War God Supreme

Chapter 1618: The domineering of sword array

c_t; "Boom!"

The battle between the two is getting more and more intense. (Starting)

Li Lingtian will continue to show off the swordsmanship in the Sky Sword Array. The Dageng sword and the swordsmanship have suddenly reached a terrifying extreme.

Even Mu Hao in the mid-half of God Realm can only spend time with Li Lingtian at one time. It is impossible for the two to defeat each other.

At this time, Li Lingtian's face moved.

The Dageng Sword in his hand fell severely, and a ruined golden edge hit Mu Hao.

At the same time, when Li Lingtian exhibited the Dageng sword, the Dageng sword was put away.

The realm of gold in the whole body exploded to the extreme. Sword intention, sword potential and sword territory were revealed at this moment. Li Lingtian was like a sword between the heavens and the earth.

Seeing Li Lingtian stop to do exercises, the look on Mu Hao's face was not relaxed, but instead felt dignified reads;.

Instead of taking advantage of the maneuvering hand, he constantly ran the True Element to increase his power to the most powerful. His eyes were full of shock. With one hand stretched out, a rare ancient artifact appeared in the hand.

If Li Lingtian exhibited the innate artifact when he displayed the treasure, it would simply hit the stone with an egg. Now that Li Lingtian did not display the treasure, Mu Hao displayed the treasure.

"Sword Domain!"

Li Lingtian sipped softly, and the sword intention and sword potential reached the extreme, and then became the sword domain.

Sword domain skyrocketing, at this time, Li Lingtian broke out three sword domain sword awns, the three sword domain sword awns are hundreds of meters long and several meters in size.

Jianyu Jianmang is like crossing over ancient time and space, or it is like flying a fairy.

Seeing this situation, Mu Hao's face was more dignified. The master artifact in his hand came down to Li Lingtian fiercely.

Three swordsman swordsmans, turned a little, and then three swordsmans swordsmans slashed towards Mu Hao with unparalleled power.

Sword domain is a kind of extreme in kendo, it is also the field of sword, and it is also the most terrifying and powerful one in the field. It is countless times more powerful than the field of gold.

This swordmand was obtained from the Jiutian Temple, and a total of nine channels were obtained. The nine swordmans allowed him to achieve the realm of the sword domain, and also allowed him to fuse the nine heavenly swords, but now he can only control three of them.



Sandao Jianyu and Mu Hao bombarded together fiercely. The space suddenly shattered like a broken mirror. At this time, a clear voice appeared in the explosion. ()

I saw that Mu Hao's unique ancient artifacts were destroyed by the sword domain awns and turned into fragments. In front of the destroyed sword domain awns, it was completely destroyed. Even Mu Hao in the middle of the half divine realm displayed the unique ancient artifacts and ancient artifacts. Can't bear the bombardment of Jianyu.

"Poof reads;!"

Mu Hao's face changed, and a spit of blood spurted out.

The body continually flew towards the back, and the fragmentation of the unique ancient artifact was like a sickle of death, blasting straight towards Mu Hao.

For a time, Mu Hao showed countless blood marks, and countless pieces of ancient artifacts penetrated Mu Hao's body.

"Blood Moonlight."

"Blood Moon Lore!"

"Dark God Ring-Chi tomorrow Emperor!"

Li Lingtian looked at the situation in front of him, and the expression on his face was stunned. He did not expect such a change in things. It seemed that the treasure was weak. It was also a tragedy. After the destruction, even the master suffered a loss.

Moreover, this unique ancient artifact is Mu Hao's natal artifact. When the unique ancient artifact was destroyed, Mu Hao was also injured, and the fragments of the unique ancient artifact injured him.

Seeing such a situation, Li Lingtian was very happy, without any hesitation, the real element in his body turned into a horrible and deep aura.

The blood moon brilliance and blood moon lore broke out at this time. Suddenly, the ruined blood red light loomed over Mu Hao, and the blood moon lore also exploded with hundreds of thousands of devastating lights. Linked together, tearing the entire canyon.

The dazzling glare of destruction is like engulfing the whole world. After Li Ling Tianxiu reached the pinnacle of the false **** realm, the power of blood moon glory and blood moon lore also reached a peak.

It's not over yet. I saw Li Lingtian's consciousness moving, his left hand stretched out, and there was a ruinous air of destruction on the left hand. The pressure of destruction was in the air of darkness.

The Nether God Ring opened, and the power of Chi Tiandi Emperor broke out at this time.

The power of Chi tomorrow emperor is tens of thousands of times stronger than before the merger, and now the emperor Chi tomorrow will be exhibited alone.

The power of terror tears through the air, and a white ray of destruction explodes, surrounded by white flames of destruction.

The white light radiated beyond the human imagination to Mu Hao.

Today's Chi tomorrow Emperor, not only double the power, but also double the speed reads;.





Chi tomorrow emperor's light disappeared, the space exploded with a blast of destruction.

In the banging sound, the sound of blood spray and screaming sounded, followed by a muffled sound, but after the muffled sound, Mu Hao, the strong man in the mid-demireal stage, had disappeared in the destruction.

