War God Supreme

Chapter 1644: Spike half god...


Beside Li Lingtian, three and a half gods stood out.

At the same time, the Black Dragon King also stood up.

Xiaobai also came to Li Lingtian. For a time, there were five more people beside Li Lingtian, and a terrifying atmosphere broke out among them.




The roar of the Black Dragon King sounded, and the small white figure flashed, and the two turned into powerful real dragons at the same time.

After seeing the hands of the Black Dragon King and Xiaobai, the three and a half **** realm also turned the true element of the whole body, and the expression on their faces was very dignified. This time was the biggest battle of the Xiaoyao Dynasty and the most difficult one.

Because a few people in the Xiaoyao dynasty have to face more than a dozen semi-divine powerhouses in the Xuanyin Temple.

"What a powerful dragon spirit, this power is already equivalent to the peak of the early half god."

"That's the multicolored holy dragon, which is equivalent to the early stage of the semi-god.

"Adult Ling Tian still has three and a half gods around him, and such a strong lineup."

"This time, I really have to watch it."

"I don't know how much confidence Ling Tian has."


For a time, all the strong men were shocked when they saw the momentum of the Black Dragon King and Xiaobai. They saw two terrifying real dragons with their own eyes, and they were equivalent to the demigod strong men, which naturally shocked all the strong men.

Some Sanxiu were shocked, if the semi-godly strong wanted to pay attention to Li Lingtian, he would not know how to die when he died.

Now, I have seen a part of Li Lingtian's forces. Although such forces are not as good as Tiancheng and the big forces, they are not simple. If you fight alone, you will die.

"Xiao Bai, you and the Black Dragon both contain Shi Tiancheng."

"I'll solve other people."

Li Lingtian said faintly that the body's momentum rose to the sky, the destruction of the Five Elements Road and the operation, the Five Elements Yuanshen was operating at this time, and the terrifying true element was no less than Shi Tiancheng in the mid-half of the realm.

The eyes looked at the opposite half-godly powerhouses. These half-godlyland powerhouses are as many as sixteen. The most feared and timely Shi Tiancheng, as for the others, there is no worries at all. , Not at all in sight.

The body's momentum continued to rise, and he said to Xiaobai and Black Dragon.

The body of the Black Dragon King is the body of the evil dragon. The evil dragon has just broken through to the middle of the holy beast, which is equivalent to the middle of the human half-deity, and even stronger than the human half-deity.

Now the Black Dragon has got this body, refined and devoured the evil spirit of the evil dragon, and cultivated it to the extreme terror, plus the power of the small white multicolored holy dragon, if the two join forces, even if they are not Shi Tiancheng's opponents, they can use it contain.

"Okay, brother, be careful."

"Master be careful."

Xiaobai nodded, and the black dragon also nodded. The two did not hesitate at all, and the destroyed dragon bombarded Shi Tiancheng.

Suddenly, the entire space was torn apart, and within five hundred miles of the area was destroyed.

The sacred dragon is 200 meters in size, and the black dragon's body is 500 meters in size. The power of destruction makes the space torn apart, and the half **** realm also feels trembling.



For a time, Shi Tiancheng was half-sacred in the middle of the realm, and was entangled by the black dragon and Xiaobai. If he wanted to get rid of the tangle of the two terrifying real dragons, there was no hope at all.

"Dageng Sword!"

"Golden Realm!"

Li Lingtian looked at the battle in the air and saw that the other demigod powerhouses were also going to attack Xiaobai and the Black Dragon, and the look on his face changed.

The realm of gold unfolded, and he was wrapped in a golden light with a size of 200 meters.

At the same time, when the consciousness moved, the eyebrow flashed, and when the streamer fell, a long sword with golden streamer appeared in his hand. The long sword with a ruinous sharp, crystal clear, like a sword of light and shadow.

Between heaven and earth, the coercion of the congenital artifact of the middle class broke out, and the coercion of destruction crushed countless powerful men.

Jianyi, rise to the sky!

"Innate artifact!"

"Golden Realm!"

Seeing the Dageng Sword in Li Lingtian's hands, and seeing the realm of gold, all the strong men shivered, and even the deputy city masters of several Tiancheng were shocked.

I did not expect Li Ling to really control the innate artifacts and the field, which is simply terrifying.

The destruction and coercion in the air crushed them all the time. They all quickly launched their defenses and retreated towards the distance. Looking at Li Lingtian from afar, they felt frightened.


This is the only description of Li Lingtian in the minds of all strong men.

With the realm of gold, plus the most terrifying innate artifacts, and sword intentions, this perfect fusion is simply a perfect match.

For a time, all the strong men had a glow of excitement on their faces. This war was a legend in the fairyland, a legend of the pseudo-god realm group and the semi-god realm. , Has shocked the world's powerful.

Because this is a war across the realm, it will become a legend.

At this time, Li Lingtian was like a sharp sword standing in the void, the sword intention of the whole person was rising continuously, the realm of gold raged in space, and his eyes were as cold as a sword.

Feeling the strength of Li Lingtian, the fifteen half-god powerhouses felt the threat of death and no longer dared to help Shi Tiancheng.

