War God Supreme

Chapter 1637: God of Pure Sun Palace...

c_t; Saying that Li Lingtian left Chunyang Mountain and returned to the canyon ‘labyrinth’ palace, and he would not believe it if he was killed. [Almost all of the books I want to read are ah, they are more stable and faster than the average station, and they are updated more quickly. There are no ads in the entire text. ]access:.

Because it's only a little more than a year since Chunyang Palace opened its way out. If you come back after going down, even a fool wouldn't do it.

"Since you don't go down, is the mountain coming?"

Dongyue Baiyu had a faint smile on his face. Of these strong men, only he did not pursue Li Lingtian.

He saved Li Lingtian last time, and even if it is for treasure, he will not offend Li Lingtian. Such a stupid thing is definitely not something he can do.

Last time he saved Li Lingtian, he also knew the relationship between Li Lingtian and King Linglan, otherwise King Linglan would not pull him to help Li Lingtian.

Seeing the appearance of Gongsun Long, Dongyue Baiyu smiled and said that the relationship between Dongyue Tiancheng and Xuanyin Hall was not good. Last time, Li Lingtian was helped, and the relationship between Dongyue Tiancheng and Xuanyin Hall was overturned.

Both of them are strong in the mid-term peak of Semi-Divine Realm. In this place, they are considered to be top-notch. They are not afraid of each other, but they do not want to do it because there is not much chance of winning.

"Could it be that he really left the Chunyang Mountains."

"Leave Chunyang Mountains and go back to Chunyang Palace?"

The expression of "sex" on Zhao Yanyun's face was stunned, and he suddenly changed and reads;.

After talking, the figure quickly flew towards Chunyang Palace.

In Chunyang Palace, Li Lingtian opened the teleportation array and saved his life. Not only did he not be grateful to Li Lingtian, but instead he betrayed Li Lingtian, and now he still hunted down Li Lingtian. If Li Lingtian would leave Chunyang Palace safely, he would definitely Will be pursued by Li Lingtian.

He is one of the most wanted characters to kill Li Lingtian.

Watching Zhao Yanyun fly away in a swift flight toward the palace of pure Chunyang, the other strong men were all stunned.

However, it quickly reacted, flashed his body, and quickly flew towards the pure Yang Palace. The target was the location of the altar.

Everyone knows that Li Lingtian is a Celestial Master, and there is a Tianxin ‘Jade’. The passage of the altar is closed. If other powerful people cannot enter, it does not mean that Li Lingtian cannot enter.

Li Lingtian has not been found for so long. Li Lingtian may have entered the palace of the altar.

Dongyue Baiyu's words reminded them that all the strongmen were flying towards the pure Yang Palace, and in a blink of an eye, there was no longer a figure on the square.



At the edge of the altar in Chunyang Palace, a figure stood in the sky, waving his hand, and a series of laws and regulations continued to shoot down at the altar. (ad)

Above the altar, there were flashes of light.

The light shone a thousand miles, and this scene looked amazing.

The figure floating in the air is not who Li Lingtian is.

It turned out that Li Lingtian had rested in the grass for half a month, his injury recovered automatically, and the state of the whole person had reached its peak.

After recovering from the injury, he slowly calculated that if his current situation and situation were seen by other powerful men, he would definitely pursue it again, but if he stayed in the Chunyang Mountains for a period of time, he could not stand it.

And when he first came to the square, he knew that if he wanted to leave Chunyang Palace, he had to teleport away from the square.

After thinking for a long time, I finally placed the target on the altar in the Pure Sun Palace.

Take a risk and try to see if you can use the Tianxin'Jade' to open the altar again. If you enter the palace inside the altar without the knowledge of other powerful people, it will be safe. As long as you do not enter the Pure Sun Palace and the Thunder Palace, you will not something wrong.

Thinking of this, he quietly cast the magical power of the heaven and the dead, quickly returned, entered the pure Yang Palace and came to the altar.

Came to the altar, hidden in the air and looked at the altar, and played countless dharma decisions to arouse the altar.

Looking at the changes on the front of the battlefield, Li Lingtian's face showed a faint smile, his mind moved, and Tianxin's jade appeared in his hand, and Tianxin's jade shot towards the battlefield, and a powerful light burst into the sky. Rise up.

This powerful light comes from the god's "drug" palace. The other palaces are weak in light and have not been turned on at all.

Seeing the light appear, Li Lingtian flew into the light and flew ‘shot’ into the light. When passing the altar, he reached out and grabbed the heavenly heart ‘jade’. The whole person disappeared and entered the palace below the altar again.

When Li Lingtian disappeared under the altar, the light above the altar disappeared instantly, and the altar returned to calm again, without any slight changes.


A figure landed next to the altar. Seeing the appearance of the altar, the god'color' on Zhao Yanyun's face was constantly changing.

In a blink of an eye, another figure flew ‘shot’ and came to Zhao Yanyun and looked at Zhao Yanyun puzzled.

"I just saw something happening at the altar."

