War God Supreme

Chapter 1636: hide



Inside Chunyang Palace, there was a sound of breaking the sky, and hundreds of strong men swarmed in one direction, just like there was a peerless baby in front. phone-reading

Because this time, it is more important than peerless baby.

If Li Lingtian escaped, they would be in trouble later.

However, there are still a lot of strong men who have escaped quietly, and did not participate in the pursuit, but quickly left Chunyang Palace.

For a time, there was no longer a figure at the edge of the altar, and even the strongman who had just come here could feel something wrong here and had to leave quickly.

In the Pure Sun Palace, a battle of chasing and killing begins.

In this war, all the strong men chased one person, a large group of pseudo-gods consummate the pinnacle and demigod realm, and chase a young man in a pseudo-god realm. The person is Li Lingtian, and the powerful of the Shenwu Continent is even more shocked.

Because Li Lingtian is the first Divine Pill Master of the Shenwu Continent and the myth of the Shenwu Continent. Hands on the Divine Pill Master like Li Lingtian will be opposed by the powerful of the Shenwu Continent.


Li Lingtian's body flashed quickly, and the expression on his face became more and more dignified.

Because this pure Yang Palace is countless times smaller than when it first came, the palace becomes smaller, and it is more difficult to escape, and it is even more impossible to find a place to hide and heal.

In such a small palace, hundreds of powerful people can easily find all places, and they have no hiding place at all.

Discovering this problem, Li Lingtian's face smiled bitterly, and he hated those who attacked him in his heart.

The strong men in the back are getting closer and closer. Originally, there were tens of thousands of hours, and the distance was only eight thousand miles. If you continue like this, you will catch up in less than half a day, and rely on your cultivation for strength, then Only smoke disappeared.

What's more, he was injured and flying fast made the injury more and more serious.

"It seems that I can only leave Chunyang Palace."

Li Lingtian said to himself, his figure flashed quickly, and flew away in the direction of the palace gate of Chunyang Palace.

The Chunyang Palace, which was millions of miles in size, soon came to the gate of the Chunyang Palace, and the figure quickly left the Chunyang Palace and came to the Chunyang Square.

Countless strongmen also followed them out.

Li Lingtianhua flew away for the streamer towards the Chunyang Mountain Range. Behind, a large number of super powers chased and killed.

The strong men above the square are very curious to see this scene.

After coming to the square, a few of the strong men who hunted down later stopped to stop chasing and killing, because this would only endanger themselves.

It is conceivable that as long as Li Lingtian entered the Chunyang Mountain Range, it would be a return to the mountain.

In the endless and mysterious Chunyang Mountain Range, a person is hiding inside, he can't find it at all, and it is also easy to disperse inside. If it is dispersed, it will be broken by Li Lingtian.

"Your Excellency, what happened before?"

"Does any treasure appear?"

On the square, a combination of several pseudo-gods and a semi-god, saw some strong men stop and asked curiously.

At the same time, other newly-emerged Phantom Powerhouses were also curiously surrounded at this time.

"The first Divine Pill Master of Shenwu Continent has obtained countless treasures."

"I got injured after getting the treasure."

Looking at the curious look of these powerful men, a wicked smile appeared on the face of the half-mirror powerful man who had just hunted down Li Lingtian, and he said things.

When it comes to treasures and injuries, the tone is increased.

He knew that no one could jump out of the curse of treasures. For the treasures, he would insert a foot, and he still knew that the strong men carrying the treasures were seriously injured, so they made these strong people even more emotional.

After speaking, the figure flickered and disappeared on the square.

Gradually, the fact that the First Divine Pill Master of the Shenwu Continent got the treasures against the sky spread, and it was also reported that the First Divine Pill Master was seriously injured, and there were countless powerful chasers.

Naturally, these powerful people know that the first Divine Pill Master is Li Lingtian. In the Shenwu Continent, the First Divine Pill Master is Lord Ling Tian.

"Quick bodywork!"

"He just entered the mountains, don't let him go deeper."

"If we don't solve him this time, we're done."

"Yeah, his character knows that if he doesn't die, we will pay a heavy price."

"Hey, I'm nervous. I'm doing this kind of thing."

"It's too late to regret now."

"Yeah, don't think he can't remember so many of us."

"The fool thinks so, as long as it reaches Wudi, that one is not unforgettable."


Watching Li Lingtian leave the Chunyang Square and enter the Chunyang Mountain Range, the countless powerful players behind him have become faster.

Not daring to let Li Lingtian go deep into the Pure Sun Mountain Range and enter the mountain range is like entering the sea and finding a needle in the sea. It is simply a dream.

Therefore, everyone wants to intercept and kill Li Lingtian before he goes into the mountains.

