War God Supreme

Chapter 1605: Compensation

"How does the Wang family look like now?"


  Li Lingtian put away the space ring, waved with one hand, a halo covered Wang Xiaoman, then flashed his body back to the spaceship, and let Du Gu Ziyin introduce Wang Xiaoman to the people on the spaceship.


   These people are all her wives or relatives. Now that Wang Xiaoman joins, it is natural to know them first.


  However, he looked at the other strong men in Yuhuan Mountain, and all his eyes felt trembling, and something bad was about to happen.


   Sure enough, Li Lingtian said loudly when her eyes were retracted. The voice was inquiring, but the tone did not mean any inquiry, but a kind of oppression.


   The royal family was destroyed, leaving only a palace, and such a loss is indeed heavy.


   If Li Lingtian is not here, the Wang family will disappear even the palace, but now that Li Lingtian has appeared, they are also in trouble.


   didn't even think of stealing chickens and losing rice, not getting the treasures of the royal family, and also risking provoking the royal family, and even provoking Li Lingtian. If it is not handled well, with Li Lingtian's character, the forces of Yuhuan Mountain will be destroyed.


   For a time, the look on the faces of all the strong men was extremely ugly. It was you who looked at me and I looked at you.


   The disciples of the Wang family and the strong did not expect Li Lingtian to come out with such a show, but they were all very happy, so many forces to bully the Wang family, but the Wang family did not have the slightest resistance.


  Now Li Lingtian is heading up for the Wang family. It is very exciting to see so many strong men deflated in front of Li Lingtian.


   "Master Lingtian, we are willing to compensate for the loss of the Wang family."


   "I don't know what Master Ling Tian has commanded or a better way."


   "Yes, we are willing to compensate for the loss of the Wang family."


   "As for the disciples who have fallen, they cannot be saved now, and we can only make up for them by other means."


   "Lord Tian Tian has any orders, we will try our best to do it."




   The look on the face of a few semi-real world strong men changed. If they did not give Li Lingtian a satisfactory answer, they would be done.


  Although Li Lingtian is only a false **** realm, Li Lingtian’s things in the Shenwu Continent are slightly heard, and they are very clear about Xuanyin Tiancheng.


Characters who dare to provoke even the Hyun-yin Hall, and even dozens of powerful semi-divine realms have a second kill, and even the existence of the semi-divine realm kills in the middle, what qualifications do they have the most with Li Lingtian, if they are really against Li Lingtian , That is to find their own death.


   Now, the Wang family has basically been destroyed, and the disciples of the Wang family have fallen to more than one hundred. If you want to compensate, it is not a small sum.


   If it can be solved with spirit stones, that is the best thing.


  Now meeting Li Lingtian, they also think they are out of luck.


   The strong men of the Wang family were shocked to see the strong men of Yuhuan Mountain so admitted. These strong men began to be majestic and high, but now they are like grandsons in front of Li Lingtian.


   "Since you said that, this seat will not be too much."


   "You all came from the forces representing Yuhuan Mountain, and these compensations should also be paid by your forces."


"Here, every martial **** produces 10 billion inferior spirit stones, false gods produce 100 billion inferior spirit stones, and half gods produce 10 trillion inferior spirit stones. Since then, the Wang family has extended thousands of miles to the surroundings and thousands of miles within the Wang family. It is strictly forbidden to appear outside the Wang family, I don’t know if you have any objections."


   "If you have an objection, you can raise it, and you can discuss it with us."


  Li Lingtian's face showed a faint smile, and slowly spoke his condition.


  In fact, these conditions are compensated to the Wang family, but now the Wang family is not qualified to negotiate with these forces, nor have the courage to negotiate. Since he appeared, he will do good things in the end.


   This can also be regarded as a face for this named disciple, so that all the strong and powerful know that the Wang family is not that they can easily provoke, because he appeared on the side of the Wang family.




  Li Lingtian's voice fell, and all the strong men were in an uproar. The strong men of the Wang family were even more shocked, with a horrified look on their faces.


   didn't expect Li Lingtian to open up such terrible conditions, which simply exceeded their imagination. For these levels, they did not dare to imagine.


  The calculation of the spirit stone in billions is almost unimaginable.


   What's more important is that the Wang family's site extends thousands of miles around. In this way, the Wang family's site has reached a size of millions of miles, which is hundreds of times larger than it started.


   And not allow other forces to enter the Wang family a half a step, this is undoubtedly to give the Wang family more powerful protection.


  The strong men of Yuhuan Mountain are also in an uproar. The spirit stone is nothing to Li Lingtian, but for these strong men, it is a shocking figure.


   But he didn't dare to say anything, he could only stay in shock.


