War God Supreme

Chapter 1667: In the field of earth...

In the sight, the sword of the ruined Heaven Dao pierced the void and landed in front of Fang Tianyu.

Seeing that Fang Tianyu was about to be destroyed by the sword of Heavenly Dao, at this time Fang Tianyu shot, and saw that the three long swords in front of Fang Tianyu were suspended, and then kept turning.

During the rotation, the three long swords formed a mysterious sword array. In an instant, the three long swords saw a mysterious vortex of light and a cyan vortex of light.

The vortex of the heavenly sword of the sky greeted the sword, and the vortex of blue light looked weak. It was completely disproportionate compared to the destroyed sword of the heavenly road, like a drop of water and a sea.

In an instant, the vortex of blue light bombarded with the sword of the sword of heaven.

Just when the two attacks touched together, the look on Li Lingtian's face became extremely unsightly, as if he had seen the most incredible thing in the world.


In the air, a subtle sound, the sword of the Heavenly Dao, the overbearing destruction, cut through the void, cut through all obstacles, and the power of destruction was cancelled out in front of the vortex of blue light.

The devastating attack disappeared, and a violent and powerful swordmang burst out inside the blue vortex. The swordmang bombarded Li Lingtian straightly, and the entire past was fleeting.

Li Lingtian did not expect this blue vortex to be so overbearing, even the sword of heaven was cancelled.

Such a magical thing appeared in front of Li Lingtian, so Li Lingtian could not believe it.

Moreover, after the blue vortex cancels his sword of heaven, the power of destruction swordsmanship is almost the same as the sword of heaven. In addition to the breath and divine power of heaven, it is another sword of heaven.

For a time, Li Lingtian was completely shocked.

At this time, if he didn't understand the power of the cyan sword, he would be a fool.

The cyan sword exudes a magical cyan vortex light, resisting his attack to engulf, and then counterattacks the engulfed heavenly sword, but the heavenly breath and divine power cannot be transformed, otherwise the heavenly breath and divine power of the heavenly sword Will fight back, even stronger than the beginning.

The meaning of earth!

Heaven and Earth!

The powerful metamorphosis of the cyan vortex shocked Li Lingtian. It was such a shock that the sword awn inside the cyan vortex had bombarded him.

At this time, even if you want to use magical powers and treasures to resist Jianmang, it is too late. The only thing is to display the realm of earth. Within a thousand kilometers, it is all gray. In this gray world, it is all Thick and strong breath.

At the same time, several soil walls appeared in front of Li Lingtian.

The earth system, the most powerful defense, is the mother of heaven and earth, and the carrier of the entire world. If there is no earth, it cannot be the world.

Earth, the mother of the earth, the source of the heavy.

The most powerful power of the soil system is defense, and the realm of soil is the ultimate in defense.

Li Lingtian's control of the territory of the earth can be said to have been peerless.

Watching the ruined sword mansions arrive, the realm of earth unfolds and the earth wall appears.


The long sword of destruction was bombarded when the earth wall appeared. In an instant, several earth walls were destroyed and the smoke disappeared. The last earth wall slammed into Li Lingtian. Li Lingtian's body flew out with hatred of the earth wall.

Jianmang was eventually offset by the earth wall, but Li Lingtian stepped back a hundred miles, with a trace of blood on the corner of his mouth, his face shocked.


There was an uproar, and all the strong were shocked.

Lord Ling Tian, ​​who can kill hundreds of powerful gods in one second, was injured by Fang Tianyu in the late stage of Half Gods.

Everyone knows that Li Lingtian's loss is due to Fang Tianyu's treasure.

Fang Tianyu's Sanqinghua Spirit Sword is magically powerful, and its power is also unpredictable. No one knows how powerful the Sanqinghua Spirit Sword is, or what magical power this Sanqinghua Spirit Sword has.

Now, the cyan vortex erupted from this long sword, which has such a magical power, is completely not an attack.

"The sky is so clear!"

Seeing that Li Lingtian was flying, Fang Tianyu showed a smile on his face, and his figure shook. Three blue swords broke out in his hand. .

"Ba Dao tactics, ten barren cuts!"

Li Lingtian stopped one by one, and without waiting for someone to react, the three blue sword awns were bombarded, and the power was terrifying to the extreme. Every sword awn can kill the mid-level gods of the half god.

Looking at such a horrible swordmang, Li Lingtian was shocked in his heart, and his consciousness moved, and the sword of Tianjiba appeared in his hand.

Holding the knife with one hand, the powerful sword intention exploded, and the Tianjiba Emperor's sword bombarded it, and the first style of the sword sword was displayed.

Suddenly, a blade of sword fell straight towards the three sword blades.

Now, he dare not use an overbearing attack, so as not to be counterattacked by the other party, and he also knows the power of this Sanqinghua Spirit Sword, and dare to shoot after he has found three long swords.



Desolate Shilian and the three swordsmen bombarded together. The three swordsmen penetrated the swordmans and went straight to Li Lingtian. The swordmans did not resist the swordmans at all, as if they were ignored.

