War God Supreme

Chapter 1630: Thunder of Pure Yang Palace...

c_t; Just after Li Lingtian checked one of the jade slips and was to cast a magic trick to open the teleportation array and leave, a destructive golden light landed in the main hall of Chunyang Palace, and the golden light carried the destructive pressure. Qiushuwang

Even Li Lingtian and Jiu Tian Shenwei were torn in front of them in an instant.

The golden light was bombarded straight down, as if to crush everyone here into powder. Seeing such a situation, Li Lingtian was horrified, and the heavens disappeared, and his body flew away outside the palace.

However, it was too late when the golden light appeared.


With a blast of destruction, Li Lingtian's body was hit by the aftermath, and the force of the destruction of the whole person flew and threw it straight out of the palace.

A mouthful of blood spewed out, his face pale, and finally he fell helplessly to the ground.

The place where the body fell is already a hundred miles away from the main hall. I can imagine how powerful the golden destruction in the palace is. Li Lingtian’s terrifying strength is like tiny ants in front of this golden light.

Moreover, this is already his first escape, the attack behind is just the afterglow of golden light, if it is bombarded frontally, it is a real disaster.

This is the case with Jiutian Shenwei, not to mention other coercion and defense.

When he fell, he saw three figures thrown out of his eyes, and finally fell to the ground. I don't know how it happened.

The palace was trembling constantly, as if it were about to be destroyed.

"not good."

Li Lingtian looked at the palace, apparently prelude to destruction.

At this moment, he didn't dare to hesitate. A pill was thrown into the mouth, the figure flashed, and he flew quickly into the palace.

Entering the palace, two of the former have fallen to the ground, and two treasures have fallen to the ground. Seeing this, Li Lingtian waved his hands, and the two treasures returned to his hand and entered the dragon dragon ring.

After everything was done, the Fa Judiciary was exhibited, and the Fa Judiciary landed on the altar, hoping to be transported away before the palace was destroyed, otherwise it would really be finished.

As he cast his spells, countless pressures of destruction and golden light fell on the palace.

At this time, the three figures flashed in and saw the situation in the palace. They did not dare to hesitate and exerted powerful magical powers to resist the pressure and golden light over Li Lingtian.

They are not fools, naturally knowing that this palace is going to be destroyed, and if they don’t leave here quickly, they will stay here forever. (ad)

However, Li Lingtian is their only hope to leave here. If Li Lingtian falls here, they will also be buried with him.


Li Lingtian displayed the final law, and the dazzling transmission light on the battlefield burst out.

Immediately, the figure flashed, and the whole person disappeared into the light.

When he entered the light, the three figures also followed into the inside, and finally disappeared without reading;.

When they entered the teleportation channel, the Pure Yang Palace was completely destroyed, and the huge palace was turned to ashes.

In the transmission channel, the time and space are constantly twisted. The four people in the channel are constantly being destroyed by the breath of destruction and time and space. Moreover, the space and time channel is trembling, and finally the smoke and cloud are dispersed, and the distortion of the space and time channel disappears.

Li Lingtian and others were also thrown out when the distortion of the space-time channel disappeared.


The screaming could not help but shouted out of his mouth, this kind of tearing pain was even more painful than his promotion and cultivation in the world of three thousand dragon spirits.

Based on his Li Lingtian's cultivation practice, he can't bear the pain of tearing space, but how terrible this space-time channel tears, he naturally knows that the space-time channel tears, it is because of the destruction of the pure Yang Palace, which led to the space-time channel. Then twisted.

After leaving the space-time channel, I don't know where he was thrown. Chanyeol's pain made him no longer worry about safety. The sound of screaming came out and finally fell to the ground.

Just when he fell to the ground, Li Lingtian gritted his teeth and opened the Dragon Dragon Ring with his consciousness, let Huangfu Yuyan and Shun Meier, and Sister Tang Qingyue come out, and the Black Dragon King also came to Li Lingtian.

After using the consciousness to open the dragon ring, Li Lingtian almost comatose, his face pale, and the whole person trembles lying on the ground.

The whole body was dripping with blood and looked terrifying.

"Brother Ling Tian, ​​what's wrong with you."

"Husband, what's wrong with you."

"Hurry up and hurry to protect his mind."

"Black Dragon Guardian."

After Huang Yuyu and Tang Zimeng came out, they found Li Lingtian's face suddenly shocked, and his heart was extremely painful.

This is the first time they have seen Li Lingtian so painful and almost heartbroken for a time.

Tang Qingyue quickly called Huangfu Yuyan and Shunmeier to protect Li Lingtian's mind and ordered the Black Dragon King to protect the law.

Suddenly, four powerful truth elements entered Li Lingtian's body, helping Li Lingtian stabilize his mind, reduce pain and shaking his mind, and after shaking his mind, Li Lingtian's situation became even more dangerous.

Li Lingtian got four powerful real elements, the tear-like pain was alleviated a lot, and the whole person was a little calmer.

