War God Supreme

Chapter 1638: Breakthrough (1)

[The 20 chapters that broke out today begin. Everyone, throw your monthly and recommended votes to Luohua. If there are more monthly and recommended votes today, it will be 30 chapters tomorrow. 【Starting】】

"Probably because of Tianxinyu."

"Since no one else is here, we just can practice here for a while."

Li Lingtian said with a smile, no matter what, at least there are no other strong men coming.

As long as no other powerful person comes in here, it is safe here.

"How to deal with the herbs in this place?"

"Young Master, you will not want these herbs."

Liu Yiyi looked at the medicinal materials in the Shenyao Palace and was shocked. Even if they were not as interested in medicinal materials as Li Lingtian did, they were also very moved to see so many precious medicinal materials.

You should know that there are more than 100,000 years of medicinal herbs, and this palace is full of places, which is several times larger than the medicine garden in the Li Ling Tianshen Dragon Ring.

"Of course these herbs must be taken away."

"But I will get a medicine garden for the herbs here."

Li Lingtian was stunned, and suddenly knew that Liu Yiyi said this intentionally. If he was not interested in medicinal herbs, then he would not be Li Lingtian. As a Divine Pill Master, faced with so many precious medicinal herbs, this was more than a peerless baby Important.

Next, Li Lingtian established countless powerful formations. These formations, as long as they are not like the alchemy of the last alchemy, even the semi-divine realm cannot be destroyed.

With such a formation, security is guaranteed.

After the formation of the formation method was completed, Li Lingtian took Huangfu Yuyan and others to collect the medicinal herbs here. All the medicinal herbs were more than 100,000 years old. These medicinal herbs were all uprooted. Because there are too many medicinal herbs, they cannot be used for a while. These herbs were transplanted into the dragon ring.

Li Lingtian reopened a medicine garden in the Dragon Dragon Ring and transplanted these herbs alone.

As time passed, more than twenty people finally collected the medicinal materials here, and the newly opened medicine garden in the Li Ling Tianshen Dragon Ring reached a size of two thousand miles.

Ninety percent of these herbs are unknown to him.

After the medicinal materials were collected, Li Lingtian was ready to practice. This practice is to break through the realm with the Elixir.

The first refining of the ten-level elixir was beyond the limit of the ninth-level continent of the Shenwu Continent. He also wanted to try the power of this elixir. Is it as powerful as the legend.

"A total of eleven elixirs."

"Look, who will use these immortals first."

Li Lingtian gathered everyone together and immediately said.

Last time, eleven elixirs were refined, but they had a total of more than 20 people. Eleven elixirs are obviously not enough.

Such a thing, no matter who he gives it, is not suitable, although he can refine it again.

Moreover, Xiu Wei is not so anxious for them, as long as they break through before Shou Yuan runs out, as long as Li Lingtian has strong strength to protect them.

"Eleven panacea."

"I thought about it. You leave three of these immortality pills."

"The other eight elixirs are distributed to four people, Ji Yi, Ming Yue, Qing Ling and Ying Ying."

"Look, how about this allocation?"

Huangfu Yuyan pondered for a moment, then spoke, and said his thoughts.

After she finished speaking, Tang Qingyue also spoke.

"That's good, Ji Yi's Xuantian God Arrow can help Ling Tian, ​​Mingyue's Divine Phoenix body can also help Ling Tian, ​​and Qingling's ice system can also help Ling Tian."

"Yingying is also a five-element living body. If you reach the semi-divine state, it is equivalent to the second Lingtian."

Tang Qingyue slowly spoke out the meaning of Huangfu Yuyan's distribution. In fact, they did not say it, and everyone else clearly understood it.

Similarly, even if they don't say, no one will compete for this immortality.

In fact, to obtain this immortality medicine, you have to bear more responsibilities. They are a family, relatives who live and die together, and are the wives and relatives of Li Lingtian. No matter who has a high cultivation level, they will protect other people.

Besides, with their talents, even without the Elixir, hundreds of years and thousands of years later, they can reach the semi-divine state.

And Li Lingtian can also refine the panacea again. The first time Li Lingtian failed in refining and succeeded the second time. There are three opportunities behind him, and naturally there is a chance to succeed.

Hundreds of years and thousands of years later, I do not know to what extent Li Lingtian's strength cultivation practice has reached, helping them to improve cultivation practice naturally.

For a time, they all nodded and answered, there was no objection to the distribution of this immortality, but more encouragement for Qingling Ji Yi and Mingyue Yingying, hoping that they could make a breakthrough.

The three immortals Li Lingtian stayed, also gave Li Lingtian a greater chance.

As long as Li Lingtian reached the semi-divine state, all problems were solved.

"Okay, we practice, you protect the law."

Li Lingtian divided the Elixir to Qingling and left three of them.

This immortality cherishes tremendously. When breaking through, you can't be stingy. If you fail, you will waste more.

Later, Li Lingtian, Qingling and others, each occupying a position, each person has a formation, in the formation of closed practice and do not disturb each other.

