War God Supreme

Chapter 1628: True pure yang...

"Okay, Master Zhu Lingtian took it. Mobile phone reading mobile phone reading"

"I believe Lord Ling Tian has said a lot."

Liu Yunzhi didn’t know where the strong man at the opposite side of the semi-god realm was provocative. If Li Ling was naive, things would really change.

Besides, this bead doesn't know what it is, it doesn't matter to Li Lingtian.

It is definitely not wise to fight Li Lingtian for an unknown object.

It seems that Li Lingtian came from other palaces and was able to come safely from other palaces. It must have been killed all the way. Such strength cannot be easily risked.

During the speech, waving with one hand, a light and shadow flew towards Li Lingtian.

The red light turned into a meteor, and came to Li Lingtian in a blink of an eye. Li Lingtian didn't look at it. With one hand extended, he grabbed the red light and shadow in his hand and took a step towards the East China Palace.

From the beginning to the end, Li Lingtian didn't glance at the beads, and the whole heart was placed in the main hall of Donghua Palace.

Coming to the palace gate, the Nine Heavens Divine Prestige unfolded, the whole body's true element was circulating, step by step, walking into the palace.

In the palace, the horrible coercion constantly crushed him, and the mysterious atmosphere raged in the palace.

Seeing this, with one hand stretched out, the red beads left the palm and suspended in the air.

Suddenly, the pressure and breath in the palace quickly condensed towards the beads.

Gradually, the breath in the palace weakened, and the pressure was also reduced. All of this pressure and breath entered the beads, and the beads became brighter.

After more than ten minutes, all the pressure and breath in the palace disappeared. Li Lingtian endured the terrible pressure for more than ten minutes, and the whole person almost collapsed.

Fortunately, the coercion and breath inside disappeared. When I came to the front of the altar, the consciousness glanced at it for a moment, and I already had a bottom in my heart.

"Everyone, you can solve your business."

"Don't worry about this seat, continue."

Li Lingtian said loudly, sitting cross-legged after talking, and began to meditate and rest, recovering the energy and spirit he consumed, because after the transmission, he would enter another palace.

After he finished speaking, it was quiet outside for a while, and after a while, the devastating attack popped again.

This bang is countless times stronger than when Li Lingtian started to come in. It seems that these strong men are trying to solve their opponents and leave here quickly.

Li Lingtian did not pay any attention to the war outside, and did not want to participate in it.

Even if the strong man outside fears him, he dare not participate easily. After all, the other party is a demigod, and any one is higher than him.

In such opponents, no war is the best solution, to maintain the best state, not to provoke right and wrong.

Immediately, the whole person entered into the empty state.

Truth, spirit, energy, and consciousness are slowly recovering.

As for the other strong men to deal with him, he didn't even care about it. Reaching the level of cultivation like him, even if he is resting in cultivation, he can control everything outside. As long as there is a slight threat, he can be in the first place. Know for a while.

boom! boom!

boom! boom……

The battle outside was endless, and I did not know how long it had passed. Li Lingtian opened his eyes.

Stand up and look calm on his face.

"If you can leave here, this seat can help you make alchemy once."

"The seat is gone first. This teleportation array can be opened by three points of true yuan. The next place is another palace."

Li Lingtian looked at the battlefield and said aloud, the voice spread out.

With a backhand wave, a light and shadow flew towards Liu Yunzhi.

After everything is done, he doesn't speak, and his hands pinch the Falun Dafa.

When the final decision was cast, the teleportation array of the battlefield opened, and Li Lingtian did not hesitate at all, and the flashing figure disappeared into the teleportation light of the battlefield.

Li Lingtian started the formation and left, less than five seconds before and after the whole process.

By the time all the powerful people reacted, Li Lingtian had already left.

Looking at the jade jade in his hand, the expression on Liu Yunzhi's face changed, and he didn't know whether it was joy or worry. The joy was that Li Lingtian said that he could have the opportunity to get the first Divine Pill Master to help alchemy.

What is worrying is the current situation. If it is inseparable from here, everything else is wild.

But when I heard Li Lingtian's last sentence, I immediately knew that Li Lingtian was reminding them that, thinking of Li Lingtian's restoration of the true yuan, he must send another palace below.

Can remind them that Li Lingtian did not lie to them.

Besides, with Li Lingtian's identity and status, he doesn't need to deceive people at all. If he needs to fight for the treasure, he will just fight for it. This is the self-confidence and strength of the first Divine Pill Master in Shenwu Continent.

After Li Lingtian entered the transmission channel, his face was calm.

With the last experience, I was ready when I left the passage.


Next, Li Lingtian went in and out of six palaces in succession. Every time he passed a palace, he got a bead, and the battle in each palace had reached the final juncture.

