War God Supreme

Chapter 1604: Wang Xiaoman's apprenticeship

c_t; In the minds of all the strong men, there is nothing worse than it is now, and the treasure of the Wang family will soon be obtained.

But I did not expect Li Lingtian to appear at this time, which was not expected by all the powerful people.

Li Lingtian exists, but Li Lingtian is not in Tianyang Tiancheng, and he has come to Yuhuan Mountain. More importantly, Li Lingtian also intervenes in this matter and wants to protect the Wang family.

There is Li Lingtian, the first Divine Practitioner of the Divine Martial Continent, who is the first Divine Array Divisionist. Who dares to object?

"It turned out to be Lord Ling Tian, ​​and the younger generations have no eyes, and hope that the seniors will forgive sins."

"The juniors will take rootless flowers and rootless fruits."

There was an excited look on Wang Tianyun's face, but in front of Li Lingtian, he didn't dare to show any rudeness.

He did not expect that the Wang family met Li Lingtian when it was destroyed. When Li Lingtian came forward, no one dared to embarrass the Wang family.

As long as the destruction of the Wang family can be solved, what are the rootless fruits and rootless flowers? In the palace of the Wang family, there are indeed rootless fruits and rootless fruits, but they are of no use to the Wang family.

"What is your name?"

Li Lingtian stood in the air and didn't care about Wang Tianyun, but let Wang Tianyun leave the ground and enter the palace.

However, his eyes looked to the white girl in the air suspended on the side. The girl in white was 13 or 14 years old. The young face had a calm smile, and when he looked at him, his eyes were adored with spirit.

Seeing this young girl, Li Lingtian felt a trace of interest. In this way, she was dressed in white and calmly calmed, somewhat similar to him. The more rare thing was the calmness when facing the enemy.

When he came to Yuhuan Mountain, he sensed that there was a big movement in Yuhuan Mountain, and he discovered the situation of Wang's side under the knowledge search.

At the same time, he also found Wang Xiaoman's situation, and had a little interest in this little girl.

Seeing that Wang Xiaoman was about to be destroyed, he performed space supernatural power alone to cross the space and came over the Wang family to confine all attacks and rescue Wang Xiaoman.

What shocked him was the little girl's blood beads. The girl's blood was mysterious and powerful, which made him think of the blood of Xuanyin Palace's strong man, and this little girl had powerful blood. The blood of the powerful player from Xuanyin Palace is still strong and pure.

Encountering such a little girl gave him a hint of taking it for his own use, and this girl was put in the Wang family, it was a waste at all, and maybe the reads might have fallen after a while. [Quick updates, fresh website pages, few ads, and I like this kind of website the most, so I must praise it]

Following him, Li Lingtian will definitely be able to bring out the talent of Shenxue and become a super strong.

"Master Lingtian, my name is Wang Xiaoman."

Wang Xiaoman didn't expect the legendary man to talk to her, and he was still so peaceful that he felt a illusion for a while, thinking that he had heard it wrong.

The mythical man in the legend, speaking to her like a little girl, completely exceeded her imagination.

Not only her, but the whole strong man present was astonished.

Wang Xiaoman looked at Li Lingtian. When he saw Li Lingtian's eyes were looking at her, he immediately determined that this adult Ling Tian was talking to her. He didn't dare to hesitate at all and hurriedly saluted Li Lingtian respectfully.


"Do you want to be a peerless powerhouse?"

Satisfied look appeared on Li Lingtian's face. Although this little girl was very low-cultivated, she calmed down quickly after being shocked. This kind of character is indeed beyond ordinary people's imagination.

"Peerless powerhouse?"

"Can you be in the world, can you be a peerless master like you?"

"Xiaoman thinks of course, but Xiaoman is too stupid."

All the strongmen, including the martial gods, pseudo-gods, and demigods are watching Li Lingtian talking to Wang Xiaoman. So many strong men are watching Li Lingtian say something that doesn’t matter, but no one dares to have the slightest fault. No one dares to leave here.

Hearing Li Lingtian’s words, Wang Xiaoman’s swift eyes suddenly turned, excited, who wouldn’t want to be a strong man, she also wanted to be a strong man. In this world where the strong man is respected, I already have this and Innate consciousness.

In her eyes, the strongest powerful person is able to cross the world, and like the mythical powerful person in front of her, although the state is not the highest, but it can make all strong people tremble in front of him. Only such a person can be called Strong.

"This seat gives you a chance to become a peerless powerhouse, you may."

Li Lingtian had a faint smile on his face, and looked at the little girl in front of him.

The affection for this little girl is deeper.

After his words fell, all the powerful people were immediately shocked and envious.

Which one is not the pride of heaven? Which one is not the strong man against the sky? Naturally, I heard the meaning of Li Lingtian's words, even if I couldn't hear it, it was a fool.

