War God Supreme

Chapter 1658: Late World War


Chen Xiaotian and Zhao Yunmin, both of them, controlled Dong Shaotian, and all four left the "Jade" peak and watched the battle of the void in the distance. Pinshu.com (wWW.VoDtw.coM). Visit: ..

In such a big war, they have no chance to participate in the war.

In the Great War of Destruction, it was difficult to enter the center of the mid-peak peak of Semi-Divine Realm. One accidentally disappeared, let alone help Li Lingtian.

Now, they don't need them to help Li Lingtian at all, but look at the void in shock.

In my heart, I worshipped Li Lingtian to the extreme. The Supreme Divine Pill Master, the early half-god realm, the myth of Dao Dao, and the myth of martial arts. Now even Long Guzi in the late half-god realm is being beaten and beat, which is beyond imagination.

However, thinking of Long Guzi's identity, I thought of a horrible character. That horrible character is really not what Li Lingtian can provoke now.

"You guys, regret it."

Zhao Yunmin looked at Dong Shaotian and the two smiled on his face and said.

At the peak of the mid-semireal world, the four people are generally the same. Even at this time, they are not necessarily hands-on, but it is also a kind of enjoyment to take the opportunity to crack down on the anger.

¢Ha, m. "Zhao Yunmin, don't gloat over here."

"We have the ability to fight."

Mutianyu regretted in his heart that if they knew that Li Lingtian had already become a demigod, they would not come here to die.

Even if Li Lingtian does not solve them now, if Li Lingtian does not die, they will be finished.

Looking at the situation in the air, Li Lingtian didn't fear Longguzi at all, and even pressed Longguzi against him.

Even if Li Lingtian lost to Long Guzi, he could easily get rid of it. By then, it was the two of them who were unlucky, and they were already upset. Hearing Zhao Yunmin's gloating and gloating, the whole person was almost violent.


"You're the president, afraid you won't succeed."

"If you have the ability to try it, if you can support two moves, the president will be convinced of you."

Zhao Yunming looked at Mutianyu, and his heart was extremely exasperated.

In the current situation, even if Mutianyu is strong again, if he goes to the sky, with Li Lingtian's cultivation as his strength, two moves will kill him.

Hearing Zhao Yunmin's words, Mutianyu couldn't wait to tear Zhao Yunmin apart, and couldn't wait to fly into the void to fight Li Lingtian, but he didn't have the courage.

The dialogue between the two people was heard by countless powerful people. When they saw the two people, they wanted to laugh.

In the air, Li Lingtian's figure constantly flashed, and with the magical power of space and the powerful power of the demise, he constantly waved the folding fan in his hand. (ad)

Ordinary attacks rely entirely on divine power and five elements of wind and thunder fans. This alone suppresses the Dragon Valley Seed in the later stage of Semi-Divine Realm.

Although it is known that Long Guzi did not exert real magical power, at least he would not be suppressed because his own magical power was not exhibited.

"Take out your true skills."

"Is this the case in the late half **** state?"

Li Lingtian opened his mouth and said lightly, that while the folding fan was waving in his hand, the seven forces that destroyed the world bombarded Long Guzi.

Five elements of wind and thunder fan, five elements belong to ‘sex’, and there are two types of ‘sex’ between wind and thunder, which are ‘sex’ in total. Only in the hands of the five elements of the Great Consummation can this five element wind and thunder fan be brought to the extreme.

The average strong man can also exert one or two types of ‘sexual’ power.

The inferior congenital artifact, the power and horror, coupled with Li Lingtian's divine power, each attack tears the world, making Long Guzi tremble and shocked. He did not expect that he was beaten and beaten by a young man before he reached the semi-deity.

"Sword, inexhaustible!"

Looking at Li Lingtian's five-element wind thunder fan, the god'color' on Long Guzi's face changed in the late half-god realm, and at the same time his innate artifact, his own innate artifact was far from the other party.

And they are all inferior congenital artifacts, and their cultivation base is higher than Li Lingtian by two realms, that is, two heavens and earth, but the result is that Li Lingtian is suppressed.

A feeling of oppression is getting heavier in my heart, and I feel like a ants in front of Li Lingtian, but Li Lingtian is a dragon.

At the same time, I also felt the horror of Li Lingtian's divine power. The pureness and power of this divine power are not comparable in his later half-divine state.

Seeing that one of the seven destructive ‘sexual’ forces was bombarded, Long Guzi no longer hesitated, the inferior inferior artifact in his hand waved, and suddenly thousands of swords, swords and mans bombarded Li Lingtian.




For a time, the air was completely broken within a thousand miles, and the space between the two was completely empty.

In one move, neither of them had the upper hand.

However, at this time, Li Lingtian's figure disappeared. When Li Lingtian disappeared, Long Guzi shuddered, and this was the case every time, because when Li Lingtian's figure disappeared again, the power of terror would erupt. .

Moreover, after Li Lingtian disappeared, he could not find a trace of it. There was no ‘wave’ in the space, and no trace of Li Lingtian’s breath, it was like evaporation.

