War God Supreme

Chapter 1645: Spike again

According to the laws of the Shenwu Continent, even if Li Lingtian is even stronger, it is impossible to display the magic power of destruction under that situation, nor can he be treated so calmly and calmly. 【Starting】

Because, when the two strong men attacked the warriors below their own level, the attacked people had no chance to respond to Yungong, let alone Yungong's supernatural powers to fight back.

However, Li Lingtian seemed to have seen two strong men dealing with him.

In the face of two devastating magical attacks, he was able to speak indifferently, and only afterwards did he show off the sword field.

All this is completely beyond the imagination of any human strong.

Confident, overbearing, decisive, and adversity

This is what he described. In such a situation, Shenwu Continent has only the person in front of him, and he is Li Lingtian.

While shocking Li Lingtian's self-confidence and strength, he also shocked Li Lingtian's overbearing power.

In such a situation, the sword field and sword awns are exerted to such a might.

However, Dongyue Baiyu was puzzled. He had seen Li Lingtian show off his sword field sword sword. At that time, Li Lingtian was also the pinnacle of false **** realm.

Although Jianyu Jianmang is powerful and overbearing, it can kill the general strong men below the early stage of Semi-God Realm, but there is not much threat to the semi-God Realm, and even if the three swordsmanship is against the peak strongman of the early Semi-God Realm, It may not be possible to destroy the peak of the early half god.

At present, Li Lingtian's cultivation practice is still a false **** realm, but after the three sword domains are separated, they can also defeat the mid-peak peak of the semi-god realm and kill another mid-peak peak of the semi-god realm.

This is totally impossible, something must have happened in the middle that he did not know.

Otherwise, with Li Lingtian's character and cultivation behavior, it is impossible to face the mid-peak of the two and a half gods with such confidence, nor can it kill Zhao Yanyun and defeat Gongsun Long.

Gradually, I thought of a fearful thing in my heart, but when I thought of the matter here, I dared not think about it anymore, and looked at Li Lingtian intentionally or unintentionally.

I just saw Li Lingtian's eyes, which were like waiting for him.

It was like Li Lingtian had seen through his mind and thoughts, and suddenly his mind was shaking and afraid, because his thoughts might be true.

Moreover, his thoughts were discovered by Li Lingtian. Otherwise, Li Lingtian would not look at him. This look was like a warning, and he dared not think about any ideas.

In his life, he has never been afraid of any strong man, but in front of this young man, fear and fear came from the bottom of his heart.

In front of this young man, he was like a ant.

He was born in the wood department, and he sees some things better than others. He has never missed his thoughts, and now he dares not imagine the things below.

"Zhao Yanyun, ungrateful."

"This seat rescued him in Chunyang Palace, but he in turn dealt with this seat, **** it!"

"Gongsun Long, the elder of Xuanyin Temple is too high, and the imperial court has no way out. After making mistakes, I do not know how to repent, **** it!"

Li Lingtian glanced past Dongyue Baiyu, and finally fell on Gongsun Long.

He spoke lightly, his voice was dull, and his face was light and breezy, but at this time, the voice was like a punishment from heaven, and it made people dare not dare to speak out.

He just didn't care about just killing Gongsun and killing Zhao Yanyun in one move, just as the matter just had nothing to do with him.

However, his face was calm, but his heart was shocked and excited, reaching a semi-divine state, which really made his strength reach a level of defying the sky. The power of the three sword domains and the awn of the sword did not know how many times stronger than before.

On the square, all the strong men were shocked and stunned. They dared not speak with an atmosphere, and looked at Li Lingtian with dreadful eyes.

The strong man standing on the side of Dongyue Baiyu was a little better, just shocked.

The strong man who originally stood on the side of Gongsun Long, who is to deal with Li Lingtian, now has a ugly look on his face, and he has the heart to die.

I never imagined that Li Lingtian was so powerful, even the peak of the mid-half of the realm was killed in seconds, and what strength did they have against Li Lingtian.

Also shocked was Gongsun Long, with blood on the corner of his mouth, eyes full of unbelief and despair.

He knows the power of Li Lingtian's just one blow, and just after the blow from Li Lingtian's hand, he cracked his powerful supernatural power and struck him away. His mind shook.

Watching Zhao Yanyun fall, I was terribly afraid. If another swordmand just fell on him, Zhao Yanyun would be his end.

Now, I have regretted that I hate the people who provoke Li Lingtian to the bones.

It's just that the strong heroes of Hyun-yin Hall who provoke Li Lingtian have long since disappeared, and they can't hate it now.

"Winner takes all, loser for Kou."

"The deity depends on how powerful you are."

Gongsun Long quickly calmed down, his face was getting colder and colder, and the devastated Zhenyuan burst out.

In the terrifying real element, a trace of divine power is displayed in the air, the mid-peak of the semi-god realm is only one step away from the late period of the semi-god realm, and the divine power in Dan Tian Zhenyuan is also one percent.