It is a kind of pride to be a disciple of the first Divine Practitioner of Shenwu Continent, and this person is also a super strong against the sky. It is a myth of Shenwu Continent, and he can become his disciple and cultivate for the return. Not a straight line.

It's just that no one dares to have such extravagance, because no one has ever entered Li Lingtian's eyes, and Li Lingtian doesn't want to accept disciples.

But now the olive branch is thrown at a little girl, which is simply a big news, making all the strong feel that the sun is coming out from the west.

For a time, all strong men looked at Wang Xiaoman with a look of envy.

"Wish, willing."

"Xiaoman visits Master!"

Although Wang Xiaoman is only thirteen years old, he is clever and intelligent, and following several elders over the past few years, his knowledge has also increased a lot. He naturally heard what Li Lingtian said.

Hearing Li Lingtian's words, I was shocked, and the whole person was blinded, feeling that I was smashed by happiness.

The legendary mythical man in front of me is the object of worship by the billionaires of the Shenwu Continent. It is an honour to be able to see it. She did not expect that this person would accept her as a disciple.

Although there is no explanation, she will not miss this opportunity and quickly salute Li Lingtian.

The young face has an excited look, and the smaller body trembles and reads;.

Li Lingtian was stunned. She didn't want to accept this little girl as a disciple, but only as a registered disciple, so that she could do things for herself, but she didn't expect this little girl to be so clever and so courageous. He is a teacher.

"Now, you are the registered disciple of this seat."

"Whether you can become a disciple or not depends on your character."

Li Lingtian had a faint smile on his face. Although he was surprised, he never let others change his trajectory and thoughts when doing things. This disciple can meet his requirements and become a real disciple no later.

However, even if this is the case, Wang Xiaoman is very excited, and he is more happy in his heart. Li Lingtian’s invincibility and strength will never accept his disciples. The disciples he collected are also inferior evils that cannot meet his requirements, naturally there is no Qualified to become his disciple.

Secretly determined in my heart, we must work hard to become a disciple of Li Lingtian.

When all the powerful people in Yuhuan Mountain saw Wang Xiaoman become Li Lingtian’s named disciple, everyone’s face became ugly, and now there are disciples in the Wang family who became Li Lingtian’s named disciples. Isn't it death?

The strong and disciples of the Wang family were very excited. They did not expect that Li Lingtian would accept Wang Xiaoman as a disciple. In this way, no one from the Wang family would deal with them.

For a time, the atmosphere of the whole space was extremely depressed, the strong man of Yuhuan Mountain felt invisible pressure, the Wang family was excited, and Wang Xiaoman was full of happiness.

"Congratulations to Lord Ling Tian."

"Congratulations to Xiaoman Fairy."

"Congratulations to Lord Ling Tian for receiving the apprentice."

"Congratulations to Xiaoman Fairy."


The strange atmosphere was broken, and some strong men of Yuhuan Mountain hurriedly greeted Li Lingtian and Wang Xiaoman.

This change made the Wang family beyond imagination.

However, I thought that these strongmen were to please Li Lingtian, so as to avoid Li Lingtian's account after the autumn. Now, as a result, Li Lingtian is not easy to reach out and make a smile.

At the same time, everyone was shocked. Originally a little girl, who suddenly became a man, Wu Zong's little ants, became a named disciple of Li Lingtian, and can call countless Wushen pseudo-deity and semi-deity. Fairy.

This is Li Lingtian's identity and antagonism. Only the people around Li Lingtian cannot be provoked by any strong man.

Wang Xiaoman is an example. Only 13 years old, Wu Zong's disciples, even the ants in front of these strong men, are not counted, but in a blink of an eye, because of Li Lingtian's words, she became a respectable fairy.

Although she only looked at Li Lingtian's face, she had this capital. Who asked Li Lingtian to look at her?

"Sir Ling Tian, ​​this is the rootless fruit and rootless flower of our royal family, please accept it."

"Thanks to Lord Lingtian for his support, Xiaoman will worry about him in the future."

At this time, Wang Tianyun returned to the sky from the palace ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Respectively handed a space ring to Li Lingtian, and said with respect.

He did not expect Li Lingtian to accept Wang Xiaoman as a disciple, and he was very excited.

With the relationship between Wang Xiaoman and Li Lingtian, the Wang family will not be suppressed by other powerful forces in the future.

Li Lingtian took the space ring. The space in the space ring was not large, only one or two miles in size, but it was already against the sky. In Shenwu Continent, basically no one used the space ring. I did not expect that the Wang family had a space ring. Give him the space ring.

But after I took the space ring and put the consciousness into it, I realized what was going on. That is, this space ring is dedicated to raising rootless fruit and rootless flowers. These things leave the space ring and will not survive for long.

Being able to give this ring to Li Lingtian is also considered by the Wang family to please Li Lingtian.

With the current strength of the Wang family, any force and family can wipe it out. There are people like Li Lingtian standing on the side of the Wang family. The Wang family will at least not be suppressed by these forces in Yuhuan Mountain.


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