War God Supreme

Chapter 1582: 3 ignorance

"Haotian Excalibur, the base price is 100 billion yuan, each time the price increases by 10 billion yuan!"

Zhong Yuntang saw the following strong men talking, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. 【Starting】

Then he simply said a sentence, and said the base price and markup standard of Haotian Excalibur.

This reserve price is much higher than the price in the auction house. For the reserve price and the mark-up, the strong players present do not feel the slightest. After all, the reserve price is only a basic.

In the auction house, there are very few auctions. The price of each item is countless times the reserve price.

"150 billion!"

"Two hundred billion!"

"230 billion!"


The fierce competition starts, the price rises like a tide, and it continues to soar upward

Competitive powerhouses continue to push prices upwards, and most of the powerhouses just look at it, because the price is only a basic one, and real competition is still behind.

If the price of a unique ancient artifact only stays at hundreds of billions, this artifact does not know how much garbage.

Basically, it is all low-level strongmen who start competing, just pseudo-realm.

Obviously know that the reserve price is only a basic, or a bottom, but countless strong people have to compete.

Li Lingtian had a faint smile on his face, but his consciousness and attention were elsewhere in the square.

The price has soared beyond imagination. In less than a moment, the price has reached 37 trillion yuan, and the price has not stopped, but the competition is less intense.

However, even the other strong players without capital competition are very excited.

In the end, the price of Haotian Excalibur stopped at 43 trillion yuan, and 43 trillion trillion inferior spirit stones will be obtained from the ancient artifact Haotian Excalibur.

The Haotian Divine Sword was a superpower at the pinnacle of the early half gods.

Only such a strong man can come up with billions of spirit stones.

The treasures traded here are all calculated in billions, and it is impossible to produce tens of thousands of data at all. It is tens of trillions or trillions, or even tens of trillions.

The first item, the unrivaled gold ancient artifact, was auctioned off, and all the powerful people were waiting curiously, waiting for the second item to appear.

I want to know what kind of treasure the second item is. In the auction house, basically the better the treasure, the more it will be taken out in the back. Now the first item is a rare gold artifact. The second item, at least not It will be worse than the first item.

Therefore, the strong people in the entire square are extremely curious, and Li Lingtian and Bei Mingxue are also curious.

Above the square, it was very quiet.

All eyes were on Zhong Yuntang above the auction stairs, looking forward to the second item.

"The second item is also an ancient artifact."

"An excellent ancient artifact, but this unique ancient artifact is the fire system, and more importantly, this ancient artifact of the fire system has the true fire of Samadhi and is extremely terrifying."

The expression on Zhong Yuntang's face was calm, but the greed in his eyes betrayed his heart.

Those who do not like the ancient artifacts of the semi-divine realm, such treasures appear in their hands, but they are not owned by them, but to be taken out to other people, it is a kind of torture.

Looking at the expression of horror and excitement on the square, the expression on Zhong Yuntang's face showed a smile.

"Sanmei really fire."

"Fire is a rare ancient artifact? An ancient artifact with Sanmei real fire."

"Sure enough terror, with the true fire of Samadhi."

"Is there any real fire in Sanmu?"

"I really want to see what the ancient artifact with the real fire of Samadhi looks like."

"Sanmei is really hot! It's terrifying."

"It is said that the true fire of Samadhi is the nemesis of the powerful under the power of the true **** and can destroy everything in the world."

The strong man in the square is very curious about the second item.

Because the first piece came out with the golden artifact of the ancient gems, the second piece is definitely better than the first one. This expects everyone to have reached the tipping point, but when I heard the ancient artifact of the fire gem, it is inevitable that I will be disappointed. .

Although the ancient artifact of the fire department is also a super strong, it is comparable to the ancient artifact of the gold department, but it is still a bit disappointing.

However, I was shocked to hear that the ancient artifact of the fire department is carrying the Samadhi true fire, and the look on his face was shocked. What kind of existence is the Samadhi true fire? That is the nemesis of the warrior, as long as it is the true **** The following strong men dare not touch the true fire of Samadhi.

This unprecedented fire-based ancient artifact has a samui real fire, which is much more terrifying than the gold-based unrivaled ancient artifact.

For a time, all the strong people were excited and shocked, looking forward to seeing this ancient artifact of the fire department, how powerful is the real fire with Samadhi, I want to see.

"Fire is a rare ancient artifact, the phantom of Firefox!"

"It is said that when the ancient artifact was formed, an ancient fire fox was fused, and this fire fox was born with a natural fire."

"With the existence of Firefox, this ancient artifact has the power of Samadhi."

"Look carefully, identify this Firefox Phantom."

After Zhong Yuntang finished, a flame of destruction erupted in the air, and the flame formed a long sword.

The long sword is completely flames, and the air of flames in the air is filled with ruinous ice. All the strong men are suddenly in the middle of the ice and fire, and the look on their faces is constantly changing.

