War God Supreme

Chapter 1581: At the end of the auction...

In the next few days, Li Lingtian and Beimingxue wandered around the city.

As for the high-end auction site, he has already looked for someone to stare at, what treasures fall into who's hands, what super materials appear, these are all clear.

At the Super Auction House, neither of them went, because the treasures in them are ancient artifacts of the highest quality and the best, or some magical treasures, but these things are not useful to them.

Moreover, the last day of the auction is the finale, and the best treasures are held on the last day.

What made Li Lingtian speechless was that the auction on the last day was in the square. There was no entry fee, and all the powerful people could participate.

In this way, isn't the strong man who got the treasure on the last day pushed to death.

Because the ten treasures on the last day are the best, all the strong men can know the whereabouts of the ten treasures, and the treasures will naturally become the goal of all the strong men.

Since the best treasures are only available on the last day, Li Lingtian and Bei Mingxue have no plans to go to the super auction house. Even if they don't go, other powerful people will leak some news.

At this point, he need not worry at all.

In the past few days, the two have been relaxed a lot. They can take a rest for a few days. It is more about restoring their spirits and restoring their spirits to their best condition to meet some of the challenges behind.

In a few days, there was no gain.

The two are not in a hurry, because their purpose has been achieved, if there is a treasure they like, they will compete, if it does not matter, it does not matter.

Time, a little bit past, unconsciously, the Gufeng Dark Sea auction has reached the last day.

On this day, all the strongmen gathered in this place on the largest square above the island.

Although there is no crowd of people on the square about thirty or forty miles away, there are still strong people gathered in this square. Li Lingtian glanced at it. There are probably as many as four or five thousand people on the square.

Most of the people who came here are pseudo-ideal powerhouses, and some of them are demigod powerhouses.

At this time, everyone gathered here for the last ten items. The last ten items are definitely the most magical and powerful treasure and the finale of the auction house.

Moreover, this auction hosted by Hao Xuan Tiancheng is more powerful than before.

Previous treasures rarely show ancient artifacts of the highest quality and excellent quality, and there are not many cherished medicinal materials and materials, but this time, the items appear are extremely precious.

The auction items in the previous nine days are so cherished, and the finale of the last day is definitely not simple.

In this way, all the strong people are very curious. Most of the strong people just look at the lively or take advantage of the time. Only a few super strong people have a competitive heart. These strong people are naturally half gods. The person.

Even if the pseudo-ideal powerhouse has a spirit stone, it would not dare to compete on such occasions.

In front of such occasions, if a false **** realm gets super treasures, it will definitely be killed by other powerful people.

"I don't know what level this finale treasure is."

"This auction is stronger than before, and the treasures that appear are treasured."

"The auction on the last day is definitely not simple."

"Treasure is not simple, but the killing must be more terrifying than before."

"At that time, it's still a few seconds to leave here early, otherwise it will be affected by the pond fish."

"Yes, the more magical and powerful the treasure is, the more intense the competition will be. No matter who gets the treasure, it will be the target of being hunted down. I don't know why the auction will hold such an auction."

"This is what makes everyone puzzled, but every time on the last day, the most treasured treasure will appear, and countless people are killing for the treasure."


Above the square, countless powerful people talked one after another and were puzzled by the auction on the last day of the auction.

However, this is always the case in the Gufeng Dark Sea auction house. Even if the strong knows that the one who got the treasure on the last day will be the target of the pursuit, the strong will never stop.

The man-made money and the death of the bird are the food and death. This unchanging truth can never be changed.

Li Lingtian looked at the powerhouses in the square and listened to the discussion among the powerhouses. The expression on his face was calm, but he was also curious in his heart. All this completely violated the rules of the auction house.

But the auction house still made all the treasures auctioned on the last day public, so that all the powerful people knew the existence of the treasures and let everyone kill them for the treasures.

"Brother Ling Tian, ​​what do you think."

Bei Mingxue was also curious and puzzled by the practice of the auction house, and looked at Li Lingtian, and asked softly.

"Maybe this is the purpose of the Gufeng Dark Sea Auction House."

"Whether we get the treasure or not, it will inevitably be affected."

"There is something wrong here, but no one knows why."

"Be careful at that time, Gufeng Anhai is not that simple."

