War God Supreme

Chapter 1629: Kill 8 princes

c_t; found that he is in the position of Chunyang Palace, Li Lingtian raised curiosity and anticipation in his heart. (ad)

But thinking of the hundreds of supernatural dips here, the six powerful and unmatched breaths in the main hall suddenly shocked my heart. This breath can kill him now with just one stroke.

Slowly, the consciousness withdrew, and did not dare to let the consciousness enter the palace.

Being able to survive in such a fierce battle, I can imagine the horror of these six strong men. If the consciousness enters the main hall, these strong men will definitely find it easily.

The look on Li Lingtian's face changed, and after the consciousness was retracted, the figure was teleporting carefully in the air, and finally found a corner to stop, quietly cast a phantom array, and cast a bunch of large and small formations in it.

After doing everything and making sure that no other powerful person found it, I felt relieved.

After throwing in the imported remedies, the true element in the body slowly circulates, and Li Lingtian enters the healing state of emptiness.

In the palace, the six strong men ceded one side, all with vigilance on their faces, and looked at the others.

The six strong men sat cross-legged and meditated on the ground to heal the wounds. The wounds on his body were covered with blood, and the blood on the corners of the mouth continued to overflow.

I can't think of these six people as super powerhouses in the mid-half of the realm, but now they look like this.

The six strong men, if Li Lingtian is here, will definitely be able to know two of them.

One is the eight princes of the Pure Yang Empire at the peak of the early half god, and the other is the mysterious three princes, both of whom are super powerhouses at the peak of the early half god.

The other four are all mid-level powerhouses in the semi-divine realm.

"The treasure hasn't been obtained yet, let's not do it first."

"Whoever kills the treasure before it comes out will kill it all."

"I don't know what you think?"

Zhao Yanyun said, before he stopped, more than a hundred super powerhouses, only six of them are left. Now they come to the main hall of Chunyang Palace, and they are all vigilant to each other.

In the mid-semi-real world, he was high above the outside and dominated the side, but in this place, there was no advantage at all.

"Agree next."

"We are all injured, and if we do not stabilize the injury, we will not be able to enjoy it even if we get the treasure."

"Before our injury is stabilized, and before the treasure appears, if anyone starts, we will work together to kill it."

Simon really nodded his approval. He was also in the mid-semi-real world, and at this time he did not take the slightest advantage.

Now, life is important, he doesn’t want to be killed before seeing the treasure, and he doesn’t want to do unnecessary competition.

Next, the other two mid-demand mid-level strongmen also agreed. Although the two kings and the three princes were powerful, they did not dare to put up the prince’s shelf in this place in the face of the mid-mid-level half-magnificent. Down. [For the latest chapter of this book, please go to the request]

Six strong men, two lords of the empire, plus four mid-term strong men: Zhao Yanyun, Ximen Zhen, Zhang Dongqing, Long Yucheng reads;.

For a time, the main hall of Chunyang Palace became quiet.

Chunyang Palace, which is tens of thousands of miles in size, is completely silent.

In this place, hundreds of corpses of demigod strongmen, plus those who were smashed and vanished, do not know how many strongmen died here.

In other palaces, there were endless wars, and several palaces passed by Li Lingtian still did not stop.

There are more than three thousand strong men, and there are thousands of semi-god realms. The strong men who can come to Chunyang Square are all in the existence of semi-god realm. These strong men have basically entered nine palaces.

Time, a little bit passed.

Li Lingtian's injury gradually recovered.


As Li Lingtian recovered from his injury and was trying to deal with the six strong men in the palace, a pure golden light erupted in the main hall, and the golden light soared into the sky.

The air of the pure Yang that destroyed the Zhongzheng stirred the void, and the whole Pure Yang Palace shivered at this time.

The void trembles and the space shatters.

The golden light enveloped the main hall of Chunyang Palace, and it looked amazing.

Moreover, this golden light also carries a treasure, a mysterious treasure that surpasses the innate artifact, not the sharpness and destruction of the innate artifact.

Seeing such a situation, the look on Li Lingtian's face changed.

I don't know if I should go or wait for the other party to kill each other in battle.

For a time, the whole person was entangled.

In the main hall, the six powerful men looked at eight mysterious treasures suspended in the air, and the expression on their faces was excited and greedy.

The eight treasures form a ring and slowly rotate in the air. Above these treasures, all radiate a mysterious golden light, and inside are more mysterious treasure reads;.

A small sword, a knife, a jade seal, two jade jade pieces, a bead, a spear and a Fangtian halberd.

Looking at these treasures floating in the air, the excitement and greed of the six strong men's faces became heavier and heavier. At the same time, the true elements of their bodies were running. Their eyes were fixed on the treasures, and their consciousness locked on the other strong men. The atmosphere was extremely suppressed.