The long sword suspended in the air, spinning like a spirit.

All the strong men were shocked, and their eyes looked dull at the long sword in the sky. Even the semi-godly strong men were shocked and excited, and there was more greed in their eyes.

Such treasures are extremely rare in the Shenwu Continent, and the half-divine realm has never seen it, let alone possessed it.

The look on Li Lingtian's face was also shocked. This breath of flame was somewhat imagined by Han Bing Yan, but it was more terrifying than Han Bing Han. To say that Han Bing Yan is the nemesis of the martial arts, then this Samadhi real fire is the nemesis of the strong man Too.

He did not expect to see the real fire of Samadhi in the Shenwu Continent. Although the real fire of Samadhi is only in a treasure, and the real fire of Samadhi is not too much, it is very inverse to see the real fire of Samadhi in Shenwu Continent. It's day.

The true fire of Samadhi is a fire of heaven and earth, and it is cultivated by the strong men above the true god, and only the strong men above the true **** can control it.

With such a real fire, even a demigod might not dare to resist it easily.

In other words, this phantom of the Firefox phantom is an ancient artifact that has surpassed the power of the ancient artifact. At least it is not a general one.

With his flaming sacred body, he naturally knows the power of Samadhi True Fire. This Samadhi True Fire is definitely not weaker than Jiuyang Shenghuo, and even more terrifying in some aspects.

If at other times, he has to intervene in competition, but on this lonely mountain and dark sea, this treasure will not compete even if he likes it.

"Phantom of Firefox, the base price is 100 billion yuan, and the price increase is 10 billion yuan each time!"

Seeing that most of the strong men in the square were in shock, Zhong Yuntang spoke, and the loud voice awakened all the shocked strong men.

Say the bottom price and markup of Firefox Phantom. After that, you are waiting for the strong players to compete below.

"Two hundred billion."

"Three hundred billion."

"Four hundred billion."

"one trillion."

"Five trillion."


The price is horrible, and the base price and the price increase are completely ignored.

Such a price directly blocks the competition of the powerhouses of false gods.

Moreover, even if it is some semi-deity, it will not dare to increase the price after only one competition, because the spirit stone on the body is no longer eligible to compete, and the other is to use the spirit stone on the treasures of the previous days.

Only some top strongmen, knowing that there are powerful treasures behind them, gather spirit stones to prepare for the final fight.

"If this treasure is competed for Sister Star, Sister Star's strength will definitely rise."

"Unfortunately, the situation is not right now, otherwise how good we will compete."

Bei Mingxue looked at the competition of countless strong men, and suddenly wanted to compete.

This ancient artifact with the true fire of Samadhi is also a top-notch treasure. The treasures they use are all superb ancient artifacts. Only a few people use innate artifacts.

"Look first."

"Look at the treasure behind."

"This auction is weird, so be careful."

Li Lingtian said softly, the ancient artifact of the Peerless Fire Department, with the true fire of Samadhi, is indeed good enough. If it were not here, he also participated in the competition. Although the competition came not for his own use, but his sister Tianxing could use it. .

Reaching his cultivation practice, there is no need to use unique ancient artifacts, even if the treasure is no longer powerful, it is used.

Even if ancient artifacts go against the sky, they can never be compared with innate artifacts.

"It's really weird."

"Other powerful people should have also found it."

"But for the treasures, these powerful men take risks."

Bei Mingxue nodded, she also felt the strangeness here.

It's just that the specific place is weird but I can't tell it. When she saw Li Lingtian's serious look, she also became more careful. Her consciousness glanced around, but she found nothing strange.

"The Phantom of Firefox, the 68th trillion inferior spirit stone, for the first time."

"Phantom of Firefox, the 68th trillion inferior spirit stone, the second time."

"Phantom of Firefox~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Sixty-eight trillion inferior spirit stone, for the third time, congratulations to your Excellency 3672."

Zhong Yuntang shouted loudly that the price had stopped at 68 trillion yuan, and the rare ancient artifact, 68 trillion yuan. This price was indeed shocking, and Li Lingtian was also shocked.

Unusual ancient artifacts can be auctioned up to 68 trillion, if the innate artifacts, it is not hundreds of trillions.

However, fortunately, there are no congenital artifacts in the Shenwu Continent. Even the strong men who came out of the Nine Heavens City did not get a few congenital artifacts.

At this point, he is still confident, even if the Shenwu Continent has innate artifacts, they are controlled by the core characters of super strength.

The average strong man would not dare to think about innate artifacts.

He is curious now that the second item is a rare ancient artifact with a real fire of Samadhi. The price has reached 68 trillion yuan. If a better treasure is encountered later, this price is not a trillion yuan. In the end what kind of strong man can come up with hundreds of billions of spirit stones.


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