War God Supreme

Chapter 1631: Feathered Dan (on...

c_t; Poof!


Not far from the altar, two figures were thrown out. (ad)

When the two figures appeared, they gave a sip of blood, and then the two fell on the ground fiercely. The whole body was dripping with blood, and it looked terrible.

And the pain on the face distorted the face. In this case, countless powerful people were shocked.

"Three Lords!"

"Zhao Yanyun!"

Many half-god powerhouses exclaimed when they saw the two **** strongmen.

You know, the three princes and Zhao Yanyun are terrifying super powers. The three princes are the pinnacles of the early stage, but the horror of strength has surpassed the early stage of the semi-divine realm, and it is more terrifying than the average mid-term strong.

Zhao Yanyun is also a top-notch presence among the mid-term powerhouses.

I didn't expect the two men to be injured like this, it was terrifying.

On the edge of the altar, hundreds of strong men gathered. Even if they saw two super strong men injured and did not have the strength to fight back, but no one dared to take it, nor did they bother to take it at this time.

As a result, although the two were seriously injured, no one shot them.

The two suffered terrible pain and quickly stabilized their injuries.

After half an hour, the two slowly calmed down, their eyes full of weakness and painful reads;.

It can shock the two strong men and shock countless strong men. I don’t know what horrible things the two have encountered. For a time, all the strong men are looking at Zhao Yanyun and the Three Kings.

"All things went wrong at Chunyang Palace, and all the people who went inside fell."

"At the last moment, Lord Ling Tian opened the teleportation array, and we entered the teleportation array."

"But the time and space of the teleportation array is twisted, and we are torn apart, I don't know what happened to Lord Ling Tian and others."

Zhao Yanyun thought of the situation at that time, a horrified look appeared on his face.

The situation at that time was simply fear, and if it was a little slow for a second, they would not be able to come out.

Although the injury is serious now, he finally picked up a life and returned.

"We also threw it out of the palace."

"What the **** are you doing in Chunyang Palace, such a thing happened."

"Could there be any peculiar treasure in the sky?"

"I haven't seen Lord Ling Tian, ​​it should be torn and fell."


For a time, all the powerful people were shocked, and discussions started.

All minds are placed on Li Lingtian, because there are countless treasures on Li Lingtian. If he finds Li Lingtian, he will get rich.

Li Lingtian naturally did not know that he had become the target sought by hundreds of thousands of strong men. [Almost all the books I want to read are more stable and faster than the average site. It’s quicker to update. There are no ads in full text. ]

This goal is not so easy. Naturally, killing treasure is not a problem.

It is not possible to enter the nine palaces, and it is still two years since Chunyang Palace was opened. All the strongmen began to look for treasures and medicinal herbs around Chunyang Palace and Chunyang Square, or they practiced reads here.

This place is full of immortal spirit and pure yang. It is a good place to practice. Even if there is no treasure here, it is a blessing to be able to practice here.

Time is also passing day by day, and the Chunyang Palace and the Chunyang Mountain Range are killing all the time.

Li Lingtian was in the Thunder Palace, and his injury recovered slowly.

There is a real dragon body protection, as well as a physique against the sky, and the injury recovers quickly.

In two months, the injury completely recovered.

After the injury recovered, Li Lingtian began to act.

If you want to practice alchemy in this place, you must ensure the safety of this place and ensure that you are not disturbed by other powerful people.

As a celestial division master, it is inevitable to cast a powerful array.

It took me a day to look at all the places in this Thunder Palace, and also chose the place for alchemy.

This thunder palace looks like hundreds of miles in length and width.

Finally, Li Lingtian arranged the formation in a place one hundred miles away from the main hall of the Thunder Palace, and then continued to display the formation, and the powerful formations were displayed one after another.

Hundreds of magical arrays of defensive arrays, gathering arrays, attacking arrays, and various magical arrays stopped before stopping.

Huangfu Yuyan and others also practiced in formations on the other side of the palace. The formations were as large as tens of miles, and there was no danger for them to practice in them.

Even if a strong man comes here, there is no one or two hours to stop cracking this formation.

For such a long time, he has already made a countermeasure.

After the formation was completed, Li Lingtian rested for a few days.

"During this time, you are practicing in the formation."

"Try not to leave the formation as much as possible, in case other powerful players come in danger."

"The alchemy this time is Shipin Feathered Pill. This medicine is beyond the scope of Divine Pill Master, and even beyond the scope of Shenwu Continent. I don't have much confidence."

After Li Lingtian had a good rest, he called Huangfu Yuyan and others together and said seriously.

In this alchemy, he has only five or five grasps, and the medicinal materials in his body have only five tripods. Five chances, but he has to refine the ultimate beyond the Shenwu Continent, which is simply a test.

The way of Dan Dao is more difficult than that of Martial Dao. Martial Dao can make unremitting efforts to practice, and may be able to improve, but Dan Dao has to oppose the opportunities and conditions of the sky.

