War God Supreme

Chapter 1624: Meet 8 lord again

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"Ben Wang will have some insight in a moment. How powerful is the First Divine Pill Master of Shenwu Continent, and dare to provoke Ben Wang, it is almost impatient to live."

"Do it, destroy this formation, and others will grab this king, and as for him, this king will do it himself."

The eight kings said coldly that when they spoke, they didn’t even have the slightest courtesy in the middle of the half-god realm around them. A peak powerhouse at the beginning of a half god.

With one hand, he made a hands-on gesture, and immediately the three subordinates displayed the magical power of destruction, and the magical power of destruction was bombarded towards the formation.


A burst of destruction appeared, and the formation trembled.

The three strongest fighters at the beginning of the semi-god realm bombarded the formation at the same time. Even if the formation is strong, it cannot resist the bombardment of the semi-godly strong.

Seeing this situation, Huangfu Yuyan and others were all prepared, and more than 20 people formed a magical formation. As long as the formation was broken, they would explode to destroy the world and ensure that these powerful people would not disturb Li Lingtian broke through.


Li Lingtian glanced at the strong man in the air and was shocked.

I didn't expect these strong men to come so fast, which was a bit beyond his expectations. In his prediction, these strong men will take one or two months at the fastest, but these strong men have come over so quickly.

But thinking that the eighth prince is the prince of the Chunyang empire, he must know a lot about the sacred place of his empire, otherwise he will not come directly here.

When he saw the Eighth King’s bombardment, he knew in his heart that he was inevitable in a battle with the Eighth King.

Immediately, his hands waved, and a series of laws were displayed.

Now time is life. Although there is no hands in this time, but there are some eyebrows. Now looking at the arrival of the strong, you can only take a chance. If you succeed, it depends on your luck.

"Boo! Boo!"

"Oh! Oy!"

The Falun Dafa appeared. The altar continued to flash in front of the Falun Dafa. The radiance was very weak, as weak as a firefly, but this weak radiance brought hope to Li Lingtian.

Explain that your thoughts and decisions are still useful for this altar, as long as you follow your own ideas, you can crack this formation, and it is only a matter of time.

While he was casting a decision, the formation outside shuddered even more.

As if it was about to break at any time, seeing this situation, I began to feel anxious.



Finally, the formation could not support the three and a half of the early peaks of the realm, and the top strongmen took turns bombardment. The last click, the formation broke.

The first formation broke down, and then other formations began to crack. In a blink of an eye, all formations disappeared, and Li Lingtian and others were exposed to several super powers. There was no defense to resist.


"Li Lingtian, your position is strong, but in front of this king, you are still vulnerable."

"Strong positions can only help others alchemy. In this world, strength is king."

"Are you shaking, regretting that you offended the king at that time."

The eight kings laughed loudly, and they laughed wildly, as if they saw Li Lingtian trembling in front of him, but his eyes looked at Huangfu Yuyan and others, and his mouth overflowed with evil smiles.

The three subordinates beside him also showed evil smiles on their faces.

But to his disappointment, Li Lingtian ignored them completely, as if he hadn't seen them.

Under such circumstances, Li Lingtian was insulted again, and it was almost violent.

"Rice bug."

Li Lingtian made a decision while speaking to himself. Although his voice was small, he was a semi-godly strong man present, so he could hear clearly.

Now, the formation cracking has reached the most critical juncture, as long as you give him a little more time, this altar can be opened.

As he spoke, his mind moved, and Tianxin Jade appeared in front of him. Tianxin Jade was suspended above the altar. With Li Lingtian's decisive display, the silky breath above Tianxin Jade was connected to the altar.


"Ben Wang will tear you apart with his own hands."

The Eighth Lord was furious, and his figure flashed. The destroyed supernatural power bombarded Li Lingtian.

The magical power of destruction tears the space, and the whole space trembles continuously.

Feeling the strength and power of the Eight Lords, Li Lingtian was shocked. The Eighth Lord at the peak of the early half-god realm was not inferior to any middle half of the half-god realm. On the contrary, it was more terrifying.

If this blow is hit, even Li Lingtian will fall.

However, he did not have the slightest worries, nor did he mean to fight back, but rather quickly displayed the law.


Seeing the attack on Li Lingtian bombardment, Huangfu Yuyan and others who had been prepared for a long time also showed the magical power of destruction. Twenty or so destructions of the magical power attacked the eight princes.

With a loud bang, the Eighth Lord’s attack was intercepted in the air by the attacks of Huangfu Yuyan and others, and all the attacks disappeared.

I was shocked to see that a group of pseudo-shenjing women had resisted his attack, but it gave him even more anger, and the devastating attacks immediately bombarded Li Lingtian.

