War God Supreme

Chapter 1606: Powerful in the palace...

c_t; The palace is not big, Li Lingtian and Wang Xiaoman soon walked to the deepest point. Fiction/

Inside the palace, there are partial halls everywhere, and there are no items at all, let alone powerful and cherished treasures.

With Li Lingtian's divine consciousness, he didn't need to search one by one, and walked directly to the main hall with Wang Xiaoman.

Wang Xiaoman has been following Li Lingtian. The two are less than five meters apart. For the first time, they approached the legendary mythological character at close range. Wang Xiaoman thumped in his heart.

But gradually I became calm and got used to it.

Because the young man in front of him is his own master, the first Divine Pill Master of Shenwu Continent, the first Celestial Master of Shenwu Continent, and a mythical figure of Shenwu Continent.

"Master, Xiaoman feels that there is a powerful force here, but this kind of power makes Xiaoman feel terrified and simply cannot bear it."

Coming to the main hall, Wang Xiaoman took the initiative to speak for the first time. Before Li Lingtian asked her, he took the initiative to say how he felt in the palace. Although he was familiar with the breath and power in this palace, this power was too powerful. It is not her Wu Zong level can bear.


"You sense here with your consciousness."

"Open your heart and don't resist the breath here."

Li Lingtian turned to look at Wang Xiaoman, then said lightly.

This palace really has something to do with Wang Xiaoman, but Wang Xiaoman's cultivation level is too low to accept the power here. Otherwise, Wang Xiaoman receives the power here, and his strength soars.

Hearing Wang Xiaoman's words, let Wang Xiaoman use the consciousness to sense here, can Kankan discover anything.

Although his cultivation base is powerful, he cannot sense the secrets here, because this place is the site of the Wang family, and Wang Xiaoman, a person with blood, is here.

I am good enough to go against the sky and don't need other foreign objects to help. The benefits here are still accepted by Wang Xiaoman.

After speaking, the true element of the whole body works, but the true element is not released. The consciousness locks Wang Xiaoman and everything here. As long as there is something that is not conducive to Wang Xiaoman, he will shoot the first time.

Wang Xiaoman heard his master's words without any hesitation. He gradually calmed down his mind and sensed everything here with his consciousness. The outside threats were ignored, because Li Lingtian was here, so she didn't need to worry about it.

She doesn't even need to talk about the problem that Li Lingtian can't deal with in this world.

Gradually, the whole person entered the realm of emptiness, which surprised her for the first time that she entered the realm of emptiness so quickly, but at this time the state of mind had reached Gujing Wubo, completely calmed down. Complete Works Download

The presence of the Sensational Palace opens your mind to accept all the reads here.

Li Lingtian was watching on the side. As time passed, the look on Wang Xiaoman's face kept changing, as if he had experienced countless changes in things.

Zou Mei from time to time, not excited.

In the past ten minutes, Wang Xiaoman's childish face showed a calm look, with a trace of joy in the calm, opened his eyes and stood up.

"How? What's the catch?"

Li Lingtian spoke, watching Wang Xiaoman.

"Master, I found a message, but my cultivation is too weak to gather at all."

Wang Xiaoman said what he had just discovered.

"You use the sense of mind again."

"Help you for the teacher."

Li Lingtian pondered for a while. Wang Xiaoman's cultivation level was too low. If there were any secrets in this palace, Wang Xiaoman could only sense its existence, not this secret.

By helping Wang Xiaoman himself, he will naturally be able to let Wang Xiaoman see this information, and he will also be able to see this information.

This is the need for a strong consciousness, but also the formation and cultivation of the sky.


Wang Xiaoman nodded cleverly, and then entered the realm of emptiness. Li Lingtian's eyebrows flashed, and a delicate lotus-shaped rune appeared. The blood-red lotus was exquisite, exuding a faint atmosphere of demon.

Then a red light shot towards Wang Xiaoman's eyebrows, this is his talent divine art, the eye of the **** soul.

At the same time, a series of laws and regulations were put on display. Five elements of Taoism stabilized the balance of the space's attributes, and used his consciousness to enhance Wang Xiaoman's sensitivity and acceptance of this place.

Gradually, Li Lingtian's eyes closed and the two sensed the message in the palace at the same time.

Less than a moment later, Wang Xiaoman felt the message again, and Li Lingtian also felt the mysterious breath at the same time. This was also Li Lingtian's powerful divine help, allowing Wang Xiaoman to shorten the induction time.

In Li Lingtian's knowledge of the sea, that mysterious message is powerful and unmatched. It is not at all a powerful message that can be sent out by the strong human beings, but left by the minds of the ancient powerful powerful people.

In front of this powerful message, Li Lingtian also felt a slight tremor, but fortunately this message was just a remnant.

In addition, Li Lingtian is the reincarnation of the prince of Jiuyang, and the inheritance of the **** of death and the **** of life, as well as the existence of some against the sky, so that he has a strong resistance to this remnant.

The remnants turned into golden light, with mysterious font flashing in the golden light.

