War God Supreme

Chapter 1619: Mysterious cave

c_t; wow la la


In the void, with constant explosions, the sky of Jiuxiao seemed to be furious. Complete works download (first release)

The nine sword-shattering swords fuse together to form a nine-color ruined sword-mand. The sword-mands stir the void, just like a colored passage linking Jiu Xiao and the earth.

But this color is not a passage, but a sword that destroys the world.

The whole gorge trembles and shakes at this time, like collapse and collapse at any time.

There is no light in the sky anymore, and everything in the world is eclipsed in front of Jiu Cai Jian Mang at this moment.

Li Lingtian's eyes flashed with fierce light, and the whole person seemed to be fused with this swordmand. Indeed, he, who is the body of the Tianjian, cultivated to the extent of the sword domain, and he could use any swordsmanship supernatural powers and swords. Melt into one.

This is naturally the case now, and there is no need to control the treasure with his hand, because he and the treasure are fused together, and only the power of the treasure can be controlled by the mind.

The ruined Jiu Cai Jianmang, regardless of the distance and time in space, bombarded Zhao Yunchen fiercely.

At this moment, Yunchen had been shocked for a long time. Even in the middle of his semi-deity, he had seen countless storms and waves in his life, but he had never seen such a terrible pseudo-realm, nor even such a terrifying supernatural power.

Seeing Jianmang bombarded, my heart shivered.

Moreover, the sword mang made him feel no sense of resistance.

The instinctive reaction of the strong man allowed him to put out the ruined defense, and suddenly the whole person broke out a taboo magical power of destruction.

"Nine Star Congregation, Nine Star Condensation!"

"Nine-star heaven changes!"

Just as Jianmang was bombarding in front of him, Yun Chen's eyes showed a ruthless look, and his face was determined.

With both hands strangely stroked in the void, the space suddenly became strange.

Nine mysterious light clusters spin in front of you, and nine light clusters are like nine mysterious stars.

In his mouth, he was talking about the mysterious decree, and then the nine light clusters merged together, and a terrible mutation occurred. Yun Chen's body was true yuan and essence blood, and he constantly entered the fusion light cluster.

In the blink of an eye, the light group obtained essence blood and true elements, and its power became more terrifying. At this time, the air had become endless fragments.




The light group rammed towards Jianmang, and the swordmand and the light group bombarded together.

Suddenly, a devastating explosion sounded, and the canyon walls were constantly shaking, but there was no destruction of reads;. (ad)

Huangfu Yuyan and others displayed their powerful defenses to form a terrifying light curtain. The light curtain resisted the aftermath of the two attacks and looked at Li Lingtian.

Nine-color swordmans, ignoring all existence, directly tear the light group into countless fragments, but the forbidden supernatural powers displayed by the demi-magic realm of the fragments, the power is terrifying, and the torn fragments explode out of destruction. 'S force bombarded Li Lingtian.

At this point, Li Lingtian did not expect to see the debris of the destruction bombard him, and each of these fragments was not weaker than the destruction of the strong man in the middle of the half-divine realm.

Seeing this situation, several terrifying defenses were instantly displayed.

"Divine Light!"

"Ice-Fire Ring!"

"Detective Detective!"

"Power of the Holy Dragon!"



Several defensive magical powers and treasures were displayed, but Li Lingtian's figure was still thrown towards the back, and the last bite of blood spurted out, and the body hit the cliff with a fierce stop.

The whole person was completely trapped inside the cliff, and a deep humanoid hole was formed on the cliff, and Li Lingtian's body was also inside.

In the air, gradually quieted down.

Yun Chen, the mid-level semi-god powerhouse, vanished in front of the Nine Heavens Sword.

Li Lingtian was also seriously injured, and the whole person was still stuck on the cliff.

Even his terrible defense, as well as the light of the Divine Blessing and the Power of the Holy Dragon, and the detective of the cold sky, under these terrifying defenses, he also smashed him into the cliff and was trapped. Is so powerful.


Li Lingtian's body exploded, and his body was suspended in the air, only to be assured that Yun Chen's smoke had disappeared.

The blood on the corner of his mouth kept overflowing, even if he was injured, he would not be relieved until he was sure that his opponent had fallen, not only because of his own safety, but also because he still had relatives and his wife outside.

Seeing Yun Chen's smoke disappearing, the consciousness moved, and the treasure was put away, the figure flashed and landed, and came to Huangfu Yuyan and others.

Between one-handed waving, the storage bags of the two mid- and mid-level powerhouses returned to their hands, and the consciousness glanced inside the storage bag, a smile appeared on his face.