Seeing such a situation, Li Lingtian could not help but booze a sigh of relief.

"Wind thunder and extermination!"

Daomang was destroyed, and Li Lingtian exhibited the second magical power of destruction.

Divine consciousness sacrificed the wind and thunder to destroy the god, and suddenly a kilometer-long and hundreds-meter-thick destruction light appeared in the air, with a terrifying thunder and lightning, and the power of the storm of destruction.

The center of the storm, which is a million miles in size, is compressed, and it is shockingly powerful under one blow.

The ruinous light, bombarded three swords fiercely.



Jianmang, the light, bombarded together, making a slight noise, like the storm was torn apart, the three swordmans disappeared, but the light of the wind thunder and extinction also disappeared.

"Dark God Ring--Colorful Spirit Mountain!"

Seeing that Jianmang was finally offset, Li Lingtian did not dare to hesitate to show the instant advantage.

The Nether God Ring opened, and suddenly three huge multicolored Lingshan mountains descended from the sky, and they smashed towards Fang Tianyu. The Lingshan Mountain was hundreds of meters high, and the size of a few miles. When it appeared, it formed countless horrible spiritual pressures and space. Shaking in front of Lingshan.

The weight of hundreds of millions of catties straightened down towards Fang Tianyu.


What Li Lingtian did not expect was that the colorful Lingshan was imprisoned in the air by the cyan vortex emitted by the cyan sword.

At the same time, the cyan long sword sent out the ruined sword mansion straight to Li Lingtian.

At this time, Li Lingtian was completely speechless and encountered such an attack for the first time.

The attack was swallowed, and the powerful treasure was imprisoned. There was no way to take the Sanqinghua Spirit Sword completely, and this Sanqinghua Spirit Sword had the power of destruction, and it would be killed if one was careless.

Faced with such terrible power, he dared not use too powerful treasures, lest he be counterattacked by the power of the cyan sword.

However, Li Lingtian probably had some confidence in his heart.

As soon as the consciousness moved, several kinds of treasures were put away. The five elements of the body were moving. The terrifying real element made the air twist and tremble.

The ice god, the fire god, exploded at this time.

Although he did not become a god, he controlled two gods, and controlled the divine power equivalent to God. Everything he controlled was the real demigod, most of the divine power, two gods, and countless innate artifacts.

Now it is the limitation of cultivation practice, as long as cultivation practice reaches a certain level, it can impact the true god.

The realm of gold disappears, the realm of earth disappears.

With the realm of fire, Li Lingtian was suspended in the air like a **** of fire, and the blazing flames of a thousand kilometers in size continuously burned the sky.

Gradually, Li Lingtian's body slowly left the flame, the whole person stood on the flame, the flame was under his feet, but his eyes were cold.

The whole space began to become weird, making all the powerful feel a bit of oppression.

"Sanqinghua Spirit Sword is really good."

"But this seat will deal with you, there are thousands of ways."

Li Lingtian's eyes coldly looked at Fang Tianyu in the distance, his mouth widened and said coldly, his voice and eyes completely opposed the flame world.

However, all the strong people did not see the slightest dissonance between the flames and Li Lingtian's ice, but instead it was like the flames were helping Li Lingtian, like the flames were ice.

For a time, all the strong men had an illusion, feeling that they could not distinguish between flame and ice.

When the sound rang, Li Lingtian's hands slowly looked into the void, and the entire popularity surged, overbearing, strong, and gloomy.

Suddenly, the whole space trembled, and I saw a world of flames and a world of ice appearing behind Li Lingtian. The two worlds were dozens of miles in size.

What is even more shocking is that the two extreme worlds fuse together as they naturally do. The world and the world are like to be destroyed at any time. The two different worlds fuse together with the ice power And the fire department's divine power is constantly stirring.

The horrible scene is shown in the sight of all the strong men, and the domineering divine power suppresses all the strong men.

Fang Tianyu was shocked as a whole, his heart trembling.

Faced with such a miraculous situation, even he couldn't help but tremble. All this is beyond the imagination of ordinary people. The fusion of the two extreme worlds, and the power that has not burst out makes people feel the threat of death.

I dare not imagine how terrifying the power is when the two worlds are merged together~www.wuxiaspot.com~Sanqinghua Spirit Sword. "

"Fairy glare!"

Looking at the power exhibited by Li Lingtian Shi, Fang Tianyu was no longer relaxed.

Others do not know the power and magic of Sanqinghua Spirit Sword, but he knows it himself.

Sanqinghua Spirit Sword is a mysterious and overbearing treasure. I don't know the rank.

However, it can resist the attack of any treasure, and can counterattack the attack that the other party exhibited, but it has no such magical effect on magical power.

Now that Li Lingtian did not display treasures, he knew that Li Lingtian had discovered the power of his Sanqinghua Spirit Sword and found the shortcomings of Sanqinghua Spirit Sword.

The terrifying supernatural power was displayed, and Fang Tianyu couldn't help but feel the threat of death. Before Li Lingtian bombarded the supernatural power, the powerful power of Sanqinghua Spirit Sword was already on display.

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