At the same time, the five-star Yuanshen in the body works to quickly stabilize his mind.

The real dragon body protector works to heal the injuries it has suffered quickly. With a strong body, it is much easier to withstand these pains.

Gradually, Li Lingtian's injury slowly recovered, and Li Lingtian also completely calmed down, but the blood in the corner of his mouth continued to overflow, and his face was pale.


After half an hour, Li Lingtian sighed, and the pain in his body had disappeared.

Huangfu Yuyan and others have long since removed Zhenyuan, and let Li Lingtian's Five Elements Yuanshen run.

The four people also figured out the situation around them. This place is the Thunder Palace, but it is confusing that there is no strong man in this place.

If there is no strong man here, it is naturally a great luck in misfortune.

If there are other strong men here, and Li Lingtian is like this, the fall of smoke and the clouds will definitely disappear.

"Ling Tian, ​​what happened?"

Huang Fu Yuyan asked Li Lingtian softly after opening his eyes.

Tang Qingyue and others also looked at Li Lingtian with a concerned look in their eyes.

It’s all curious. Li Lingtian didn’t know what kind of strong man he met. He was injured like this. Such injury almost killed Li Lingtian. However, Li Lingtian has an undead body. I don’t know what strong man can beat Li Lingtian. This way.

"I entered Chunyang Palace."

"But after the treasure of the Pure Sun Palace was taken away, a golden light of destruction broke out in the palace. The golden light instantly killed the two mid-level powerhouses, and the palace was destroyed."

"At the juncture of the destruction of the palace, I opened the teleportation array. Inside the teleportation array, the space-time channel was twisted and torn."

Li Lingtian simply said what happened to him in Chunyang Palace. At that time, the situation was in crisis, and now he was afraid.

Fortunately, the formation method was finally opened to leave Chunyang Palace, otherwise it would stay in Chunyang Palace forever.

In the space-time channel, he was fortunate that he was a sky array division. He made some preparations during the destruction, otherwise he also fell in the space-time channel. I don’t know how the other three powerful people are.

"so close!"

"There are no other strong men coming here."

"You heal the wound first and recover the injury."

"Yeah, we will protect you."

"This place is Thunder Palace. Wait until your injury recovers."

Tang Zimeng and others listened to Li Lingtian's words, and the expression on his face kept changing. Fortunately, Li Lingtian came to life in a panic, otherwise Li Lingtian would fall.

Thinking of the change of Chunyang Palace, I dare not let Li Lingtian go to the main hall of Thunder Palace now. In case of incident of Chunyang Palace again, it will be troublesome.

Even if something happens at the time, at least Li Lingtian's injury will recover and he will be able to cope.

Now, Li Lingtian is scarred and almost lingers on the verge of death. Only after recovering from his injury will he be eligible to go inside the Thunder Palace.

"Thrill Palace!"

"God willing!"

Li Lingtian heard three words of Jing Lei Gong, his face changed, and there were no other strong men coming to this place, he was immediately excited.

Because, in front of him walked several palaces, there were strong men, and those strong men also destroyed the spirit of the fairy in the palace. It is not the best place to refine the medicine.

The place he wanted most was the Thunder Palace. In the Thunder Palace, it was the best place for refining the Feathered Pill, instigating the Heavenly Tribulation, achieving the flower of the Heavenly Tribulation, and refining the Ten Grade Feathered Pill.

Unexpectedly, in the case of teleportation from the pure Yang Palace and the destruction of the teleportation array, he was thrown into the Thunder Palace.

"Fu Jun is to make alchemy here?"

Seeing Li Lingtian's appearance, Shun Meier suddenly thought of Li Lingtian's previous statement that he was looking for a good place for alchemy.

It seems that this place is what Li Lingtian needs in his heart.


Li Lingtian nodded and began to heal.

Huangfu Yuyan and others also practiced beside Li Lingtian to protect Li Lingtian.

In this place, Haotian Palace is associated with no strong men coming. It must be because of certain things that other strong men cannot enter the Thunder Palace.

Without the arrival of other powerful people, it is natural to feel at ease.

Above the Chunyang Square ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ gathered countless strong people, Chunyang Palace opened for almost a year, even the pseudo-spiritual powerhouses have come to Chunyang Square.

Countless strong men came to the Pure Sun Palace. For a time, basically all the strong men were in the Pure Sun Palace.

Moreover, the endless pure Yang Palace suddenly became countless times smaller.

The entire Chunyang Palace is only a million square miles in size, and the powerful men inside are constantly killing.

Moreover, in the position of the altar, there were countless strong men gathered, all the strong men were thrown out strangely, and the false **** realm, the early half **** realm, the middle half **** realm, all gathered at the edge of this altar.

The light above the altar disappeared, and the strong men in the nine palaces above the altar, as long as they were not dead, were sent out.

If you want to go in again, it is simply impossible.

This situation shocked all the powerful people and did not know what was going on.


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