These fonts continue to enter the sea of ​​knowledge. While defending these fonts, Li Lingtian accepts these fonts, not letting the fonts hurt him and Wang Xiaoman, and letting this information not be lost.

In this way, after half an hour, the two opened their eyes at the same time, but Li Lingtian's consciousness did not leave Wang Xiaoman, but stabilized Wang Xiaoman's consciousness.

Suddenly leaving his own consciousness, Wang Xiaoman will definitely be hurt by powerful information.

After all, Wang Xiaoman's cultivation base is too low to accept such a powerful message.

However, it took a long time for Wang Xiaoman to slowly adapt to this powerful message. Li Lingtian then recovered his consciousness. Both of them knew this sea of ​​powerful information.

But now is not the time to crack this information. I searched carefully in the palace. Nothing was found. Finally, Li Lingtian blessed the palace with a powerful line. The two left the palace and returned to the outside of the palace.

When I saw Li Lingtian and Wang Xiaoman coming back, they were all looking forward to it, but Wang Tianyun did not have any treasures in it, just thinking about what Li Lingtian and others encountered or found.

"This palace was left by your royal ancestors."

"It's just a previous product, and there are no treasures."

"This seat is about to leave. How far the Wang family can go depends on your reads;"

After Li Lingtian came out, he said lightly that the Yuhuan Mountains should not be left for a long time. What he wanted was already obtained, and the Wang family's affairs were basically solved.

As for whether the Wang family can survive in Yuhuan Mountain in the future, it is the Wang family's business. Now he gives the Wang family a hope that he can't control whether he can survive or not.

At least, Wang Xiaoman is safe around him.

"Sir Ling Tian, ​​these spirit stones were given to Xiaoman by the Wang family."

Wang Tianyun took out a storage bag and sent it to Wang Xiaoman.

Their characters such as Li Lingtian did not lack spirit stones at all, but they were worried that Wang Xiaoman did not use spirit stones. This time Li Lingtian recovered hundreds of billions of spirit stones for the Wang family, and the Wang family could not use them.

It is also normal to give a part to Wang Xiaoman, and Li Lingtian pondered.

Looking at Wang Xiaoman waiting for his reply, he nodded immediately.

In this way, Wang Xiaoman put it away, because Li Lingtian is now her master, these things are only after the master agrees, she can only agree, everything must be master.

Li Lingtian also thought that he would not let Wang Xiaoman accept the spirit stone, and the Wang family would not be relieved.

"This is for you."

"Take this out when you are in trouble."

Li Lingtian's consciousness moved, and a jade jade appeared in front of him, and then his hands waved, and a mysterious dharma decision entered the jade jade. After a moment of effort, the jade jade exudes a faint mysterious breath. This breath is weak, but this The weak breath gave a sense of destruction.

As Li Lingtian's final decision came down, there was no more breath on the jade jade, just like the ordinary blank jade jade.

When Yu Jian came to Wang Tianyun, Li Lingtian had already taken Wang Xiaoman away.

The spacecraft quickly flew out of Yuhuan Mountain, and disappeared in the sight of everyone in a blink of an eye.

Yuhuan Mountain was quiet again, but the Wang family was destroyed. It is not a short-term reads;

These things have nothing to do with Li Lingtian, because he has already done what he should do.

Rootless fruit and rootless flowers have already been obtained. Now it is time to go to Chunyang Island and go to Chunyang Island to find the genius and earthly treasures of Shijuehua. Only by finding these materials can we hope to refine Shipin Yuhua Dan.

On the spaceship, Wang Xiaoman looked clever and stood respectfully beside Li Lingtian.

Huangfu Swift and others were also on the spaceship, and they were very happy to get rootless fruit and rootless flowers.

"Xiaoman, you can talk to your sister and them, and wait two days for the teacher to sort out your skills and teach them to you."

"Zi Yin, you and Qing Qing take the barbarians first."

Li Lingtian looked at Wang Xiaoman's restrained manner and showed a faint smile on his face. He didn't want his disciples to be restrained. He came here. As long as he didn't touch his bottom line, he wouldn't say anything.

"Disciple quits."

When Wang Xiaoman heard Li Lingtian's words, UU read www.uukanshu.com immediately and was very happy.

A little girl of hers is naturally not used to following Li Lingtian and her sister. It is naturally easier than following Li Lingtian, because Li Lingtian is a master and an elder after all.

There are also Tang Qingyue and they are all peerless, bringing a lot of pressure to her.

Dugu Ziyin and Xuanyuan Qingqing took Wang Xiaoman away from the spacecraft's splint and entered the spaceship's room. Qingping and Ming Binger and others also retreated.

"I didn't expect to come to Yuhuan Mountain so easily to find unrooted fruit."

"You still have such a good disciple. Looking at Xiaoman's physique and bloodline, it should be a very powerful kind of blood."

After seeing Wang Xiaoman wait for others to leave, Huangfu Yuyan said with a smile.

This time I came to Yuhuan Mountain for the rootless fruit and rootless flowers of the Wang family. I didn't expect to find the Wang family just after I came to Yuhuan Mountain, so I could get the rootless fruit so easily.


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