War God Supreme

Chapter 1569: 4 trillion

11 billion inferior spirit stones!

Twelve billion inferior spirit stones!

13 billion inferior spirit stones!


Eighty-six billion inferior spirit stones.

The degree of fierce competition exceeded Li Lingtian's imagination, Bei Mingxue also looked at these powerful men in horror.

I don't treat spirit stones at all as one thing. For the sake of ten flowers, I don't care about spirit stones at all, unless I exhaust all the spirit stones on my body.

You must know that this ten-perfect flower is a genius and treasure that directly promotes the realm of the powerful below the semi-divine realm. It can encounter an inexplicable existence. It can now be encountered in the auction house, and it will certainly not be easily missed.

The price soared sharply, and the entire auction floor was boiling.

This kind of competition is even more terrifying than the battle of hundreds of false gods.

Invisible force of oppression, invisible smoke spread throughout the auction house.

After the competition, the higher the price, the fewer the number of competitors gradually, because most of the strong people are stopped in front of the spirit stone.

The competitors in the back are basically those who are in the mid-to-late period of the Pseudo God Realm and the great consummation.

Li Lingtian and Bei Mingxue looked at these strong men and did not want to compete now.

He has to wait until the last competition because they do not want to increase the price slowly. If the price increase is too strong at once, it will inevitably attract the attention of other powerful people. It is definitely not a good thing to attract the attention of other powerful people in such a place.

"Two beautiful flowers, it should be enough."

Bei Mingxue asked softly in Li Lingtian's ear, beautiful eyes looked at Li Lingtian.

For Li Lingtian, this ten must-have flower is the most important thing. Their realm is stuck, that is, waiting for Fei Hua Dan to break through. If you want to Fei Hua Dan, this ten must-have flower is one of the most important medicinal materials.

"Ten flowers are enough."

"I just want to know where these ten must-have flowers were obtained."

"Because Shijuehua is integrated with several other medicinal materials, if you can get the provenance of Shijuehua, you will have a chance to get other medicinal materials."

"Wait until the auction is over and find a way to get the origin of this must-have flower."

Li Lingtian nodded his head. The medicinal herbs are more and more beneficial. Although the two ten must-have flowers are enough, they are not many. Now it is beyond my expectation to have two flowers. It is an accident to see the ten must-have flowers.

Now, he wants to know where the ten must-do flowers come from.

If he had the origin of the ten flowers, he would have to look for it no matter where he was, hoping to find other herbs.

Only by looking for these geniuses and earthly treasures can we have the opportunity to refine the feather feather. As for the success of the feather feather, he will not know it. Anyway, it will be the future.

"One hundred sixty-three billion inferior spirit stones!"

"Sixteen sixty billion lower grade spirit stones!"

"One hundred sixty-five billion inferior spirit stones!"


Just when Li Lingtian and Bei Mingxue were talking, the price had soared to more than 160 billion inferior spirit stones. At this time, the strong players in the competition were basically the late ones and the great perfectionists.

Only these strong men can produce more than 100 billion spirit stones.

Because, if the late strong get the ten unique flowers, they may reach the pinnacle of great consummation, and the great consummate strong may reach the semi-divine realm. Such a magical thing will naturally try its best to get it.

"Okay, time is long enough."

Li Lingtian said lightly, with a smile on his face.

Bei Mingxue saw Li Lingtian like this and knew that Li Lingtian was about to start.

After Li Lingtian finished speaking, he began to increase the price.

"Three hundred billion inferior spirit stones."

The sound rang in the auction house. The original auction house was quiet now.

The price of 300 billion inferior spirits is not too high in the auction house. It is not as high as the price of the previous three thousand items, but now some people have added more than 100 billion at once, which directly increased the price by two times. Everyone's imagination.

This is a spirit stone, a hundred billion, not a thousand pieces of spirit stone.

"Three hundred billion!"

"One hundred and thirty billion yuan at once."

"Three hundred billion inferior spirit stones."

"To add so many spirit stones at once, domineering."


For a time, countless powerful people were talking about it, and at the same time, they looked at Li Lingtian.

In the early and mid-terms of the pseudo-real world, there are not so many spirit stones to compete for this ten must-see flowers, but they like to watch the bustling.

When I saw Li Lingtian, there was nothing special about Li Lingtian. It seemed that I could catch one on the street.

But he did not expect that this young man was so generous that he directly crushed it with spirit stones.

"Three hundred ten billion!"

"Thirty-two billion!"

"Thirty-three billion!"


When all the strong are surprised, the markup continues again.

Three hundred billion yuan, it is impossible to stop other strong people from pursuing opportunities for realm improvement. Prices continue to soar, and the rate of soaring is more intense than at the beginning.

