War God Supreme

Chapter 1646: Too bully...

"This seat can spare you this time. (Starting)"

"After going out, it is best not to let you see you."

"It's not as simple as a person to commit to this seat. By the time you know the character of this seat, you don't commit me, I don't commit anybody. If someone commits me, I will greet him all over the door."

Li Lingtian slowly withdrew his eyes and said flatly.

He didn't want to do it, because he didn't want to lose to the mighty continent.

If in the past, he absolutely pinned those who offended him, but now the situation is different. If human beings are too fratricidal, he will also suffer.

When these strong men go out, most of them will reveal the things he got treasures, maybe they will use powerful forces to deal with him, but he will not be afraid.

During the speech, the folding fan in the hand gently fanned, looks very chic.

However, in this way, no one feels that he is pretending to be cool, because Li Lingtian does not need to pretend to be cool, and his strength is above the semi-godly strong, and his temperament is floating, saying that the dragon and the phoenix are not false at all.

Because he is a powerful holy dragon against the sky, a noble and powerful Shenfeng.

"Thank you Lord Lingtian."

"Thank you Lord Lingtian."

"Don't dare again anymore."

For a time, more than a hundred strong people quickly thanked, and they were all puzzled and shocked. I didn't expect Li Lingtian to let them go, but it was definitely a blessing to let them go.

Dongyue Baiyu also showed an incomprehensible look on his face, did not expect Li Lingtian to let go of these strong men.

The only explanation is that Li Lingtian cannot deal with these strong men alone, and is worried that these strong men will jump into the wall.

However, he quickly overturned his opposite. Li Lingtian spiked the mid-peak of the semi-god realm, and what kind of strong man could threaten him is absolutely impossible.

"Dr. Dongyue, Fairy Linglan is nice."

Li Lingtian solved these strong men and came to Dongyue Baiyu step by step.

With a smile on his face, he asked.


"Ling Lan has returned to Tianyu and has not been in contact for a while."

Dongyue Baiyu heard Li Lingtian mentioning King Linglan, and he was stunned for a moment. Then he realized that he had already guessed the relationship between Li Lingtian and King Linglan.

But as an elder of King Linglan, he is not easy to say anything.

Moreover, Li Lingtian's identity is too detached. The average person is simply looking up. King Linglan also worships Li Lingtian. This is a matter of reason.

The last time Li Lingtian dealt with Xuanyin Temple, King Linglan pulled him to help Li Lingtian, causing Dongyue Tiancheng and Xuanyin Temple to turn over.

He can now be sure that King Linglan worships Li Lingtian, but he is too far away from Li Lingtian.

"This is it."

"Pure Yang Palace is about to open the teleportation array, let's take a look first."

Li Lingtian nodded, shaking the folding fan away, and began to look at the square.

This square is all made of white jade. It looks magnificent, the golden light flashes, and the pure yang is extremely rich. The whole square is like a golden world.

The huge purple gold pillar exudes a faint radiance, and it looks amazing.

The huge square, Li Lingtian looked at it for a full day, and did not let go of everything.

After a day, I had a basic understanding of the square above.

Immediately sitting cross-legged, I began to analyze everything on this square. This square seemed simple, but this square really conveyed the key place to leave.

As a celestial division teacher, it is not allowed to make mistakes in principle within the scope of his own ability.

Therefore, he took advantage of these few days to control everything in this teleportation array and square.

Over time, the look on Li Lingtian's face became dignified.

The change in the look on Li Lingtian's face drew Dongyue Baiyu's attention. The fact that Li Lingtian observed the square, coupled with Li Lingtian being a celestial division master, made him feel a little bad.

If it's about leaving, he's in a hurry.

"Sir Ling Tian, ​​what did you find?"

Dongyue Baiyu came to Li Lingtian and asked seriously, although his voice was small, but all of them were super strong on the spot, so he could hear clearly.

For a time, they all looked at Li Lingtian.

"nothing much."

"Now I am not sure about this seat. I will wait a few days to talk about it."

Li Lingtian shook his head, this kind of thing, without 100% certainty, would not talk nonsense before, so as not to cause confusion.

Besides, he is just guessing, not necessarily true.

He didn't want what he thought to be true. If it were true, leaving this time would be a difficult thing.

Seeing that Li Lingtian didn't say it, all felt a little dignified.

The square above is quiet, waiting for the teleportation to open and leave this pure Yang Palace.

Time, day by day, and finally, on the day after entering Chunyang Palace, all the powerful people on the square are waiting for it, and the faint golden light on the square slowly disappears, and it slowly changes. Too.