Although this divine power is not much, but to deal with the strong without the divine power, it is simply to kill and crush directly.

With both hands in a circle, a mysterious gesture was formed. Suddenly the powerful and terrifying True Element became stronger and stronger, and the Divine Power in the True Element became pure.

Zhenyuan compresses quickly, and at last there is only a group of divine powers with the size of fists and fingers. Outside of the divine power, there is a huge Zhenyuan. This scene looks powerful and mysterious.


Li Lingtian's eyes were sharp, and the true element of his body burst out, but the divine power was hidden in the true element, and the cultivation of the realm was only the pinnacle of the pseudo-realm peak.

With one hand stretched out, a mysterious slender long blade appeared in the hand.

Suddenly, a pure, overbearing and violent death gas erupted.

Death Blade!

Yes, it is the blade of death. His cultivation is to reach the semi-deity. If he uses human magical powers and treasures, he will definitely be exposed to cultivation. However, using the treasures and magical powers of other races, he can conceal his cultivation and hide his magical powers. The power is parallel to the realm.

Reaching the demigod, any magical power can turn decay into magic.

Now he controls the demigod realm, and there are a lot of abilities that he can only possess, but now he will not show it, but use other magical powers to cover it up.

The overbearing death gas rotates, and a beam of great light radiates from the death blade.

Li Lingtian didn't hesitate, waving with one hand, Hongguang and Daomang exploded from the death blade bombarded the Gongsun Dragon. For a time, the overwhelming atmosphere of death eroded the entire square.

The gas of death is entangled and twisted with the spirit of the fairy and the air of pure yang in the square.


The attack of the Blade of Death was bombarded with the power of Gongsun Dragon, and a horrible explosion suddenly erupted. The halo of destruction spread out. Everything the halo passed was nothingness.



Li Lingtian took a step back, but Gongsun Long threw it out, spitting blood in the air, and finally fell on the square fiercely. Li Lingtian disappeared, and when he appeared again, he came to Gongsun Long. Grabbing in the air, Gongsun Long was suspended in the air.

Looking at Li Lingtian in fright and despair, it was like seeing a ghost.

Because Li Lingtian's cultivation is his strength, it is completely different from the previous period.

"you you……"

In my heart, I thought of something terrible.

However, without waiting for him to say it, Li Lingtian had prevented him from speaking.

When Gongsun Long fell, Yuanshen escaped, and had to escape. Li Lingtian stretched out with one hand, and a qi and qi radiated out, with a wicked suction inside.

Without any resistance, Yuanshen was wrapped in refining spirit, and finally disappeared.

Silence, silence above the square.

Earlier, Li Lingtian's move defeated a mid-demand mid-peak peak to kill a mid-mid-peak mid-peak peak, or luck and accident, but just once again killed a mid-peak mid-peak peak like Gongsun Long. If it was luck and accident, it was basically It is self-deception.

"Let's go!"

Li Lingtian loosened, and the fallen Gongsun Long fell to the ground, and the storage bag was put away. Then he came to Zhao Yanyun's dead body and put Zhao Yanyun's storage bag away.

After doing everything, with one hand stretched out, a folding fan appeared in the hand.

The folding fan swayed gently. In this way, it was completely a scholar, elegant, elegant and quiet, giving people a feeling of transcendence.

But the strong men present did not dare to think so. If they did not see Li Lingtian's strength and did not know Li Lingtian's identity and reputation, he would definitely regard Li Lingtian as a scholar with an embroidered pillow.

However, they had just seen Li Lingtian's domineering and horror. They also knew that the young man in front of him was the first Divine Master of Shenwu Continent. How dare he treat this young man as a harmless scholar.

Hearing Li Lingtian's words, the look on the face of more than one hundred superpowers changed dramatically again, and his body shivered.

Now, I will never believe the lie of more people and more power. In front of Li Lingtian, no matter how many people are defeated, no matter how strong they are, they are also a group of ants.

"Master Lingtian spares his life!"

"Sir Ling Tian spares his life, and in the next moment he will offend Lord Ling Tian, ​​and Lord Ling Tian will give him the next chance."

"Sir Lingtian~www.wuxiaspot.com~ will never dare again."

"Lord Tian, ​​a lot of adults, let's go to the next life."


Under the fear just now, the strong man who originally hunted down Li Lingtian could no longer bear the pressure of this horror at this moment. His mind collapsed and he quickly apologized to Li Lingtian for mercy.

At the moment, these strong men, no longer the slightest strong men, are completely ordinary people.

Seeing this, Li Lingtian was speechless in his heart. Is this the strong?

Without the strong man's heart, he is not a strong man at all.

Doing so with such a person is an insult to your hand.

The look on his face was calm, and he didn't speak, nor did he mean to let go of these powerful men. For a time, the entire plaza continued to beg for mercy, and the atmosphere was extremely strange.


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