   At the same time, they all heard Li Lingtian's tone. Although Li Lingtian could talk, he understood the meaning of Li Lingtian's words, which meant that he could only bear with objections.


   is stronger than people, and the strong men of Yuhuan Mountain can only recognize it.


  It is always better to give out the spirit stone than to die. As for the site, they can let the forces around the Wang family retreat, as long as they do not affect the Wang family, they will naturally have no loss.


   "There is no objection."


   "There is no objection below."


   "Comply with Lord Lingling's orders."


   For a time, all the strongmen agreed to come down and endure the heartache to take out the spirit stone.


  Wang Jiaqiang has been staying with a horrified look on his face. Li Lingtian's condition has gone against the sky, which shocked them to the extreme. What shocked them was that these strongmen did not dare to have any objections at all, and agreed to Li Lingtian's conditions.


   "You guys, you can go."


   "Remember what I said, if you find that the Wang family has suffered unexpectedly, you will be in trouble."


  Li Lingtian asked Wang's family to take the spirit stones of these strong men, and then let them go.


   Although the tone is bland, there is no slight threat, but in the eyes of all strong people, this is simply a shackle of destruction. If the royal family suffers something unexpected, they will have trouble, even if it is not the royal family they deal with, they will also suffer.


   But Li Lingtian said to let them go, and suddenly it was like hearing the order of the amnesty. He quickly flew away into the distance. When he left, he vowed to ensure that the Wang family would not be suppressed by other forces.


  In a blink of an eye, all the strong men of Yuhuan Mountain disappeared. They came at the speed of two legs, but when they left, they were faster than the speed of four legs.


   came happily and left sullenly.


Until all the strong men left, the Wang family talents woke up and looked at the empty piece in front of them. They thought it was an illusion. The Wang family, which was originally going to disappear, can still be retained. All this is because the young man in white in the air, if not in the air The young man in white, the Wang family has now disappeared, and they have disappeared.


   "Thank you, Master."


   Wang Xiaoman was very excited to see all this.


   She knew that Li Lingtian did this for her, and that she would face it.


   A sudden sense of well-being came to my mind. No one took care of it from an early age. By the time he was ten years old, cultivation was rising linearly. Although he was cared for by the elders of the Wang family, most of the time it was cultivation.


  Now that I have a master, this master is a character I adore, and I am still very happy to think about her in this way.


   "Remember, this is the Divine Martial Continent of the Powerful."


   "When you have strength, others will respect you."


Li Lingtian said seriously, the look on his face was also very serious. In practice, he never let the people below and around him relax, because this is for their sake. If they do not practice well, they will not take this world seriously. The only thing you get at the time is trample and humiliation.


   Hearing Li Lingtian's words, Wang Xiaoman nodded respectfully.


  The strong and disciples of the Wang family also saluted Li Lingtian, but they did not dare to think of Wang Xiaoman. After all, they had a long distance from Li Lingtian, and Li Lingtian was not accessible to them.


  Originally Wang Xiaoman was just an ordinary disciple of the Wang family. Although he has been cultivated in recent years, he is only a disciple of Wu Zong.


I didn’t expect Wang Xiaoman to be the same as them at the previous moment, or even inferior to them, but at the next moment, Wang Xiaoman’s identity changed dramatically, from ordinary disciples to Lord Lingtian, the first **** of Shenwu mainland. Remember the disciples, so that the strong in the world should be treated respectfully.




  Li Lingtian left the spaceship, took Wang Xiaoman to the ground, and came to the palace.


   All the disciples of the Wang family and the strong are respectfully standing beside Li Lingtian, waiting for Li Lingtian's instructions.


   "Let me go and see this palace."


   "Although the formation of this palace is powerful, but over time, its power is less than one ten thousandth."


   "Xiaoman may have something to do with this palace, you stay outside, and Xiaoman follows in this seat."


  Li Lingtian looked at the palace. This palace is quaint and does not have the strongest breath, but it gives Li Lingtian a strong feeling. This power comes from the ancients and is passed down from the ancients.


  Although time has passed tens of thousands of years, this place is handed down in ancient times after all.


  Maybe there is a magical existence~www.wuxiaspot.com~He will not be coveted by the treasures of this palace, and Wang Xiaoman is his disciple, even if it is taken out, it is also given to Wang Xiaoman.


   "Master Lingtian please."


  Wang Tianyun did not hesitate at all, and made a please gesture.


   There are no treasures in this palace at all. Even if Li Lingtian went in, he could not find any treasures.


  Even if they found the treasure, Li Lingtian had no way to take it away. Besides, Wang Xiaoman was a disciple of Li Lingtian. Even if there was a treasure, Li Lingtian's identity and character gave the treasure to himself.


   What's more, although the palace's formation is powerful, the power has indeed declined over time. Some formations blessed this formation, but it was something that could not be sought.


   Immediately, Li Lingtian took Wang Xiaoman into the palace.



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