In a moment, the price has reached as much as 500 billion yuan.

This price is close to the price of the first three items.

Li Lingtian started shouting 300 billion yuan in shock, and was long overwhelmed. In the eyes of other powerful people, Li Lingtian only accelerated the competition, because after 300 billion yuan, the price reached 500 billion yuan.

"one trillion!"

Bei Mingxue spoke, with a faint smile on his face. Although his appearance changed a bit, his temperament did not change at all, and his appearance did not change much. Such a smile would not fascinate all living beings, but it made people feel emotional. Incomparably.

A little bit of spirit stone is nothing to them at all.

At this time, Li Lingtian killed countless superpowers and obtained countless wealth. The spirit stone alone is nearly three trillion yuan. With the previous three trillion yuan, the spirit stone has reached six trillion yuan. .

And they spend very little time on the spirit stone, the spirit stone will only increase more and more, and will not decrease.

When encountering what you need can be exchanged for spirit stones, you will naturally not be stingy with them. Only in this way can you reflect the value of the spirit stones, and it is only at this time that the spirit stones are useful to them. .

"one trillion?"

"Ten thousand, one billion? Lower grade spirit stone?"

"One trillion inferior spirit stones!"

Suddenly, the entire auction floor is silent, which is too domineering.

One trillion directly is crazy.

This price has exceeded the previous highest price of 700 billion.

Now even if someone doubled it from 500 billion yuan to double, all eyes turned to Bei Mingxue, seeing Bei Mingxue and Li Lingtian were beside Li Lingtian, they immediately understood the relationship between the two, they are together of.

Both bids are amazing, this is the shocking four seats, if not, it will be amazing.

Both Li Lingtian and Bei Mingxue felt countless powerful glances of consciousness, but such consciousness was directly ignored by Li Lingtian, and the false **** realm was scum in his eyes.

Not to mention it is now, even before, the king is all scum in front of him, and he is not the same thing in the early days of the demigod.

"One hundred and ten billion."

"One hundred and twenty billion."

"One hundred and thirty billion."

After the price of Beimingxue came out, it caused shock to countless powerful people.

The auction house was quiet for a while, and after a while, some of the top powerhouses did not mean to give up at all, nor did they raise the price, which was the same as the beginning.

After all, this is a spirit stone, and they are not Li Lingtian. In this Shenwu Continent, there is only one Li Lingtian.

"Two trillion!"

Li Lingtian watched that some great consummate peak powerhouses were still increasing their prices, and the expression on his face did not show any emotion.

Without letting other powerful people increase the price several times, the price is directly raised to two trillion.

Only two trillion.

For him, two trillion yuan is just nine ounces of hair. If he needs a spirit stone, he can simply refine some immortals, and he will never worry about the spirit stone.

There was another wave of horror and discussion. This powerful crushing caused a few pseudo-spiritual perfectionists to look **** their faces. It was more angry, and looked at Li Lingtian angrily, just like he was going to Li Lingtian eats in general.

But at this time, the one with the highest price will have the money.

Even if your strength is against the sky, you can't compete without a spirit stone.

"Twenty-one trillion!"

"Twenty-three trillion!"

"Twenty-six trillion!"

The three Pseudo-Shenzhen Great Consummates have become angry, and the price increase is no longer the same as it started.

The price increase is hundreds of billions. In such a situation, the strong men present know that these strong men are angry. This is no longer a treasure competition, but a few strong men are angry.

Li Lingtian has always been crushed by prices, making them great consummates who feel aggrieved. If they do not teach Li Lingtian, they will not be able to vent their anger.

"Four trillions!"

Li Lingtian didn't have any emotional fluctuations, and said lightly, saying the price.

This time, the bid was increased by more than one trillion yuan, and the price reached 4 trillion yuan. Such a price suddenly silenced the auction house. The auction house was filled with oppression. The strange atmosphere made people almost breathe. Not angry.

"Four trillions!"

"Four trillion spirit stones?"

"This is four trillion yuan."

"Really four trillion yuan inferior spirit ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ is crazy."

"Overbearing, domineering."


After a short silence, countless arguments broke out in the auction house.

The entire auction floor was boiling. For this four trillion yuan, the value is horror. For the first time, I heard such a large amount of data, and I only competed for two must-have flowers.

This price is overbearing, and it is even more overbearing when competing.

Competing directly with hundreds of billions of trillions is completely beyond everyone's imagination.

All eyes looked at Li Lingtian and Bei Mingxue. They didn't know what the origin of the two were, but there was such a way.

For a time, every strong man was guessing in his heart. The more he is, the more he dare not say anything, because he is worried that he might provoke the super power or super power. Whether it is the super power or super power, they are not able to provoke them. .

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