ten must-have flowers.

When he speaks, the following is a fierce competition.

The degree of fierce competition for price increases shocked Li Lingtian. He simply did not regard the spirit stone as a spirit stone.

The competition of these powerhouses is completely robbed, as if they are worried that the price increase of competition will not be able to talk about it.

Seeing such a situation, Li Lingtian could only shake his head helplessly, knowing that this time he would have to regenerate his blood, otherwise it would be as difficult to get to the top ten flowers.

Competing with these powerful players for ten unique flowers is like a duel of life and death.


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