War God Supreme

Chapter 1600: Tianyang Tiancheng

After counting the wealth, Li Lingtian and others were shocked.

Artifacts and ancient artifacts have reached a terrifying level, and there are countless materials and medicinal materials. These materials are items cherished by the powerful of pseudo-realm and demigods, and they are expensive and cherished.

Artifacts and ancient artifacts may not be useful to Li Lingtian, but they can be replaced with spirit stones.

This time, the wealth of thousands of powerful men and thousands of demons was collected, and the number reached a terrifying level, 377 trillion inferior spirit stones, and one million super spirit stones.

This data is beyond Li Lingtian's imagination, but in retrospect, this time, the income in the auction house is more than 1,000 trillion, and the other powerful people have countless wealth. There is no competition for success. The spirit stone is naturally in Body.

But did not expect that all the wealth fell into the hands of Li Lingtian.

Now, Li Lingtian's net worth has reached 410 billion inferior spirit stones, three million super spirit stones, countless treasures and materials, and endless medicinal materials are not included in it.

There are also tens of thousands of Warcraft Nedan, these Warcraft Nedan are the existence of the ninth order tenth order, and their value is no longer calculated by the spirit stone.

With so much wealth, Li Lingtian was also shocked.

It took a long time to calm down, but the wealth seems to be a lot, but it is not much when it is actually used, because there will be more spirit stones in the future, and even this spirit stone is not enough.

After the injury was repaired, Li Lingtian left the room and came to the garden.

When he came out, Beimingxue and Xiaobai's injuries had long been recovered. On the island, Xiaobai and Beimingxue did not fight, but they were injured by the aftermath in the face of the last attack of the devil, and were injured by the aftermath. No big deal.

"Congratulations to the uncle's recovery."

Xuanyuan Qingqing first saw Li Lingtian coming out, and immediately ran to Li Lingtian in joy, Yingying gave a salute.

"Why didn't you practice?"

Li Lingtian looked at Xuanyuan Qingqing with a face on his face, and felt sorry for his junior. He came to Shenwu Mainland for decades and nearly a hundred years, but only such a junior as Xuanyuan Qingqing, and there are two such as Du Gu Zi Yin and Wei Ling. Disciples.

In normal practice, he is extremely strict, because he understands that only the stricter, can Xuanyuan Qingqing their hard work, and the chance to save their lives when they meet their opponents.

"Uncle, Qingqing has finished training."

"Now they have reached the pinnacle of the realm of pseudo-sacred realm. Even if it is cultivation, it cannot be improved."

Hearing Li Lingtian's words, Xuanyuan Qingqing looked at Li Lingtian and saw that Li Lingtian was stern, but she knew in his heart that his uncle was good for her, and knew that the uncle was like this, but it was not so terrible.

She followed Li Lingtian from an early age. From a princess in Xuanzhou to a princess who became the ruler of Xuanzhou, her status is now even more noble.

Speaking of the niece of the first Divine Master of the First Divine Pill Master of Shenwu Continent, who dares to offend?

"It is wrong to speak like this."

"Cultivation cannot be improved, we must work hard to cultivate supernatural powers, a little more strength, and then a little more protection."

"Straighten your attitude towards cultivation and go back to the wall for a day."

Li Lingtian said coldly that although he knew that Xuanyuan Qingqing was true, he couldn't let Xuanyuan Qingqing have the slightest slack mind and thoughts about cultivation, because in the world where Shenwu Continent is respected, the power is respected.

A strong man who cultivates will retreat if he does not advance. Only continuous cultivation and keeping the heart of a strong man can make continuous progress.


"Okay, I'll play for an hour, half an hour."

"After half an hour, I will go to the wall, and I will never forget the teaching of the uncle, and I must practice well."

Hearing Li Lingtian's words, Xuanyuan Qingqing suddenly stopped, and Xianxianyu took Li Lingtian's clothing corner and shouted coquettishly.

But seeing Li Lingtian's eyes, he whispered the conditions, but when he saw that Li Lingtian didn't speak, he had to lower the conditions.

While talking, Meimu was staring at Li Lingtian all the time, with a pitiful look in her eyes.

Li Lingtian sighed helplessly, without speaking, walked directly towards the garden.

Xuanyuan Qingqing was so happy when she saw Li Lingtian like this. She knew Li Lingtian's character. When the uncle did not speak at this time, she had promised her.

Seeing Li Lingtian walking towards the garden, he ran up quickly.

In the garden, Huangfu Yuyan watched Li Lingtian coming over and looked at Xuanyuan Qingqing's coquettishness. They were all very funny. For this younger generation, they were very pitiful and there was no way for her.

Only Li Lingtian can make her obedient. Only in front of Li Lingtian will Xuanyuan Qingqing be obedient.

In front of them, it is just coquettish to move.

"Ling Tian, ​​did your injury recover?"

"Brother Ling Tian's cultivation has improved a lot."

"Congratulations husband."