In the mid-half of Divine Realm, Mu Hao fell!

Li Lingtian performed several magical acts of destruction in succession, and finally destroyed Mu Hao's unique ancient artifacts, causing Mu Hao to be injured. Unpredictably, Li Lingtian's destruction attack smashed it away.

Mu Hao's fall made Huangfu Yuyan and others in the whole canyon very happy. From the shot, the devastating attack bombarded Yunchen.

Because they knew that Mu Hao was killed by Li Lingtian, Yun Chen would definitely be afraid. If he escaped, it must be. If they accidentally let Yun Chen dog jump the wall, they might be hit by destruction.

The strongest war, the most worried is that the opponent dog jumped the wall.

Although they are only pseudo-spiritual, they are wise and smart. They have been with Li Lingtian for a long time. These things are clearer than anyone else.

Yun Chen was shocked when she saw Mu Hao fall, and the fear on her face could no longer be concealed.

Just now he had a war with Huangfu Yuyan and others, and he was shocked to the extreme. To know that he is a mid-level **** of semi-deity, he was entangled by a group of pseudo-deity girls, and he didn’t want to kill the other party. .

And during the war, he always paid attention to Li Lingtian, because he heard Mu Hao's words and knew that this young man was Li Lingtian, the first Divine Pill Master of the Shenwu Continent.

It's okay not to look at it, and at first glance, the whole person is horrified.

Because he did not expect that Li Lingtian was stronger than the legend, and he had been pressing Mu Hao bombarded reads in the middle of the semi-deity.

In the same way, his opponent is also powerful against the sky, and he is entangled by the false **** realm.

Less than a moment later, it was found that Mu Hao was injured by Li Lingtian and was finally beaten to pieces.



In the canyon, the devastating attacks continued to explode. Although Huangfu Yuyan and others were only false **** realms, the treasures and supernatural powers they mastered and the practices they practiced were all against the sky. Under the joint force, the power is even more terrifying. Even if it is impossible to defeat the mid-semireal world, it is still possible to contain one or two.

In addition, Ji Yi's Xuantian God Arrows appeared in ghosts and sent out devastating blows from time to time.

For a time, Yun Chen also left countless wounds on his body. Although it was not enough to be fatal, he felt shame and unwillingness in the middle of a half divine state.

"Xuantian God Arrow!"

"Power of the Holy Dragon!"

"Nine Yin Tian Jing!"

"Nine Heavens Ten Earth God Needles!"


When Li Lingtian killed Mu Hao and his figure was suspended in the air, the coveted and Xiaobai and others all displayed their most powerful magical powers.

They have followed Li Lingtian for nearly a hundred years, and the mutual understanding has reached a terrifying level. Without the other party saying anything, they can know what the other party will do next.

Almost reached a point of closeness, now, Huangfu Yuyan and others naturally know that Li Lingtian is going to deal with Yunchen.

There is no longer any hesitation, the magical powers of destruction are on display, this way, not only can remind Li Lingtian to start, but also can create opportunities for Li Lingtian.

Sure enough, after they showed off their most powerful magical power, their strange shapes flashed, and finally they exploded for dozens of years, and the powerful defense was displayed.

At this time, exactly when Yunchen wanted to escape, the magical powers destroyed by Huangfu Yuyan and others were bombarded and interrupted Yunchen's escape.


A blast of noise, Yunchen in the middle of the half-divine realm, was dizzy and turned by twenty or so devastating magical powers.

At this moment, Li Lingtian started.


"Sword Power!"

"Sword Domain!"

"Nine Heavens Excalibur!"

"Nine Nine Sky Sword Formation, destroy!"

Li Lingtian sighed Ruolong Yin Jiuxiao with a single sip, the real element of the whole body worked, and the terrible real element stirred the space of the canyon.

True yuan is the capital of a strong man, but also the capital and motivation of the strong man.

After practicing the Five Elements Great Consummation, Li Lingtian's five-star Yuanshen has reached a level of horror. There is no time interval between the moment when Zhenyuan runs, that is, it reaches a level where the true yuan moves with the idea~ www.wuxiaspot.com~ With the terrifying truth, the sword intention also broke out, the sword intention Lingran, and then became the sword potential, the sword potential became the sword domain.

Suddenly, the entire canyon was almost destroyed by the sword territory.

As the consciousness moved, the nine-handed middle-class congenital artifact appeared around him. The destruction and pressure of the middle-class congenital artifact constantly crushed the void. How powerful is the same middle-class congenital artifact as the nine-handed, and this congenital artifact is still one. The set has complementary effects.



The Nine Heavens Sword appeared, destroying the power and crushing the void.

Li Lingtian controls the Jiutian Excalibur with the mind and mind. The Jiutian Excalibur keeps spinning, and the nine daggers of the sky rise from the sky.

The Nine Nine Sword Sword Array was formed at this time. The nine dazzling sword awns of nine colors, the nine sword awns merged together, and the destroyed nine-color sword awns bombarded towards Yunchen fiercely.


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