War God Supreme

Chapter 1627: bead

"You guys continue. Mobile reading"

Li Lingtian looked up and looked at the air battle, shocked.

I have known that there are so many powerful wars here, it is better to wait two more days in Haotian Palace. After two days, these powerful wars are over.

However, things in this world are basically doomed, and it is impossible to change.

Moreover, there is no if in this world, only the nature of the five elements and the heaven and the Tao, who follow nature and follow these laws.

Now all the strong men have noticed his arrival, and all have stopped. It makes him feel threatened. It is definitely not a good thing to be noticed by all the strong men.

Immediately, the opening spoke to the powerful in the air, with a faint smile on his face.

"Don't Ling Tian want to participate in the battle for treasures?"

Hearing Li Lingtian's words, all the strong men were taken aback, but they didn't laugh.

One of the strong men at the beginning of the semi-real world said loudly, with a polite tone.

The two battle groups are the battles between the early half-god realm and the middle half-god realm. Fourteen early half-god powerhouses at the top of the team work together to deal with the three mid-god powers.

In this posture, Li Lingtian must be clear that both sides are joining forces, or that they will fight for the treasure after annihilating all the early strongmen here in the middle of the half god.

Either they were jointly killed by these demigods at the beginning, and then the remaining strong men competed for treasure.

Both the early and mid-term strong can only join forces.

However, no matter how many early demigods are in the early stage, they are not opponents of the strong mid-demands.

It can be seen from the five falling demigod powerhouses on the ground that the declining powerhouses on the ground are all in the early stages, and the demise powerhouses are not injured much, obviously occupying the realm advantage in the middle stage.

It is simply an easy task for the three half-gods mid-term powerhouses to work together to deal with a dozen early half-gods.

After this early strong talk, all the strong in the air looked at Li Lingtian.

In the minds of the powerful continents of the martial arts, an irregular rule has been formed, that is, where Li Lingtian has gone. As long as Li Lingtian appears, there are no laws, and things will often change.

"Talk about it."

"What treasure is there, if it is worth the hands, this seat will not fall."

"If this seat doesn't think it's worth doing, this seat won't participate in the competition between you."

"However, I can tell you that if you don't participate in the competition of treasures, you'd better not provoke this seat. Otherwise, everyone will not feel good. Presumably you are only for treasures, not for war."

"If the treasure that needs to be contested here appears here, although you do it, it is best not to keep your hand, lest you have no chance of regret."

Looking around Li Lingtian's eyes, the consciousness monitors a dozen or so powerful gods, and at the same time a ray of consciousness glances at these places to clarify the situation here.

Speaking while looking at it.

The tone in the front was dull and there was a smile on his face, but when it came to the back, the breath on his body was cold, and the tone was extremely cold, just like freezing the space.

Speaking in an overbearing tone, it's not like a pseudo-god talks to a lot of semi-gods, but a semi-god mirror talks to a lot of pseudo-gods.

Suddenly, a dozen or so super powers of the Super Realm were shocked, but they could only admit it.

The young man in front of him is the first Divine Pill Master of the Shenwu Continent and the first day array division. To say this identity, the Shenwu Continent can fully control the world.

It is completely useless in the place of adventure, because in the place of adventure, it is completely the supremacy of strength, above the killing.

However, this young man's horror is not the Dao Dao and the battle line, but his martial arts. The cultivation of the false **** realm is more terrifying than the half **** realm. Fall, and not one or two, but countless.

To say one or two, it might be luck, but countless demigods were spiked in front of him, which is the real power of terror.

If Li Lingtian was not scary, when Li Lingtian came here, he was killed by a ruthless second, and naturally he would not stop.

When Li Lingtian was speaking, he also looked here clearly. This place is almost the same as Haotian Palace, except that it is several times larger than Haotian Palace.

Here is the Donghua Palace, one of the nine palaces above the altar. Looking at the battle of these strongmen, the treasure must have been taken away. Now if you want to leave here, you need to open the teleportation array again.



After Li Lingtian's words, the air was completely quiet, and the aftermath of the strong wind was vertical and horizontal.

The atmosphere was strange and depressed. All the powerful people looked at Li Lingtian and were shocked by Li Lingtian's strength and domineering.

Looking at the appearance of these powerful men, Li Lingtian's cold face showed a smile, no matter how he looked at it, the smile on his face was like the smile of the wolf grandmother.

"Sir Ling Tian said it all, everyone in Shenwu Mainland knows it well."

"Naturally, I believe Lord Ling Tian."

"In the Donghua Palace, there are three treasures, a small knife, a small sword, and a mysterious red bead."

The middle-aged strong man at the beginning of the demigod realm who spoke first said again.