Zhao Yanyun looked at the altar and said inexplicably.

When he first entered the Chunyang Palace, he saw a soaring light, which surprised him suddenly.

I thought Li Lingtian was opening the altar, but when he came here, it was quiet and there was no slight change, which made him feel puzzled. You know, even if someone enters inside, the light of this altar will not disappear.

But now there is no movement in this altar, let alone the light that enters it reads;.

"You're nervous."

"The palace was destroyed. Li Lingtian was thrown from here and was seriously injured here. Do you think he will come here?"

Zhou Haotong said with a trace of disdain on his face and said lightly.

"Have you seen him play cards according to common sense?"

When Zhao Yanyun heard Zhou Haotong's words, there was a trace of anger on his face, and he looked coldly at Zhou Haotong.

"You two are restless."

"Don't hurt your temper with a little thing."

Seeing the two of them, Dong Yue Bai Yu said with a smile, this time he came to be a good person.

At the peak of the mid-semireal world, few people dare to provoke him.

Hearing Dongyue Baiyu's words, Zhou Haotong and Zhao Yanyun both grunted and stopped talking.

For a time, the atmosphere of the whole space was very strange.


"God's "drug" palace!"

"It really is God's "drug" palace!"

Li Lingtian looked at the palace in front of him, and a smile appeared on his face.

This time the bet was right, and the altar was opened to enter the god's "medicine" palace.

The place where it landed was the main hall of the God's Palace of Medicine. Li Lingtian was happy when he saw the word God's Palace of Medicine. But at this time, he had to wait for a while to see if other powerful people came in. .

Immediately, the flashing figure disappeared and was hidden in a corner above the God's Palace of Medicine. The whole person no longer had the slightest breath, and the whole God's Palace of Medicine was silent.

The tall and huge God ‘drug’ palace, hiding a person in the upper corner, could not be found at all.

In the past three days, no one came in. Seeing this situation, he was also sure that only he could come in this place, otherwise other strong men would have followed.

The figure flashed, landed under the palace, and flew quickly to a corner of the palace to stop.

Immediately, Tang Qingyue and others shouted, and a slight ‘wave’ of space appeared, and a series of figures appeared beside Li Lingtian.

"Hey, there is a strong spirit of fairy spirit."

"What is this place, so many treasured "medicine" materials."

After Qingling came out, he felt these rich fairy spirits and the ‘medicine’ materials cherished here. He was shocked.

Tang Qingyue did the same to them, with a shocked expression on their faces.

Immediately looked at Li Lingtian, waiting for Li Lingtian to resolve.

"This place is God's "drug" palace!"

Li Lingtian said with a smile, he had discovered the fairy spirit and pure yang gas here. The fairy spirit and pure yang gas in this place are several times stronger than other palaces.

More importantly, these are all "medicine" materials for millions of years, and the lowest "medicine" materials are also more than 100,000 years old. This is the first time I have encountered this place. This place is simply a mysterious and powerful "medicine". 'garden.

But when he thought of this place as the "drug" palace of the gods, he would be relieved.

"God's "drug" palace!"

"Aren't we going out?"

"Yeah, why did we come to God's Palace of Medicine again?"

"Did we be sent over."

"Brother, what's going on?"


Hearing God's "drug" palace, they were very surprised, because they left from the Thunder Palace, and they couldn't come in again when they left.

Moreover, something happened in the palace, and other powerful people could not come in.

Now Li Lingtian said that this is the palace of God's "medicine", and they are naturally curious.


"It has been "mixing" on the Shenwu Continent for decades and nearly a hundred years.

"Every time I was injured. When I left Thunder Palace, the space-time channel was twisted again, so I was thrown out, but I was injured when I went out."

"What's even more abominable is that there are hundreds of powerful people outside. When I see how I was injured, I attacked me and tried to kill me for the treasure."

"I stayed in Chunyang Mountain for half a month. I came here again after the injury recovered and opened the altar, so I entered the palace of God "Pill", but strangely, I started the formation outside, but no one followed Come in."

Li Lingtian sighed when he saw the curiosity of Huangfu Yuyan and others.

In the Shenwu Continent, he has been "mixing" for nearly a hundred years. It has never been like this time. Every time he was injured, it made him a little speechless~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Then he slowly left himself behind the Thunder Palace. Once again, Huang Fu Yuyan and others listened to Li Lingtian's words, the expression on her face changed, there was worry, anxiety, and even a little funny.

Because Li Lingtian was always injured here, looking at Li Lingtian, he couldn't help but want to laugh.

"I didn't expect your luck to be so bad."

"Come here probably because of your heavenly heart "Jade"."

"Otherwise, other strong men can come in. It is best that the other strong men do not destroy the altar, otherwise we will be in trouble."

Nangong Mingyue laughed and finally spoke.

The other ‘female’ children also laughed, but they were all worried about a problem, that is, they were worried about the destruction of the altar by other powerful men. If the altar was destroyed, they would be more likely to leave the place.

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