War God Supreme

Chapter 1659: Soil field



The thousand-meter-sized field of swords engulfs the reads of Longguzi's swordmans;. http://%77%77%77%2e%76%6f%64%74%77%2e%63%6f%6d (advertising). For more latest chapters visit: www.

Jianmang has no resistance in the realm of swords, just like being assimilated.

At the same time, the speed of the sword field became faster, and Chaolongguzi, ignoring the distance of the space, overwhelmed the past. Wherever the sword field passed, the entire space was transformed into nothingness, forming a vacuum passage of the size of a square kilometer.


In a blink of an eye, Jianyu swallowed all the sword awns, and finally even Longguzi devoured it.

The sound of Longguzi's roaring continued, and the realm of the sword was trembling. It was obvious that Longguzi struggled in the realm of the sword, but he couldn't escape the power of the realm of the sword for a while.

"Tianji Ba King Sword!"

"The third type of Ba Dao Juice-the wind and the cloud are broken!"

Just when Li Lingtian finished the field of swords, the sword in his hand had disappeared.

The dominant sword disappeared, and Li Lingtian had a domineering long knife in his hand. The long knife exudes terrifying destructive power, just like this knife can split the world.

≮∧ Ha, m.

It is also an ancient artifact.

However, this unique ancient artifact can explode the power of innate artifacts in the hands of Li Lingtian.

Li Lingtian did not hesitate at all, because now all attacks are carried out in accordance with his own calculation trajectory, every move is a move, every step is calculated by "precise" mentality, even accidents are counted in it .

The third form of Dou Dao Jue, where the wind and the cloud are broken and displayed, suddenly the entire space is submerged by the wind and cloud, but this wind and cloud is not a real wind and cloud, but a ruined sword.

What is different from the previous knife-mansions is that now the knife-mansions carry the power of destruction.

The torn space made countless powerful men flee in fright, and all fled far away from thousands of miles. Their eyes looked at the void above the ‘Jade’ peak, just as the strong man fled, the sky shattered.

The ruinous destruction of the heavens and the earth bombarded all above the realm of swords. In the realm of swords, there was Longguzi in the late half **** state.



At this moment, a scream rang, and after the scream, the destruction between heaven and earth stopped.

Long Guzi broke away from the realm of the sword and returned to the air, but the realm of ruined realm of the sword and the ruin of the wind and cloud still hurt him completely.

In the late half **** state, the power was terrifying. In the face of destruction, Long Guzi exerted a powerful magical power and paid a price to let himself leave the attack of destruction, survived the destruction, but was also seriously injured.

I saw that there was nothing good about Long Guzi's clothes all over his body, and the blood on his body was terrifying, and there was no trace of blood'color' on his face. His eyes looked coldly at Li Lingtian, and his horrified anger skyrocketed. Up.

But at this time, he did not dare to hesitate at all, because Li Lingtian had another trick of terror.

It turned out that Li Lingtian continuously bombarded Longguzi in the late half-god realm with his unique ancient artifacts. He wanted to try to what extent his real strength reached. If he used innate artifacts and destruction magic powers, he would not be able to test his own strength.

It’s best to use the ancient artifact of the best, because then you will not be killed, you can also try out your own strength.

Seeing that Long Guzi broke free from the realm of the sword, he was bombarded by the storm, and his injuries were serious. At this time, what he was most worried about was that the opponent's dog jumped the wall in a hurry. He did not dare to hesitate.

The destructive air of the ruined heaven and earth condenses, and the destructive air forms a terrifying swordmand cyclone, and the swordmand cyclone bombards towards Longguzi.

Magical powers, treasures, are displayed in one go, without any slight jerky.

Above the earth, countless powerful people were completely shocked by Li Lingtian's strength. The ancient artifacts in his hands appeared endlessly. The terrifying power crushed the late semi-divine realm. All this is completely a battle of the true gods.

"The anger of the sky, the sword will destroy the stars!"

In Long Guzi's heart, he gradually dreaded, and did not believe that Li Lingtian was so powerful.

In his heart, he never believed that such a horror of a false **** realm had such a horror. After seeing Li Lingtian and knowing that Li Lingtian had become a demigod, he still did not believe the fear of Shen Ling's mainland strongman after Li Lingtian's breakthrough.

Because he would not believe that a half-god realm can fight against the late half-god realm at all, nor do he believe that the early half-god realm can defeat the latter.

Now, he has personally tried it, not only can he fight with the late stage, but also keep pressing him to bombard, this taste can be uncomfortable.

Moreover, he did not injure Li Lingtian, but also let the other party fight against it. If he did not cultivate himself to reach the later stage, the previous two would disappear.

He didn't want to think about it. If he wasn't in the late stage of semi-deity, he wouldn't be qualified to fight Li Lingtian at all, and Li Lingtian wouldn't regard him as a target.

Suffering from serious injuries, in front of the world's strongest, he was hit by an early half-god realm, and his face was overwhelmed. Now he was watching the devastating sword-mans cyclone bombardment, and the god'color' on his face became resolute, the innate artifact in his hand Waving.

