War God Supreme

Chapter 1598: Blood moon shot

The arc of destruction was bombarded and came down like a punishment from heaven. (Starting)

Li Lingtian and Beimingxue Xiaobai watched this arc fall, and they were completely stunned. Such an attack had never been encountered at all, and they can be sure that this arc was definitely exhibited by the devil.

Reminiscent of the horrible voice, Li Lingtian has determined that this arc is the attack of the demon king, but now the demon king has disappeared.

But as the smoke disappeared, a mysterious attack was also performed.

Seeing this devastating arc, Li Lingtian's eyes showed a look of despair.

"Blood Moon!"

Seeing that the arc was about to land, Li Lingtian no longer dared to hesitate any more. With a sense of consciousness, a delicate blood lotus appeared in front of him, and at the same time he uttered a recipe.

Just as the mantra fell, the blood lotus flashed blood red, as if it were alive.

The blood lotus was suspended in the air, and a phantom shadow appeared in the void. The phantom shadow appeared in a blood-red shirt. The white and jade-like slender jade feet had no shoes, and the slender jade hands were also exposed.

The whole person is even more beautiful than the Goddess of the Nine Heavens. It is the Goddess of the Nine Heavens.

Do not eat the breath of fireworks, the temperament of the earth, the gorgeous beauty of the dust, so that all things in the world are overshadowed.

The only thing is that there is no slight emotion in the woman, and the giant looks like a thousand miles away.

After the woman appeared, Mei Mu looked at Li Lingtian with a trace of interrogation in her eyes, but then found the destruction arc in the void, no longer hesitated, did not wait for Li Lingtian to speak, and a trace of dignity appeared on her face.

Xianxianyu refers to a curved bullet, and a ruinous red light erupted throughout the body.

The same blood-red ray, but this ray of blood moon does not know how many ten thousand times stronger than Li Lingtian.

She is the blood moon, the blood moon in the underworld.

This is Li Lingtian's first time to help Blood Moon when he is helpless. Let Blood Moon help him solve the danger and solve the super attack.

The arc, less than a kilometer away from Li Lingtian, the **** moon, the slender jade fingers are constantly bounced, and a mysterious breath appears in the air. This breath brings vicissitudes, unmatchedness, destruction, and that kind of time and space Supernatural power.


It is slow to say, but the speed of the arc completely ignores the distance in space, and in the blink of an eye it bombarded in front of Li Lingtian.

Just as the arc was about to bombard Li Lingtian, Blood Moon Slim Jade pointed a little, and suddenly a cracked passage appeared in the space in front of him, and a mysterious blood-red force greeted the arc that landed on the void.



Suddenly, the arc and the blood-red force hit together, and the entire island was continuously destroyed and collapsed.

With the fragmentation of space, the whole world is completely destroyed, just like the end of the world.

The three of Li Lingtian, as well as the Black Dragon King, were constantly torn, and their bodies were instantly destroyed.

The look on Blood Moon's face became pale, and his breath became weak.

The arc in the space gradually weakened until it disappeared in the end.

However, the island also disappeared, leaving only a small island isolated on the entire island, less than ten miles in size above the sea.


Several people in Li Lingtian suffered the aftermath of destruction, and a spit of blood spurted out.

Blood Moon's breath is extremely weak. Li Lingtian has known Blood Moon for so long. The first time he saw Blood Moon was so weak, it was like a gust of wind could blow her away.

"What a horrible secret."

"This guy completely destroys you with his own life."

"Even the palace was almost destroyed by him. I didn't expect the demon people to hate you so much. You have to be careful. This place is dangerous. Hurry and leave."

"In a short period of time, this palace has no power to shoot. To restore it for a period of time, you will refining Shipin Yuhua Dan as soon as possible."

"Hurry up and upgrade your cultivation behavior, the Demon Race is still behind."

Blood Moon's face was not **** at all, but after resisting a devastating attack, his appearance is now even more ugly, and his breath is too weak to the extreme.

But what scared Li Lingtian even more was the tone of Blood Moon.

Even the Blood Moon is so scared, it seems that the Demon Race is really not simple. You must know that Blood Moon has said that even if it is the true God, she can easily erase it, and now there is no True God, so make the Blood Moon like this, Can imagine the horror of the Demon Race.

The voice fell, the breath of the body was even weaker, the figure disappeared in a flash, and entered the blood lotus again.

Li Lingtian nodded and put the blood lotus away, his expression dignified.

Everything just happened was too sudden and terrifying.

Especially that arc, it made people lose their sense of resistance. If it wasn't for Blood Moon, he would definitely disappear.

Moreover, the voice of the demon king made him feel daunted. He vaguely felt some unpleasant, unpleasant things, it must be that the devil ran away, and when the devil came out again, the devil was no longer the devil, but rather A powerful and terrifying devil.

At that time, no one in the entire Shenwu Continent could resist the massacre of the Demon Race.

