War God Supreme

Chapter 1599: Back to Dongfu

Returning to Dongfu, Huangfu Swift and others are resting in the garden of Dongfu.

When Li Lingtian came back, they were all happily greeted, all with happy smiles on their faces, but they were puzzled when they saw the tired and anxious faces of Li Lingtian and Bei Mingxue.

Looking at Li Lingtian and Bei Mingxue with concern, they didn't know what happened or what powerful enemies Li Lingtian had encountered, and they caused Li Lingtian and others to be injured like this.

"Ling Tian, ​​you are injured, what happened?"

"Brother Ling Tian, ​​your injury is so serious, what kind of strong man did you meet."

"Husband, with your strength, as well as the Black Dragon King and Xiaobai Jiyi, how could you be hurt like this?"

"Little Brother, are you injured?"

"Uncle, who hurt you like this, Qingqing will tear them up."

"Go in quickly and don't let the injury get worse."

The happiness on Tang Qingyue's face turned into concern, and they all asked.

But when asked, he helped Li Lingtian and Bei Mingxue enter the cave, let Li Lingtian and Bei Mingxue sit down, and then they looked at Li Lingtian, wanting to know Li Lingtian’s current injury, but also want to know what Li Lingtian encountered. The strong man was injured so badly.

"This time, I went to the Gufeng Dark Sea without encountering any danger."

"And I also found the rootless fruit and ten flowers in the auction house, as well as the whereabouts of several other medicinal materials. I also got the heart of the Sacred Dragon Blade, which I thought I could safely return."

"But I did not expect that after the last item auction, the demon appeared, tens of thousands of warcraft and thousands of demon strongs, and the demon king at the peak of the mid-demireal world."

"The more abominable auction house's strongmen colluded with the demon races. In order to resurrect the devil emperor on the island, the demon races squeezed the blood and essence of all the strongmen and the true yuan and longevity of the strong people."

"At that time, I almost couldn't escape. Fortunately, there were some changes in the middle, which allowed me to find some opportunities. Finally, the blood moon merged with the holy demon dragon blade to destroy the devil..."

Li Lingtian said slowly, repeating everything on the auction floor in detail, and Huang Fu Yuyan and others were terrified to hear it, but did not expect such a terrible thing to happen at an auction on the island.

If it weren’t for Li Lingtian’s deep and terrifying power, and the power of Blood Moon, Li Lingtian and others wanted to return safely, simply dreaming.

Although Li Lingtian finally came back in a panic, but now it sounds terrified. The look on his face changes constantly, horrifying the horror and the situation at that time.

I should have been happy to hear that Li Lingtian and others got some precious materials, but I was not in the mood to think of the dangers that Li Lingtian and others encountered.

No matter what treasure, Li Lingtian is not important.

In their hearts, even if they become gods, even if they dominate the world, if there is no Li Lingtian, all this has no meaning at all.

Only Li Lingtian is by their side. What they like is to live together in plain. As long as there is Li Lingtian, there is heaven, and the world without Li Lingtian is gray.

"Damn, it's abominable."

"Just colluding with the demons to count the strong human beings."

After listening to Huangfu Yuyan, the expression on his face was very angry, but there was nothing else about it. The main thing was that this matter involved Li Lingtian, which almost caused Li Lingtian to fall on the island.

"Really hateful."

"This is thousands of human superpowers, so it just fell."

"What are your plans? Would you like to tell other powerful and powerful forces of Shenwu Continent?"

Tang Qingyue's face was extremely cold. Although the world didn't care about their affairs, the thought of mankind colluding with the Devil to harm mankind for the benefit was extremely angry.

After talking, he looked at Li Lingtian, and everyone else looked at Li Lingtian.

"I can't tell other strong men yet."

"Moreover, this matter can't be spread out, lest the Shenwu Continent be in chaos, let alone, the Demon Races can't be known now that the Shenwu Continent strongman has discovered their secret, if they do, they will hide and secretly act."

"Even ruthlessly slaughtering the weak human warriors, the power of the devil's last blow is completely exerted at the cost of life. The power is terrifying, even the blood moon is almost injured. Such an attack, even if it is later in the semi-deity The powerful people will all disappear, so they will not believe that there are humans on the island running away."

"At this time, we must work hard to improve our cultivation behavior, consolidate strength and power, and then resist the Demon Race. If the Devil Race has occupied the Shenwu Continent, we will have no place to stand."

Li Lingtian pondered for a while, and said his thoughts.

I have been hesitant and entangled at first, but after quieting down at this time, I thought about it back and forth, and I knew the priority of the matter, and I knew the result after the news leaked.

Now his cultivation base is too low, not even the semi-deity, let alone the semi-deity is at its peak.

