War God Supreme

Chapter 1603: Wang Family, this seat...

c_t; Just when Wang Xiaoman was about to disappear, a strange power appeared in the air to confine all attacks and pull Wang Xiaoman out of the attack range. This situation frightened all the powerful men.

To be sure, these attacks are all from the Wushen pseudo-god and the demigod realm. Hundreds of words are together. Even the top demise realm cannot resist it, but it is imprisoned by a mysterious force.

Why is this not shocking, not shock but fear.

In the air, that simple voice was simple and domineering, completely ignoring all the strong men, and directly calling all the strong men to get away.

Wang Xiaoman was rescued by the mysterious force, his eyes opened, and a curious look appeared on his small face.

She naturally heard this overbearing voice, and the person who spoke also saved her. There was a slight positive feeling in her heart, more curious, who really could be so powerful.

However, what made her curious is that she was suspended in the air, surrounded by a mysterious force, and did not see the character who saved herself.

In the air, there are countless Yuhuan Mountain strongmen, all of which are Wushen Mirror, Pseudo God Realm and Semi-God Realm, any of these strong men can crush her to ashes.

Now thinking about it, she was still a little bit afraid, and she didn’t think that she could resist the attacks of these powerful men at all. All of them were just dreams.

Below, my familiar sisters and elders are still the same, with no change, but everyone's face is horrified.

"Who is your Excellency?"

"What is the ability to hide, do you dare to intervene in Yuhuan Mountain, don't you dare to show up?"

The look on Dongbozhou's face was solemn. His demigod realm peaked at the beginning. His attack was extremely terrifying. In addition to several other demigods and hundreds of martial gods and pseudo-god realms, it was considered a mid-term peak under one blow. The strong will also be wounded, but the attack by himself and others is imprisoned.

It is acceptable to say that he was defeated by opponents who attacked himself and others, because it is possible to defeat them, but it is impossible to imprison them. It is completely impossible, but this is impossible. This just happened.

I was terrified, but I didn't find the trace of the character who just shot.



At this time, there was a sound of breaking the sky.

All the strong men looked into the air, and saw a huge spaceship flying in the direction of the Wang family. On the spaceship stood a group of peerless women. Although they were far apart, they could see these people’s Peerless style and dust. Full text reading of the latest chapter

Seeing this lineup, all the powerhouses froze.

The spacecraft quickly suspended above the Wang family, opposite the hundreds of strong men in Yuhuan Mountain.

However, no one could find the person who spoke, because the spaceship was full of women, and these women were all in the presence of the pinnacle of the realm of pseudo-spiritual realm, and it was impossible to imprison the attack of the powerful men of Yuhuan Mountain.

More importantly, the voice at the beginning was a man's voice, and there was no man on the spaceship.

When all the powerful people were curious, there was a look of horror on their faces, and there was more fear and fear in the look, just like seeing ghosts and ghosts.

I saw that in the empty place where there was no one in the air, a young man in white stood reading.

The young man in white is a kilometer away from the spaceship, and a few miles from the strong man of Yuhuan Mountain.

The young man was dressed in white, with a faint smile on his face and a clear cheek, the whole person was rich and handsome, and the dust was chic and elegant. This appearance and temperament were enough to make the world's women fall for it.

Seeing this young man, all the strong men's faces changed, because in memory, it seemed that they knew this young man, and the lineup on the spaceship was a unique symbol in the Shenwu Continent, but it was impossible to remember for a while.

"This seat is really anxious for your IQ."

"Tell me, how did you cultivate to a semi-god realm?"

Li Lingtian looked at Dongbozhou, the smile on his face was more exuberant, and said lightly, completely ignoring the situation in front of him.

The young man in white is naturally Li Lingtian.

When speaking, his eyes shifted and he looked at all the strong men. All the strong men bowed their heads wherever their eyes passed.


The whole space is strangely quiet, but at this time, Wang Xiaoman was laughed at by Li Lingtian.

The meaning in Du Lilingtian's words is that Dongbozhou is a fool. Curious about how a fool can cultivate to a semi-divine state, but he didn't dare to say anything, but Wang Xiaoman laughed.


"Who is your Excellency?"

"This is Yuhuan Mountain. Do you want to intervene in Yuhuan Mountain?"

Dongbozhou's gas is not good, and Li Lingtian is just a young man with a false **** realm. At other times, he has crushed this false **** realm long ago.

But at this time, they did not dare to carelessly. After all, their attack was just imprisoned, and this young man was not easy.

During the speech, the true element of the whole body is running, and if there is a disagreement, it is necessary to kill Li Lingtian.

"This seat does not interfere with your business reads;"

"But this seat is here to find the Wang family, and when the seat resolves the matter, you can continue."

Li Lingtian said lightly that he really didn't want to gossip with these people.

