War God Supreme

Chapter 1666: 3 Qinghua Spirit Sword

A magical power, destroying hundreds of powerful gods.

A defense against all strong attacks unscathed.

The Pluto Blade attack that destroys the heaven and earth is like destroying the entire heaven and earth. The heaven and earth are discolored, and the void is red. It is like reminding the Hall of Hyun Yin that this is a prelude to destruction.

For a short period of silence, all the strong players of Xuanyin Tiancheng were stunned.

This is a hundred strong gods in a semi-divine realm, which is the most powerful force in Xuanyin Hall, but such a powerful force is almost extinct by Li Lingtian.

For a time, all the powerful people could not accept this fact, thinking that it was the eyes that looked at the flowers.

However, the fall of hundreds of powerful gods is indeed a fact. It cannot be quibbled at all and can only be accepted.


All the strong men awakened and booed a cold air, and then dared not make the slightest sound again, just as if they were afraid to break this quiet space, fearing that once they broke the quiet space, there would be magical powers again.

Worrying about the complete destruction of this dazzling heavenly city, I did not believe that there was such a tremendous means of destruction in this world. Now that I see Li Lingtian’s supernatural powers, they have completely changed their views and imagination.

"Dageng Sword!"

"Jianxiao World."

"Heaven sword unites."

"Void is broken."

After a brief quiet passage, Li Lingtian disappeared into the air strangely.

Watching Li Lingtian disappear, the look on Fang Tianyu's face was shocked, because this is the instinct of the strong man, the other party disappeared, it must be hidden in the air to find an opportunity to deal with him.

At first, I calculated that all of Xuanyin Temple's people had been broken down by Li Lingtian's side, but I didn't expect that everyone in Xuanyin Temple would become a ant completely, and could not withstand a blow.

Just when Fang Tianyu was shocked, Li Lingtian's figure appeared in the air hundreds of miles away.

The field of gold in Li Lingtian's body unfolded, the sword was leaping into the sky, the real element of destruction was running, and the shocks of space burst.

At this time, Li Lingtian was no longer a demigod, but a terrifying true god.

Impressed by the consciousness, Dageng Sword appeared in his hand. The destruction of the innate artifact suddenly broke out. The terrifying coercion constantly crushed the space, just like tearing this space.

Three consecutive powerful ruins of Jianmang fell towards the mid-peak of the three and a half gods.

The three swordsmanship are all supernatural skills in the sky destroyer array, plus the overbearing sword of the Dageng sword and the sword domain, the swordmans destroy the world.

When the three swordsmands were wielded, the sword of Dageng in Li Lingtian's hand turned into a golden light and shadow. I didn't know how many swords were cut by Fang Tianyu. .




In the air, the golden front and the back and forth were bursting out, and for a while, the wind of destruction was exploding.

Li Lingtian's figure kept shaking, the Dageng Excalibur in his hand exploded into ruin, and each one was able to tear the void, constantly bombarding the mid-level powerhouses of the four and a half gods.

At the same time, the realm of soil unfolded and a wall of soil appeared in front of it.

Moreover, under the power of the realm of earth, a huge mountain appears from time to time. Although the mountain has no power, it can resist the attack of the strong and consume the power of the attack of the strong.

"The stars are falling!"

Li Lingtian faced five super powers with half a god, and was not suppressed at all. Instead, he prevailed.

Throughout the battlefield, Li Lingtian took full control of the initiative.

The fourth stroke of the Celestial Sword Array, the stars fell, was displayed, and I saw a dashing stroke of the Dageng Excalibur in Li Lingtian's hand, and immediately a crack was drawn.

When the crack appeared, the whole day became night, and the sky was dark, but in the blink of an eye, stars appeared in the sky.

The stars in the sky were bombarded by the five strong men in the Hall of Xuanyin, but Li Lingtian had long disappeared in the air, and he didn't know where Li Lingtian had gone.

The power of hundreds of millions of stars tears the entire void.



Four consecutive screams fell, the stars in the void disappeared, and the four peak and mid-peak powerhouses disappeared.

At the same time, the dark night sky turned into daytime again, and Li Lingtian stood proudly in the sky.

The Dageng sword in his hand exudes a sharp atmosphere of mysterious destruction. The whole person is like a true god. The eyes are like the bright stars in the night sky, and there is no slight change in his face.

Opposite him, Fang Tianyu in the late half-god realm had blood stains all over his body and no blood on his face, but the corners of his mouth kept spilling blood.

Hundreds of millions of stars are not stars, but Jianmangjianqi and Jianying. All Jianqijianmang and sword shadows form the same stars.

Faced with so many devastating attacks, even if he was in the late semi-real world, he was not hurt.

Many strong men have seen Li Lingtian fight against the strong men in the dazzling hall of Yunfeng Island. At that time, Li Lingtian also played this trick.

But at that time, when Li Lingtian exhibited this trick, he couldn’t even kill the early stage of the semi-god realm, but now, when Li Lingtian achieved the semi-god realm, when he exhibited the falling stars again, the power was almost against the sky, and the mid-peak peak of the semi-god realm The strong can't resist, and even the strong in the later stage of the semi-real world is also injured.