Suddenly a mysterious and powerful law appeared in the air, and all the spirits of heaven and earth flowed towards him.

For a time, the void became a night sky, endless stars condensed, and finally overwhelmed Li Lingtian's position. The mighty bombardment of hundreds of millions of stars, not to mention the demigods, even the true gods would disappear.

On the ground, countless powerful people are trembling, and their eyes are full of fear.

Li Lingtian was also shocked. He didn't expect Longguzi to be a strong swordsman. Even such a terrifying supernatural power was exhibited.

He naturally knows this powerful horror, because the star fall he cultivates is exactly the same as this one, but the name is different. All the magic rules and principles are the same, and the power is naturally the same.

However, at this time, his own magical power has already been displayed, and only the second magical power is expended by consuming the true elemental divine power again.


The destruction of Cyclone Jianmang of Shenwu Xuantian Sword and hundreds of millions of stars collided. Cyclone Jianmang did not stop the hundreds of millions of stars in the slightest, and finally Cyclone Jianmang disappeared.

Hundreds of millions of stars have also bombarded Li Lingtian with overwhelming power, making the world tremble and tear reads;.

"Shenwu Xuantian Sword!"

"Sword will turn sword power, sword will turn sword territory."

"Everything in the world is a sword, and the stars are falling!"

The god'Lust' on Li Lingtian's face also became serious. This is the first time after the war so long, the Shenwu Xuantian sword in his hand waved, and the entire space was suddenly filled with sword intentions.

Sword intention Lingran, the entire space is sword intention, the overbearing sword intention, his whole person is like a sharp sword standing between heaven and earth.

At the same time, the realm of gold also broke out at this time. The golden light soared into the sky, the sword spirit turned into a sword power, and the sword power formed a sword territory.

After the sword domain was formed, Li Lingtian merged the gold domain and the sword domain. The Shenwu Xuantian sword in his hand spun up, and finally disappeared. Li Lingtian also disappeared into the air.

However, at this time, where Li Lingtian disappeared, an endless star was drawn. This star is generally the same as the star of Longguzi.

The two billions of stars are exactly like the two worlds, but at this time, the stars of the two worlds killed each other and bombarded each other.

All the strong men, trembling as they watched the two stars in the void collide.

Because these stars are not real stars, but two swordsman supernatural powers cast by the two strong anti-celestial powers, turning the sword territory into the power of stars.

However, it can be seen that the stars exhibited by Li Lingtianshi come first, and the power is more powerful and terrifying than that of Longguzi.

Because Li Lingtian is the strongest of swordsmanship, cultivation has reached the sword domain, as well as the realm of gold, plus the powerful divine power beyond the semi-god, all of which has achieved the supremely domineering destruction of stars.

All the strong men, watching the day turn into the night sky, looking at the endless stars, suddenly found their own insignificance.

Moreover, they all understand that as soon as they encounter this star, they will disappear instantly.

However, all the powerful people were shocked and shocked Li Lingtian's defying the sky. He was able to show his opponent's supernatural powers during the war, and use the opponent's supernatural powers to defeat the opponents. This is the real strongman.



The entire space, the impact of stars, issued a loud explosion.

Moreover, the stars constantly bombarded each other, and the power of the stars landed in front of Longguzi and Li Lingtian.

"The realm of earth!"

Li Lingtian watched the powerful stars come down, and knew the power of star destruction in his heart. The real element in the body operated, and suddenly a gray "color" of the true element erupted.

In front of him, a huge earth wall appeared. The earth wall was like an iron wall, giving a thick and indestructible feeling.

Just as the stars landed in front of them, the earth wall was already exhibited. Endless stars bombarded the earth wall. The earth wall exuded a mysterious and thick atmosphere. After all the power of the stars came to the earth wall, it was like a mud cow entering the sea.

This is the realm of earth that he achieved some time ago~www.wuxiaspot.com~Now, he has control of the realm of gold, fire, and fire, if he can control the realm of water and wood. The Five Elements Great Consummation has become the five elements big field.

By that day, the world will be invincible.

It's just that the fields of water and wood are not so simple and easy. These are all things you can't meet.

The ruined star calmed down and disappeared.

Li Lingtian has a realm of earth, and he can display his defense against the sky with his mind, but Long Guzi is not so comfortable. He did not expect that Li Lingtian could use his heart and mind, nor did he believe that Li Lingtian could be magical at the same time, let alone Li Lingtian. He practiced the same kendo magical power as he did.

Facing Li Lingtian's more terrifying star fall, Long Guzi was completely subjected to the bombardment of destruction.

The whole person shivered in the destruction of the stars, and his injuries were getting heavier and heavier. If it were not for the powerful defense and physique in the late half god, he would have vanished.

When the stars disappeared, Long Guzi's face was pale, his body was shaking and trembling, and he looked extremely ugly. ;

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