"How is your injury, Hujun?"

Shun Meier spoke first and asked Li Lingtian that Yun Yaoyao and Tang Zimeng had helped Li Lingtian.

Although Li Lingtian saw the treasure in the storage bag, although they were curious, Li Lingtian's injury was the most important at this time. No matter how good the treasure was, Li Lingtian was not important.

Besides, when the treasure is in hand, you can see it at any time, but Li Lingtian’s injury makes them worry. Li Lingtian is injured. They are more anxious than anyone.

"It's okay, just find a place to adjust interest rates for two days."

"We will leave here first."

Li Lingtian shook his head and gave Shunmeier and others a soothing smile.

Then he said, let Huangfu Yuyan and others find a place to rest. Just after the war, kill the two strong men in the middle of the semi-real world. The injury is not light. Now you must recover the injury, or else leave nothing. Sequelae.

And in this unknown place, there is no eyebrow. If you don’t recover your injury, you will have to deal with it after you meet the strong.

Moreover, the ten must have been found now, and it is still three ten million years old.

He was pleasantly surprised by this accident. He didn't expect someone to send the ten unique results to the door. Although it was dangerous, it was always easier than aimlessly searching.

"it is good!"

Both Huangfu Yuyan and Tang Qingyue nodded, as long as Li Lingtian’s injury had no effect, he would be relieved to read;.

They naturally know Li Lingtian's physique and talents. As long as they don't die, they won't take much time to heal. Besides, as long as they can recover, what a little time can count.

Immediately, the four sisters and sisters of Tianyue Princess led the way in front of them to find a place to rest. Tang Zimeng and Yun Yaoyao helped Li Lingtian, and the group quickly flew towards the distance.

In a blink of an eye, a group of people disappeared in the place of war, not knowing where they were flying.

This canyon is completely a maze, no matter how it flies, it is inside.

However, they have never walked through repeated routes. This makes them more and more afraid and shocked, because it shows that this maze is very big.

After flying for a full hour, he finally stopped in a spacious place in the canyon, because there was a thick bush above the cliff of this place.

After a glance at their consciousness, they found that behind this grass was an entrance, or a cave.

And with the extension of consciousness, the cave behind this grass is still deep.

After entering this canyon, they have been in the canyon, there are roads everywhere, they just don't know where they are, but after so long, they haven't found a place to rest.

It was definitely the first time I encountered this cave.

When I saw the cave, I stopped and looked at the cave.

Cultivation to reach their level, this grass can not block their consciousness.

"We will take a break here."

Li Lingtian spoke, and after speaking, the Divine Array had been sacrificed.

Between the waving of both hands, a series of laws and regulations were displayed. After a moment of effort, the grass disappeared. This place is no different from other places.

After doing everything, his body flickered and quickly flew away towards the hidden cave.

After a moment of effort, Li Lingtian appeared again in front of Huangfu Yuyan and others, and finally took Huangfu Yuyan and others to fly into the cave. After entering the cave, they all began to look at the reads;.

Li Lingtian started to come in to see if there was any danger inside, and found that there was no breath in the cave at all, and there were no creatures in it at all.

After coming in now, Huangfu Yuyan and others looked at the cave, and Li Lingtian put on a series of tactics to block the cave and prevent outsiders from discovering the cave.

After exerting more than ten formations, Li Lingtian stopped.

These formations have phantom formations and defensive formations. Even if the strong men in the middle of the semi-real world discovered these formations and wanted to break them, they would be delusional in less than an hour or two.

After doing everything, Li Lingtian was relieved.

"This cave should be a passage."

Xuanyuan Yingying said, they also looked at this place clearly.

At least the area of ​​this piece is clear, they found that this place is indeed a cave, which is full of square circles, and there are some large and small caves~www.wuxiaspot.com~ More importantly, there is a passage I don’t know how far the passage extends. With their suppressed consciousness, they simply cannot know how deep it is.

Therefore, it is determined that this is a passage, but there is a cave at the entrance of this passage, which can accommodate countless people to rest.

"You will take care of this and clean it up first."

"Mengmeng and Yaoyao took me to the front to see."

Li Lingtian has seen this clearly for a long time. This place is suitable for rest. The huge cave is a few miles in size and there are countless large and small karst caves around it. Such a place can't be better rested.

But he didn't know what it was in this passage, he wanted to figure it out, otherwise he wouldn't worry about healing.

After finishing talking, he took Tang Zimeng and Yun Yaoyao toward the passage. Although he was injured, the action was still very fast. In a blink of an eye, the three of them flew inside the passage and disappeared in the sight of Huangfu Yuyan and others.


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