Li Lingtian's body flickered and flew quickly into the mountains.


When I first entered the Chunyang Mountain Range, a spit of blood spurted out. The mountain range was full of endless clouds and mist, and the consciousness could only extend beyond a hundred miles. Moreover, the Chunyang Mountain Range had the destructive gravity and oppressive power, let him Unintentionally injured again, wounded and injured, a spit of blood spouted out.

While hurting, there was a hint of joy on his face.

Because the consciousness here is restricted, after being restricted, the consciousness can extend for a hundred miles, while other strong people, the consciousness can only extend for tens of miles, which is weaker than his consciousness.

At the same time, other powerhouses will regard this as an advantage, because other powerhouses do not know that Li Lingtian's consciousness has exceeded them too much, and want to occupy the advantage and advantage in the consciousness, but they have become their weakness.

The figure flew all the way towards the cloud and smashed it into the cloud.

In the clouds, Li Lingtian flew around the top of the mountain.


I don't know how long it took to fly. Li Lingtian no longer had the slightest strength all over his body. The whole person was almost collapsed. He could no longer bear the pain of flying and aggravating the injury. He slammed into a huge grass.

In the endless clouds and fog, he was hidden in a grass, completely like a dust entering the desert.

When the heavenly emptiness disappeared, the whole person disappeared completely, the breath on his body disappeared, and everything in the clouds and fog was silent.


Hey, hey!

A moment after Li Lingtian entered the bushes, there was a burst of air breaking sound, and the sound of breaking sky quickly flew away into the distance without any stay.

Feeling that the strong man in the sky left, Li Lingtian was at ease.

However, there was no slight movement, and he did not dare to run Zhenyuan, and he did not dare to move his fingers.

For half a day, half a day, Li Lingtian didn't even move his fingers, but this half a day allowed him to recover his strength and restore his spirit.

The five-star Yuanshen in the body automatically runs, and the real dragon body protector also automatically heals the wound.

It can be said that even if he doesn't heal, he will recover from the injury in his body for a while, but this also delays the time. In general, he will heal himself, which also adds to the speed of recovery.

However, in this case, he can only let his injuries recover automatically.

Carefully threw a panacea into the mouth, and then closed his eyes and rested, let the five-star Yuanshen and the true dragon protect the body to heal, and other things are now ignored, take a good rest at this time.

If you go out by yourself, you must be chased and killed by other strong men. Take a good rest here and let the other strong men go to work.

In the mountain range, after searching for half a month, Li Lingtian was not found.

After losing Li Lingtian, all the strong men's faces are dull, and the dignified group of half-god super-powers has chased down a pseudo-god youth, and what other face does it pass.

Gradually, all the strongmen returned to the square and rested in the square.

In a faint golden world, Zijin Pillar exudes a mysterious and powerful atmosphere.

Inside the square, the dream is like a fairyland.

But at this time, the atmosphere above the square was strange, and hundreds of super powers gathered here.

There are hundreds of people gathered in this place in the false **** realm, the early half **** realm, and the middle half **** realm.

"It is still possible to escape under such circumstances, and it is really powerful."

"What do you think, if Li Lingtian leaves Chunyang Palace, we will be in trouble."

The look on Zhou Haotong's face is ugly. As a mid-semi-realist, he is now the one with the least face. So many powerful men cannot kill a wounded and dying person. It is ashamed.

"Brother Zhou, have you ever thought that after we entered the mountains, we lost Li Lingtian."

"Will he leave the mountains and go to the maze of canyons?"

The expression on Zhen Ming's face was also ugly. After hearing Zhou Haotong's words, he expressed his thoughts.

When they chased Li Lingtian~www.wuxiaspot.com~ After entering the Chunyang Mountain Range, they lost contact with Li Lingtian. Will Li Lingtian leave the mountain with treasures and enter the canyon maze, otherwise it would make no sense. .

"Impossible, this is impossible."

"Because he also knew this Chunyang Palace was leaving, he could only leave from here."

"I went to the canyon and then came up, I just found myself dead."

Without waiting for Zhou Haotong's answer, it was another mid-level **** who spoke in the mid-term.

He is also one of the mid-thirties and half of the gods here, and he is Sun Ling, the enemy of Li Lingtian. Seeing that Li Lingtian was chased after getting the treasure, he was very upset, but Li Lingtian now disappeared, and he hated Li Lingtian in his heart. .

I wish I could tear Li Lingtian to pieces now.

You should know that the strong man in the hall of Xuanyin Hall was destroyed, and even the second hall master was killed. In front of the strong men in the world, the reputation of Xuanyin Hall was destroyed.

If it weren't for Dongyue Baiyu to resist his attack, Li Lingtian would vanish. ()

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