Thinking of this, I couldn't help looking at the ten-mile-sized island above the sea. This island was the last point left by the sinking of the Gufeng Dark Sea. When I saw this island, I felt an inexplicable irritability and anxiety.

The more this is, the more I believe that the devil has not fallen, but only use the final power to cast a secret technique to destroy him Li Lingtian, so that Li Lingtian will not leave here alive, so that no one knows the news of the demon clan coming to the fairy land.

Similarly, the devil will pay a heavy price and will not be resurrected temporarily, and the devil will not be resurrected temporarily.

However, the devil never thought that he had devoted his life to carry out the last attack. Although he did not kill Li Lingtian, he was resisted by Li Lingtian's people. This may not have been thought of by anyone.

"Brother Ling Tian, ​​let's leave here first."

Bei Mingxue looked at Li Lingtian and said softly that although they were not the target of the attack in the first blow, the destruction of Yu Jin was extremely terrifying, and they were also affected.

Even the cultivation of the pinnacle of the realm of the false **** realm, but in the face of this terrifying aftermath, it was also greatly shaken. The mind was shaken and the injury was not light.

At this time, you must leave quickly, then heal the wound, and return to Haoxuan Tiancheng.

No matter what happens when you get it, if that is the case, no one can save them.

"it is good."

Li Lingtian nodded his head, and the Emperor's chariot sacrificed.

The four embarked on the Heavenly Emperor's chariot. The Heavenly Emperor's chariot erupted with a roaring sound of destruction. They quickly flew towards the sky, and they disappeared into the sky in a blink of an eye.

It wasn't until he left the island millions of miles that Li Lingtian dared to stop the Emperor's chariot and replace it with a spaceship.

The spaceship sacrifice came out, and the consciousness moved. Ji Yi in the dragon dragon ring also appeared in the air.

Without the slightest hesitation, she took over the spaceship, and she controlled the spaceship, allowing Li Lingtian and others to rest and stabilize the injury.

"Brother, do we know Haoxuan Tiancheng directly now?"

"Or go somewhere else?"

The first thing to control the spacecraft to fly towards the sky is to leave this sea area.

No matter where you go, you have to leave this horrible dark sea. I didn’t know that there were demons in this place before, but now I understand the horror here, so I dare not stay a bit.

While driving the spaceship, he asked Li Lingtian.

"Back to Haoxuan Tiancheng."

"Be careful, we need to heal, so as not to affect future practice."

"Call us after arriving at Haoxuan Tiancheng."

Li Lingtian did not hesitate at all. He was seriously injured and could not do anything at all. He had to go back to Haoxuan Tiancheng first, and then go to Haoxuan Tiancheng to repair the injury.

Moreover, Huangfu Yuyan and Tang Qingyue and others are in Haoxuan Tiancheng, and it is impossible for him to leave them in Haoxuan Tiancheng.

Wait until the injury recovers before making plans, but this time must stay in Haoxuan Tiancheng.

After finishing talking, he took Bei Mingxue and others into the space inside the spaceship, and the Black Dragon King entered the dragon dragon ring to absorb the dragon gas and use the dragon gas to heal the wound.

The spacecraft, fast flight, after three days of non-stop rapid flight, the spacecraft finally left the dark sea and came to the land.

After leaving the sea, the spacecraft flew directly towards Haoxuan Tiancheng.

It didn't take much time for the spacecraft to come out of Haoxuan Tiancheng. After a little tidying up, Li Lingtian took Beimingxue and others into the city and entered the city directly back to the Super Cave Mansion.

This time Li Lingtian took Bei Mingxue and others to the Gufeng Dark Sea to participate in the auction, and it did not take much time, less than a month before and after.

Huangfu Yuyan and others did not worry about Li Lingtian and others because they believed in Li Lingtian's strength. With Li Lingtian's strength, even if he met a mid-level powerhouse in the semi-divine realm, he could escape if he was careful.

What's more, there is the Black Dragon King in the mid-semi-realm, Xiaobai's power of the Holy Dragon, and Ji Yi's Xuantian God Arrow. When several people join forces, there is no problem with safety.

They naturally didn't know that the island had a terrible accident. All the more than 5,000 strong people on the island were smashed away~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Even the thousands of demons and tens of thousands of Warcraft also disappeared.

If this news spread outside, it would definitely shock the Shenwu Continent.

However, this news will never spread, because no humans and monsters on the island survived, of course, except Li Lingtian.

Li Lingtian has not yet considered whether to spread the news.

You know, this time Haoxuan Tiancheng presided over the auction, thousands of powerful people gathered in the Gufeng Dark Sea, colluding with the demons to harm the human strong people, and all the human strong people on the island fell.

Inevitably, human beings know that the Demon Race came to the Immortal Territory, and they must fight against the Demon Race. When the time comes, they will fight against the Demon Race and the entire Shenwu Continent will be turbulent.

For a time, Li Lingtian was also entangled in his heart, not knowing whether to spread the news or not.

But the most important thing for him now is not the issue of news, but his own injury. Only after recovering from the injury, do he plan again.


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