War God Supreme

Chapter 1580: 10 absolutely beautiful news

"how about it?"

"Is this seat qualified to trade with you?"

"As long as you get what you need, you won't do it. Similarly, you will never buy or sell. If you feel you can trade with this seat, then continue. If you can't trade, you can leave. "

When Li Lingtian saw Zhao Yunhe, he felt a bitter smile in his heart. It seemed that his reputation was really not small. Everywhere he went, there was someone who came to his name.

It was like he was a bandit, but he never took the initiative to kill people and seize treasure once, and when he met his strong man, he was shocked and afraid.

Seeing this situation, he said to Zhao Yunhe.

The tone is bland and there is no slight threat, but in Zhao Yunhe's heart, he doesn't think so.

In Zhao Yunhe's heart, Li Lingtian's words were completely threatening, meaning that you could leave, but if you left the island of Gufeng, you would be in trouble.

"I didn't expect it to be Ling Tian."

"Ten peculiar flowers and ten peculiar roots are of no use to the deity."

"It's an honor to trade with Lord Lingtian."

"There are six flowers in this deity, and there are six flowers in the deity."

"Adult Ling Tian wants to know the origin of the ten must-see flowers. It can't be easier. This is from Chunyang Island."

"If Lord Ling Tian needs ten unique flowers and ten unique roots, Lord Ling Tian will just take something and mean something."

The expression on Zhao Yun and his face became dull, but he was still terrified.

If he encounters other false **** realms, he doesn't want to bother with it, or just wipe it out.

But when I met the person in front of me, it was not so good to deal with, because the person in front of me was Li Lingtian, the myth of Shenwu Continent, and the evil devil, even if it was in the middle of the demise, it might not be possible to defeat him. Shi Tiancheng, the owner of the Second Hall of Xuanyin Temple, was also killed.

"The news that this seat wants, has been received."

"Your ten unique flowers and ten unique roots, this seat is not indispensable."

"This is the five magic gods, I hope to help you a little."

"However, I do not want this news to be false. If it is false, you may be in trouble."

Li Lingtian said with a smile, like chatting with friends.

But Zhao Yunhe felt shocked when he heard Li Lingtian's words. This was the threat, the threat of Chiguo Guo, and the threat of the people in front of him was more terrifying than anything.

However, seeing the five magical pills suspended in front of me, the whole person was very excited.

Peerless Divine Pill, the first powerful panacea in Shenwu Continent, has an unparalleled existence.

On this magical continent, only the talents in front of me can get such a panacea, and use the ten flowers and ten roots to change a few potions to the absolute value.

Peerless Divine Pill is nothing to Li Lingtian, but for the other powerful players in Shenwu Continent, it is almost a fairy medicine.

"Sir Ling Tian is at ease, and others dare not say that this must-have flower is definitely from Chunyang Island."

"It's just a piece of news, but Costum will trouble you."

Zhao Yun and Hehe smiled, and after collecting the Elixir, they took out several strains of ten roots and ten flowers and handed them to Li Lingtian.

The ten must-see flowers are like the magic **** in Li Lingtian's eyes. The ten must-see flowers are of no use to him, but to Li Lingtian, they really cherish it.

This is what you need, and what you think is worthless is invaluable to those who need it.

After the two men traded, Zhao Yunhe took the lead in leaving the square, and then Li Lingtian took Bei Mingxue out of the square and returned to his cave.

After returning to Dongfu, the two were very happy. This time, they accidentally got news of the rootless fruit and rootless fruit, and also got the ten flowers and ten flowers, and the provenance of the flowers. This result is completely beyond The surprise of the two.

"With the roots of rootless fruits and rootless flowers, and the provenance of ten unique flowers, we will look for these materials after we finish the auction."

"I didn't expect the ten must-do flowers to come from Chunyang Island. In this case, we are just handling more things."

Bei Mingxue was the happiest, snuggling softly in Li Lingtian's arms.

This time I came to Gufeng Dark Sea to participate in the auction, just to try my luck, but I did not expect to find the ten flowers and rootless fruit.

Moreover, the place where the ten unique flowers survive is still Chunyang Island. This Chunyang Island is also one of their goals, but I did not expect to go to Chunyang Island so quickly.

"Things in this place are not that simple."

"The auction went on to the next day, and there were eight days to come."

"I will make arrangements to prepare for the remaining days."

Li Lingtian was also happy, but at the same time, he did not forget the situation of the two of them.

Although he got rootless fruit and ten flowers, but his identity was also revealed. Although he did not let others reveal his identity, what can be guaranteed in the world of Shenwu Continent.

Reaching the semi-god realm and pseudo-god realm, these strong men will somehow have some mysteries, and it is easy to know the memory of others.

Moreover, under the drive of interest, it is normal for the seller to betray.