Talent, chance, luck, medicinal materials, Dan Ding, and the alchemy technique against the sky, all of which, it is impossible to make a powerful Elixir without it.

The pill masters of the Shenwu Continent can only refine low-level first- and second-level pill medicines. The high-level pill masters can refine three or four-grade pill medicines, and those who can refine five or six-piece pill medicines have a superb status.

As for Qibapin Elixir, it is basically a rare treasure in Shenwu Continent.

Nine-grade medicine, but it needs the Divine Pill Master, the **** in the pill.

In the whole Shenwu Continent, there are only seven Divine Pill Masters.

Now, to call him to refine Shipin's Elixir is naturally under great pressure. If he really refines Shipin's Elixir, it will absolutely shake the Shenwu Continent and let the powerful of the entire Shenwu Continent look up to worship.

"You can rest assured."

"Even if alchemy fails, you can come again."

"With our talents, even without the immortality, we can enter the semi-god realm in a few decades and hundreds of years."

Tang Qingyue looked at Li Lingtian and said softly.

Although everyone hopes that Li Lingtian will refine Shipinyuhua Dan, but he does not want Li Lingtian to have a trace of external pressure. If he fails to refine the Dan medicine because of the pressure, it will be wronged.

"Yeah, we believe that Brother Ling Tian will be able to successfully refine the Elixir."

"I also believe that the uncle can make alchemy successful."

"Master Zun will always be the most powerful man in Shenwu Continent."

"Ling Tian, ​​don't be stressed when you practice alchemy, it's better to practice your hands."


Huangfu Yuyan and others also spoke, not letting Li Lingtian feel a little pressure.

Looking at the appearance of Huangfu Yuyan and others, a smile appeared on Li Lingtian's face, and his mood slowly calmed down.

He knew that Huangfu Yuyan and others did not want to put pressure on him, so he had to relax himself and refining Shipin Feihua Dan naturally, and this Feihua Dan was a kind of defying the sky and required endless tests. Row.

Subsequently, Li Lingtian entered the alchemy array.

There is no alchemy in the formation, but cultivation, practicing all kinds of exercises and supernatural powers from time to time, and enlightening Danfang and exercises from time to time.

Gradually, Li Lingtian's mood was completely calm, reaching a point where the ancients were impenetrable.

Refining a new elixir is a challenge. Every time you go to challenge, you must reach your peak. The elixir to be refined now is the ultimate, ten-pin feather elixir that transcends the Shenwu Continent.

Therefore, this kind of alchemy is not in a hurry.

Calm is to prevent yourself from stressing yourself by refining the panacea.

Time, day by day, after three months, Li Lingtian really entered the alchemy. The first time was cultivation, calming the state of mind, and the later period was the realization of Shipin Yuhua Dan, and the Danfang. After that, I practiced again. Three months later, I started preparing for alchemy.

On this day, Li Lingtian entered into the alchemy special formation.

Impressed by the consciousness, all kinds of medicinal herbs appeared beside me, and all ten medicinal herbs were beside Li Lingtian. The aura suddenly became strong in these methods. These medicinal herbs are more than 500,000 years old, and the aura is naturally strong.

Rootless fruit, rootless flower, ten unique grass, ten unique root, ten unique fruit, ten unique flower, flower of life, fruit of life, flower of death, fruit of death, a total of ten treasures of genius and treasure.

In the end, the dragon blood and the flowers of the Heaven Tribulation are needed. Such conditions cannot be described as harsh.

In Shenwu Continent, if you want to put together these herbs, it is simply delusion.

These medicinal herbs were found by Li Lingtian. The most important flower of Heavenly Tribulation can only be encountered during alchemy. This is the biggest challenge.

Otherwise, Shipin Concord had already appeared in Shenwu Continent.

After the preparation of the medicinal materials is completed, the amount of the first medicine is divided, and the other medicinal materials are cherished.

After collecting the medicinal materials, the consciousness moved, and the world's chemical and chemical dying appeared in front of him.

When he saw the heaven and earth making Ding, Li Lingtian had a smile on his face. This Ding Ding, since he began to make alchemy, followed him, and used this Ding Ding to make countless elixir, which made him the first divine pill master. status.

Between the two ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ is not only the relationship between Dan Ding and the owner, but a relationship of friends.

"Old man, this time, we have new challenges."

"If we succeed, we will stand on top of the Shenwu Continent."

Li Lingtian caressed the heaven and earth dynasty tripod and said lightly, with a flat tone, just like chatting with an old friend. This heaven and earth chemistry tripod has a Shennong tripod in it. tripod.

However, the two Dandings themselves are together, one is Dingxin, and the other is the outer Ding. The two are merged together, the power is more powerful, and the effect is more magical.

Regardless of whether they are heaven and earth creation tripods or Shennong tripods, Li Lingtian is used to calling it heaven and earth creation tripods.

After finishing speaking, Dan Ding just understood Li Lingtian's words, trembling gently, and also made a buzzing sound on it, just like responding to Li Lingtian.

Seeing this situation, the smile on Li Lingtian's face became stronger.


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