War God Supreme

Chapter 1620: aisle

The three-headed blood evil spirits reverted to the blood **** spirit crystal, and Zhao Laosan got the favor of Su Yu and survived.

The third tomb door was covered with blood and mist.

"Young Master, as long as he breaks this blood evil, he can enter the passage of the third tomb gate." Zhao Laosan's face was full of respect.

"How to break this?" Ouyang Honglie asked loudly.

"There is no way, only to gather everyone's strength and open a gap to pass quickly." Zhao Laosan whispered, this is his previous experience of entering the tomb of the sky.

"What are you waiting for, do it!" Ouyang Honglie's mace waved, a faint glory flashed by.

"Second brother, let me come!" Su Yu smiled slightly and raised his hand to stop Ouyang Honglie.

I saw him gently reach out and pressed at the blood-stained door. In an instant, a hole through which people can pass suddenly appeared.

Zhao Laosan was so shocked that he couldn’t believe his eyes at all. This blood evil was extremely powerful. Even with his cultivation in his heyday, he would definitely invade the blood poison by touching it, and it would take a lot of energy to resolve it. To open the Seal of Blood Fiend, most of the power must be expended.

However, Su Yu's understatement wiped the blood off, which was incredible. At this moment, the weight of Su Yu, a teenager who claimed to be from Dayan College, changed again in his mind.

He has a faint feeling, if there is a chance to follow Su Yu, maybe he will embark on an unimaginable road to heaven.

"Let's go!" Su Yu's voice rang in everyone's ears, only to see him jump through the hole first.

Su Yu cultivated blood nerves. For him, these blood evils were almost the same as his spiritual powers. If he didn’t want to shock the three, he could walk in directly, integrate into the blood evil, and travel through the past. .

Su Xiaorou followed Su Yu's passage into the third tomb gate. She also couldn't see Su Yu more and more. When will Dayan College be able to train such genius disciples? However, she didn't mind, but was happy for him, the inexplicable feelings in her heart continued to grow.

The four mermaids penetrated and jumped across the tomb door, suddenly clear, the passage is very spacious, the passage with a diameter of about ten feet presents a circle, surrounded by violent blood, which is blocked by invisible forces, otherwise only one breath is needed Will be able to submerge the entire passage.

"Mr. Zhao, how long is this passage?" Su Yu spread his consciousness and found that he could only reach the wall of the cave, and could only perceive five or six feet forward.

"Master, I don’t know. The entrance to the Sky Tomb is very strange. I have been in it three times. The first time I walked about a few hundred miles to see the end of the passage, but we encountered a higher level of blood evil. , And fled back quickly. The second time, it was less than a hundred feet before it came to an end. It was also a **** gate that blocked our progress, but we couldn’t make it through all our efforts, and finally we could only return. F while The third time was the strangest. I clearly saw the end of the passage, but I couldn’t get close to it. I was afraid that if I walked for thousands of miles, there was really no way but to give up.” Mr. Zhao bowed in half and answered respectfully .

Su Yu frowned slightly, and the entrance passage of the Tomb of Heaven contained many formations. In other words, if the formation could not be broken, then do not want to enter it in this life.

However, because he is not afraid of blood evil at all, blood evil is his power. And Su Xiaorou was born in a famous family, and has some research on the ban on law. Ouyang Honglie is extremely talented, and he must not be too unfamiliar with the law. Plus Zhao Laosan has entered three times, maybe he can really enter the tomb of the sky. Not sure.

"Okay, let's keep going. You must be careful. Don't be affected by the formation and make us fall apart." Su Yu groaned for a while and said slowly.

The three of them naturally had no objections and continued to walk forward.

Every time he walked out, Su Yu suddenly stopped.

"There are creatures in front of it, it should be Blood Fiend."

Blood Devil! According to Zhao Laosan’s introduction, the blood evil spirits in the channel are all equivalent to the six-level cultivation of Tongtianjing. If you encounter a master of the six-level Tongtianjing outside, the four people are not enough to fight together. of.

Bang Bang Bang!

The sound of huge footsteps came, and there was a blood demon in the channel in front. This devil was about three feet high, and the body was almost purple, and a tremendous pressure was shrouded down. The four cracked down.

Both Ouyang Honglie and Zhao Laosan shivered. This prestige was too strong. Together with their cultivation base, it was very difficult to resist. It was only a moment of sweat on the forehead.

However, Su Xiaorou looked much more relaxed, but Xiu Mei frowned slightly, and this coercion did not seem to have much impact on her. This shows how powerful Su Xiaorou's soul is, which also confirms Peng's guess from the side that Su Xiaorou is probably a reincarnation of an ancient king.

Su Yu smiled slightly and glanced at the blood tumbling over his head. Suddenly, the blood blocked by the invisible force broke through the shackles and rushed towards Su Yu, then immediately turned into a huge canopy on top of his head, and enveloped the four in it. The monstrous coercion of the Blood Fiend Demon suddenly disappeared.

When Su Yu tried to communicate with the blood fissures that were blocked around him when he entered the tunnel, he discovered that as long as he operated the blood nerves, these blood fissures would break through the ban and be used by him.