The five entered the retreat, and Huangfu Yuyan and Tang Qingyue protected the law in the palace. Although there were no strong foreigners, there would be no slack.

Li Lingtian is in the formation method, the heaven and earth reincarnation moves, the five-star primordial **** is slowly running, and slowly the cultivation base evolves to the peak.

The peak of the pseudo-realm has been stuck for countless years without any movement.

But the pseudo-spiritual realm has reached an extreme. Now he concentrates on the practice and soon reaches the threshold.

However, between the false **** realm and the semi-god realm are completely two worlds, not on the same level.

Wushen can touch a trace of divine power, pseudo-realm can practice and enlighten a trace of divine power, but demigod realm can control a trace of divine power, and divine power and true unit are not at the same level.

A trace of divine power can crush countless real elements, just like in the early stage of a semi-divine realm, it can destroy countless false realm peak consummations.

Although his realm is not a semi-divine realm, but he controls a lot of divine power. Even if the divine realm cannot match the divine realm, even his divine power cannot be compared with the true god.

Because his divine power comes from the Jiutian Temple of the Jiutian God City. The Jiutian divine power ignores all the divine powers and looks at any divine power in the world.

But after he got the Nine Heavens Divine Power, he could only control a little bit. He couldn't really show the Nine Heavens Divine Power. If he could exert the Nine Heavens Divine Power by one ten thousandth, he would be able to sweep the Shenwu Continent.

Moreover, the ice **** and fire **** in his body also have terrifying divine power, but his realm is limited, and he cannot exert the divine power of the two gods.

Various means and various supernatural powers are restricted to the realm above.

Li Lingtian practiced in the formation, and time passed day by day.

During this time, Li Lingtian was comprehending the divine personality and divine power, as well as understanding some precautions and breakthrough precautions that were specifically used to inquire about the semi-deity.

Moreover, he also found an opportunity to break through. This opportunity is the ice **** and fire god.

He is the most familiar with these two deities, and it can be said that he has some control. With the elixirs and anti-heaven physiques, he can have a slight grasp of breakthrough.

In half a year, the time is ripe.

"The false **** realm is at its peak, it is time to break through."

"Follow the flow and go against the sky."

"Going against the sky is going against yourself and breaking your shackles to achieve supreme magic."

Li Lingtian said to himself, the look on his face was calm, and the whole person's state of mind reached the level of Gujing.

Sitting cross-legged on the ground, like a stone carving.

Immediately, a jade bottle appeared in front of him, his eyes looked at the jade bottle, and there was a smile on the corner of his mouth.


A clear voice sounded, the jade bottle lid was opened, and a fragrance appeared suddenly, the aura in the entire formation flashed, and a domineering aura was filled with formation.

When the Jade Bottle was opened, a colorful light and shadow appeared in the sky, the light and shadow flashed with light, and the whole light and shadow flowed brightly, looking very beautiful.

The top grade feather Huadan, the existence of ten grades.

Beyond the existence of the myth of Shenwu mainland, this time appeared in front of Li Lingtian.

The Nine Pins Elixir is already the ultimate in the Shenwu Continent. There are only seven Master Li Lingtians plus Li Lingtian who can refine the Nine Pins Elixir. Only Li Lingtian can refine the top grade and the unique.

When countless Dan masters are hitting the third or fourth grade, the fifth or sixth grade, and the seventh or eighth grade, Li Lingtian has refined the tenth grade feathered pill.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

After a series of decisive actions, the seal on the Elixir opened.

Suddenly a horrible spirituality came, and there was an ancient breath in the air, and a sublime breath inside.

Feeling the power of Elixir, Li Lingtian's eyes closed slightly, and the whole person entered the world of Elixir.

This ten-pin feather pill has formed a kind of Tao and formed an independent world. Li Lingtian will enter this world to realize this Tao and achieve his own Tao with the powerful medicine.

In this way, Li Lingtian and Shen Jing were in the world of immortality, and they didn't know how long they had passed.

The look on Li Lingtian's face has been constantly changing~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It's like seeing countless scenes.

In the end, Li Lingtian threw the Elixir into the world, and the reincarnation of the heaven and the earth worked, and the five elements and the gods worked.

The ice **** and fire **** of Shangdantian also slowly started to work, and the whole person entered a realm of heaven and man. The god, immortality, kung fu, and all slowly merged.

Li Lingtian learned the exercises and felt the world.

As a celestial division master, he controls the heavens and the Tao, and his perception of heaven and heaven is naturally powerful.

Now it is the heaven and the Tao that are enlightened, but they are a little different. They are not able to do anything as long as there is a slight difference, so Li Lingtian wants to re-enlighten all this.

However, with his experience, he is countless times stronger than other strong men, and the two are not at the same level.

In this way, Li Lingtian no longer has the slightest movement, but the real element in the body operates the refining elixir, the five-star Yuanshen functions to strengthen himself, and Li Lingtian's consciousness has entered a mysterious and mysterious situation.


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