War God Supreme

Chapter 1635: Was chased

c_t; In a blink of an eye, the strongest within a thousand miles of the altar gathered at the edge of the altar, waiting for the light to stabilize and enter the light. [Almost all the books I want to read are more stable and faster than the average site. It’s quicker to update. There are no ads in full text. ]

However, the light is becoming more and more unstable. Seeing this scene, the look on the faces of all the powerful people becomes ugly.

Zhao Yanyun looked at this change in light, and the look on his face became ugly, because the last time I saw it in Chunyang Palace, it was the same.

The situation in Chunyang Palace last time has become his shadow.

He knows that this light is not the light that enters inside, but the strong one comes out of it, and the space-time channel is not stable, and it may collapse and destroy at any time.


Sure enough, the light exploded with a sound of destruction, and the space ripped out a huge mouth.

Then the light disappeared. Just as the light disappeared, a figure fell from the light, and the figure fell on the ground fiercely. When the strong light collapsed, the mind almost collapsed.

Because this light is their hope, seeing the light collapse, the mind naturally follows the light.

However, I was curious to see this figure. I didn’t know who it was, but I only came out of the palace now. I don’t know how to get through the readings during this time.

You have to know that all the strong men have been thrown out. What did not appear is that they have fallen. It is impossible for someone to be in the palace. Even in the palace, they will fall.

It is still shocking to be able to turn on the light now.

The eyes, looking at the figure falling on the ground, and seeing the characters on the ground, all the strong people are shocked, and the look on the face is constantly changing.

"Li Lingtian!"

"Sir Ling Tian."

"It is all you."

"I didn't expect you to be alive."


For a time, all the strong players were exclaimed.

I never thought that this person was Li Lingtian at all. According to the words of Zhao Yanyun and the three princes, Li Lingtian followed them into the space-time channel. The three princes and Zhao Yanyun were thrown out and almost destroyed, but Li Lingtian disappeared, and may have been torn by the space-time channel. The crack force was destroyed. (ad)

Therefore, all the powerful people believe that Li Lingtian has been destroyed.

I did not expect that this figure, who was believed to have fallen for half a year, appeared again.

According to the descriptions of other powerful men, Li Lingtian obtained the treasures of several palaces. The treasures obtained are the most. These treasures are all against the sky. As long as Li Lingtian is found, he will get rich.

As long as you get Li Lingtian's wealth and immortality, you can build a superpower of Shenwu Continent.

In the minds of these strong men, Li Lingtian has become their goal. It is also worth taking a risk in this place. Unfortunately, Li Lingtian has not been seen.


On the ground, Li Lingtian spit out blood, and his face was pale.

Just inside the space-time channel, the space-time channel has also been twisted, but it was not scary in the pure Yang Palace last time.

Although injured, it is not serious.

But when I saw myself four weeks after I came out, the look on my face was ugly.

Hundreds of super powerhouses are staring at him, and they have a look of bad intentions in their eyes, just like treating him as a prey. Needless to say, these powerhouses have already killed him, not for anything else , Just for his wealth of immortality medicine and treasure.

Seeing such a situation, a panacea was thrown into the mouth, and the figure was suspended in the air in a flash, and his eyes were watching these strong men with vigilance.

Other strong men also saw that Li Lingtian was seriously injured, and came out of the twisted space-time channel, and most of his life fell. Now Li Lingtian is definitely in a bad situation.

Seeing such a situation, the strong man present was thrilled. Taking this opportunity, if Li Lingtian was exterminated, it would be a treasure trove.

Gradually, many strong men looked at each other, and the real elements in their bodies also worked.




Suddenly, countless attacks bombarded Li Lingtian at the same time.

Space torn in the face of these attacks, could not bear such terrifying power.

Although Li Lingtian shocked the strong here and discovered the greed of the strong here, he did not expect these people to dare to attack him completely, regardless of his identity and strength.

It seems that in the place of adventure, there will be no more scruples for the treasures, and in the face of the treasures, there is no other thing.

The ruinous attack came with crushing pressure, and he was crushed hard against him.

At this time, it was too late to attack and resist, and it was impossible to escape. The look on his face was horrified.

I just came out myself, and I was already injured. Although it was not heavy, I couldn't do it casually.

"Divine Light!"

"Fight to star shift, move flowers to wood!"

Seeing this situation, a trace of resoluteness flashed on Li Lingtian's face, the thought moved, and the light of God's Blessing burst out.