Li Lingtian had just walked into the garden, Huang Fu Yuyan and others began to speak, pulled Li Lingtian down into the garden pavilion and sat down. After looking up and down for a while, he was very happy to be sure that Li Lingtian's injuries had all recovered.

Suddenly everyone was twittering, and Li Lingtian's face also had a happy look.

No matter what the danger is, no matter how powerful the opponent is, he can cope with it. In the face of the danger and the strong, his calmness is also overbearing, and he will show his true self only in front of his loved ones.

"The injury finally recovered."

"I didn't expect this injury to be so serious."

Li Lingtian smiled, mouth wide, and said.

In the past, there were also serious injuries, but the healing time was not as long as this time. This time, the injury was really serious and terrifying. If the blood moon came out, he would disappear.

You know, at that time, all the supernatural powers were cast again, and the Sacred Dragon Blade was also fused, and the Sacred Dragon Blade was forcibly cast, which made him repulsed.

Now I think of the statue of the Devil Emperor and the Lord of the Demon King, and my heart still trembles. In the face of such a strong man, there is no room for resistance. If I have not broken through the false **** realm and got a semi-god realm, I will be unable to walk in the future.

"Although it is dangerous, the gains are not small."

"Do you have any plans?"

Nangong Mingyue looked at Li Lingtian and asked.

After finishing the question at Nangong Mingyue, everyone else looked at Li Lingtian and was very curious.

You know, there is a potential threat now, they must quickly improve their cultivation, otherwise they will not have the slightest counterattack.

Now, it depends on what good arrangements Li Lingtian has.

"My injury is now completely healed, and this Haoxuantiancheng can't stay any longer. I will first find the rootless fruit and then go to Chunyang Island. Only when I find the material of Shipin Feathering Dan can I have the opportunity to refine Shipin Feathering. Dan."

"Furthermore, Tianyang Tiancheng is not far from Haoxuan Tiancheng. After going to Tianyang Tiancheng, go to Chunyang Island."

"When I got this news, the situation of the small family was already bad. Even if there is a little spirit stone, it can't be maintained for too long, so we can't delay the time."

Regarding future plans and arrangements, Li Lingtian had already thought about it during the period of treatment.

However, the injury did not recover, and he could only heal in the cave. Now that the injury is fully recovered, there is no need to delay the search for the rootless fruit. Otherwise, you will miss the material with the rootless fruit.

"Tianyang Tiancheng Yuhuan Mountain is indeed not far away."

"It's just not easy to find a small family."

"Do you have an exact location and family name?"

Tang Qingyue nodded, agreeing with Li Lingtian's arrangement.

But thinking of finding a small family in Tianyang Tiancheng is certainly not so easy.

If Li Lingtian knew the name of the family, it would be easier to find it.

"I know this."

"Tianyang Tiancheng Yuhuan Mountain, Wang Family."

"This royal family has also been in Yuhuan Mountain for countless thousands of years. It used to be a superpower in Shenwu Continent, and the legend is still passed down in ancient times, but as time passed, the glory of this royal family was submerged in the long river of history. ."

"Now it is reduced to just a small family, and it has reached the point of bankruptcy. In Yuhuan Mountain, there is only one Wang family. Once you reach Yuhuan Mountain, you can find the Wang family."

A slight smile appeared on Li Lingtian's face, when he asked clearly.

If you can't even find the name and location of this family and want to find the whereabouts of rootless fruit, that's a joke.

"What about this cave house?"

Qingling looked at Li Lingtian. This cave house was bought with nearly trillion yuan of inferior spirit stones. If it goes like this, it is indeed a pity.

"You don't have to worry about this cave house."

"Take care of it, and we will go to Tianyang Tiancheng tomorrow."

Li Lingtian shook his head. Although this cave house did not live long, but now it has found the whereabouts of rootless fruit and ten flowers, it is natural to ignore this cave house.

Besides, the spirit stone harvested on the island this time was shocking, and this point of the spirit stone in the cave house was just a drop of nine cattle.

His character means to do what he says, without any hesitation and quickness.


Tianyang Tiancheng~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Although the superior Tiancheng of Chunyang Empire is not as good as the top ten Tiancheng, it is similar, with extremely powerful forces.

The entire Tianyang Tiancheng is in the billions of miles, with a vast territory and abundant resources.

On the edge of Tianyang Tiancheng, there is a mountain range of Yuhuan Mountain. Yuhuan Mountain Range is one of the three major resources of Tianyang Tiancheng. Because this Yuhuan Mountain is a stretch of hundreds of millions of miles, it is rich in resources, and countless powerful people and family forces are entrenched here.

It can be said that a quarter of Tianyang Tiancheng's forces are in this place.

A continent is a river and lake, an empire is a river and lake, a region is a small river and lake, and a mountain range is also a river and lake, as long as there is a place where people are rivers and lakes.

The same is true of Yuhuan Mountain Range. Here in Yuhuan Mountain, there is a river and lake, family, power, loose repair, and strong, competing for resources and competing with each other.

In this place, the strong men fall every day, the strong men rise every day, the Xingxin family rises every day, and the strong families fall every day.


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