"Now, the little ants are solved."

"You can also show your true supernatural powers, so that this insight can make you see the power of the late half **** realm, you can also say that let me see the real power of the late half **** realm."

"These words, you'd better not say it. It's nonsense. What you have to do is prepare to accept the punishment of this seat."

Li Lingtian looked coldly at Fang Tianyu. In the late half-god realm, his strength was deep and terrifying. It was much stronger than the general half-god realm late. Moreover, this strong man in the late half-god realm brought him a mysterious threat. .

Li Lingtian couldn't tell the specific threat.

In such a situation, although Li Lingtian's face didn't matter, he was secretly vigilant in his heart so as not to suffer a loss.

When speaking, the Dageng Excalibur in his hand had been put away.

However, when Dageng's Excalibur disappeared, the eyebrows flashed and Tiandao roulette was in front of him.

Suddenly, the breath of Heavenly Dao drifted in the sky, and all the strong men felt the majesty of Heavenly Dao. In front of the breath of Heavenly Dao, they were all shocked. This breath of Heavenly Dao is undoubtedly more terrifying than the might of Heavenly Dao for the strong.

"it is good."

"The deity hasn't shot for hundreds of years, today I will see the means of the first conqueror of Shenwu Continent."

"Sanqinghua Spirit Sword!"

Fang Tianyu looked at Li Lingtian, the look on his face slowly changed, and his eyes also showed a murderous opportunity.

You must know that Xuanyin Palace has been in the fairyland for countless thousands of years. No matter what kind of strong winds and waves it has experienced, Xuanyin Palace has not only been destroyed, but has become more and more powerful.

Up to now, it is the time when Xuanyin Palace rises to dominate the Pure Yang Empire, but it encounters such a demon. This is God's will.

The powerful Xuanyin Hall, countless thousands of years, was created by the efforts of countless powerful people. It was completely destroyed by Li Lingtian's move. How could he not be shocked and angered.

The entire Xuanyin Temple, now he is the only elder on stage, has completely become the commander of the bare rod.

More importantly, now facing the magical and powerful demon in front of you, if you are not careful, you will stay here forever.

At this moment, I dare not have a little scruples, because if it falls, everything will disappear and become the past.

Impressed by the consciousness, three cyan long swords appeared in his hand. The long sword exudes a faint blue halo, which looks mysterious and powerful. When the three long swords appeared, the spirit of the fairy in the whole space shivered.

There were also twists and turns in the sky, and the muffled noise sounded at this time.

The originally calm sky was also full of dark clouds, and constant thunder and thunder, as if it were going to change.

Seeing this situation, all the strong men were horrified.

Not only was the other powerful shocked, but Li Lingtian was also shocked. He did not expect that the three-handed swords had such a powerful power, and had not been exhibited, there would be such a terrible change. This way, it is completely inadmissible to this Divine Martial Continent.

In other words, these three long swords made Cangtian jealous.

"Clear Spirit Sword!"

"Qingfeng Sword!"

"Qingming Sword!"

Under Xuanyin Tiancheng, I don't know who recognized the three long swords in Fang Tianyu's hand, and immediately exclaimed.

Hearing this cry, some strong men were also shocked, just like knowing these three long swords.

And obviously feel dreaded and afraid of the three-handed sword.

Li Lingtian did not know the origin of these three long swords, nor how powerful they were, but it was enough to prove that the three long swords were not simple.

Seeing the three-handed sword, Li Lingtian shivered inexplicably in his heart, and the threatening feeling came to a strong point at this time.

No longer dare to hesitate, the Tiandao roulette rotates, and suddenly a three-foot long sword appears on the Tiandao roulette. It is not so much a sword as it is a sword-shaped breath, a heavenly condensed breath.

This is the Sword of Heavenly Dao. The sword of Heavenly Dao suddenly exploded and turned into a kilometer-long destroying sword awn.

Jianmang suspends and rotates in the air, engulfing the spirit of the fairy in this space, and constantly engulfing the breath of Heavenly Dao. Gradually, Jianmang stirs the void, and the whole space rotates with trembling.

In Jianmang, not only has the terrible atmosphere of heaven ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ but also has a powerful and overbearing divine power.



Without the slightest hesitation, the power of the sword of heaven and earth reached its limit with a move of consciousness.

"The sword of heaven, God punishment!"

With a sip, the sword of the Heavenly Dao bombarded Fang Tianyu. Wherever the sword passed, all the space shattered, forming a channel of destruction.

All the strong men in Xuanyin Tiancheng couldn't help shaking in front of the sword of heaven.

Facing the sword of heaven, it is like facing the punishment of heaven and heaven.

The sword of heaven was on display, Li Lingtian looked at Fang Tianyu, his eyes fixed.

God's consciousness also locks Fang Tianyu. I want to see how powerful the three long swords in Fang Tianyu's hands are. In the battle of the strong, even if you don't have to look at your opponent with your eyes, you lock your opponent with your consciousness. Watch your opponent's every move from all directions.

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