All the treasures I saw in Donghua Palace were spoken out. After I finished talking, I looked at Li Lingtian. I don’t know if Li Lingtian wanted to fight for the treasures.

However, Li Lingtian did not speak, and there was a trace of dignity on his face.

He turned and walked towards Donghua Palace, came to the palace gate, stopped in front of the palace gate, stared at the palace gate, his expression on his face became more and more dignified.


Li Lingtian sighed, waved with one hand, a defense was launched, and Jiutian Shenwei also unfolded, carefully pushing open the palace gate.


When Li Lingtian pushed open the palace gate, a breath of destruction broke out, and Li Lingtian was bombarded and thrown up fiercely. The ruined atmosphere inside the palace gate was like a flood breaking the embankment, so that people did not guard against it.

The breath of destruction, with mysterious and terrifying pressure, the pressure in this breath is like the destructive momentum of the mighty true god, so that Li Lingtian's Nine Heavens Divine Prestige can't resist, almost crushed.

The body stopped 100 meters before stopping, and there was a trace of blood on the corner of his mouth. His face was pale, and there was no blood.

Powerful people in the air were shocked when they saw this situation, and they no longer thought it was Li Lingtian pretending.

"Whose hand is that red bead."

"As long as the red beads are in this seat, the other seats will not compete."

"This bead is not only needed for this seat, you also need it. If you don't have this bead, you never want to leave here."

Li Lingtian said loudly, but instead of looking at these powerful men, he looked at the palace.

Now the gate of the palace is opened, and everything inside is clearly visible. The furnishings and conditions inside are exactly the same as those in Haotian Palace, except that the treasure on the steps inside is gone, the light above the altar is gone, and the statue is above. The glory of it is gone.

The only thing is that there is a mysterious breath flashing on the statue. This kind of breath can only be sensed by an array master like him. According to the feeling, if this array of altars wants to open, it needs the red beads. .

After he finished speaking, the look on the faces of all the strong men became difficult to look at.

One is because Li Lingtian needs one of the three treasures.

Second, because of the formation in this place, they are not celestial division masters. Although they understand a little formation, they are far inferior to Li Lingtian. They don’t know whether Li Lingtian is fooling them, or is it true?

However, neither dare to take risks nor want to take out the treasure.

But if you don’t take out the beads, Li Lingtian will start, and this bead may really be the key to opening the teleportation.

Time, one second, second, the atmosphere in the air is more and more suppressed.

Li Lingtian did not speak, but waited for these powerful people to make a decision.

This is not just a matter of treasure, but a problem of face. If they take out the treasure, they seem to be afraid of Li Lingtian.

"Sir Ling Tian is a Celestial Master, this is not false."

"But how can we believe that Lord Ling Tian opened the teleportation array and left here alone?"

The three mid-shenzhen mid-strong men looked at Li Lingtian for a long time, and one of the mid-shenjing mid-aged old men opened his mouth. The old man was Liu Yunzhi, who was also a strong man in the pure Yang Empire of Xianyu. He had also heard of Li Lingtian’s reputation. .

"After this teleportation array can be opened, it can be easily opened again."

"You can try this, and let's talk about it. As I said earlier, the treasures needed by this seat will be hands-on."

"Since you don't believe it, then compete with strength."

Li Lingtian's tone became cold, and his eyes also looked at Liu Yunzhi coldly.

When speaking, the true element of the whole body is running, the true element of the five-star Yuanshen rises into the sky, and suddenly the space trembles, one hand stretched out, and Dageng sword appeared in the hand.

The destruction of the middle class congenital artifact Dageng Sword is the ruthless crusher in the air~www.wuxiaspot.com~The golden edge cuts the space into fragments.

"The lower class believes in Lord Ling Tian."

"Sir Ling Tian is a master of Heavenly Array, a Master of Divine Pill, and he will not deceive us in one word."

Seeing Li Lingtian's horrible truth and the innate artifact in his hand were shocked.

It is now clear that Li Lingtian's horror, although he hasn't done it yet, this real element's horror alone, coupled with innate artifacts, is not comparable to the ordinary demigod.

Several strong men at the beginning of the semi-god realm opened their mouths, and the beads were in the middle of the semi-god realm. If Li Lingtian competed, they would start in the middle of the semi-god realm. In this way, Li Lingtian stood invisible to them.

If there is Li Lingtian, there is a little more chance of winning.

At least they will not be enemies with Li Lingtian for the time being, which is beneficial to their situation.

Therefore, when Li Lingtian was ready to start, a few semi-godly powerhouses reacted, and when they spoke, they also brought a hint of provocation. ()

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