War God Supreme

Chapter 1625: Chunyang Palace of Hao...

"Sure enough, it is evil!"

The look on Xuefeng's face was a bit ugly, and he used it together with the eight kings. 【Starting】

But I did not expect to offend Li Lingtian, and I also saw Li Lingtian's power, as well as the women around him, all so powerful, and the powerful black dragon.

Although he was a little dissatisfied, he knew in his heart that if it were not for Li Lingtian who needed to crack the altar formation, even his blood-bearing real person would not necessarily be the opponent of Li Lingtian.

Now Li Lingtian has escaped, leaving him with a trouble, thinking of this, I feel a little irritable.

"Fairy ass."

"Sooner or later, this king will kill him."

"It's better not to be seen by Ben Wang, otherwise the next time he will be called to disappear."

He heard the words of Real Man Xuefeng, and looked coldly at Real Man Xuefeng. He was the superpower at the top of the early stage of Semi-Divine Realm. Although it was only the initial stage, he was not afraid of the real person Fengxue in the middle. Under the peak of the early half god.

"Let's take a look at this altar."

"It is important that we go to the treasures first."

"If you wait for other powerful people to arrive, even your eighth prince will have little hope."

There was a smile on Xuefeng's face, and a trace of murderous intention rose in his heart.

In front of him, he was just looking for death. If he was outside, he really didn't dare to move the Eight Kings. After all, if he wanted to survive in the Pure Yang Empire, he couldn't offend and provoke the Eight Kings.

But in this mysterious place, isolated from the world, there are countless strong men here, and they are all here to take risks, killing the eight kings here, no one is there, and the empire will naturally not find his head. on.

However, it is important to look for treasures now, or they will have fewer chances when other powerful people come in.



Suddenly, the five people landed and came to the altar where Li Lingtian disappeared. The mysterious light flashed on the altar, and the look on the faces of the five people was pleasantly surprised.

Because they found that the nine palaces above the altar were slowly opening.

Seeing this situation, the five began to choose, and finally chose Chunyang Palace, because their goal was Chunyang Palace.

For a moment, the nine palaces of the altar burst out with a dazzling light. The dazzling light soared into the sky, and the light that hit Jiuxiao did not mean to dissipate.


The Eight Princes glanced at Haotian Palace where Li Lingtian entered, and there was a ruthless look on his face.

Immediately, his body flickered and flew toward the pure Yang Palace, and disappeared in a blink of an eye, and he has entered the pure Yang Palace's light.

Seeing that the eight princes had all gone in, the real person of Xuefeng did not hesitate at all, the figure flashed and followed, and the other three strong men in the early stage of the gods disappeared.

The light above the altar went straight to Jiuxiao, and the light became stronger and stronger after getting the pure Yang Qi. As long as you come to the Pure Yang Plaza and enter the strong palace of the Pure Yang Palace, you can feel the light from afar.

For a time, many strong men rushed to the center.

The strongmen who came to Chunyang Island this time were as many as three thousand, but these strongmen were all transported into the canyon, which was completely a maze.

However, many strong men flew along the canyon to the Chunyang Mountain Range, flying all the way to the Chunyang Mountain Range, and finally came to the Chunyang Plaza.

In the Chunyang Empire, there are 128 heavenly cities. These heavenly cities basically have heard about the Chunyang Palace. It is very easy to find the Chunyang Mountain Range. Even after some repairs, I have got some secrets to find the Chunyang Mountain Range. It is not difficult to go to Chunyang Palace.

However, it is not so easy to fly to Chunyang Square under pressure. People who can fly to Chunyang Square are basically half-god powerhouses, or some of the top pseudo-knowledge powerhouses.

Time passed quickly, countless strongmen entered Chunyang Palace, and finally flew towards the center of Chunyang Palace, came to the edge of the altar, and entered the nine palaces inside the altar.



At the last moment when Li Lingtian entered the light, the five magical powers of destruction came from the bombardment.

Faced with the threat of death, the ice-fire ring spread out, and the ice-fire ring resisted a part of its power, but the power of destruction was crushed towards him, and even the blessed light from the show was scattered by bombardment.

The whole person suffered a devastating attack. Fortunately, after he suffered a devastating attack, he entered the Haotian Palace above the altar.

Entering the light of Haotian Palace, Li Lingtian's body shuttled through the space-time channel, and the momentary kung fu left the space-time channel and came to another small world-Haotian Palace!

This is a palace, a wide palace. He is in the center of the palace. This palace is generally the same as the outer periphery of the Chunyang Palace entered in the Chunyang Square. It is filled with birds and flowers, but it is only about a thousand miles in size. , This main hall is naturally Haotian Palace.


A mouthful of blood spurted out, his body landed on the ground, and his consciousness was swept away. There were no other strong people and creatures around him, only the strong pure yang and fairy spirits.