The farther back in the auction house, the more treasures that appear will be cherished, and the treasures that are often cherished will be regarded as the final treasures.

"So what you said."

"For these eight days, we don't have to go to the auction every day."

"You can let people stare at the high-end auction house and the super auction house, keep some news in their hands, and when we meet the things we need, we will not be too late."

Bei Mingxue nodded and said she was not inferior to Li Lingtian in terms of cleverness and wisdom. She was only covered up by Li Lingtian, and besides Li Lingtian, she rarely expressed herself.

"Then we will find it in Fangshi."

"If you don't go inside the high-end auction house, just go inside the super auction house."

"I will find two people to stare at the high-end auction house."

Li Lingtian agreed with Bei Mingxue's remarks that there would not be anything he was interested in in the high-end auctions. Their current vision would naturally not be in the pseudo-shenjing strong, but in a semi-shenjing.

Even if there is something in the high-end auction house, they can get the news.

Going to Fangshi, it's all about luck, maybe some low-level strongmen have overwhelmed the treasures.

"Right, Brother Ling Tian."

"If we find the materials we need, we can refine the Feather Pill and break through to the semi-deity."

"Will you still trouble Xuanyin Temple?"

Bei Mingxue looked at Li Lingtian and asked, now there are several kinds of materials. As long as the materials are available, he can begin to refine the Feather Dan. With Li Lingtian's technique of Dan Dao, there is a great chance to refine the Feather Dan.

She is wondering whether Li Lingtian will deal with Xuanyin Temple after the breakthrough.

After all, Ming Bing'er has been rescued, and a lot of Xuanyin Palace's strongmen have been killed, but I don't know what Li Lingtian thinks about Xuanyin Temple.

"Even if we don't deal with Xuanyin Hall, Xuanyin Hall will not let us go."

"If you break through the semi-deity, it is best that they do not appear in front of me."

There was a smile on Li Lingtian's face. If Xuanyin Palace had captured Ming Bing'er, he would not have a grudge with Xuanyin Temple, but since these things happened, they would not change.

He killed the semi-deity and pseudo-deity of Xuanyin Hall, smeared the face of Xuanyin Hall, and naturally Xuanyin Hall would not let him go.

That day, if it weren't for Dongyue Baiyu, it would be impossible for them to leave easily, but Gongsun Long was also delusional if he wanted to leave him.

At that time, Gongsun Long almost destroyed Huangfu Yuyan, and he could deal with him, but he could not touch his woman. Gongsun Long's attack almost destroyed Huangfu Yuyan, which is impossible to forgive.

Answering Bei Mingxue's words, although not very clear, but Bei Mingxue has followed him for decades, naturally knowing Li Lingtian's character.

"Husband, let's rest."

Bei Mingxue nodded when she heard Li Lingtian's words, she already knew Li Lingtian's decision.

Immediately, Li Lingtian yelled in a low voice. The voice was very small. If Li Lingtian's cultivation was profound, he could not hear clearly.

But hearing the name of Bei Mingxue, Li Lingtian was stunned, and suddenly a light smile appeared on his face.

Although Bei Mingxue is already his woman, the title has not changed, and he did not expect to call his husband, indeed, it was interesting.

Generally speaking, the names of the girls around him have become a habit, and rarely change because of something.

The youth still called him the son, Tang Zimeng and Xuanyuan Yingying still called him Ling Tian's brother, Yun Yaoyao still called him Ling Tian's brother, Shun Meier always called him the husband.

This is all used to, even after becoming his woman, it is still the previous name.

"Sister Xue, what did you just call?"

Li Lingtian gently hugged Beimingxue's chin and admired the delicate face in front of her. The small face was beautiful, the rosy little mouth, and the eyes were blurred, looking very tempting.


"However, only when the two of us are on one side, otherwise, it is the same as before."

"Don't tell Qingyue they, otherwise I won't let you go."

Bei Mingxue's small face was blushing and he was too ashamed.

Courage to speak up ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Speaking of the back, with a threatening tone, Li Lingtian felt a while fun.

What made Li Lingtian feel more bloody, what Bei Mingxue said was completely boudoir pleasure, only when the two were alone together.


When Li Lingtian saw Bei Mingxue, the smile on his face was even stronger.

Immediately made an obedient look, as if the courtier saw the queen.

Bei Mingxue was amused by Li Lingtian and was not as shy as he started, but he was still shy in his heart. Although he was already a woman of Li Lingtian, this title was still a bit shy, and she still took the initiative and liked Li Lingtian in her heart. Go inside the bone.

Next, the two have been intimate for a long time, and Bei Mingxue satisfies the deep sleep.

When the two were intimate, Bei Mingxue always called him a husband, which made Li Lingtian very excited.


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