This blessed light was obtained by him in the Jiutian Temple, and it was given to him by the powerful before the Jiutian Temple. It can be exhibited with the mind without the real element and the luck, but this divine light It can only be performed once a day.

The light of God's blessing was displayed, and a golden light wrapped him up.

At the same time, the miraculous miraculous magic tricks were exhibited. The miraculous tricks were obtained in the Demon Canyon when he was repaired to a low level before, and he can transfer the destructive attacks to other powerful men.




For a time, countless devastating attacks landed on the body fiercely, and Li Lingtian was thrown out.

However, at this time, the magical powers of moving flowers and trees will transfer countless attacks, and many strong people are undefended, and they will disappear in the face of the attack of destruction.

Li Lingtian spit out blood again, his face pale.

The blessed light also disappeared. Although the blessed light was powerful, he did not control the cultivation to the maximum power. In the face of the attack of so many super powers, the blessed light could not support it, and finally collapsed.

"Dark God Ring-Hades Blade!"

"Dark God Ring-Chi tomorrow Emperor!"

"Heaven is gone!"

Instant, is his talent.

When the body was tossing, the power of the Nether God Ring exploded. The sky-striking Pluto Blade bombarded all the strongmen, and Chi tomorrow emperor bombarded a mid-term strongman from a flying body.

When the two attacks came out, countless strongmen had already come to the side.

Seeing the arrival of the powerful, they no longer dared to stay, and the heavenly void vanished, and Li Lingtian, who flew away, disappeared into the air while taking advantage of the situation. There was no breath or fluctuation in the air.

Li Lingtian seemed to vanish out of thin air, disappearing without a trace, leaving no trace of breath.


"He has been seriously injured and took advantage of this opportunity to erase him."

"Yes, this opportunity is rare. He can't go far. It must be hidden in this space. As long as we continue to attack, we can break his hidden body."

"If you don't kill him now, he will kill us by then."

"He has countless treasures against him, countless wealth and immortality."

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

"Boom ^......"

Watching Li Lingtian disappear, all the powerful were shocked.

Seeing that Li Lingtian was about to disappear, I did not expect to be hidden in the air at this time.

I was surprised to see this situation, but I knew that Li Lingtian was seriously injured and did not leave. If he left, the space would fluctuate. As long as everyone used an attack to build an attack net, he could kill Li Lingtian in the air.

The strong men present are basically semi-deity, and there are many pseudo-deities coming here. These people are all against the sky and smart, and naturally know that they have completely provoked and offended Li Lingtian now, if they do not kill now. Li Lingtian, then Li Lingtian will kill them.

For a time, a magical attack of destruction broke out within a thousand miles.

Within a thousand miles, an attack net has been completely formed, and even if there is a strong man hidden in the air, there is nowhere to escape.

The space is torn, and the whole space is broken like a broken mirror.

Not to mention a person, even a ray of air is not intact, but there is no figure of Li Lingtian in the air, just like Li Lingtian never appeared here.

"Remember your actions."

"When this seat returns again, it is your death."

"Stupid ants, this is what you can kill, stupid, stupid, stupid."

Just when all the strong men were dignified, a weak voice came from thousands of miles away. The sound was weak, obviously it was seriously injured, but this voice still reached all the strong men's ears.

Hearing this sound, it became difficult to look at the face of the strong man.

They naturally heard this voice from Li Lingtian. They did not expect that Li Lingtian was not in the attack net, but had already fled thousands of miles.

I have never heard Li Lingtian say threatening words, but now I heard Li Lingtian say threatening words, which suddenly made them feel an inexplicable trembling.

In the Shenwu Continent, Li Lingtian is overbearing and unmatched.

Never need to say threatening words, not threatening words, but no one dared to offend him.

Now, by saying something like this, it can be seen that Li Lingtian is already angry, and there is a murderous intention in his heart~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Indeed, Li Lingtian is angry.

I didn't expect someone to shoot him as soon as they came out, and they are all the strong ones. These guys dare to take risks for him for the treasure. In this case, they must pay the price they deserve.

The premise is that you must not die, escape from here, improve your cultivation, and be able to crush these powerful ones.

When the time comes to make these powerful men tremble in front of him, let them know that they have to be prepared to pay for him.


A strong man in the middle of a half divine world shouted, and then chased away in the direction of the sound.

Immediately, the fast flying of countless strongmen also followed up, and everyone understood that if Li Lingtian survived, they would only have a dead end.

When Li Lingtian was injured, he didn't do it. At other times, he had no chance.


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