There is also a palace in the center, which is also the nave, the center of Haotian Palace.

Seeing that it was temporarily safe, Li Lingtian flickered, quickly left the main hall of Haotian Palace, and came to the edge of Haotian Palace to find a place to hide. A few simple formations were displayed, and the whole person disappeared.

He did not dare to stay in the main hall of Haotian Palace, because he was worried that the formation would be invalid in front of the main hall. When he was discovered by other powerful men, he would die without a burial place.

When a panacea was thrown into the mouth, the panacea melted and the injuries in the body recovered slowly.

Li Lingtian's eyes glanced, and his consciousness slowly extended, printing this place into his mind.

There is a vacant space about a thousand miles away. The vacant land is inside the Haotian Palace. At the center of the vacant land is the main hall of the Haotian Palace. As for the vacant land, that is the building of the Haotian Palace. However, this independent small world cannot be easily broken. It is impossible to know what Haotian Palace was made of, unless it left the palace and went outside, so that you can see the overall appearance of the palace.

After the survey, this place is temporarily not dangerous, but it has a strong threat, because the nine palaces are now open, and when the other strong men arrive, there will definitely be someone coming to Haotian Palace.

As long as there is a strong man coming here, he will be very dangerous. If he comes to the strong man in the middle of the half god, it will be even worse.

Now even if he is a Celestial Master, he can't seal the teleportation formation of the Altar Palace, and he can't find where to seal it, which makes him feel powerless.

The only thing to do is to quickly recover your injury and let your injury recover. Only after the injury is recovered can you have a little hope of confronting other powerful players.

Thinking of this, Ice Soul Martial Arts was running, and the whole person calmed down.

At the last moment, Ice-Fire Ring and God Blessing Light saved his life, but Ice-Fire Ring disappeared forever.

Faced with the bombardment of five half-god powerhouses, he almost killed his life. Now he has not fallen, but he is seriously injured.

The heaven and earth reincarnation tactics run, the five-star Yuanshen will circle the true yuan and begin to heal, and the whole person enters a kind of turtle breath. Now, he is racing against time, hoping to stabilize the injury before other strong men come down.

However, what puzzled him was that the time passed day by day, but no strong man came down.

The injuries on his body became more and more stable, and finally recovered slowly.

Time, in the past month, a month, no movement, no strong come down, this point, Li Lingtian was puzzled, his face full of doubts.

However, it is always a good thing not to have a strong man, he does not expect other strong men to come here.

He naturally didn't know that when he entered Haotian Palace, the destruction supernatural powers performed by the eight princes and five people had already destroyed Haotian Palace's transmission channel, otherwise a strong man would have entered Haotian Palace.

The injury recovered and a soothing smile appeared on his face.

As soon as the consciousness moved, the dragon ring opened, and the consciousness entered the dragon ring.

It was discovered that the injuries of Huangfu Yuyan and others had recovered, and seeing this situation, Huangfu Yuyan and others left the Dragon Dragon Ring and came to Haotian Palace.

There was a slight fluctuation in space, and a series of figures appeared beside Li Lingtian.

Huangfu Yuyan, Tang Qingyue, Shun Meier and others, after leaving the Dragon Ring and coming to Haotian Palace, looked around, and there was no other strong man, no threat at all, and his face suddenly showed curiosity.

"Brother Ling Tian, ​​what is this place?"

Bei Mingxue asked, everyone else was looking at Li Lingtian, wondering where this was.

"This is Haotian Palace."

Li Lingtian said that he was not clear about the situation in front of him. This place is completely an independent small world, and the situation outside was not understood at all.

"Haotian Palace?"

"Is it one of the nine palaces above the altar?"

Tang Zimeng was stunned. The palace was obviously familiar, and he quickly thought of Haotian Palace, one of the nine palaces above the altar.

"Yes, that's the Haotian Palace."

"The one who entered the Haotian Palace, the few turtle king **** combined to bombard me with destruction magic powers."

"It almost took my life. Fortunately, no one came here, otherwise it would be troublesome."

Li Lingtian briefly told the events of this month~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Actually, this month, he didn't move at all and entered the turtle rest to heal.

After the injury was recovered, Huangfu Yuyan and others were allowed to come out, so they didn't know the situation here.

"The other strong men did not come here."

"Could it be that the attacks of several strong men at that time mutated the formation, and other strong men could not come in here."

Tang Qingyue said seriously, his face showing doubts.

For more than a month, I believe that the other strong men have come here. There are as many as 3,000 strong men entering the channel of the Pure Yang Palace. Even if you can’t all come to the Pure Yang Palace, but at least a large part of the gods can. Come in.

Nearly a thousand strong gods in the half-divine realm came to the edge of the altar. It is impossible to choose Haotian Palace. This is one-ninth chance. Don’t everyone come to Haotian Palace, so other strongmen have not come here. What happened to the teleportation array.


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