It turned out that after the six strong men had stabilized their injuries, they joined hands to open the mask in the palace. The mask opened, the altar sent light flashing, and the statue radiated a mysterious light.

When the reticle opened, eight powerful and mysterious treasures flew up and hovered in the air.

"The deity wants this spear."

Zhao Yanyun took the lead in speaking, with an excited look on his face. When he was talking, he grabbed the air with one hand, a powerful force imprisoned the spear, and the spear continued to struggle.

"Xiaojian, the deity wants it."

Ximen Zhen also spoke when Zhao Yanyun spoke, and at the same time he started to grab Xiaojian.

At the same time, several other strong men selected their own treasures and grabbed the treasures they wanted.

However, the eight kings chose two, the beads and one of the jade slips.

Seeing this situation, the other strong men did not speak, but they already had a murderous intention in their hearts, but now they want to conquer the treasures of their choice in the air, and they can’t free them to deal with the Eight Kings.

Moreover, it is obviously unwise to choose two treasures at this time, because one treasure is difficult to conquer, not to mention two.

Suddenly, several strong men use their real elements and methods to quickly conquer the treasures, and strive to conquer their treasures before other strong men conquer the treasures, so that they can also compete with other treasures.

"Bing Soul God Needle!"

"Dageng Sword!"

Just as a few strong men conquered the treasure, a light drink came from outside the palace, with a voice like Ruolong Yin.

When the sound rang, a threat of destruction poured in from outside the palace.

I saw a golden edge coming into the air, as if crossing the ancient time and space.

When the golden sharp edge appeared, a ruined innate artifact crushed the strong men in the palace relentlessly. When they reacted, the golden sharp edge had bombarded the eight kings.


The Eight Kings did not expect that other strong men had arrived in the Pure Yang Palace. The full-frame mind was placed on the other five strong men in the palace, and the power was used on two treasures.

When he saw the golden edge, his face was frightened, and finally he became desperate.

At this time, it is too late to show off magical powers and treasures.

With a scream, the ruined golden edge fell on the body, and the golden edge was indestructible, completely interpreting sharpness.

In the horror of the five strong men, the Eighth Lord Ye was cut in half by the golden edge, and there was horrible frost on the eyebrows. In an instant, the two bodies of the Eighth Lord Ye were frozen, and finally their vitality disappeared, even the Yuanshen Frost imprisonment was destroyed.

While the golden edging landed on the eight kings, a clear breeze flashed, and the beads and two jade pieces disappeared.

The breeze turned into a figure, and a young man in white landed on the ground.

The young man appeared in the sight of the remaining five semi-real powerhouses. The five powerhouses were terrified. The true element of the whole body protected themselves, and their expressions kept changing, but they did not want to give up the treasure they chose.

"Li Lingtian!"

The five strong men exclaimed when they saw the young man in white.

Yes, it was Li Lingtian. Seeing the changes in the palace, Li Lingtian tangled up.

But in the end it was decided that the treasure was in his own hands, and it was better than going to compete. Thinking of this, he cast out the heavens and voids and came to the outside of the palace to see everything inside clearly.

Seeing the eighth prince and the three princes, Li Lingtian raised a murderous heart against the eight princes. While the eighth princes conquered the treasures, the Dageng sword and the ice soul needles were displayed at the same time.

Under the circumstances of the sneak attack, the Eight Lords were killed by a single blow.

At the same time, the figure unfolded and took away three treasures in the air. He did not move the treasures of the other five strong men. This is a wise move. If he is too greedy, it will only cause the strong men to fight.

For the treasure, these powerful people can do anything.

"Relax everyone."

"As long as you don't do anything with this seat, this seat will not target you."

"Go on, this seat is just watching."

Li Lingtian said with a smile, but looked at the battlefield, now he does not want to stay in this place, but to go to another place.

Hearing Li Lingtian's words~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The few strongmen are still not at all relieved, but are even more afraid of it.

Although Li Lingtian just attacked, but a false **** realm killed the eight kings in one second, such a terrible method is scary. You know, although the eight kings are only the peak of the early half gods, but their strength is better than other gods. The mid-term environment is strong.

Even the eight princes were killed in a single blow. If Li Lingtian took advantage of them when they took over the treasure, then the eight princes would be their end.

However, Li Lingtian did not ignore the horror of these powerful men in the slightest, but put the consciousness on the two jade jades. After a while, the consciousness withdrew.

The look on his face was calm, but his heart was full of surprise and excitement. This time he came to Chunyang Palace.

Because the Pure Yang Gong Fa is in hand, there is still a jade jade that I haven’t seen, but I don’t need to watch it now. As long as the Pure Yang Gong Fa is in hand, the formation of the Fa will immediately start the formation, but an accident happened.

The look on his face also changed dramatically, and his figure flickered outward quickly.


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