In the latter half of his **** state, he lost control to Li Lingtian in terms of body and space, lost to Li Lingtian in divine power, and lost to Li Lingtian in front of supernatural powers. Everything was completely defeated.

"Wind thunder and extermination!"

When Li Lingtian appeared again, he was already in front of Longguzi.

I saw that Li Lingtian was no longer a folding fan, but a domineering and powerful ancient artifact with a domineering weapon blade that was four feet long.

The ancient artifact of thriving wind and thunder destroys the god, although the terrible coercion is not as good as the innate artifact, but this overbearing is not comparable to the general innate artifact.

Abandoning the innate artifacts and showing off the ancient artifacts, which made countless powerful people feel puzzled.

However, it immediately became clear that Li Lingtian was still testing his strength and using Longguzi as a target.

Moreover, the wind and thunder struck by Li Lingtian exploded, and the power exploded quickly. The power of destruction caused the void to tremble, and let countless powerful people tremble with it.


The wind, thunder and gods slashed above, and a thousand-meter-long light burst out. The light was tens of meters thick. This light was completely formed by a lightning storm of millions of miles. The center of the storm of millions of miles was completely compressed into such a light. It is tens of thousands of times more powerful and terrifying than the Million Mile Storm Center.

The horrible light roared continuously, as if to destroy this world.

"What a horrible ancient artifact."

"What a terrible supernatural reads;."

Long Guzi saw Li Lingtian's wind and thunder destroying power, his eyes looked at the light, and his face showed a horrified expression.

Even the strong man in the late half **** state, but in the face of this power of destruction, also felt trembling.

In the late half **** state, it could have been the early and middle stages of destruction that could overwhelm'sex'.

But in his late half-god realm, when he was at war with the early days, his divine power and coercion were not as good as the early strong man in front of him, and he was suppressed in all aspects. There was simply an urge to hit the wall.

Two good horrors in a row, all this proved shocking to Li Lingtian's attack.

At this moment, no longer dare to hesitate, the long sword in his hand waved, and a dreaded sword mangling bombarded Li Lingtian. The innate artifact is not for everyone. He can have an innate artifact, which is already very powerful.

He can't compare Li Lingtian with countless innate artifacts. At this time, he can only display his semi-divine power and supernatural powers, and then the power of innate artifacts to resist Li Lingtian's attack.

"Semi-Sword Domain!"

"The river is broken!"

The ruined Jianmang, with a horrible murderous opportunity, bombarded Li Lingtian fiercely.

Suddenly, Jianmang seemed to cut through this world.

At the same time, the wind and thunder destroying Li Lingtian's hands also bombarded towards Longguzi fiercely. For a time, the two rays of destruction in the air bombarded each other, the world shivered, the space was torn and twisted, and countless strong men's faces 'Constant change, powerful repairs are exhibited to resist the powerful tearing force in the air.

The two attacks did not hit together, and the space was shivering and shattered.




The destructive attacks are gathered for five hundred miles, but this distance is not enough for the super powers of the semi-god realm. The two attacks span the space distance, and finally bombard together to reads;.

With a bang, the space burst, and the entire space shattered.

The power of the wind and thunder is destroyed, but the void is destroyed.

But Jianmang bombarded Li Lingtian as always, and the power became more and more powerful. With the power to destroy the world, he crushed the space and came to Li Lingtian.

Just when Li Lingtian was about to be crushed and bombarded, Li Lingtian's mouth overflowed with a smile, and he waved with one hand.

Suddenly, a unique ancient artifact appeared in his hand. This unique ancient artifact is no longer a wind and thunder, but a long sword, like a sword of the king, dominates the whole world.

"The Sword of Domination."

"Sword Realm."

The sword of the master in Li Lingtian's hand was exhibited, waving with one hand, the whole movement was like flowing water, all in one go, without any slight drag.

Suddenly ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ A world of swords around a thousand kilometers in size broke out. This world of swords is full of sharp swords, sword shadows, sword awns, sword spirit, sword silk.

It is not so much the world of swords as the realm of swords. Indeed, this trick is the realm of swords.

The domain of the ruined sword bombarded the sword of Longguzi. After Li Lingtian achieved the sword domain, the domain of the sword became a real sword domain. The domain of the sword carried by the dominant sword was terrifying.

With his reaction and the speed of his magical powers, he can fully display five kinds of magical powers at the same time.

Such a speed of reaction and the power of instant magical power naturally cannot make the other party take the lead. What he is waiting for is to give the other party a trick and cannot change the magical power.

Now, Longguzi's sword mango really destroyed his wind and thunder, and the sword mango came straight to him. The purpose has been achieved, and the sword field is displayed.

Suddenly, the **** "skin" on Long Guzi's face changed. He was in the late stage of the semi-god realm. Even if the two attacks did not match, he also knew the result, and just saw Li Lingtian's movement, he also understood that Li Lingtian had already calculated he. ;

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