The blood-stained Demon with the power of purple all over the sky was stupefied. Obviously, it didn't expect that Su Yu could use the blood to resist its power, which was completely beyond its expectations.


The blood evil spirits of Zi sè roared again and again, it could smell the smell of fresh blood food, excited. Seeing the four humans who came in so cultivated, it was almost the same as the ants, and the pressure spread out, only to fear that they would all crawl on the ground, waiting for their own harvest.

However, when he saw that Su Yu was able to control the blood around him, forming a canopy to resist all his might, he was furious and yelled.

The light and shadow of Purple Sè flashed over, and the Blood Fiend Demon had no tricks, it was pure power, and it bombarded fiercely.

The power of Xuesha burst out from its body, condensed into a blood-red skull in the air, and made a roaring ghost sound, flying to Su Yu.

Su Yu did not retreat and stepped forward, stepped out with open arms, and then embraced slightly, blood rushing from all directions, instantly condensed into a vortex in front of him.

The skull of blood red rushed into the vortex of the same blood red.

However, the expected big collision did not happen, the vortex of blood directly engulfed the skull, and then it slowly rotated without any abnormalities.

The blood evil spirit of Zi sè stunned, and stopped the pace of the front flutter, and an instinctive sense of crisis surged from his heart. Then he saw the red vortex on Su Yu's chest suddenly spinning.

The blood vortex swirled rapidly, and turned smaller and smaller, and Ze quickly turned into purple. Finally, I saw Su Yu spread his palm and gently held it, and the purple vortex swirled in his palm.

"No shadow blood hand, crack!"

Su Yu shouted, the blood of Zi Sè suddenly came out of his palm, and disappeared without a trace.


A soft sound. The palm print of Purple Sapphire suddenly appeared in the eyebrows of the same Blood Slayer's Demon, and the clear palm print directly photographed it several inches into the eyebrow.

Blood Devil Heavenly Demon is like the glory of the bleeding red blood in the eyes of the copper bell, full of incredible expressions, unwilling, helpless, desperate.


The three-foot-high body suddenly burst from the head, and finally exploded into countless blood shadows, leaving only a blood **** crystal suspended in mid-air.

The power is equivalent to the six-fold blood fiends of the heavens, and even Su Yu's palm can't be blocked. To what extent is the power of this palm powerful, it is impossible to imagine.

Zhao Laosan and Ouyang Honglie stared at the Blood God Spirit Crystal suspended in midair, their minds were blank, and they had lost the space to think.

Su Xiaorou's pretty face is also full of shock. She is a genius disciple of the Immortal Doctor's Palace. She can naturally feel how powerful this blood evil spirit is, even if her cultivation practice is not weakened at all, I am afraid that this trick It will also disappear from death to death.

However, such a terrifying blow from a **** evil spirit demon was resolved by Su Yu's understatement, and then it was turned into a streamer with a light palm, and it became a blood **** spirit crystal again. Such cultivation is really heaven. Triple triple? What kind of magical power is purple palm?

The eyes of the three people looked at Su Yu with unbelievable shock. This young man became more and more invisible.

Su Yu didn't have any words, just quietly collected the blood **** spirit crystal, and then went on.

The three followed, quietly following, and the teenager in front had inadvertently become their backbone. Especially Ouyang Honglie and Zhao Laosan, they believe that as long as they follow Su Yu, they may be able to enter the real tomb of heaven.

Su Yu didn't have any changes in the state of mind of the Blood Fiend Demon who killed the sixth level of Tongtian Realm. He even frowned slightly because he had walked for about ten miles, but he still didn't know where the end of the channel was.

There is time to open the tomb of the sky, and it will close after ten hours. It has taken about two hours now. If you can't find the end of the channel as soon as possible, then the significance of entering this time is almost meaningless.

"Accelerate the speed, you follow closely, don't lose it." Su Yu took a deep breath, and then took Su Xiaorou's hand. The speed was ten times faster, and she rushed toward the depths of the passage.

Originally in the entrance passage of the tomb of the sky, how did dare Zhao dare to move forward quickly, because you don’t know where in front there will suddenly appear a blood demon, only a light blow, I am afraid that he will die Ling Xiao.

However, Su Yu is now taking the lead, and when he went to kill the head of the blood-stained demon in the purple just now, then everything will be fine.

The speed of the four people suddenly became fast, but the blink of an eye was dozens of miles.

A full hour of flying ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ But Su Yu was slightly disappointed that he still did not see the end of the channel.

Time passed quickly, and two hours passed in the blink of an eye, and there were less than six hours left until the tomb of the sky was closed.

"Stop!" Su Yu stopped suddenly.

Behind him, Ouyang Honglie and Zhao Laosan almost hit him.

"Third brother, what are you doing, I almost hit you." Ouyang Honglie said breathlessly.

"Something is wrong, we seem to have been here before." Su Yu paused, his voice solemn.

In front of them, a stream of purple light flashed through the passage, with a familiar feeling.

This purple streamer is really the last remnant of the blood fiend that was killed by Su Yu two hours ago.

After two hours, he returned to the same place.

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