They are all demigods, and they are not ordinary demigods. They naturally know how terrifying the Dageng Sword in Li Lingtian’s hands is. If they help Shi Tiancheng, they will be destroyed by the Dageng Sword. attack.

"Void is broken!"

In the air, Shi Tiancheng was pinned by Black Dragon and Xiaobai, dragging the battlefield to the sea thousands of miles away.

Li Baitian and Xiaolong joined forces, and Li Lingtian didn’t worry. Even if they lost to Shi Tiancheng, they wouldn’t be killed. It’s okay to contain it for a while. After that, it’s time for him to kill these semi-godly strong men. Too.

Without any hesitation, the Dageng Sword in his hand waved, and suddenly the Dageng Sword drew a sword.

The supernatural powers of the Void Destruction are on display, and the third move of the Sky Sword Formation is Void Destruction.

Dageng Excalibur and Sword Power, Golden Realm and Void Destruction, Four-in-One Destruction Sword Mansion, Destroyer Sword Mansion Slashed the Void, and bombarded towards a half **** realm.

In front of Jianmang, there is a terrifying and powerful black hole.



The fifteen semi-godly powerhouses saw Li Lingtian take the initiative to do so, and the supernatural powers of the supernatural powers on display made them tremble in their hearts, and they no longer dared to look down on Li Lingtian at this moment.

Some time ago, Li Lingtian killed several semi-divine realms in Xuanyin Temple. They didn't believe that the false realm was so powerful. Now they see it with their own eyes, which is completely beyond their imagination.

Taking advantage of Li Lingtian's hands, the other strong men shouted and bombarded Li Lingtian.

All of the pseudo-ideal realm strongmen also shot towards Li Lingtian and Li Lingtian.

For a time, two hundred false **** realms and fourteen half **** realms all attacked Li Lingtian. The three half **** realm strong men beside Li Lingtian flashed in shape, and their figures disappeared strangely in the air.

When they reappeared, the three of them had entered the pseudo-realm.


With a scream, the black hole of Dageng's Excalibur engulfed a semi-godly strong man. The ruined swordmang destroyed the blackhole. The swordmang was sharp and unparalleled. The black hole was cut in half. When the black hole was destroyed, Li Lingtian locked it. The demigod powerhouse is also destroyed.

Watching countless powerful men bombard, Li Lingtian's face showed a faint smile.

With one hand waving, the Dageng Excalibur in his hand fell out with a ruined edge. The kung fu in the blink of an eye has cut out hundreds of golden edges. With the speed of magical power, Li Lingtian is invincible in the world.

Hundreds of golden blades bombarded the 14 semi-god realms with Dageng sword and the dominance of the golden realm.

The figure did not move from beginning to end.




In the air, the golden edge of the Dageng sword is vertical and horizontal, and all the strong men can only stop in front of Li Lingtian Baili, continually blasting with the sharp edge of Lilingtian Dageng sword.

The fourteen semi-godly strong men were locked in by the golden edge, and the three men of Loufeng's semi-god were cultivated and entered into the pseudo-god, completely wolves into the flock.

Suddenly, the entire space is constantly destroyed, and the strong power of the pseudo-real world continues to fall, just like a rain.

All the strong men, seeing this scene, changed their look on their faces.

Never thought that the war would become like this.

A strong person with a false **** realm would kill a semi-god realm at the same time and contain 14 semi-god realms at the same time. Such a thing has not been heard by the strong men present, let alone seen.

Seeing Li Lingtian's situation now, everyone was shocked except for shock.

"What a terrible means!"

"Is this a war between the false **** realm and the demigod powerhouse? It's just that the false **** realm presses a group of demigod powerhouses to attack."

"What a terrible calculation."

"Yeah, it seems that Master Ling Tian has already calculated it. The two men contain each other's mid-term powerhouses, he controls all the semi-god realms, and his subordinates kill the false **** realm. Then join forces to kill the demigod."

"Yes, all of them broke down, and everyone will work together to deal with Shi Tiancheng."

"Although this kind of calculation is very simple, it needs the means and strength of the sky. If there is no strength, no matter how the calculation is done, it will be nothing."

"This is the confidence of the strong."

More than one hundred thousand strong men kept retreating back, not daring to get close to the place of war, lest they be destroyed.

When I looked at Li Lingtian, I was deeply apprehensive.

False **** realm is so powerful~www.wuxiaspot.com~If it reaches the semi-god realm, I don't know how strong it is.

What's more, this person is still the first Divine Pill Master of Shenwu Continent, the first day array division, it is needless to say that it is naturally a matter of time to reach a half-divine state.

Now looking at the powerhouse of Xuanyin Palace keeps falling, although it is only a false **** realm, but as long as these false **** realms are killed, half **** realm will begin to fall.

However, what made all the strong people never think that the following situation is completely beyond the imagination of most strong people.

I saw that the Dageng Excalibur in Li Lingtian's hands continued to wave out, and a series of golden sharp edges pierced the void and cut the void into fragments. All the semi-God Realm strong people wanted to kill Li Lingtian at all.

Li Lingtian wanted to destroy these demigod powerhouses as well, because he could only contain them in front of him.

But at this time, a strange smile appeared on Li Lingtian's face, and his body was shaken strangely. Seeing Li Lingtian's shape change, all the powerful people's faces changed dramatically.


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