The attacks of Huangfu Yuyan and others gradually became unbearable, and there was a mid-half **** and three early peaks in the air.

Seeing this situation, the look on Li Lingtian's face was ugly.

However, at this time, there was a hint of joy on his face, and the altar exuded a strong light. The strongest place was the location of Haotian Palace. Seeing this, Li Lingtian couldn’t take care of it anymore. Show off.


"The black dragon comes out."

The formation of the formation is not a temporary thing, but Huangfu Yuyan and others can't resist it. If they don't shoot, Huangfu Yuyan and others will have to do it.

Seeing this, Li Lingtian moved, and the Black Dragon King appeared in the air.

It is equivalent to the Black Dragon King in the middle of the Half-Divine Realm. A 500-meter-sized body swings in the air, and the power of destruction bombards the Eight Lords. At the same time, the destroyed Longwei constantly crushes other powerful people.

With the support of the Black Dragon King, Huangfu Yuyan and others slightly relieved some pressure, but they did not dare to carelessly, because the powerful in the air were even more powerful. As long as they started, they would be in danger.

"Xuefeng real person, let's do it."

The Eight Princes saw that they could not kill Li Lingtian, and even Li Lingtian could not touch them. If they wanted to kill Li Lingtian by themselves, it would not be so easy, unless they killed these women and the Black Dragon.

However, it's not easy to kill these women, and this black dragon has the most terrifying power.

At this time, it was only possible to order the three subordinates and Xuefeng real hands.

"That real person helped you solve them."

After hearing the words of the eighth prince, the real people of Xuefeng began to do it. The destruction attack of the mid-level gods in the half-god realm was revealed at this time, and the top three strongmen in the early stage of the half-god realm also exhibited terrorist attacks.

Suddenly, the attack of Huangfu Yuyan and others was suppressed, and the blood stains on the corners of his mouth, obviously his mind was shocked.

No matter what happened, Li Lingtian was able to face it calmly, but when Huang Fu Yuyan was injured, he couldn't calm down. In his anxiety, Zhenyuan worked fast, and the law and order was quickly displayed to speed up the break.


Tang Qingyue and others spewed blood one by one, and his face was pale.

"All back."

Li Lingtian saw this situation, and saw that the formation on the altar was about to be cracked. At this time, when Huangfu Yuyan and others entered the dragon dragon ring, as long as they entered the dragon dragon ring, he would be able to break the formation for the first time. Enter the palace inside the altar.


The bang was constant, and Huangfu Yuyan and others also knew what Li Lingtian meant. While resisting the attack of the semi-god power, he approached Li Lingtian.

For a moment, they have been attacked by more than ten times, and the whole person is weak.

At this time, everyone gathered around Li Lingtian. Only the powerful body of the Black Dragon King withstood the bombardment of a few semi-godly strong men. It did not attack at all, but used its strong body to resist the attack for Li Lingtian and others. .

"All right!"

Huangfu Yuyan and others looked at each other and shouted.

Hearing this voice, Li Lingtian's consciousness moved, the Dragon Ring opened, and immediately summoned everyone into the Dragon Ring, watching the mysterious disappearance of a large group of people, and several powerful people in the air were shocked.

It was so shocked that Li Lingtian summoned the Black Dragon King into the Dragon Ring.

At the same time, Li Lingtian's last decision was cast, and Tianxinyu burst into a strong light at this time, and the altar formation was cracked.

Li Lingtian flashed his body while taking advantage of the situation, and quickly flew away towards the light of the altar, reaching for Tianxinyu in his hand.

But at this time, the Eighth Lord Ye and the real human Fengfeng, as well as the three strong men at the beginning of the semi-real world, the five destructive magical attacks bombarded Li Lingtian~www.wuxiaspot.com~ At this time, Li Lingtian's eyes were horrified Get up because it is too late to resist at this time.

As soon as the Divine Consciousness moved, the Ice-Fire Ring appeared and the Light of Divine Blessing also exploded. When the Ice-Fire Ring was displayed, the Ice-Fire Ring was destroyed by five attacks, the smoke disappeared with the eyes, and the Light of God Blessed was also hit Scattered.

While Li Lingtian's defense disappeared, the whole person disappeared. I didn't know whether I entered the altar's light or was smashed and vanished.

Li Lingtian disappeared, the air attack stopped, the five superpowers looked at the altar, and the look on their faces became difficult to see.


The Eight Lords finally couldn't help but anger, and the half-godly strong man, and several people, let a group of pseudo-gods escape, and escaped into the altar palace of Chunyang Palace.

How can such a thing be tolerated in front of his eight princes, but now Li Lingtian and others have indeed escaped from their hands.


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