Nine palaces, now Chunyang Palace, Thunder Palace and Divine Medicine Palace have not gone.

In these palaces, Li Lingtian was also injured not badly, and even more abominable was Gongsun Long, an old opponent, who almost made him disappear.

Fortunately, he escaped in time, otherwise Gongsun Long wouldn't kill him, and other strong men would use his mobile hand to kill him.

And he found that the strong men who came here were all demigod realm strongmen, and none of the pseudo-goal realm strongmen saw it, and the final victory was on the side of the mid-maudi realm strongman.

In these palaces, there are basically similarities, small swords, beads, and other treasures. No matter what treasures are inside, small swords and beads are indispensable.

Found this problem, the look on Li Lingtian's face changed, because he found that he missed the key treasure, that is, the small sword.

The beads were all obtained, that is, the little sword was let go, but when he checked the little sword, he found nothing wrong. This little sword is a congenital artifact, but it has not been refined.

However, in this place, it is impossible to take all the treasures as one's own.

In the palace you entered in the front, you can still see the strong early half-god realm, but later, the early half-god realm is rare, and basically all are strong mid-god realm.

In a palace, a dozen or so strong mid-divine powerhouses, a young man with a peak of pseudo-realm perfection, is simply looking for death.

Fortunately, his reputation and status, as well as the formation of the anti-celestial position, threatened with the teleportation array, successfully out of sight of the strong.


A mouthful of blood spurted out, Li Lingtian sent from the sixth palace, and when he left the space-time channel, a mouthful of blood spurted out.

Just now, when he entered the sixth palace, he met Gongsun Long, and almost cost him his life. Fortunately, he entered the teleportation array at a critical moment.

The sixth palace is the Shendian Palace. When I saw Gongsun Long and the other six half-magic mid-level strong men, my heart was already shaking.

It took a lot of effort to get the purple beads. I didn't expect to be bombarded by Gongsun Long at the end.


The body fell to the ground with a muffled noise.

But as soon as he fell to the ground, he cast off the heavens and the darkness, and the whole person was hidden in the air.

He was smart this time, and he hid it when he came out. In a palace tens of thousands of miles in size, he was hiding inside and he could not find it at all.

Just injured, if it is seen by other powerful people, needless to say, the end is to disappear.


In Chunyang Palace, there was a startling sound.

But he didn't see the arrival of the strong, and the six half-real-middle stage strong men all showed incomprehensible looks.

Li Lingtian is hidden in the air, the whole person has no breath, not even the fluctuation of space.

The space supernatural power and the emptiness of the heavens reached the point of reaching the peak. If they were deliberately hidden, even the semi-divine powerhouse could not find him, as long as he was not willing to come out.

Heavenly emptiness extinguishes the space supernatural power, and hides in the air, as if it were transformed into air.

Slowly, Li Lingtian came to the edge and looked around, but there was no figure in this place, but there were hundreds of corpses on the ground. These corpses are all in the early stage of the semi-divine realm, and there are six or seven and a half. Powerful mid-term god.

This palace was almost razed to the ground, with traces of war everywhere.

Hundreds of powerful demigods have fallen. Such a horrible situation cannot be described by horror.

Seeing this situation, Li Lingtian was shocked in his heart, with a horrified look on his face.

I don’t know how fierce the war was in this place, and hundreds of demigod powerhouses fell. I don’t know what kind of treasures appeared in this place.

Where did the other strong men go? I don't know if there are still strong men here.

I don't know what palace this place is. Although he has passed six of the nine palaces, there are also the Palace of God Medicine, Thunder Palace and Chunyang Palace. I don't know which of the three palaces this palace is.

"Did it die?"


Li Lingtian said secretly in his heart, because these strong men fell ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ there must be still survived, it is impossible to say that all the strong men are all killed.

Looking at the main hall in the distance, the consciousness drifted in the air, slowly glancing towards the main hall.

Immediately as soon as he came to the main hall, he quickly recovered it. The look on his face was shocked, and he dared not move any more.

Because, he already knows what palace this place is.

This palace is the real main hall of Chunyang Palace and the most important place of Chunyang Palace.

Yes, this palace is-Chunyang Palace!

One of the nine palaces above the altar is also the true holy place of the Chunyang Empire.

And when his consciousness approached the main hall, he found that there were six terrifying breaths in it, which were powerful and unmatched, beyond his imagination, but one of them was familiar to him, but he did not know who the breath was. .

After discovering such a terrible atmosphere in Liu Dao, the consciousness naturally dared not stay any longer, and quickly withdrew the consciousness. If it was discovered by other powerful men and found along with the consciousness, his trouble would be even greater. ()

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