Seeing the changes, Li Lingtian put the folding fan away and looked at the square seriously, paying attention to the changes in the world.

Because such a place is generally a plane space, an independent world, but this world is still in the Shenwu Continent, but the powerful of the Shenwu Continent is invisible.

Therefore, as long as it is in this Shenwu Continent, it is related to heaven and earth, to space, and to time.

As long as you grasp these, you can see the changes in the independent space, at least you can make more preparations.


In the void, a dull thunder sounded, and under the dull thunder, the square trembled.

All the strong men were shocked and excited when they saw this movement, because at this time such a situation occurred, which was the prelude to the start of the teleportation array.

Sure enough, the purple gold pillars on the square radiated a powerful light, and a terrifying force erupted above the nine days. The force tore the void, and the whole space shivered.

Endless power tears the space, and the strong men in the square are ready, waiting to teleport away.

Li Lingtian looked at the sky and his worries disappeared.

Because everything in the air is normal and no strangeness appears.

However, there is always something wrong in my heart, like something is going to happen.


For a moment of kung fu, an endless mouth was torn in the air, and a strong light erupted on the Zijin pillar. The strong light was connected with the empty mouth, and there was a terrifying power of attraction.

The strong man in the square was gradually absorbed by the power of the air, and finally entered the light.

All of a sudden, everyone entered the light.

When entering the light, it is like entering the space-time channel.


The sounds of breaking through the sky and the frictional force of time and space produce truly strange sounds.

All the powerful men spin in the space-time channel and quickly fly away into the mysterious space.

Less than five seconds before and after, everyone left the space-time channel, and finally hovered above the sea area. Looking at this sea area, all looked excited.

Because this sea area is the cassia area, not far from Chunyang Island.

Seeing this, they knew that they left Chunyang Palace smoothly.


At this time, a purple-gold light and shadow bombarded the sea.

Suddenly, a tremendous water column swelled within a thousand miles of the sea area, and the purple gold light and shadow rushed down with the power of destruction and visual impact, and the power made all the strong people tremble and quickly flew away into the distance.

Looking at this purple gold light and shadow, Li Lingtian's inexplicable heart was even stronger.

His figure flashed, and he did not try to get close to this Zijin light and shadow, because he probably already knew that the Zijin light and shadow were the Zijin pillars of Chunyang Square. The Zijin pillars were three or four people together, and they were 100 meters high.

This value is not measurable with spirit stones.

However, they did not dare to have the slightest greed for this Zijin Pillar, because this Zijin Pillar is the key to leaving the Pure Sun Palace. If you work on the Zijin Pillar, you will never be able to leave the Pure Sun Palace.

I just didn't expect that after they left Chunyang Palace, the Zijin pillar followed them and left Chunyang Square.

Since there is nothing wrong with this purple gold pillar, don't approach it. Anyway, you have left Chunyang Palace now, so you don't need to touch these things.

Leaving Chunyang Palace, you can completely cross Chunyang Empire, or go to other empire and other places.

Thinking of this, the figure flashed quickly and flew towards the sky.

With his current practice, even without revealing his practice, he can increase his speed by several tens of times.



The speed of Zijin's light and shadow is beyond the imagination of ordinary people, and the power of destruction will shake the sea water out of the monstrous water column.

And wherever he passed, the space was directly torn into pieces.


"It's too bully."

Li Lingtian's body flickered and his speed reached a thousand miles.

However, the purple light and shadow in the void seemed to lock him. This feeling of being locked by the Qi machine made him discover it at the first time. When he saw this feeling, the look on his face changed.

Looking in the void, Zijin Light and Shadow had indeed locked him. No matter how he flew, Zijin Light and Shadow followed him, making him unable to escape the lock of Zijin Light and Shadow.

Above the sea~www.wuxiaspot.com~ All the strong men have seen this scene, and each strong man has a look of envy and greed on his face.

Because, I have left Chunyang Palace now, and this Zijin pillar is not so important anymore, and now it is a tremendous wealth. If you get it, it will not be a measurable spirit stone.

For a time, the greed in the hearts of all the strong became stronger and stronger.

The air was filled with a strange breath.

In the same way, Li Lingtian also discovered the change of atmosphere in the air, knowing that all the strong men had a greedy heart towards this purple gold pillar.

However, he didn't have such an idea. Even if this Zijin pillar is good, he doesn't want it now, because the Zijin pillar will become the focus of the Pure Yang Empire, and the taste of chasing by countless powerful people will not Feel good.

But the current situation is totally beyond his control. It can't be thrown away. Moreover, the power of destruction makes people tremble. If they are bombarded by this purple light, they will disappear by accident.


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