If this statue of Devil Emperor was resurrected, it was not as simple as a demigod at that time, but a deity emperor like a true god. By then, the entire Shenwu Continent had to be reduced to the world of the Devil Race.

He did not want to fight with this world, nor did he want to compete against the world, let alone dominate.

I just want to improve my cultivation, protect my loved ones, and find a place to enter heaven.

But the current situation completely broke his mind.

If there is no Shenwu Continent and human beings are gone, no matter how powerful they are, there is no place for them. Therefore, they must rely on themselves to improve their cultivation and strength, and then build a powerful force that can contain the Devil.

I have always been so eager to cultivate morale and strength, because the threat is in front of me, like a time bomb, it will explode at any time.

He doesn't want to be the savior of humanity, but he has to protect himself. As long as he can protect himself and his loved ones, he is willing to do whatever he wants. Naturally, things that betray races will not be done. Principle mistakes will not be made.

"Yes, you are right."

"We can only rely on ourselves."

"This powerful martial art continent is selfish and selfish, and there is nothing else it can do to sell the same kind for the benefit."

"So, we have to work hard to cultivate and only then have the strength to protect ourselves."

"Brother Ling Tian, ​​go to heal quickly."

"Yeah, you hurry up to heal, and wait for the injury to heal before talking about other things."


After Li Lingtian finished speaking, they all talked up one after another, and were very angry about the collusion of the demons in the auction house.

In the end, Li Lingtian was urged to practice healing. Naturally, Bei Mingxue and Xiaobai were also called to heal.

The most important thing now is that Li Lingtian recovers from his injury. Other things can only be said after Li Lingtian recovers. If the injury is not recovered, let alone upgrade.

Besides, this matter cannot be solved in one day or two, nor does it mean that something will happen, whether it will be tomorrow, or a few years later, or a few decades or a few hundred years later, nobody knows at all.

It's just that this potential threat has now emerged. Maybe something will happen. When it appears, it will destroy the world and the destruction of the race.

They now know that they will not be kept in the dark, so that they can have a little more time to prepare, so they won't regret when they have no effort to practice.

A potential threat is a powerful pressure. With strong pressure, there is motivation to practice.

Next, Li Lingtian returned to his room to practice healing, Bei Mingxue and Xiaobai also healed on the side alone.

Huangfu Yuyan and others practiced supernatural powers to stabilize the state, while inquiring about the news of Shenwu Continent.

But over a period of time, the Shenwu Continent is still very quiet, there is no slight movement, and Haoxuan Tiancheng is no different.

Under such circumstances, everyone knows that no one knows about the Gufeng Dark Sea auction house. No strong man returns, and no news comes out. Naturally, nothing will happen.

Moreover, the island is sinking, at most it means that a natural disaster has occurred on the island, such a thing is simply not worth the attention of the strong.

Time, day by day.

Li Lingtian was healing in the room, this time on the island, it can be said that all magical powers and treasures were used once, but the distance from the peak of the mid-semi-realm was still very far away.

He understood that this is the gap between cultivation and the realm, and the gap in the realm cannot be compensated by any external force.

The last mid-peak battle with Xuanyindian's mid-semi-realm peak. If Dongyue Baiyu hadn't appeared, it would be difficult for him to get away. Now it's the same with the mid-peak mid-semi-realm peak.

Therefore, the gap between the realm is the sky, which can never be surpassed.

Fortunately, in the end, the Sacred Dragon Blade was merged, but it could not be controlled. It could only be displayed at the risk of anti-bite, and the power of the Sacred Dragon Blade was exerted. Even with this power, the Demon King was destroyed. .

This time, the receipt is not small, but the risk is also extremely dangerous.

Healing in the room, while healing, and recalling the war at the time, these are hard-to-find experiences.

Unconsciously ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The time has passed half a year, half a year, the injury has completely recovered.

In addition, various magical powers have been improved a lot, and the Sacred Dragon Blade has also been re-finished. Although it cannot be controlled, it can barely exert a trace of power.

During this time, he also counted the wealth he got this time.

Five or six thousand super human strongmen on the island, tens of thousands of warcraft and thousands of demon strongmen, all fell on the island, and all these wealth were collected by Xiaobai and Beimingxue.

This time, these powerful men all went to the island for trading with amazing wealth. Naturally, their net worth was great, but it fell into the hands of Li Lingtian.

Inventory of these treasures is naturally not his own thing. If you really want to do inventory by yourself, I don't know how long it will take.

Therefore, the inventory of the treasures was handed over to Huangfu Yuyan and others. Anyway, they were also idle. After the inventory was completed, they were arranged and given to Li Lingtian. Only the space treasures can hold such awe-inspiring wealth and treasures.


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