Li Lingtian said softly, he didn't know why this was all, but he could see that the auction house was deliberately letting the strong men fight, otherwise, the auction house wouldn't make such strange rules.

In my heart, I felt something wrong, but he couldn't tell what was wrong.

This kind of feeling can only be sensed by him alone, because this is not the relationship between cultivation and the realm, but the practice of practicing cultivation, whether it is a demon clan or a demon clan, or even the nether world or the dragon clan, he cultivates the supreme kung fu of these races. However, the reaction to threats is naturally not comparable to any race.

He did not want to say it, lest Bei Mingxue be worried.

The two found a better seat and sat cross-legged, waiting for the auction to begin.

When the strong men in the square come here, they all get a brand. The brand is just a number. Naturally, this number is also used when the auction comes.



Half an hour later, there was a burst of air above the square.

Countless figures landed on the central steps of the square. When these figures landed, the square was quiet.

In the air, there is a powerful and terrifying oppressive force. Even if the strong does not exert coercion and supernatural powers, the air is still torn. After all, there are too many strong here.

The figure landed, revealing the true face of the strong.

Li Lingtian saw these strong men and met them all at once. Several of these people had been seen in the parliament hall of the auction venue. As for the others, they had not seen them.

Above the steps in the center of the square, there are more than forty and a half gods.

These demigods are on the side of the auction house. With so many strong guards, no one dares to make trouble.

"Everyone is here."

"Today is the last day of the auction and the most cherished day for every treasure."

"This auction is presided over by the deity."

After waiting for a while, Zhong Yuntang stood up and walked towards a separate step in the center of the square. This step was ten meters high, and all the strong people could see clearly.

After coming to the auction floor of the single stage, Zhong Yuntang greeted the strong man present, beckoning.

Then he said loudly, the tone of speech was flat, there was no slight emotion, and in the face of all the strong people, it was also called the deity, and there was no slight condescension.

"The rules of the auction house, say it again below, it is strictly forbidden to fight in the auction house."

"As for the treasure, it doesn't matter what the auction is."

"Now, the auction has officially started."

"This first item is a superb golden ancient artifact, Haotian Excalibur!"

Zhong Yuntang relentlessly repeated the rules of the auction house, then took out a box, opened the box, and once again the dagger became three feet long and suspended in the air.

Suddenly, a pressure of destruction broke out from the Haotian Excalibur.

The entire square was crushed by the coercion of destruction. The countless faces of the pseudo-realm powerful changed constantly, and the true elements on his body operated to resist the coercion of Haotian Divine Sword.

"What a terrible coercion."

"This is the prestige of the ancient artifact, which seems to be much stronger than the average ancient artifact."

"Exquisite ancient artifact!"

"The first item is the ancient artifact of the golden gem, I don't know what treasures to cherish behind."

"What a powerful tool."

"Not easy."

For a time, countless powerhouses were shocked.

Shocked the coercion of Haotian Excalibur, shocked the handwriting of the auction house, the first item was so powerful, and I don't know what other treasures appeared against the back.

Not only were the other powerful players present shocked, even Li Lingtian was shocked.

The unique ancient artifacts, even the semi-divine powerhouses, may not be able to possess it. It is hard to imagine that the first item in the auction site is the unique ancient artifacts.

Moreover, the first item is still a golden ancient artifact of extraordinary quality. If you go on like this, the treasure behind you will be terrible without thinking.

The demand of the ancient gods for the semi-divine realm~www.wuxiaspot.com~The Shenwu continent strong are all clear. It is impossible to imagine what concept it is to be able to auction these treasures.

Seeing such a situation, the slightest error in Li Lingtian's heart became more and more intense.

From the beginning to the end of the auction, weirdness is revealed everywhere.

The characters who let him wander for decades on the verge of life and death and fight for decades with death also felt a trace of fear.

The more like this, the more calm he is, the ice soul martial arts runs, calms his state of mind, stretches his consciousness, and monitors everything in the whole square. The auction time is only two or three hours. This period of time There must be no slack in it.

The expression on his face was calm, and his eyes looked at the Haotian Excalibur suspended above the auction stairs.

This Haotian Divine Sword, with its powerful power, has no difference from the Wind Thunder Slayer used by him. This is also the first time that other treasures can be compared with his own treasures.


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