After speaking, his eyes looked at the Wangjia strongman below. With one hand, a force radiated the mysterious power of chuqu towards the Wangjia strongman and came to Wang Tianyun. Without any resistance and reaction, Wang Tianyun was already wrapped in power. .

By the time he reacted, the whole person had been taken away by force, and finally came to Li Lingtian.

In the presence of Wushen Jiuzhongtian, he is now just an ant in front of these powerful men, but he did not expect a pseudo-spiritual youth to dare to insult the semi-spiritual powerful men, and still be so calm in front of these powerful men.

"Who is your Excellency?"

"What's the matter with my royal family?"

Wang Tianyun forcibly resisted the shock, stabilized his mind, and asked Li Lingtian.

The expression on his face kept changing, shocked, horrified, and fearful.

"You don't care who this seat is."

"As long as you take out two things in this seat, you just have to follow suit."

"Just take out what you want, and the garbage in front of you will help you solve it."

Li Lingtian said lightly that there was no slight change in his face.

When speaking, he looked at Wang Tianyun coldly, making Wang Tianyun feel an invisible force of oppression.

"Your Excellency, please."

"The juniors can take it out, and they won't hide it."

With a bitter smile on Wang Tianyun's face, he was curious about what the powerful and overbearing young man came to the Wang family. With the strength of this young man, it was impossible for him to have anything to do with the Wang family.

He also has nothing in the Wang family worthy of this young man's needs, but now he has no choice.

If you don’t agree, you will be killed by this young man, and the Wang family will vanish. You have agreed, and there is a hint of hope for this young man’s help.

"This seat needs no root fruits, no root flowers."

Li Lingtian said faintly. After finishing speaking, he looked at Wang Tianyun coldly, his eyes as if he could see through his thoughts.

All the strong men are watching the conversation between Li Lingtian and Wang Tianyun.

Everyone thinks what Li Lingtian needs from the Wang family, and also thinks about Li Lingtian's origin and identity.

"Just rootless flowers and rootless fruits?"

"As long as the seniors can repel them, the juniors will dedicate all the rootless flowers and rootless fruits to the seniors."

"No matter who the predecessor is, what can make the junior believe it."

Wang Tianyun was stunned. He didn't expect that this young man was just looking for rootless flowers and rootless fruits. Although rootless flowers and rootless fruits were cherished, for them, it was only a medicinal material.

For Li Lingtian, it is a genius and a treasure, and that is one of the key medicinal materials for improving cultivation.

However, he also heard Li Lingtian's words just now, as long as he took out the rootless fruit and rootless flower, he would help the Wang family solve the immediate crisis.

I was curious about Li Lingtian's identity. What is it worth to be confident about this pseudo-miracle youth?

"This Li Lingtian!"

"The Wang family, this seat is guaranteed. Who dares to move the Wang family one cent, and this seat destroys the Yuhuan Mountain."

Li Lingtian did not disappoint Wang Tianyun and other strong men.

I glanced at all the curious strong men and said lightly, his voice was flat, but it reached all the strong men's ears.

A few simple sentences are enough, and the tone is overbearing, and no one can resist readings at all.

The sound fell, and the air was quiet for a short time. It can even be said to be silent, strangely silent, and the atmosphere was extremely depressed.

"Li Lingtian!"

"Shenwu Continent's First Divine Pill Master."

"The first day array division of Shenwu Continent!"

"Master Divine Master Ling Tian."

"Master Tian Tian, ​​Master Ling Tian!"

"It's Lord Lingtian!"

"Are you really Ling Tian?"


After a short period of silence, a shocked shout broke out.

When all the strongmen heard Li Lingtian's words, they were immediately shocked. The sound struck all the strongmen's mind like a heavy hammer.

Now, some strong guys finally remembered that this lineup ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ This young man, the legendary first Divine Pill Master First Day Array Master Li Lingtian, didn't expect to see him in this place.

Only Li Lingtian has such an overbearing attitude, and only such a false **** realm as Li Lingtian has such a powerful anti-Sky.

"I have seen Lord Lingtian!"

"I have seen Lord Lingtian!"

After exclaiming, all the disciples of the Wang family were respectful salutes. What kind of existence is the first Divine Practitioner of the First Divine Practitioner of Shenwu Continent? In front of Li Lingtian, I had to be convinced.

When Li Lingtian appeared, everything could be resolved, and the powerful people in front of him would naturally be able to solve it, and Li Lingtian had just agreed to the Wang family. With Li Lingtian, the crisis of the Wang family is no longer a crisis, but a turning point.

Seeing the Wang family's strongman salute, other Yuhuanshan strongmen salute Li Lingtian, they all knew that attacking the Wang family this time was really unlucky, and unfortunately met Li Lingtian.


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